
關於 a + crazy + song 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 3.Target(feat. Karencici) on a sad song There's no way you will get back to me早被你遺忘喝著一杯又一杯的燒酒 Cause I don't know what else I could do I hope one day I'll be drown in m ... u just love me Baby am I just crazy我的心真的無法再承受這種攻擊 Did I do something
2 1.Target on a sad song There's no way you will get back to me早被你遺忘喝著一杯又一杯的燒酒 Cause I don't know what else I could do I hope one day I'll be drown in m ... just love me? Baby am I just crazy?我的心真的無法再承受這種攻擊 Did I do something
3 1.燃料 hate love song不知道該怎麼說所以才寫了這首愛就像魔鬼自卑感作祟心裡有多累(但我想大聲說)從來不相信什麼星座但想搬到有妳在的星球捨不得受委屈為妳拼搏超人不會飛也披上了披風 U got the sauce追不上妳有點自不量力 But I can't hold back讓我成 ... 好事代表搖曳的的玻璃杯 Shawty u drive me crazy孤單寂寞覺得冷的十二月更需要妳陪不在意不缺不知不覺怎麼又喝了好幾杯凌
4 1.出宜賓 保持Real me Crazy是我ID我懷念過去是大家都在Back to the street耳機裡面是他在教我如何做個嘻哈仔 Everything gon' be alright只要我的饑餓在尊重所有藝術家我不管你是哪一Type都說'Hiphop save my life'希望你做 ... 卻是監獄 IceCraz More lyrics More Songs More fans More distance More mone
5 1.Soulmate 你聽其中的love song都是送給你偶爾講情話會有點語病想在這略顯浪漫的天氣和你擁抱著一直到天晴聽著時間在滴答滴滴答滴整個世界只剩下了我和你可能我並沒有那麼完美偶爾也會讓你覺得累但我記得你每一句話走過每個冬夏陪你說無聊的話girl你偷走了我的一切為你可以顛倒日夜 come back ... 不用害羞不必遮掩捕捉我芳心的側臉 You drive me crazy I let you know You saved my soul

6 4.The Dragon Song he Dragon Song feat.ØZI作詞 Taiyu LinØZI作曲 Taiyu LinØZI The Dragon ... ØZI作曲 Taiyu LinØZI The Dragon Song(feat.ØZI) It's about the break of dawn While you're dreaming on the futon And I'm playing Pokemon We're still not done It is fu ... dy like that she def a little crazy Sip on the blood of that dragon I
7 1.醺醺 l or love song還怪我的音響共振太普通隨便找部電影播話題一直重複 I'm too noisy是季節還是幻覺不然怎麼溫度吻的人臉紅 Now I'm a little tipsy Because of you baby You drive me ... ause of you baby You drive me crazy You can do whatever you want裝作清醒卻看到你分身的重影難道被酒精和水相愛分解該怎麼表達才不顯得那麼突然原來情緒是越模糊越說得出來 Girl you're always in my heart Now I'm a little ... 了
8 4.張麻子 e fans go crazy狂熱的汗直流 Madness sweat dripping燒到了三十九 Fever up to39 degrees評論者被我給扁了 I beat up critiques敵人都跑得很遠了 Enemies on the run所有的抱怨的都已經道歉了 co ... 兒 Cause I'm wrapping up a new song如果要等那就等子彈飛一會兒 Let the bullets fly n
9 15.松餅 餅 uh I go crazy for some鬆餅)曬著太陽再回屋裡側著放著 Marvin Gay ... 餅 uh I go crazy for some鬆餅)鬆餅 is a habit If I want it I grab it That new whip I slab it I just can't stand factory That楓糖 That drip drip Smoki ... s a lot不是小清新這是 grown man love song旋律的悅耳帶有氣勢的辣你 hip你 hop再 drip和 drop雨一
10 1.Gone with the Wind ven and a crazy battlefield(愛是避風港也是瘋狂的戰場) You are sunshine(你是我的陽光) you are moonlight(亦是我的月亮) Our love just like the ... 是我的月亮) Our love just like the song(我們的愛猶如這首歌) I have found our sky in your eyes(我在你眼中找到了屬於我們的藍天) I'm lonely~lonely~ lonely~lonely because of you~(只因為你我如此孤寂) Yearn ... 小船隨風飄遠再見不到 It's a haven and a crazy battlefield(
11 7.Does This Place Love Me Too Like this crazy world is gone I will move along so would you? I will move along Suddenly all troubles gone The home once I knew will be in my ... ome once I knew will be in my song You may say I'm loser Abandoning the war But I will survive I don't wanna be a slave A slave of fear Better be on my own I will ... n I will move along Like this crazy world is gone I will move along so would you? I will move along Suddenly all troubles gone The home once I knew will be in my ...
12 1.KURCC1.0 t play in song pus** leave me along激怒我的後果直接當頭一棒別讓我 ... 們增加了迷妹 Af crazy dat sh** Dreadlocks golden我把所有態度都放進了歌裡毫無保留的對我進行判斷 U ain't got wit nothing哥們絕對站起來然後戳痛你的狗眼你表裡不一撒旦懲罰你們跪著 Movie the purge關閉門窗找你清算 ... 們輕鬆kill你砍掉土狗圍觀 U just play in song pus** leave me along激怒我的後果直接當頭一棒 Woof Wo
13 10.Possible s not the song so what I really wanna say Is i don't know jach told me to rap away been a minute since I put my pen and pad away And write wit ... grandps too Baby cousins with crazy cousins and nephews We could have
14 1.Possible s not the song so what I really wanna say Is I don't know jach told me to rap away Been a minute since I put my pen and pad away And write wit ... grandps too Baby cousins with crazy cousins and nephews We could have
15 1.I Got U 唱專屬的 Love song(想親吻你的臉龐)清晨的咖啡灑在午後的香水迷人的花蕾 You gotta know I love you I got you無法自拔深陷你的甜蜜 I got you像一直散發魅力的貓咪 I'm gonna fall for you fall for you ... e me Go catch the bomb I'm so crazy耀眼的水晶鞋 Bling bling(Just tell me wha ... 唱專屬的 Love song(想親吻你的臉龐)清晨的咖啡灑在午後的香水迷人的花蕾 You gotta ... 唱專屬的 Love song像嗅到了
16 8.BIRTHDAY 一首接一首的Hit song My fellas will be rich Shout out to my brother P A C T牆用金磚繪製會更昂貴的配飾但不配搭與你類似快藏好你們廉價的冰塊 just hold up I run the city Enjoy the dri ... h me Red bull make me Make me crazy不堪一擊 Haters安息 ay你不配讓我分析ay Welcome
17 1.YAM ng a love song和你在深夜裡喝下一杯Whisky望向我的眼神逐漸變得迷離讓你深深迷戀我親口對我說 Baby I can't let you go My girl You got me so excited你擁有令我快要窒息致命魅力你要我怎麼去抗拒我不想去抗拒我只想和你一起 ... aby I promise I'llmake you so crazy在今夜細心記錄你的表情嘗盡你所有的甜蜜 let we Enjoy t
19 1.From Zero (im going crazy but I wont die young)我一步步的一步步的爬上mo ... 不需要你聆聽(My song doesn't need you to listen) Woowee Feelin like tony montana yeah(我感覺像是疤面煞星)她們圍在我的周圍(They surrounded me)玻尿酸假臉說假話(Fake face tell ... 瘋的靠近我只為了說句話(She approached me crazy just to say a word) i got vvvvvvs
20 1.Megahit Megamix is is the song that we're vibin' Participation is the settin' No one knows us right here while we're chillin'你打爆枝結他我敲碎一套鼓哪一隻主打令你興奮你推跌千隻杯我衝向一扇窗 ... 嘭唥這是震央 It's been a while with crazy thoughts Hit up your phone talk t

21 3.Why Do You Hate Me(CLOCKWORK&仰昭光&周凱翔& SOOVA) 彈藥庫所謂的Hit Song全都是套路無聊的招數不斷的重複著相似的妒忌像吃膩了他的窩邊草的兔子聽煩了 ... It分來改命 No Crazy別跟我硬碰硬 Don't Do This I Will Kill Y
22 1.My Bae y mind so crazy Look in through your eyes say'Bae but I'm sorry.' Aye My bad曾經失去自己迷人的雙眼是你最致命的陷阱 Make my mind so ... 迷人的雙眼是你最致命的陷阱 Make my mind so crazy Til I die不再愛上bad bitch Pretty pretty girl let me be your man我是你小時候就愛的那個Peter Pan我可以帶你飛帶你環遊世界我喜歡每天待在你身邊不分日夜 When I be with you每 ... 迷人的雙眼是你最致命的陷阱 Make my mind so
23 1.Mr. Tambourine Man an play a song for me I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to. Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man play a ... ey! Mr. Tambourine Man play a song for me In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you. Though I know that evenin's empire has returned into sand Vanished ... ey! Mr. Tambourine Man play a song for me I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to. Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man play a ... ey! Mr. Tambourine Man play a song for me In the jingle jangle morning
24 6.鼎泰豐 hh你過來聽 My song就給我把臭嘴閉上上一秒答應下秒遺忘說過的話就像是批量生產無限負面能量做事沒啥人樣破爛應該丟進墳場我在山頂為你焚香我說真的都看不到你當我把蛋糕一步步做到最大確實我說真的都看不到你每次出場我將舞臺全都轟炸別說你認識誰玩遊戲遇到誰很抱歉我真的一點不關心隨便你怎麽 ... money Where you tryna go I go crazy想不想著我好都隨你項鏈換玉
25 7.Move on Dr.song達特松-INSIDE ME7.Move on作詞 Dr. ... 作詞 Dr.song達特松作曲 Dr.song達特松放下那些傷 You gotta move on放下那混帳 You ... 許大家都覺得你這樣太crazy但唯有獨一無二才能夠成就你總有一天會讓他們看你背影追著你放下那些傷 Y ... 許大家都覺得你這樣太crazy但唯有獨一無二才能夠成就你總有一天會讓他們看你背影追著你放下那些傷
26 1.新星 favourite song Dj在放著不想再說太多感受今晚的氣氛多麼上頭傳來星瞳打過來的電話邀請我到下場party我需要換上全新的衣裝燈光在閃耀夜幕下的城市隨著新的律動今晚我要舞出全新的style Let me step by step來到你的身邊 You the star lik ... your body I just wanna do it crazy You gonna be the new star Let me
27 2.Life Is So Hard Dr.song-Stay Home, Sing A Song2.Life Is So Hard作詞 Dr.Song達特松作曲 Dr.Song達特松 Life is so hard But you not alone Life is so hard Everything will be controlled Life is so hard But you not alone Life is so ... t's not easy Stress makes you crazy It's not all bad but you got to g
28 1.Ashes alla和你真的有點crazy誰能告訴我哪裡出了問題其實這樣也好不會再惹是非 Yeh we break我的心也是肺也是肝也是胃也是科學都不能解釋從你消失那天起一直壞天氣連我鄰居都惋惜我們 Life goes on Sing this ... 居都惋惜我們 Life goes on Sing this song表達我的憂傷我知道你能體會我跳動著的心等待一個機會能趕走烏雲過去現在未
29 1.街娃兒 w play my songs Yeah I made it粉絲說我太頂了就像飛碟麻煩小聲點兒噓我曉 ... 我要一百分 Got Crazy我的Tag這個夏立個flag加入成都集團Cypher瀟灑的像個街娃兒
30 1.街娃兒 w play my songs Yeah I made it粉絲說我太頂了就像飛碟麻煩小聲點兒噓我曉 ... 我要一百分 Got Crazy我的Tag這個夏立個flag加入成都集團Cypher瀟灑的像個街娃兒
31 1.Prove urn on my song握著mic and playing beat My whole team like mob碰上我們都在默念 GOD擴大事業版圖整個華人地區遲早需要Zip too Big從臺北搬到上海瑞德路窗外景色改變為了堅持對的路當我站上舞臺風格殘暴變的獨裁一個verse ... 他們愛死 Dirty on my mic Make you crazy about my live Whoa Punch line在你的頭
32 1.NO808 u make me crazy又想溜走喜歡你先付出了代價 Honey我當你最棒的獎勵來房裡讓我來幫你脫下抵抗力抗力你就像是龍捲風而我深陷其中你怎麼能和她們相比把你當作必需品塞進行李箱裡我帶你去參加你前男友的葬禮他不配他沒我這麼純粹看看我吧看看我的腹肌吧 So my sweety這次沒 ... g kinda shady Got me sounding crazy Switching up your story Break me d ... 和兄弟寫首love song證明不一般我
33 1.Cream Pie 作詞 Dr.Song達特松作曲 ONE對我來說這些都是隔靴搔癢快對我展現那限量款的模樣用你的騷樣來替我搔癢讓你踉蹌 let's do it fun我的顏或許不是那天菜的樣但態度就能讓你的小秘境衝浪 Yeah girl I know you want滿足你的渴望 Taste m ... t and nice You really make me crazy Taste my cream Make a cream pie for free We'll have a wonderful night You really make me ... rful night You really make me crazy給我你的手
34 1.Good Friend Song od Friend Song1.Good Friend Song Sometimes I daydream unrealistically Sometimes I share memes They say I'm ... es I share memes They say I'm crazy But I don't care what they think I don't care how they judge me As long as you are with me That's all I need You said there is ... don't be afraid and sing our song We can celebrate or just relax For all night long In my eyes you're always beautiful So there's nothing to worry at all The wor ... don't be afraid and
35 8.I Gonna Go ust in my song Sorry I can't stay That's my bad That's my bad Can't be like your EX I can't be like dat I gonna go baby I'll do it on my own A ... wn All my words is just in my song Sorry I can't stay That's my bad That's my bad Can't be like your EX I can't be like dat I I gonna go I gonna go不能留下陪妳陪妳陪妳10 o' ... y也會徹底拋棄妳只要是我願意 I can make you crazy Will it ever making sense to me You made me sick when you lie to me I'm busy busy You
36 1.粉色星球 虹般的甜蜜夢到你讓我crazy遨遊在銀河星系你是迷人的lady都沒有人能比擬丘比特談論愛情巧克力還是甜蜜童年的回憶還是放學樓下等你喔你沒變壞壞脾氣生氣也漫不經心只想要把你摟在懷裡20歲的年華愛情不會摻假 Pink moon揮灑撩起你的長發坐上我的副駕甩開別的想法關係變得融洽請留下你的 ... haking with me Dreamers never crazy You can just to call me Young G Br ... 虹般的甜蜜夢到
37 1.I Gonna Go ust in my song Sorry I can't stay That's my bad That's my bad Can't be like your EX I can't be like dat I gonna go baby I'll do it on my own A ... wn All my words is just in my song Sorry I can't stay That's my bad That's my bad Can't be like your EX I can't be like dat I I gonna go I gonna go不能留下陪妳陪妳陪妳10 o' ... y也會徹底拋棄妳只要是我願意 I can make you crazy Will it ever making sense to me You made me sick when you lie to me I'm busy busy You
38 4.Dumb Love Song Dumb Love Songs4.Dumb Love Song作詞 Sadkids Club作曲 Sadkids Club Why do i miss u so so mad You just left me10 min Only with u I'm feel alive On this ... with u I'm feel alive On this crazy world I gonna draw you in my song I know is silly but i will do it Midnight is coming and my depressed But i'm not scared i feel safe I gonna love myself i gonna ... with u I'm feel alive On this crazy worldJust calm downJust calm downJust calm down I gonna love mys
39 1.Labyrinth kill this song等一下別停止這音樂 I know you and I we don't ... 字架 all my crazy thoughts把我這些瘋狂的欲念付之一炬吧 I know I c
40 1.Love is my new song'boy and girl' and I wish everyone Happy Valentine's Day(我冷聽死) hey boy I need a surprise can you give me in the Valentine's Day( ... 're so beautiful You drive me crazy i love you i love you love you love you(嗨女孩你如此美麗你讓我瘋狂我愛你愛你愛你)自從我們第一次微信讓我深深的不敢相信如此的MM近在咫尺更多的瞭解現在開始.哦漂亮的五官修長的腿魅惑的眼神性感的嘴打了個招呼通過了請 ... '
41 2.G-Truck 幕在變大太眼花都太 crazy到處是安全檢查 oh my baby都想要佔領天下 oh如果這讓你興奮那我會毫不猶豫選擇踩下油門 wong wong wong開向黎明前的淩晨把烈酒加上節奏當做我的情人 so put your hands up當酒精灌入你的胃用 G-funk music ... 腿遲早會爛的如果花錢就會那還是換吧 DJ play the song不要只站
42 1.Get Closer Alex Hong Song Kwangsik編曲 Song Kwangsik Heo Yoonwon They say fallin' in love is too damn hard It takes too long but it never stopped me so far I saw a pretty ... ) All my friends they call me crazy But if I'm crazy maybe Ima be alright So come on baby get closer I even wrote you a ... get closer I even wrote you a song(oh) And Come on baby let's light a fire And dance baby you can dance with me until you get home I say hallelujah I'm glad you c ... ol' thing
43 1.Gang n to this song all wake up People who don't understand all shut up Come on every body turn up Driving Lamborghini with my homie Come baby Let' ... Come baby Let's Check it I'm crazy you can't copy sunnyboy trap musi
44 1.SO LONG an a love song Sick of playing sick of singing those sad ... ing sick of singing those sad songs As pure as heaven As clear as diamonds All this time I've been hiding a little something from you If I tell the truth is there ... more heartbroken than a love song Sick of always playing same old sadsongs As pure as heaven As clear as diamonds All this time I've been hiding a little something from you If I tell the truth is there ... e I can run to It might sound crazy(
45 1.早安寶貝 maybe I'm crazy baby you should know Baby you're the only one for me wanna sing a sweet love ... or me wanna sing a sweet love song for u lady u just need to come wit

46 7.B A Rap$tar 邊對你唱著love song而不是擺著鬼臉說親愛的錢我不夠用悟性大到好比魔法控制自己內心的欲望不改變的只有態度依舊再策劃下一場你總是狗嘴吐不出象牙鋪天蓋地般的放棄即使兩個小時前你說dzknow給我放個beat隨便又混混度過幾個夜剛睡醒了又困每天重複幾十遍出門前再給手機充個電我需要用它 ... pu這種狀況下的我還妄想能當ceo im so****in crazy至少寫詞時最清醒就做個
47 1.DREAMER 曲紅雙囍 Sing song fly Every day keep going swag巴黎東京 l ... 哭泣(Gucci) crazy巴黎東京紐約北京 supreme路易(LV)哭泣(Gucci) ... 哭泣(Gucci) crazy Hawaii Hawaii i like粉色的粉色的 dreame
48 1.Help Her 頭髮 Sing a song last forever Coming from the beach not so far The tuxedo embracing wedding dress in hear Wish it's you and me爭吵會出現 Monday and M ... corrupting yeah You gotta be crazy so you pay So many cure to Simon
49 1.Look At Me e call me crazy so much my dream i believe我想是發了瘋的m ... 這對我來說就像my song so easy look look at me look at me看我腳下的yeezy easy要賺更多的money on my mind給my mom對所有對我不滿的人全都say fuck fuck當真的聲名崛起再也不是假像了買帳了解放了全都把我當成 ... 像了買帳了解放了全都把我當成榜樣了 The call me crazy so much my dream i believe我想是發了瘋的m ... 這對我來說就像my song(
50 1.Summer Night to leave Crazy summer party Have you Have me This summer is free for free That ... summer is free for free That song is for you Do you want to do The s
51 1.FIRE ALARM store my crazy mind inside the door before it blows在我瘋狂的思緒爆炸前將它擋在門後 I hear it calls me when i'm drown then ask me what's it for我可以聽到它在我沉溺時問我這 ... show y'all the tattoo of em's song on my arm這是我們的信仰誰也無法撼動 Critical attack in the lyrics of my spiritual madness在我的精神瘋狂的歌詞中的致命攻擊 turns serial killer to lyrical tar ... show y'all the tattoo of em's song on my arm這
52 1.YOU GET THAT(BODAK YELLOW REMIX) hot的 top song cardi關係破裂只有be strong的才能佔據森林海歸鯊魚 I'm counting數的money call好多保險櫃裡cash剩的多走進商店肯定隨便挑我不可能問打折的商品funny頭頂了幾頂hat i don't care太愛把莫得的事情通過努力變 ... 一杆剩下爭二爭第三 who make it damn it crazy to be第一立即你必須必須你就是你除了你其他的wrong cdc
53 1.獅子座 wrote the song just to show it對你的feeling猶如詩情畫意7月的風景你我的距離 Girl I'm begging you We can make it ture My friends coming through Attitude Matching ... 指引信守承諾大氣 The lion foever king Crazy lion don't let you go want you Honey want u to know baby never gonna say no Show me something so I could know慷慨抱著你尋找星座引力靠在我懷裡遲 ... m doing is for my queen sake Crazy lion don't let you go want you Honey want u t
54 11.IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING words are crazy for you But they say it's innocent to keep the choice of loning for you The dark time's stranger to me How could I close my ey ... er be aloneJust pick a pretty song That is written for you As it goes
55 1.我係一個色盲 it in my song sing with melodic Baby dat's how you made me I'm going fucking ... you made me I'm going fucking crazy I can't handle dat chase scene I'm going fucking ... chase scene I'm going fucking crazy Fucking crazy Verse2:除咗望住你嘅時候雙眼失去靈魂一個人望住黑嘅天花板過埋
56 5.No Rest And Peace(feat. Sesame) ng da rap song is super dupe ain't no one but me I'm still here yeah fuck it let's go uh for this case i gotta fuck you ch**k6452 am im still ... mind I'm just da trouble bean crazy in da melody i'm cook in da micro
57 8.No Rest And Peace(Piano Version)(feat. Sesame) ng da rap song is super dupe ain't no one but me I'm still here yeah fuck it let's go uh for this case i gotta fuck you ch**k6452 am im still ... mind I'm just da trouble bean crazy in da melody i'm cook in da micro
58 1.台灣有嘻哈 assic rap songs focus that fire to roar against social injustice criticising但在這節目踩到這條線哪可以 But on this show this is not the line to step on怕傷了皇 ... bromance or whatever manhood songs you can find a dozen reasons to rap about them但音樂不該有框架被限制語法 But music shouldn't be constrained by restrictions期待你刺穿虛假將全中國啟發這比奪 ... 軟體還沒輸得徹底 There's no forbidden songs in Taiwan you can write
59 4.MYM Ahn、Maxx Song) Baby你溫柔的聲音把我的心全部打開來(全部打開來)赤裸沒有一點掩蓋 ... 你是我Baby你讓我Crazy想像你Lazy伸懶腰的Lady那黑暗誘惑中略帶一點魅要我如何不深陷
60 6.愛情導演 . All the crazy things we've done all the happiness we've shared It's all here but you'll never know the story is about us… Baby靠近一點你的微笑是故事的起點 ... 深我的思念想要導演愛情讓你快愛上我的一切 yeah the song is going to end But the story will
61 4.Holiday Song 4.Holiday Song作詞魏晨作曲魏晨胡楓夜色多浪漫獨自撐著傘 In the rain隨意哼著歌心情也不錯 Take a break才發覺每天經過的那條街夜色是多麼美微風輕輕吹花香讓人醉 Do u rememberJust for you簡單的快樂一路向前走美妙的 Ho ... Because I'm so happy U got me crazy U got me crazy I'm fell so good today今天我睡到自然醒推開窗空氣多清新太陽曬過的心情和夢一般的風景 Oh嘴裡哼著歌腳步輕鬆
62 4.Loving You maybe The song because of u每個想你的夜靈感都會如此氾濫 So ... 都會如此氾濫 So crazy for u Oh no no no no no在那未來你欠我一句「I do」 Girl! I really wanna loving u想要時間在這一刻凝固你不用擔心麻煩會光顧 Oh告訴我自動去清除在人群之中我還會感覺到孤獨 Everyday想 mel ... ou miss me? Call me maybe The song because of u每個想你的夜靈感都會如此氾濫 So ... 都會如此氾濫 So crazy for
63 8.Till You Save Me ing you a song in the night? And read you all those stories that I wroteJust to let you know that I am dying Oh I'm dying As the days move on ... and woe Silent screaming am I crazy Why do I see you everywhere I go?
64 2.巨星 Superstar(ft.葉瑋庭) Arm為了你寫首 CrazySong到底這樣做是對還是 Wrong[Bridge1:]我期待有結果找鎖匠來
65 1.go shake shake ove to my song hey mr. dj let the music play getting tossed up we got a party in the making pimped out with the new gear better hurry up and g ... you baby i bet you think i'm crazy so baby let's do this you've got nothing to loose lemme see what you got oh lemme see you move ladies in the place make it hot ... ke shake can you groove to my song ladies in the place make it hot fellas in the place don't stop baby girl do you got the moves or not if not i could move on but ...
66 1.搖啊搖 ! are you crazy in tonight?音樂讓我的世界充滿了期待 come on everybody! DJ SUNNY IN THE HOUSE感受我們的心跳讓我們一起搖啊搖啊搖啊搖讓這個世界從此不在有煩惱自由自在才是我們的目標啦啦啦-------啦啦啦----- R ... own this time with me sing my song move your hands move your feet thi
67 6.第一夫人(First Lady) mplicated crazy but girl I'm here for you有天當我rich and famous baby當我歌播放全世界 baby如果我們註定永遠一起 I'll be right here breathing next to you生活在這 rich and ... ve the car he does but pick a song and girl I'll sing I'll be your radio all live in stereo(and only sing for my girl) I live in the real world you live in heaven ... ybe our lives are complicated crazy but girl I'm here for you有天當我rich
68 3.Why tupid sad songs Don't tell me lies… baby why… This ain't the way I'm suppose to sing this damn ... I'm suppose to sing this damn song…あの日のWe love確かに心の中刻まれたBeautiful記憶なのに何故?「ねぇ、もういいよ…」ため息だけ凍りついた空間に響いて過ぎ去った日々はきっと戾って來ないよずっと.. Look at my facebook gets me thinkin bo ... like a ghost without a sound Crazy? I thought I was when no one was
69 7.Let It Go(Feat.J. Sheon) riving me crazy我想不通Maybe那份愛在cry破碎的心存在那每個悲慘的故事背後愛已b ... hut down你的song My empress this is not your shelte
70 3.It's your girl she going crazy no you think i'm cuttin'up your sexy flirty tighty shirty little PYT you couldn't possibly be absolutely more deceived she had ... gonna do she's got she going crazy no she's hittin' up that dude all night long it's been the second time the DJ played this ... econd time the DJ played this song and then you trippin' like i'm hit
71 2.搖啊搖 ! are you crazy in tonight?音樂讓我的世界充滿了期待 come on everybody! DJ SUNNY IN THE HOUSE感受我們的心跳讓我們一起搖啊搖啊搖啊搖讓這個世界從此不在有煩惱自由自在才是我們的目標啦啦啦-------啦啦啦----- R ... own this time with me sing my song move your hands move your feet thi
72 2.Dear Mama drives me crazy問我為什麼存在 Why am I alive?我是不是在浪費我的時間 in my life?但想起生命裡最重要的人生下我的人我知道生命有意義 Mama what you did for me為我做了一切這份情我一輩子還妳不起 So我只能寫這首歌送給妳 I ... e you Mama Mom as I write the song灑酒到地上我在回想曾經帶給妳的壓力對不起 See我不是壞人但有時候喝酒
73 10.天堂 e In this crazy world that always got me stressin' I try to maintain but I gotta ask a question What's our hope yall? One love(uh huh uh huh) ... hank God感謝主給了我們一個希望 check the song當我躺在你的雙臂(c'mon c'mon)我只想要感謝你(yeah y
74 13.不哭的雙眼 Now this song I kept pretty simple. It's nowhere near perfect. I mean Shoot I'm singing the choruses myself on this one and I can't even sing ... 't even sing. So I guess this song's a lot like me... Imperfect. But this ... ike me... Imperfect. But this song's also a personal pray to God. Where after years of wandering lost with a hardened heart I come before Him imperfections and al ... eyes every night as I Lived a crazy life waitin' for my mind to right
75 9.Learn Chinese s it it's crazy)(OVA!!!)[Chorus] Ya'll gon learn chinese ya'll gon learn chinese Ya'll gon learn chinese when the pumps come out your gon spea ... nd Eye witnesses? You must be crazy we don't speak english we speak chinese And the only popo we know Is the pigs on the hook by the window Each time they harass ... g my thang[In Chinese: sing a song and and do a dance) Why is there b
76 12.Love Story f us it's crazy though right? Now if this sounds like a true story that's probably cause it is and I know for a fact cause I'm that chinese ki ... s100% behind it now this is a song i know i had to do cause all the s
77 12.Love Story f us it's crazy though right? check it Now if this sounds like a true story that's prolly cause it is and I know for a fact cause Im that Chin ... s100% behind it now this is a song I knew I had to do cause all this
78 10.NOAH isn't it crazy For me to start life brand new? And when I find Ararat The first thing that I'll be singing a love ... g that I'll be singing a love song For my mydear dear wife And nap in
79 3.Unicorn ing sweet songs by the river side Where the water's pure The water's pure They think I'm ... e water's pure They think I'm crazy Because they don't understand Why
80 1.害羞的男孩 Shy Boy u know is crazy it's like... I know what I gotta say just... I don't know how to say it You know? So Imma just...妳在我對面班我成妳的跟班陪妳走陪妳散到了飯堂看妳吃午飯想跟 ... ht now聽我告白 by the end of this song Can I be your boy?(Would you be my
81 1.Love You No More wly going crazy. It's killing me your silence hurts me way too deep.[Distorted]Darling don't you know? We used to have each other.'til you got ... ing to mend it. Forget it you crazy with all your rhetoric. I don't wanna love you no more. I don't love you no more I don't love you no more. Girl I don't love y ... a respond to VINEM's previous song'Empty House'. Instead of a happy ending VINEM went for a different route.'I believe in real life if a person decides to leave o ...
82 1.IS IT YOU me that's crazy He ain't me I still remember all these things All the pain all the sweet That's time issue Might as well sing it for you Maybe ... er gonna do this All the love songs i wrote for her Mtfker i produced
83 1.All I Have take the song you know what其實呢我真的沒有想過會是這個結果呃我覺得 Anyway真的都是我的錯所以呢準備好聽我說當我重新回到這個城市我真的想要擁抱在懷裡的你仍是那個迷人的善良的愛著我的女孩兒可會不會是都已經過去的事我還記得那天自你走了以後這城市飄起雪花彷 ... ay you mistreated me And it's crazy but oh baby It don't matter whate
84 1.Love Song my郭穎-Love Song1.Love Song作詞 Yamy郭穎作曲 Yamy郭穎如果這是一首Love Love ... amy郭穎作曲 Yamy郭穎如果這是一首Love Love song關於我們倆的Love Love song我會唱給所有人聽但只有你是我唯一你一定明白我用心 My heart's all about you如果這是一首Love Love ... all about you如果這是一首Love Love song關於我們倆的Love Love song我會唱給所有人聽但只有你是我唯一你一定明
85 1.BORED is like a song At last Ladies and gentlemen Are you ready for something new Let's go Damn I deserve a trip I don't mean riding around in no wh ... rve it I need more You got me crazy I need more So whatcha telling me
86 1.Shadow e writing songs about her do you think of me do you think that I'm ... k of me do you think that I'm crazy that I'm falling deeply it's a one night thing oh is it so wrong did I came off too strong is it not what you want oh then I s ... k of me do you think that I'm crazy that I'm falling deeply don't say it means nothing to me I loved you more than friend I loved you I loved you I loved you even ... e we met I start writing love songs again dive in deeper think I may
87 1.樂園 Wonder ance like crazy來任性的告白你是熱情的芒果我就是 CoConut tonight!【B1】不需要 Wonder You natural wonder Let DJ Play My ... natural wonder Let DJ Play My Song Nanana Nanana'yeah!' Nanana Nanaae
88 1.LA Vibes it's mad crazy Drop the top yea yea cruising down the streets Chillin' on the sand singing ... Chillin' on the sand singing songs lookin' at the sea Everybody mad but I won't ever let that get to me Always wanna be a friend I'll never be your enemy Tanning ... avin' bad days swear it's mad crazy I don't even have the finest flow Shawty done impressing me I won't keep it low Hop into my crib I gon' let you know Baby make ... avin' bad days swear it's mad crazy(!
89 1.雨還沒停 還沒停作詞 CrazySix作曲林嘉音想著寫一首歌譜上了旋律在這個有點熱的冬季思緒隨你走了不需要言語沒有人能比我更懂你其實愛是什麼東西讓人猜不透只是失去了會很難受所以要好好珍惜緣分到就在一起一起牢牢住在彼此的心裡我想看清思念的軌跡可雨還沒停滿溢書信之間的回憶最記掛的是你翻閱著 ... 0 love me love me It's a love song baby Do you hear me?聽我為你寫下的這一
90 10.Attention s fucking crazy so you call the911? it's too late now bring your mother fucking hands on all the ladies get down now girl shake and shake shak ... h you know we don't wanna old song round and round tonight I'll show
91 1.Love Scenario(사랑을했다) 's enough song: though i miss you i'll try not to coz you no longer feel same way but i'll remember you like a ... but i'll remember you like a song a film or like the warmth of spring day what we made was a love scenario and now we watched as the lights go oh babe we turned ... aughed it off we were jealous crazy in love we were perfect but it's
92 1.Yesterday(& Donkey) rday your songs I put it on reply oh yeah And you you you you you you야지금너뭐해?(Hey what are you up to now?) I wish you could call me You're driv ... uld call me You're driving me crazy We don't need to make it fancy Do
93 15.Wonan in Love -Lin-Love Songs出道十周年情歌精選15.Wonan in Love作詞黃昏、A-Lin作曲小宇(宋念宇)你左右我喜怒哀愁曾經炙熱的愛火卻在時間裡消磨距離讓我們寂寞愛讓我瘋也讓我痛猜忌已悄悄煽動撕扯緊握的雙手你是否一樣感受我們一起掉進了漩渦彼此纏繞找不到出 ... ly Tonight Baby請別說Goodbye I'm Crazy. I'm Still Crazy Tonight And I我所愛著的深愛著的我著迷的我執著的我沉溺
94 1.Take A Ride g Play my song lets get started The city is too crowded for us to get ... is too crowded for us to get crazy Before the sun goes down Leave the world behind head for the highway Let's play ur favorite ... ighway Let's play ur favorite song by Katy perry Roll the windows down Tell the whole world we r heading for the high way high..high..high..high way for the high. ... ride with me darling Play my song lets get started Take a ride with me baby Buckled up and get read
95 11.背叛的理由 n to feel crazy maybe it's me my mistakeJust can't feel happy sadly in that normal way Single destiny is the one for me When I think of you it ... ng stories that we cry out in song So much misunderstanding Cats and
96 9.Hey DJ own for a crazy night Hey DJ put this on(2x) This song this my song Hey hey this my song Put it on all night long Hey DJ yea put this on(2x) Hey hey put this on Hey hey put this on All night long this my ... his on All night long this my song So we rollin' next spot we goin' Party hard like stars'til mornin' Sunrise while the lights be glowin' So I rock my shades real ... school rockin' them carmines Crazy yes feelin' fly Always fresh and
97 1.Juicy Girl sing this song Call meJW Gonna move in supersonic speed to destiny Wanna be a boom tonight Gonna be a boom tonight You can't track me down OH~ ... ou ever gonna make it It's so crazy yeah記住我Juicy girl掛住我Juicy girl記住我
98 6.Juicy Girl(國) sing this song Call meJW Gonna move in supersonic speed to destiny Wanna be a boom tonight Gonna be a boom tonight You can't track me down OH~ ... ou ever gonna make it It's so crazy yeah那是我Juicy girl看著我Juicy girl抱著我
99 1.Underneath(暗流) ing you a song This time I'm gonna open myself And let you see what's inside of me I'm in my war It's a battlefield of choice A war that nobod ... g for myself People think I'm crazy I've always been doing things tha
100 6.Lonely e his new song woof woof woof WHAT You want a sip of my shake NO NO and I love you so... but I can't give you everything you ask me to OH Now ... (Rap) andJeremy spinning like crazy kept on barking barking for sympa

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