
關於 antique 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.Øzymandias(Intro) a traveller from an antique land Who said—'Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert.... N
2 9.Everyone Is Chasing Their Own Dragon e And over is their antique joy.汗水逾肩至臂淤泥幻化為芳草;如果無法與你相遇苦難就一直延續。世人都在尋找屬於他們自己的龍不要停歇啊人類之子握緊被鮮花纏繞的鐮刀從人間通往仙境不要停
3 7.Antique ELAIZA-失楽園7.Antique作詞 ELAIZA作曲鈴木貢明けど明けず魘されていた夜を辿って思い出すは謳い嘆く鳥の自由と赤い炎の物語あの青い球体ではすべてがもっと永いらしい重いら
4 7.Antique Memory 愛奈-ring A ring7.Antique Memory作詞加藤有加利作曲加藤有加利・遠藤ナオキ灰色の空を一日中眺めてる大きな古時計もう動かない月の光で扉が開くくるくる舞う踊り子優しい音色孤
5 5.Chair ガットガッハイヒール息を止めここの部屋はantiqueウィスキーは30 years vantage視線を逸らさないでただここを見て特別に用意した Chair直線と曲線のハーモニー気に入ったなら夢の世界が広がる

6 2.Memoire Antique ie-魅惑劇2.Memoire Antique作詞松井洋平作曲菊地創(eufonius)旧き弦を爪弾き手繰り寄せる旋律遠く懐かしい歌に寄り添う時は重なり……今、過去は嘆き求める褪せてしまって手に
7 2.Chair ガットガッハイヒール息を止めここの部屋はantiqueウィスキーは30 years vantage視線を逸らさないでただここを見て特別に用意した Chair直線と曲線のハーモニー気に入ったなら夢の世界が広がる
8 2.Antique rSweet] lipper2.Antique作詞智作曲 Tohya角砂糖を舐め終えた君は、一息入れて僕に切り出した。「正直な感想を云えば、私はもう貴方に飽きている。」勢いでレジに出すチョコや、
9 11.Antique eets sparkjoy11.Antique作詞市川和則作曲市川和則可愛い紋様につい目を奪われてくるり回して考えているよ君はと言えばいつも呆れ果てて「お昼は何にしよう」と考えていそう別に特別素
10 6.ソー・グッド つでも気分は ROMANTIQUE It's too good to be true SO GOOD ... つでも気分は ROMANTIQUE It's too good to be true SO GOO
11 6.Romantique amijo-Heart6.Romantique作詞 KAMIJO作曲 KAMIJO湖に寄せては返す波月の上浮かぶ枯れ葉になって見上げれば羽ばたくコウモリも蝶のよう可憐に肩に止まる夜の中たとえ彷徨
12 2.ソー・グッド つでも気分は ROMANTIQUE It's too good to be true SO GOOD ... つでも気分は ROMANTIQUE It's too good to be true SO GOO
13 5.ANTIQUE JUJU-YOU5.ANTIQUE作詞上江洌清作(MONGOL800)作曲上江洌清作(MONGOL800)月日は巡る光のように瞬きをする間に景色も變わる映畫のように瞬きをする間に瞬き
14 12.ANTIQUE JuJu-親愛的(YOU)12.ANTIQUE月日は巡る光のように瞬きをする間に景色も変わる映画のように瞬きをする間に瞬きをする間に...他愛もない事で笑い些細な事でぶつかり合う好きと嫌いが交差
15 1.波紋の空に還る朝 Asriel-AntiQue ~2nd collection~1.波紋の空に還る朝作詞 KOKOMI(Asriel)作曲黒瀬圭亮鮮やかな色をしたドレスを身に纏って駆け上
16 2.死神の嘲笑 Asriel-AntiQue ~2nd collection~2.死神の嘲笑作詞 KOKOMI(Asriel)作曲黒瀬圭亮つまらない世界だと貴方もお思いでしょうあぁこん
17 3.星空舞散るあの夜に… Asriel-AntiQue ~2nd collection~3.星空舞散るあの夜に…作詞 KOKOMI(Asriel)作曲黒瀬圭亮硝子細工みたいに壊れた音が胸響く記憶
18 4.宵闇の焔に焼かれて… Asriel-AntiQue ~2nd collection~4.宵闇の焔に焼かれて…作詞 KOKOMI(Asriel)作曲黒瀬圭亮紅い月ゆらゆら唄う子守唄銀の龍の羽が
19 5.Al Phobis Asriel-AntiQue ~2nd collection~5.Al Phobis作詞 KOKOMI(Asriel)作曲黒瀬圭亮美しい薔薇の香芳しきこの月夜に秘めし物
20 6.nocturne Asriel-AntiQue ~2nd collection~6.nocturne作詞 KOKOMI(Asriel)作曲黒瀬圭亮降り積もる雪消える足跡手を伸ばしても掴む

21 7.LABYRINTH Asriel-AntiQue ~2nd collection~7.LABYRINTH作詞 KOKOMI(Asriel)作曲黒瀬圭亮君がもし望むなら私は何度も生まれ変われ
22 13.Romantique66 the music!13.Romantique66作詞 ROCKETMAN作曲 ROCKETMAN永遠なんて知らない嘘もカンタンに話してる雨の午後流れて321でキスをしてるデッドエンドなふたりの
23 1.螺旋回廊 Asriel-AntiQue~INDIES BEST SELECTION~1.螺旋回廊作詞 KOKOMI作曲黒瀬圭亮さぁ踊りましょう嘆きの王子様あぁいいですよ蒼い目の姫
24 2.ラピスラズリの幻想曲 Asriel-AntiQue~INDIES BEST SELECTION~2.ラピスラズリの幻想曲作詞 K&K(黒瀬圭亮・KOKOMI)作曲黒瀬圭亮朝焼けに背を向けて私
25 3.ゲルゲの舞踏 Asriel-AntiQue~INDIES BEST SELECTION~3.ゲルゲの舞踏作詞 KOKOMI作曲黒瀬圭亮言い訳染みた夢に溺れ見せ掛けの情に媚びる(憐れね
26 4.赫い涙の旋律は流れ Asriel-AntiQue~INDIES BEST SELECTION~4.赫い涙の旋律は流れ作詞 KOKOMI作曲黒瀬圭亮「あたしが大事」だと皆思っているから上手く
27 5.Eclipse~月食の遊戯~ Asriel-AntiQue~INDIES BEST SELECTION~5.Eclipse~月食の遊戯~作詞梨瑚作曲黒瀬圭亮溶けてく甘すぎる闇私を招くのとろける蜜抗え
28 6.Moon Light Tears Asriel-AntiQue~INDIES BEST SELECTION~6.Moon Light Tears作詞 KOKOMI作曲黒瀬圭亮こんなことがあろうか目を疑う
29 7.Judgment Asriel-AntiQue~INDIES BEST SELECTION~7.Judgment作詞 KOKOMI作曲黒瀬圭亮繰り返す殺(あや)かし祈りの露が頬を流れ M
30 22.ヴェニスの夏の日 love. The antique shop where we'd stop For the souvenir The bridge the boats below the blue above I dream all the winter long Of mandolins tha ... mertime deep in my heart. The antique shop where we'd stop For the so
31 3.Might Lovers ka nai shuumatsu wa ANTIQUE no SPOON wo Kanojo wa kiyou ni migaiteru Ichi DAASU no ROCKET wo miokutte Pik
32 2.Get It On Now que Mélancolique Romantique Classique Et sans le savoir. Sans le vouloir Communiquent. Magique. L'Afrique
33 18.イツマデモドコマデモほっ? version 出しましょう心うるおすその笑顔秋のRomantiqueたのしいクリスマス誰もが夢をみる恋のPassage一直線にはいかない夢の行方このときめきをいつまでもひとつ山超えまた海越えてぱーっと心もLOVE LOVEふ
34 20.Antique(Version4.1) ION20.Antique(Version4.1)作詞西脇唯作曲西脇唯「見返り美人」 ... カフェさえ知ってる Antique思い出だけ食べてるかも Antique10年でも待ってるかも Antiqueなつかしさはどこへ行くのねえ時の行くままに…今さら何を言っても「今 ... 「愛情」へ飛んでく Antique心の中ふえてゆくの Antique鈍い色に光る恋が Antiqueだけどいつかきれいになるそう時に
35 1.Antique(Version1.1) TION1.Antique(Version1.1)作詞西脇唯作曲西脇唯「見返り美人」 ... カフェさえ知ってる Antique思い出だけ食べてるかも Antique10年でも待ってるかも Antiqueなつかしさはどこへ行くのねえ時の行くままに…今さら何を言っても「今 ... 「愛情」へ飛んでく Antique心の中ふえてゆくの Antique鈍い色に光る恋が Antiqueだけどいつかきれいになるそう時に
36 7.Antique sona7.Antique作詞 Mari Hamada作曲 Takashi Masu ... が奏でる切ない調べはAntique遠い昔の恋熱すぎた情熱心を見つめるだけの時間(とき)を下さい人は誰 ... がいにしえをさまようAntiqueいつでもそばにある優しさでなくていい再びすれ違わぬ明日ならば人は
37 3.Antique Clock very3.Antique Clock作詞平松愛理作曲平松愛理あなたに似た人息が止ま ... まるで店の隅にある Antique Clock時間を飛び越そうとしたけどふりこは戻ってくるのよ心の時 ... まるで店の隅にある Antique Clock時間を飛び越そうとしたけどふりこは戻ってくるのよ心の
38 4.Antique 唯-暫存4.Antique作詞西脇唯作曲西脇唯「見返り美人」のように見返すときが来る ... カフェさえ知ってる Antique思い出だけ食べてるかも Antique10年でも待ってるかも Antiqueなつかしさはどこへ行くのねえ時の行くままに…今さら何を言っても「今 ... 「愛情」へ飛んでく Antique心の中ふえてゆくの Antique鈍い色に光る恋が Antiqueだけどいつか
39 30.イツマデモドコマデモ 出しましょう心うるおすその笑顔秋のRomantiqueたのしいクリスマス誰もが夢をみる恋のPassage一直線にはいかない夢の行方このときめきをいつまでもひとつ山超えまた海越えてぱーっと心もLOVE LOVEふ
40 2.DEREAM CATCHER けの正体は不気味なmachine寂れた antique shopに1つだけ残ってるっていつか手に入れたい想いを寄せる彼と夢の国でいいから散歩して、花摘んで、手を繋げたら!!夢でならきっと伝えるたかが夢なんだけど
41 1.LOVE ANTIQUE 高橋洋子-暫存1.LOVE ANTIQUE作詞 Mamie D.Lee作曲大森俊之 I am just about to forget you. Once there was summer
42 5.romantique 北原沙弥香-暫存5.romantique亀鶴城メアリ(北原沙弥香)作詞桜アス恵(TRYTONELABO)作曲 LUCAS(TRYTONELABO)窓を開けて背伸びして朝の光が眩しいですのオ
43 13.antique memory -暫存13.antique memoryブラウン・ベス(八代拓)、シャルルヴィル(立 ... もと巡り合い集えば antique memoryいつまで
44 5.Vintage th care like you're antique Been a year since we finished Baby me and you we vintage but tonight you make
45 1.Name For You- Flipped me Somebody with an antique notion Comes along to tighten the line They're just afraid of you speaking yo

46 2.Chili Lemon Peanuts Three gas lamps two antique and the other faux And I'm out here and it feels good(In this moment) In this
47 4.The Highway Song by Epiphone and an antique ice pick bought at an Alameda flea market. No other weapons were found in the
48 11.Salgamos FM Dayme El High Romantiqueo también hay Yo soy Maluma baby Mr. KR Kevin Roldán Andy Rivera Kapital Music
49 6.Name for You me Somebody with an antique notion Comes along to tighten the line They're just afraid of you speaking yo
50 12.A Lost Machine canyon land[Verse3] Antique photos of celebrities Samsung black-and-white fade-away qualities Every woman
51 13.Songbird Son canyon land[Verse3] Antique photos of celebrities Samsung black-and-white fade-away qualities Every woman
52 7.Cant Complain like Kobe and Lamar Antique in a museum you better to dust you said it? Adjust Typical Connecticut stuff
53 3.Kurt Cobain Remix(FeatJoe Lucazz et Dixon) îne au fond de l'AtlantiqueJ't'apprends rien que tchi plus pourri qu'un flic? Deux flics aigle de nuitÉte
54 29.Je T'Aime A I M E écris c'est plus romantique Comme un amant du temps jadis Sur un papier couleur de lysÀ l'encre bleue et
55 13.Nosed Up bargain astonishin' antiques in this modern way of livin' So tight and not a half size forgivin' you taki
56 12.Atlantique Sud M83-Junk12.Atlantique Sud feat. Mai Lan[Verse1:Anthony Gonzalez] Sans moteur Comment veux-tu qu
57 2.Open Season gy Did you find the antique needles? And the money in the ceiling? No need to thank me I left it where yo
58 1.Eidola r simulacris fictis antiques et futuris Omnia solent fieri Hoc tempore atque nunc et semper Fictis fallim
59 18.God Only Knows come through Mirror antique Not looking like you I don't work for you I don't do nothing for you I do it
60 2.Learning to Express(Or to Not Sing Praise) on Of miranda lefts Antiques repaired with wood glue Adherence to liberal crests Under and oval desk A pr
61 14.Ordinary People ople He was dealin' antiques in a hardware store But he sure had a lot to hide He had a back room full of
62 35.MARS(feat. Cormega Roc Marciano Saigon) eses sample cheeses Antique hammer squeezing My grammar like ham shit is seasoned Bitches from Greek to P
63 10.She Belongs to Me r You are a walking antique Bow down to her on Sunday Salute her when her birthday comes Bow down to her
64 1.Me Voy Enamorando(Remix)[feat. Farruko] amorando los del romantiqueo wooo ooh ooooh Me voy me voy enamorando Wooo ooh ooooh chino chino y nacho m
65 1.Me Voy Enamorando rando... Los del romantiqueo Me voy me voy enamorando Chino y Nacho Master Sellers Farruko Tainy Apenas n
66 8.T.R.W. des Five-Timers romantiques au rabaisJe veux pas de tes mauvaises Contrefaçons de sentiments Il me faut
67 7.I Love You to Death s weak You're so romantique You're such a charmer You're such a charmer You're out of time You're gonna l
68 6.Attack Of The Clones now Look an old man antique for sure Clones that's prone to forsake the truth They imitate snakes Reptili
69 3.Defy Gravity The Parlotones-Antiques and Artefacts3.Defy Gravity(spoken) Elphaba- why couldn't you have j
70 2.Xiu Xiu Twin Peaks Ambien Aa es there with thine antique pen; Him in thy course untainted do allow For beauty's pattern to succeeding
71 15.Content Nausea a letter Being lost antique ritual All lost to the ceremony of progress Like the sensual organs removed T
72 5.When Your Colours Go be less. We're only antique blooms on an unmade bed. Oh when your colours go when your colours go I won't
73 9.Petrichor ter wheat antique Superimposing oceans The day is done Still roadkill signposts Southern in your sigh Low I get alone And suddenly all my thou ... he flowers speak winter wheat antique Superimposing oceans The day is
74 9.Oublier Waterloo st physique C'est quantique Ces miroirs nous gardent en vieÉvidement RalentisJ'ai mentiJ'aime l'ordre et
75 4.I Believe in a Thing Called Love Scott Bradlee-Emoji Antique4.I Believe in a Thing Called Love Can't explain all the feelings that
76 5.Creep Scott Bradlee-Emoji Antique5.Creep When you were here before Couldn't look you in the eye You're
77 13.She Sang Hymns Out Of Tune ttered away The old antique caretaker's children at play Early this morning she passed away Passed to the
78 22.No Man's Land of his Of his funky antique He got300 pillows and400 chairs He's counting his clocks Can you hear them ti
79 3.Esuna ft. Nick Arthur o make this meaning antique We'd live so mirthfully You would forsake those who show no harm And abnegate
80 7.Crown up toward the wind antique I smirk I speak You are a little child you're just a little child But I need
81 1.Handy all your pipes are antique Your water pressure's too weak You got an attic full of dry rot Because your
82 8.Synthetic World es are made of wood Antiques are what you've got inside. Houses are paper but folks don't hear a word you
83 13.Confidence(Featuring Collie Buddz) Things that go slow Antiques and such So you know what I know I'm an old soul That's the way I like to go
84 3.What a Night il I'm an antique We gonna drink and party make love make money Doing things I'll forget but I'll never regret Oh what a night da da da da da ... hard all week so until I'm an antique We gonna drink and party make love make money Doing things I'll forget but I'll never regret Oh what a night da da da da da ... hard all week so until I'm an antique We gonna drink and party make l
85 16.All About The Paper nk away man it's an antique Your laptop is a month old well that's great If you could use a nice heavy pa
86 8.Le Pain La lune de miel romantique sur les plages de Tahiti(oh oui!) La baraque avec jardin garage piscine terra
87 8.J'Ai Faim les d'eau de forêts antiques De cris de naissance Et de bruit dans le silence Tu sais j'ai faim de tou
88 5.Giuseppee tch[?]nigga lookin' antiqueJust counted out another million that's a cool week[Hook][Verse3:Jeezy] I see
89 9.Hella Fresh Unique when I speak antique Bringing that heat to the meat What a feat when you got no way to hit the str
90 10.When I'm Older ar me dummy? I'm an antique start bidding. The other pensioners look at me funny. Cause they know I know
91 2.Content Nausea a letter Being lost antique ritual All lost to the ceremony of progress Like the sensual organs removed T
92 11.Redeem(feat. Lee Green) tations trashed his antiques passed a parade a pageant of his graces Epistles of bone believe his blood i
93 6.4 A.M. n folk broke At the antique roadshow Can't breathe right In his nose it bleeds In his wing they singing r
94 1.10 Gs(Remix) Feat. Birdman& Gunplay I really am Buyin' antiques foreign lamps Passport stamps on every page Old head paper like Zig-Zags bit
95 3.Set It Off 7 tray can of paint antique tags Fuck it I'mma pull off my new shit Move son hit there with some blonde b
96 2.10 G's Feat. Birdman& Curren$y I really am Buyin' antiques foreign lamps Passport stamps on every page Old head paper like Zig-Zags bit
97 10.Inanimate Sensation ke on tour concrète antique trapdoor twenty-four spots to get that get right when i gotta get right some
98 3.Wired Opposites pposites(Chorus Antique satellite solitude Cyborg sentient molecules After it purges its bowels into
99 2.Gimme A Chance a trigga Constructs antiques and a wife beater Look at those six packs on a nigga and He got big hands bi
100 7.Lunatic approach it like an antique This rap singing is a plan b so speak sense You reject prefect with a concent

最多只能顯示前 100 項,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】