
關於 another + h 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.would you be mine? it's time It's not another song I'm gonna write I'll try to make it different I hope that it will be dif
2 1.Concert Desire(Live) ow to love(一個教我表達愛) Another one told me'You gotta clean them'(另一個讓我毀掉一切) That's why people called them(可能
3 2.Concert Love(Live) owed me how to love Another one told me'You gotta clean them' That's why people called them Angel and dem
4 6.白花(Live) you again If I got another chance I'll erase all your pain我躲在回憶裡試圖尋找著你的碎片就以這溫柔的口吻襯托出我的淚眼我願變成幽靈就待在你的身邊就算將
5 8.SADNESS(PROD. Goldenboi) 跟自己的大腦對抗 Let's make another hit在某音上引發了earthquake買個double C希望她每天都是birthday再做張新mixtape我就像Nigo發明了Hunman Made

6 14.BADBOY FREESTYLE(PROD. ATM Hanson) nson make another one We will kill this one boy Boy we look like badboy My wallet is fatboy Stacks on deck my money so long I don't f*ck with ... dwide fly boy ATM Hanson make another one We will kill this one boy B
7 6.Nobody on my big boy pants another notch under my belt I've been the opener and the main attraction If you're st
8 9.Finish Line door that opens to another door Can't keep running from the truth Feels like I'm running out of time Eve
9 1.You wanna be another decoy(that's the thing'bout you) Toxic love I can't avoid(that's the thing'bout you) Bending that body you know I can't igno ... ng'bout you) I don't wanna be another decoy(that's the thing'bout you
10 1.Finish Line door that opens to another door Can't keep running from the truth Feels like I'm running out of time Eve
11 1.最好的朋友 nna spend another day with you忘掉昨日的悲傷流轉霓虹偽裝城市上空點點星光回憶卻難以遺忘推開向海那扇窗落下彩虹淚光愛飄去風吹大海的方向細數沉默的時間曖昧的碎片街角的遇見輾轉難眠朦朧的海岸線你不在身邊擴散的思念 my best friend這是對你的稱呼不敢 ... 清楚這回要不算我認輸 I just wanna spend another day my best friend這是對你的稱呼不敢再靠近你一 ... 我認輸 spend anot
12 1.還是做不到嗎奶 看星星在rooftoof曾相擁的心走進了another road話到嘴邊怎麼說不出口鎖在櫥窗抓不出的布偶假裝不難受但心它怎麼被frozen我低下的頭成你傷害我的弱點氣已經嘆夠話到嘴邊變成空白像笑話是笑話嗎曾經做
13 2.Just Another Day br>2.Just Another Day作詞鄭惟中作曲鄭惟中Just ... 作曲鄭惟中Just another day For me and myselfJust another day An ordinary afternoonJust another day For me and myselfJust another day An ordinary afternoonJust another day For me and myselfJust another day An ordinary afternoonJust another day For me and myself And I sing a song for myself To get through the day I sing a song for myself To get through the day I ... ess An ordina
14 1.Ivory tower t me What I need is another cigarette Nothing's changed except for the apathy Less naive more hypocrisy A
15 11.PANDA(Remix) fuckin' pack Fucked another pop bitch dead her「cuz the sex was wack Off the Actavis you know I'm back up
16 1.I don't care about are about another girl我可以為你不要我的所有只想讓妳聽我心跳 I don't care about ... 所有只想讓妳聽我心跳 I don't care about another girl我可以為你找一百個理由為了妳我願意低頭 I don't fuck with ... 個理由為了妳我願意低頭 I don't fuck with another girl也許我在你心裡像背負的行李那麼拚命想擺脫那下雨天的情境拜託 Im not a kid太多沒意義的回應我不想聽也不想看見妳跟他在一起
17 3.Let go 息必須整理Just another day留言粗糙也乏味明明一早想熄機還是在記錄誰贈我耳光 no世界 ... 即使超載 It's another day你有天生poker face抗拒跟風跟攀比也許早應該無視
18 1.Nobody on my big boy pants another notch under my belt I've been the opener and the main attraction If you're st
19 4.DIALTONE al tone你聽到撥號音了 Wait another minute...那就再等等... Hook: Dial tone撥號音 Brr brr嘟嘟 Dial tone撥號音 Brr brr再等一會兒 Dial
20 6.EMOTIONAL ?」完全忘記時間 There goes another baby.直到又做出了一個心愛的曲子 Repeat everyday I wish it all was just the same.重復每天我都希望它會

21 7.EVERYDAY 活和自然融為一體 Everyday「s another chance for our rebirth每一天都是新生。 Beneath the stars universe在蒼穹星空之下 Flyin like a
22 10.WE COULD BE TOGETHER 無法斬斷我們的聯系 Another level of emotion got me in the measure我只能拿另一個維度去衡量這一切。 Liberate us off the bounds and let me be a teller新的一天 HALLELUJAH我醒了釋放 ... 異於常人的一起走著這條路如果走到盡頭 Then start another.那就再造一條路 Above the ocean the earth and the sky在這地平線和天空之中 The soul's the only things drives let em time goes by靈魂承載著這一切隨著時間流逝 ... 著時
23 1.沈淪 not find another one cause I'm the better one你有你的吸引我有我的魅力千萬別在意我的身份還有背景我為你跨過一切距離欣賞所有風景逐漸我越來越會瞭解你所有的風趣傾訴的所有秘密全部都會守口如瓶你的聲音揮之不去你的笑容在心底已經完全墜入愛河在這個 ... just a fake) U will not find another one cause I'm the better one你有你的吸引我有我的魅力我對你對你總是會全盤托出可能我
24 17.街頭貝多芬 do what I want Make another one songs披上巴黎世家我閉著眼晃讓你腎上腺素飆升腦袋很燙這感覺像貝多芬演命運交響曲給你的直播間耍幾台直升機耳機帶起給我倒一杯Hennessy給這條
25 1.Let go 息必須整理Just another day留言粗糙也乏味明明一早想熄機還是在記錄誰贈我耳光 no世界 ... 即使超載 It's another day你有天生poker face抗拒跟風跟攀比也許早應該無視
26 10.曾經的我 How I Used to Be 的濃霧 I had another urge to turn around我又一次回頭轉身 And ... 中奔跑 I had another urge to turn around我又一次回頭轉身 And
27 1.F.F.F ow to love(一個教我表達愛) Another one told me'You gotta kill them'(另一個讓我毀掉一切) That's why people called them(可能這
28 1.風中的樹 拜託先讓我靜一靜其他的明天再說Just another day Rome wasn't built in a day盡全力好好表現再將質疑都打碎得做好準備才輪的到你上場十年磨一劍綻放你的光芒吧 Hey To b
29 1.Awaken type Guess I broke another heart like cubic Woo yah that's my bad I see envy in your eyes When I'm tread
30 5.Amazing World 著遲早會world wide和我的兄弟 Another day又過低調到沒有了動靜他覺得虛度了太可惜開始在討一個原因與現實出入的曾經留下了許多的點滴頭也不回哪來的伏筆看似很熱烈一個人的風景教室裡全新的粉筆小玲把
31 1.Lost Again againJust another drop of blood What do you have o ... 麼叫作愛?Just another cough syrup It'll toss you upJusanother rough spirit Would toss you up
32 1.Sound of Heartbreak you love another day Would you take my breath away Cuz you know i need you more than i say~若我什麼都可不顧 Say I can't live without you Can you hear ... t if I stayed? Would you love another day Would you take my breath aw
33 1.太陽眼鏡 SHADES Now You and me take another2 steps Into the sand and ocean讓我們主宰不需要遮風避雨乘涼的屋簷 Cuz you so hot讓太陽變得無害 Let's g
34 9.靠北圈 拿誰來祭翻倍我的意志吸引神旨意 Ayh Another Voice在腦中殺了另個黑暗遊戲Boy被SM到心裡從來不怕別人笑是誰讓我夢入地獄都會被 bullying還有誰能把我拖下水Let's right[Chor
35 4.If You Can Wait for Me to Grow be alone Another song this moment I feel your voice far away but I could hear it around Sun rose Then a dream glowed time flows When man step ... me to grow I use to be alone Another song this moment I feel your vo
36 6.2nd Favourite第二最愛(& Tyson Yoshi) the club tryna find another one now we're hanging at my place she wanted something more to drink wait wha
37 3.GIVING UP ma life i just need another dime in the air when we loving in the way we like nowadays cant go on since i
38 15.都是你的錯 love with another man oh what a shame i will stop complaining you in the song cause everybody know now all your fault remember what we used to ... d you start to make love with another man oh what a shame i will stop
39 1.Be Alright st need to pay with another day火光燃盡後你才能發現我的美 I just want you to regret when you think of me Every time yo
40 5.只有你的派對 on't want another party這地方一點都不吸引我 Don't want ... !) party這地方一點都不吸引我 Don't want another party我只想住進你的心窩 Cause I just wanna stay up all night想給你依賴全部的疼愛 Don't want ... ll night想給你依賴全部的疼愛 Don't want another party If it's not your party Sorry Sorry我的baby兄弟喝酒硬要跟我拚拚好多妹妹過來跟我親親全部被我推走因為我只愛你想聽見你的聲音滿腦子都
41 1.一個世界 z we gotta love one another We come in all colors Like a melting pot Let's keep on melting我溶解了你的快樂你溶解了隔閡都
42 1.Better Luck Next Time 的唯一 Now you holding another hand但現在你卻跟別人相愛 Love is not a game感情不是一場遊戲 You can't put your heart away你必須要真心
43 9.Delay No More B L A M Don't waste another day My God my boss我delay nomore delay nomore My time my job我delay nomore dela
44 8.ma G(Skit) want a betterday沒想過Another way又熬到凌晨四點睡痛苦的夜我清楚我是下一位 Let me know重複的生活感到疲憊重複的疼痛卻難以體會 but i say no喬子可能有時我會疲憊
45 14.失態 on't want another one愛不用還來愛分割兩邊 But I'm the better one I want you to come here I want you to come here Be my lady I'm the better one不需要你的分數 I ... etter one不需要你的分數 I don't want another one不會就這麼服輸這首歌寫出了對你的愛戀偶爾打開酒精和你的Instagram深夜的問候到最後有多愛你 Nobody knows等醒了讓心跳緩慢過後沒有立場把愛兌現沒有資格喊冤 so I'm fine不管誰說了愛說了愛(

46 3.Save My Money 我噁心的話幾歲的人了別再說兄弟們都笑我 another hoe我花錢在你身上卻都得不到該有的 Feedback and I wanna see that That's why我那麼討厭妳才跑去頂樓走走跳齁伊送我
47 1.只有你的派對 on't want another party這地方一點都不吸引我 Don't want ... !) party這地方一點都不吸引我 Don't want another party我只想住進你的心窩 Cause I just wanna stay up all night想給你依賴全部的疼愛 Don't want ... ll night想給你依賴全部的疼愛 Don't want another party If it's not your party Sorry Sorry我的baby兄弟喝酒硬要跟我拚拚好多妹妹過來跟我親親全部被我推走因為我只愛你想聽見你的聲音滿腦子都
48 1.Stars In The Room gger shit another day Hey what've u done才來到這個地方 Hey一覺醒來都一樣都一樣法大 Hey where's the paid晚餐要大的排場 Hey what u said what u said對我沒有影響-1am homies call ... what u hidin We just goin on another way Fallin noda trap bitch told
49 1.Called it Love Love Feels LikeJust Another Day We'Re Fighting Over Words We Never Said Hide My FeelingsJust To Keep You
50 1.Shining Star(Sped Up) y to find another way(another day) There is something about y
51 4.Shine Your Light there be another You got to shine your light Everything single thing you do Everything you dream of too Everytime you feel you're letting go ... darkness Never will there be another You got to shine your light Eve
52 1.瑪利歐 can can can can Try another way again and again again鄉下來的小孩不怕跌唱給forty聽怕傷了你的玻璃心韻腳狂在轟炸你醜到妨礙風化你醜臉想打分數?嗯我給予你解
53 1.Cheetah out She had a whole another thing going on Ay She's lying she snaky she will chew you to the bone Looking
54 1.I Say(feat.亦非) I say go another way I say u will be ok I say u can come with me I say grab ur bag go straight on ur way I say go ... o straight on ur way I say go another way I say u will be ok I say u can come with me I say grab ur bag go straight on ur way I see rock and tree just like u and ... say look far away I say look another way I said beauty by ur side I
55 11.Castle In The Air y castle in the air Another castle in the air Could it be you? Don't know if you're a friend Or a foe fro
56 7.PRETTY BOY SWAG ther from another mother Pretty like a************ Pretty like a************ Pretty like a************ Swag swag with my brother from ... wag swag with my brother from another mother I'm pretty like a********** Swag it out把內向留在節目裡讓B1ock下雨前通常把車停靠在天目裡 MOONWAVE看我們緊密的像個family點燃了boomshake Stupid dont'be ... wag swag with my brother from another mother Pretty like a Pretty lik
57 6.Been A While person to another The past you fades out of existence like sunny weather Back then when our time together Flashed by like stormy weather Felt ... tanding right here facing one another Hey you It's been a while but you still got me Smiling when I see you carefree Laughing when I used to hold you All the thin ... tanding right here facing one another Hey you It's been a while but y
58 7.空想世界 r at all? It's just another song有時候閉了眼睛好像進了自己世界黑色背景彩色片段腦裡不斷浮現跟你說了那麼多早上還是忘了歷險旅途那麼狂起來全都沒了就算我放不開明天從頭再來在腦裡世界就
59 3.I Say I say go another way I say u will be ok I say u can come with me I say grab ur bag go straight on ur way I say go ... o straight on ur way I say go another way I say u will be ok I say u can come with me I say grab ur bag go straight on ur way I see rock and tree just like u and ... say look far away I say look another way I said beauty by ur side I
60 4.The Players(feat. DP Ch3n) s still waiting for another destiny劃破天際的聖光在背脊上結成了冰晶燃燒的烈焰鑄成鳳凰羽翼他掙脫束縛翱翔天際埋沒在荒漠中的瓊漿變成了果酵他一口乾後成了榮耀為了這個世界崢嶸頭角看
61 15.The Players(Remix) s still waiting for another destiny劃破天際的聖光在背脊上結成了冰晶燃燒的烈焰鑄成鳳凰羽翼他掙脫束縛翱翔天際埋沒在荒漠中的瓊漿變成了果酵他一口乾後成了榮耀為了這個世界崢嶸頭角看
62 2.QUEST?ONS 「is there another way for me to paint the sky?「 if ... 「is there another way for me to paint the sky?「 i
63 1.forever 編曲 DEW Caught up in another dream You were there next to me White shirt with a neon T Tried to run but I
64 1.Tonight night Pop another bottle Imma hit you up tonight Pull up Imma hear you like it Say you got a problem just come over tonightJust say you got a ... m Imma solve them tonight Pop another bottle Imma hit you up tonight Pull up Imma hear you like it Pop one pop two You gonna let me choose the booze Pop one pop t ... m Imma solve them tonight Pop another bottle Imma hit you up tonight Pull up Imma hear you like it Say you got a problem just come over tonightJust say you got a ...
65 1.Cruise veryday Take you to another place place Oh keep it by the book like that Take all your problems and just
66 5.AF12.0 KTV歡樂迪 I might cop another Goyard又多了幾個仇家 shawty call me CASANOVA在VIP的sofa i dont really know her但她曉得我有點兒
67 12.LEAVE ME ALONE othing to me U just another T CASANOVA Shawty just leave me alone I'm a casanova不用感受失去你的痛 I'm better on m
68 1.UGLY y ugly獻給我的哥們你就別在意眼前 another bitch不停的跟你說 oh we just more then friends我很不開心準備把你們消滅求你們別再發讓人上當的照片還有一堆王八蛋要毀了我的
69 1.向日葵落雨 o shot Tequila全倒進體內 Another round讓我忘記我的狼狽ay傍晚黃昏陷入陶醉ay沖淡我眼下的憔悴可口的香甜威化般的調味雙眼被矇蔽住怎麼能夠描繪 Hey yeah I miss you
70 9.It's Your Turn ay抓住所有希望Bring it to another day變成你的 DNA-A-A All of my days I don't know what I'm searching for searching
71 1.Stay For A While I miss you stay for another night I wanna hold your hand Walk along the river bank Listen to your stories
72 8.Gone don't want to live another day You say'hey stop不要再想到誰我在 calm down呼吸 It's okay it's okay babe' Calm是我情緒 g
73 10.Up In The Clouds ave Then search for another prey Maybe nobody's so different cause different is what people fake At last
74 1.02(1.2加速版) an pay me another day no way I'm so fking sad and i can't cry there is no fking time but I'm so bright and nobody trust me ok make you know my ... trying ok then who can pay me another day老子絕對會在幾年之內達到新的世界再次卷士重來我會擁有新的
75 1.夜行南門路 do hit different有閒來坐another day到時晨we'll get a lot of fame南門路上兄弟 we bow wow扛走床墊 about now紅色眼睛開始 freestyle人
76 3.CHINO REGGAETON aeton music find me another queen老子熟練玩轉雷擊頓就差個雷擊頓女皇 maybe chino Becky G找個中原貝殼雞? or a chino ROSALÍA還是中原的ROS
77 1.Your place or Mine I might save myself another dime Your place or mine Your place or mine Cuddle in the couch and lemme pour
78 1.Talk to Rac(Intro) it me are u fall in another one u gon switch it day night im in studio kick hit go fuxx urself bad hoe01
79 7.Proplayer dat ass so fat我從沒想過another girl low life i stay in low life但這個地區沒人比我slay我早就說過我們different way man u got p
80 13.Diamond 季的低迷 roll another one你克選它別來pick me cuz i diamond我不 ... 季的低迷 roll another one你克選它別來pick me cuz i diamond我
81 1.2nd Favourite第二最愛 the club tryna find another one now we're hanging at my place she wanted something more to drink wait wha
82 8.Awakening Awake for another day所有初生之犢 Now's the time for me to rule誕生誰沒哭 Awake for ... for me to rule誕生誰沒哭 Awake for another day面對幻種病毒 I'm just gonna be a fool極限是日出 Awake for ... onna be a fool極限是日出 Awake for another day會不會看見並沒有看見而其實感覺並不是感覺這世界在所有感官之間挖了一個完美的深淵 So live your life Take your time這個夢時間到了你將會醒來這首歌 It's a si
83 4.夜 ason now im gone to another world不再想也不願去想我沉淪在這party在星系之間漂移漫無目的的走在相遇的軌道線恍惚間時光倒流你和我還在遨遊 yeah i really need
84 1.奇遇樂章迪士尼動畫摯愛組曲 d up tonight I lost another fight I still mess up but I'll just start again I keep falling down I keep on
85 1.SOUL OUT the rock ready for another round夠不夠膽跟再難的關全都懶得閃練好練滿再來越來越快越來越快 Yeah保持前進變強的路沒有捷徑還扛得住全都加在槓片上連靈魂都跟了一起裝備上把過去贏過
86 2.身不由己 沒開心氣力身不由己無需要再嘆悲Just another stupid rainy day(只是另一個雨天) Im blocked on my way home(我被困在了回家的路上)在歡聲笑面背後總有獨自靜處在
87 1.Till The Morning ywhere you wanna be Another round is what she's telling me Can't stop what i'm feelin' I'm all in on the
88 26.Rebirth 過了半個世紀過了半個世紀那也不會 be another me陽光射著地月光側著鼻經過那些極端天氣做的洗禮 Uh Level up level out贏和輸對和錯真和假不斷交替就像四季不會再為誰再拉低我的 bot
89 1.Intro Holiday品嘗過酸甜苦辣睜開眼又是another day Paranoia努力去爭取過程Paranoid& Motivate台北潮濕到美女往那會發霉把東西收起來你他媽看不出差別7u Paranoia If
90 3.普通人的歌 ps on going on. I'm another human.碰了幾次牆習慣了失望反反覆覆走了幾趟我們都是普通人每分每秒都在拉扯買不起該死的房開國產的車為了生存每天奔波著我們都是普通人都渴望能被深愛著人生
91 2.B.M.S aybe we should give another try Sometimes we just wanna have a simple life No more complications no more
92 1.IDK you send another signal to my core Talk till the morning Say that you wanna go Why are you sorry? Tell me things that I don't know Tell me wh ... I'm not afloat Would you send another signal to my core Too many pairs of your broken glasses Saw your hair you left it on my mattress You never said it back(What ... I'm not afloat Would you send another signal to my core Talk till the morning Say that you wanna go Why are you sorry? Tell me things that I don't know Tell me wh ...
93 2.Through The Night ay or two Another minute No need to hide it Another tear I shed For you for you Another minute No need to hide it Another tear I shed For you for you Driv ... 傷早知道應該釋懷) Another minute No need to hide it Another tear I shed For you for you Dri
94 3.Keep It Close anna miss another chance to see you anymore快倒在我的懷中必要時才不用特別想念我被你輕劃過的雲朵我都會存放在心中ㄧ捲兩捲三捲四捲你的笑靨收進底片凌晨兩點三點四點捨不得睡直到斷線 Take my hand I'll give you every ... ose I don't really wanna miss another chance to see you anymore快倒在我的懷中必要時才不用特別想念我被你輕劃過的雲朵我都會存放在心中 Keep it close I don't really wanna miss .
95 9.Interlude Two: Dreamscape ake now? Or am I in another dream
96 4.囚 Cage aving for another cage想要走啊不再守望 I want to leave don't watch any more太多表象掩飾了臟 Appearances are just too deceptive你走沒走起你賺沒賺錢 Have you made it? Hav ... bond我在走啊換個囚場 I am leaving for another cage想要走啊不再守望 I want to leave do
97 3.面肺子 boom Send another mofo to the hell我和你的區別在於我更在乎過程兄弟所以通往未來的票在我手裡握著兄弟你的東西太假朋友你的粉絲夠瞎朋友如果再次把我名字掛到嘴邊那就click-clock ra-tat-ta like Lil Baby always wea ... ood-sucker淩晨三點 boom-boom Send another mofo to the hell我和你的區別在於我更在乎過程兄
98 9.當你可以抱緊我 de I might leave on another night Will you hold me tight Like the first time like the last Baby I will do
99 1.Cold Rain know Find another way right now沒有關係嗎那怎麼現在還在這故事的主角是 ... 中做個夢 Find another way right now Find another way right now蹲的低才跳更高毒的雞湯不需要我知道我
100 1.When The Lightning Strikes than sin Another killing For this uptown thrill Oh what a tragedy! Peaking out behind these Cold stone bars Oh won't you rescue me! I take my ... Oh why? Oh why? Oh why? Ehh! Another killing For this uptown thrill

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