
關於 be + patient + 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.Sabotage t want to be wrong我不想犯錯 Was only last week才過去了一週 Y ... e你說你愛我 Maybe one day you could still reciprocate或許有一天你仍然能回應我的愛 And stop playing around with me停止與我玩弄 Talking about lately these days最近你總是談論這些事 ... days最近你總是談論這些事情 You make me impatient babe你讓我不耐煩寶貝 You're pulling on my heart w
2 1.奇蹟時刻 線就能牽動星球離開(Patient)如果要找回自己線索在九霄雲外無論要去多遠的宇宙 here we ... 可意會 Don't be afraid打出一個響指揭示原委 Let's play變幾束玫瑰讓他們讚
3 7.EVERYDAY is gonna be great.他說一切都會變好 Everything fake is goin ... 切都會變好 Everything fake is goin be oneday faded.一切虛偽站不住腳 Lift me up whenever I can「t make it.當我無法面對時站在我的身後 Make way for the future my mind painted.幫我塑造我腦海中的未來 Bring ... d.幫我塑造我腦海中的未來 Bring the light be the salt for the world I'm patient.成為這世上的鹽和光我很耐心 About to digging i ... 的路
4 5.R U Ready 才能實現 Oh babe babe It's kinda sad原地失去patient站在鏡子前(Who I am?) I'm gonna figure ... 已的面罩別思考 babe你不要吵 I feel good來自內心的傳導聽見所有祈禱求之不得換個角色心 ... 已的面罩別思考 babe你不要吵偶爾會迷路那些目光都不重要他們都只是太無聊 Ba ... 們都只是太無聊 Babe只需要一次就好 We need to dance Don't ... 需要一次就好 We need to dance Don't be
5 1.蜜蜂愛上花 窗外傳來那聲下課鐘 Patiently waiting for the bell to ring from the other side of the glass四捨五入捨不完我的寂寞 My loneliness can not ... 捨不完我的寂寞 My loneliness can not be rounded up or down科幻小說結局不只有一種 Sci-fi doesn't only have one ending你在的時空多了我七秒鐘 You are seven seconds ahead of me每天期待你坐在我單車後座 Everyd ... r我愛你就像蜜蜂愛上花 I love you like a bee loves a flow

6 2.Phantom st little patient to explain I'll be your hero being grea
7 4.Better Way MODE4.Better Way作詞王鍾惟作曲王鍾惟、劉書愷 No ... 鍾惟、劉書愷 No Better way(沒有更好的方式了) Fell from foul no ... y(沒有更好的方式了) Fell from foul no better way(沒有比被犯規而跌倒更好的方式了) Started from the bottom no ... 了) Started from the bottom no better way(沒有比從零開始更好的方式了) Taking Ls no ... y(沒有比從零開始更好的方式了) Taking Ls no better way(沒有
8 1.Just A Fool Baby i've been here waiting for you寶貝我一直在這裡等你 Think you're the one我想你就是那個唯一 There's nothing that i wouldn't do為了你我什麼都願意 I know that it's stran ... this alone我不能就這樣走掉 This must be love想必這就是愛了 Or i'm just a fool又或者我只是個傻瓜 I've traveled over the mountains我翻山越嶺 Sailed cross the sea我遊歷大海 Nothing else seems to com ... a lot of people make me this patient我不
9 1.I DO ase don't be impatientJust tell me you'll be waiting Cause you know that I won't
10 1.Just A Fool Baby i've been here waiting for you寶貝我一直在這裡等你 Think you're the one我想你就是那個唯一 There's nothing that i wouldn't do為了你我什麼都願意 I know that it's stran ... this alone我不能就這樣走掉 This must be love想必這就是愛了 Or i'm just a fool又或者我只是個傻瓜 I've traveled over the mountains我翻山越嶺 Sailed cross the sea我遊歷大海 Nothing else seems to com ... a lot of people make me this patient我不
11 10.Possible rap away been a minute since I put my pen and pad away And write with the instincts of me back in7th grade Obsessed totally infatuated with h ... yone like oh shit And that'll be tight Cuz all y'all feeling like family tonight Yeah wouldn't that ... ly tonight Yeah wouldn't that be nice All y'all feeling like family tonight(Break) you know im just a call away And you know imma ... a call away And you know imma be there for you fuck what everybody say Cuz you just gott
12 1.Possible rap away Been a minute since I put my pen and pad away And write with the instincts of me back in7th grade Obsessed totally infatuated with h ... yone like oh shit And that'll be tight Cuz all y'all feeling like family tonight Yeah wouldn't that ... ly tonight Yeah wouldn't that be nice All y'all feeling like family tonight(Break) You know im just a call away And you know imma ... a call away And you know imma be there for you Fuck what everybody say Cuz you just gott
13 1.Fight On still to be completed)不要接受命運嘅綑綁不會落下淚滴再枯乾不畏每日泥濘裡造訪衝開四方走到夜幕月下望遠方走向落敗現實亦要闖走過墮落道路更康莊天空海闊更廣失意中、悲痛中驟然累透得到的、失去的祈求沒有錯過了每個訴求肩並肩、手挽手未曾內疚跟我走、的借口何來罕有跌過痛過 ... rt bleeds out Until then I'll be patient I'll stay where I am I will kee
14 2.樣子是你的影子(詹宇庭&周穆) 己 you gon be patient生命它不知不覺間會自己找到出口不同的面孔有一樣的寂寞相視的你和我
15 2.I Love You More(than adore) no remedy Patient of an allergy Frienemy take me as a colony Anything you say I will ... olony Anything you say I will believe my queen Spending nights alone would you ... ending nights alone would you be afraid? Are you flying away in the h
16 1.B for Busy愛情神話 r candies Patiently waiting as I shall be I'm just to wait and see Here there'
17 1.陽光BOY by let me be your陽光boy shining everywhere I'm your陽光boy帶上妳在一起 on vacation follow me照亮妳 no hesitation陪著妳哭與笑能當妳最可靠是我的夢有了妳淌著血的傷口從此後不再疼痛會為了妳笑得更燦爛愛 ... ight嫦娥要回到我懷裡 baby baby let me be your陽光boy shining everywhere I'm your陽光boy帶上妳在一起 on vacation follow me照亮妳 no hesitation Shining you Don't want my love in vainJus ... No doubt I'm not ins
18 1.Rich e I wanna be rich Buy what I like Girl you can do whatever you like baby不需要再感慨 Don't need to care about what's the price on it I can achieve t ... ation But we need to get more patient Get rich get rich All I wanna do is get rich get rich I only do things that make money靠我自己賺不從家裡這樣才夠 cool看看我的 move Got the ca ... e I got my plan Cause I wanna be rich Buy what I like Girl you can do whatever you like baby不需要再感慨 Don't need
19 3.A New Day 允謙作曲馮允謙JNYBeatz編曲JNYBeatz周錫漢馮允謙監製周錫漢烏鴉那聲音如伴隨一切晃震燈光已消失而面前一片灰暗終點竟這麼的近安穩的家轉眼失陷一呼再一吸重蹈求生那路向終於到出口而大門都已鎖上可想到轉身一看可找到一扇未閉的窗仍能攀上世界如混沌了等於開展新氣象末世中尚有窗連繫著新的境界不曾遇上 Oh ... faith gotta create you gotta be patient Oh! Don't (
20 6.Runnin Merindu -Superstrobe6.Runnin Merindu作詞 Shelhiel NYK Airliftz作曲 Shelhiel Verse(Shelhiel) Kamu bagai bunga ... se(Shelhiel) Kamu bagai bunga berkuntum menjelang pada musim luruh yang terindah Kamu bagai embun yang tercantik pada waktu senja yang semakin menghilang Hidupku ... to you All I want to do is to be with you Verse(Airlftz) Got me looking at the skies and I'm trying find the burning star just what you are but you already long g ... ll around times You were mine

21 1.A New Day 允謙作曲馮允謙JNYBeatz編曲JNYBeatz周錫漢馮允謙監製周錫漢烏鴉那聲音如伴隨一切晃震燈光已消失而面前一片灰暗終點竟這麼的近安穩的家轉眼失陷一呼再一吸重蹈求生那路向終於到出口而大門都已鎖上可想到轉身一看可找到一扇未閉的窗仍能攀上世界如混沌了等於開展新氣象末世中尚有窗連繫著新的境界不曾遇上 Oh ... faith gotta create you gotta be patient Oh! Don't (
22 1.Pay Day 冇諗過放棄Just be patient錢係我motivation夠高企起身機會嚟喇飛雲我嘅岀身由我改造
23 4.Talk Less and Feel More(feat. AUGUST08 Barney Bones& Psy.P) we lay in bed for days Don't press your luck asking for love I got a ... luck asking for love I got a patient taste Man of your dreams don't concern me You got to stop overthinking ... You got to stop overthinking Be wise that why I'm saying Talk less if you feel more Talk less if you feel more Can't call it You're open then you're closed Woah ... me know me love me You wanna be me I wanna be you too We stay on the比福利山上最頂部多希望時間此
24 1.Like Clouds浮雲 eone as impatient as you has a lot to say does the person you love tell you: save it for another day when too many doubts seem to get in your ... just move like clouds and it be all Okay Love is just like clouds Ti
25 1.TheJoy of Sorrow raving to be found We're all hurting we're all wounded We're all awake but unaware Learning the joy of sorrow We're all pure we're all blended ... d we're all perfect We're all patiently impatient Waiting for the joy of sorrow We all learn more from pain We all smile while tears sneak in We all grin even though the worl ... 're happy yet oddly find it unbearable We're all young we're all matu
26 1.FIRE ALARM ah編曲 DBRT beats I walk on the street see all the bad dumb pricks走在街上看著這些蠢貨們 They hit the road jumping on their leather seats他們行駛在路上在皮座椅上跳來跳去 W ... 女孩們 Alright stop it we try to be positive好了停下我們盡量積極點 I wont burn their asses ... 盡量積極點 I wont burn their asses becuz they're trappers uhh我不會因為他們是trapper就燒了他們的屁股 I already set my perfect trap to wrap them u
27 1.What Is Love? s love is patient love is kind We need love We all need love It always trusts and protects It's our guide.係現代既世界成日都講愛講愛既程度容易過食生菜港式情歌勁到五十年不改離離合 ... o love? The Lord says love is patient love is kind We need love We all need love It always trusts and protects It's our guide.乜人先值得接受愛點樣先叫可愛留髮定係留海以貌取人太不該外表點解可以公審評 ... o love? The Lord says love is
28 5.Hard To See Where To Go hey could be full有些人對生活充滿困惑他們只是想吃飽飯、不挨餓 Others take what they can't use而其他人採用他們不能使用的東西 What will it cost? For people to wake up end ... st? For people to wake up end beef with their neighbor and become a beacon of truth這會付出什麼代價?讓人們醒來結束與鄰居的抱怨成為真理的燈塔 Peaceful life for every youth!我們需要每個年輕人都過上和平的生活! Many voi
29 3.C.M.B.D a psycho patient我是一個神經病我是神經病病人 to ... 是神經病病人 to be honest rap the drug in lyric testing me patience說真的在歌詞裡唱毒品是我的底線 but only CMBD get the youngest attention但是只有CMBD能夠吸引都年青人的註意力 what ... BD能夠吸引都年青人的註意力 what the world became like that i can't imagine這個世界是怎麽
30 4.Stressed Out ver do maybe some day Thought it was Sunday but what the hell? It's monday I'm gonna get to work late hope my boss don't fire me But if he doe ... at the end of my rope fender-benders and notes I think I need a shrink can't afford one though I'm'bout to lose control and then I'm putting a hole— you know wha ... sh I'm supposed to do then maybe I can make some time and I can talk to you Stop coming around when I need to calm down'cause you're not helping me out UGH If I s ..
31 4.I Am An Ordinary Man(Live) thinks is best for himJust an ordinary man But let a woman in your life And your serenity is through She'll redecorate your home from the cell ... hose anxious little hands I'd be equally as willing for a dentist to be drilling Than to ever let a woman in my life I'm a very gentle man Even-tempered and good-natured Who you never hear complain Who ... by the quart in every vein A patient man am I down to my fingertips The sort who never would never could Let an insulting
32 1.上帝叫我做既 pposed to be clear It's sometimes we decide to ignore and to pretend we don't hear Yes Our sin and our guilt are damaging our lives it's like ... iveness to transform your own believers Grant us strength grant us love To glorify your name Hypocrite self-centered O it's just a shame Looking for Recognition T ... hat's not the right intention Be humble Be Patient Don't fall in those Temptation上
33 1.說唱詩人 with huge beat深不見底的詩歌我伴隨著厚重的鼓點來誦讀 My rap poetry could ... 著厚重的鼓點來誦讀 My rap poetry could be the tough defence我的說唱詩歌可以成為一種強悍的防禦 up against whoever is much intend to ruin the lyrical fabular truth來抵禦那些想要毀滅詩意的寓言式真理傑作的惡徒 my f ... Formula One race i left them behind Eight laps就像在一級方程式賽車中將對手甩出八圈 When the door open
34 9.Scent Of A Flower flower maybe thats where you got your name I sensed your prowess way ... ame I sensed your prowess way before I looked upon your face Baby I could see your misery I could feel your pain Lay your head against my chest again and everythi ... est again and everything will be ok Emotion's like a waterfall it always rains Sink into the ocean of my heart I'll wash your tears away I want to hold you in my ... u in my loving embrace You've been drinking steadily at least a cou
35 7.I'll Be Better br>7.I'll Be Better作詞 Tomo GÖ作曲 Tomo GÖ編曲 Tomo GÖ Give Me Give Me Give Me Give Me One More Chance I'll ... Give Me One More Chance I'll Be Better I'll Be Better I'll Be Better Give Me Give Me Give Me Give Me One More Chance I'll ... Give Me One More Chance I'll Be Better I'll Be Better I'll Be Better Sometimes I Have To Make A Lie I Don't Want To See You Crying Everyday Is Sunny One Day Co
36 9.惡之花 hemin bourbeux croyant par de vils pleurs laver to ... 道它何時何地被種下 Be patient Be nice Be gorgeous And fight Be patient Be nice Be gorgeous And figh
37 1.惡之花 hemin bourbeux croyant par de vils pleurs laver to ... 道它何時何地被種下 Be patient Be nice Be gorgeous And fight Be patient Be nice Be gorgeous And figh
38 3.S. W. A. G(Saved With Amazing Grace) high and be free yeah這些話只能被默默藏在心裡反正說出來也沒人會用心聽想著想著 ... 力量 You'll be there for me when I feel down so patient with me你恩典 fill my cup釘十架死裡復活 i
39 6.無所不歡(feat. Hazza) 惱 say Goodbey別嫌我囉嗦有話對你說要做個歇斯底里的野獸別墮落有勇氣跟我煩事拋腦後握緊麥克 ... 惱 say Goodbey揮霍自娛自樂更像我與其自作自受更好過 ... 與其自作自受更好過 Be yourself don't let anybody else tell you who you should ... else tell you who you should be it's your life and your time to shine is coming so wait ... me to shine is coming so wait patiently you're the star of this stage and tha
40 15.Hallelujah what I've become what's that? A grateful man With a precious wife and son wasn't even21 My future signed and sealed by24 lost it all First was ... simply sharin' all That I've been through You know I don't like To call you a fan This can bring a Grown man to tears I mean the fact that some of ya'll have ... fact that some of ya'll have been riding with me for More than10 years I know one thing for sure And two things for certain everything went up in flames I came o ... ed
41 8.Lifetimes(feat. Bryan King) if I was patient and dedicated to meditation and then I woke up lit me a little smoke up The'Jack Herer' no hurry i took a slow puff and then ... idian energies you know the vibe right? first your heartbeat is clear as mirror you hear every pause but there's no separation at all Feeling the layers of reality peel and realizing the e ... our perception of real'Still' becomes something more fluid like Time is a quantum mechanism exclusively included in the realm we are pe
42 8.First Time y love is patient. They say love is kind. They say love is a mystery. That can't ... love is a mystery. That can't be defined. They say love can hurt you. One heart at a time. They say love comes just once. And I'm finding mine. Everyone seems to ... never again. They say love is patient. They say love is kind. They say love is a mystery. That can't ... love is a mystery. That can't be defined. They say love is patient. They say love is kind. They sa
43 5.Post Patient 梁曉雪-I'll Be There 在你身邊5.Post Patient作詞梁曉雪作曲梁曉雪 tell me u wana gi
44 6.Better 建豪-V6.Better作詞 Bruno MarsJustin Michael作曲 Bruno MarsJustin Michael I know you're lonely ba ... ichael I know you're lonely babe waiting till I get home girl. I'm working so hard night and day baby I promise we're gonna ... ay baby I promise we're gonna be ok. I know you're sad and I know you're alone but there's something I want you to know. Even though I can't ... to know. Even though I can't be with you all of the time not a second goes by when y
45 14.C'mon ike I was better off making up computer designs A doctor a lawyer or anything that's using my mind When I used to rap I usually got refused an ... ferent note Not rappers but labels same ocean but a different boat Them CEOs must ... different boat Them CEOs must be sniffin' coke Don't they know that I'm the dopest product on either coast? They tried to drown me but I stayed afloat Here's a ve ... tta say this I know that it's been debated I'm a gimmick they created C'MO

46 14.C'mon ike I was better off making up computer designs A doctor a lawyer or anything that's using my mind When I used to rap I usually got refused an ... ferent note Not rappers but labels same ocean but a different boat Them CEOs must ... different boat Them CEOs must be sniffin' coke Don't they know that I'm the dopest product on either coast? They tried to drown me but I stayed afloat Here's a ve ... tta say this I know that it's been debated I'm a gimmick they created C'MO
47 10.Friday Night just the beat2 go sqampled off a record just to let U know I'm feelin' alright cuz tonight's the right.10 o'clock it's time to get up Take a ... p to the top911 ecstasy can't be topped So the girls call up my cell'r phone'Bleep...Bleep...' I pick it up and say'Yo! What's up?' It's Coco all alone at home Oh ... up KK Mimi Wawa Kiki waiting patiently just4 a bang We all do the group thang; It's second ... the group thang; It's second best to nothang Only on thing stil
48 3.熱量 切只是忙忙碌碌瘋狂 Be Patient流點汗來點健康 Be Patient別把煩惱掛在臉上 Be Patient熱了就找地方涼 Be Patient不要沒事找事忙密密麻麻的熱量沸騰一百度的燙你不要太恐慌夏天到處都
49 11.熱量 切只是忙忙碌碌瘋狂 BE PATIENT流點汗來點健康 BE PATIENT別把煩燥掛在臉上 BE PATIENT熱了就找地方涼 BE PATIENT不要沒事找事忙密密麻麻的熱量沸騰一百度的燙你不用太恐慌夏天到處都
50 2.愛不要給太多 e waiting patiently Daddy's home Daddy[s home to stay How I waited for this moment to ... w I waited for this moment to be by your side Your best friends around and told me you had
51 10.MY LOVE ow you're been hurt*If I stay being together you know the days won't be better All we've got is love but that is never enough So I have to leave you now I've got to go baby I've got to leave you alone for ... e for love* My love won't you be patient thinking of me and being stronger Oh love I'll be back again Will you still be there My love we used to be dreamers Now you know that's no good for us Oh love ther's a world out there And I
53 5.Daddy's home r waiting patiently Daddy's home your daddy's home to stay How I've waited for this moment To ... 've waited for this moment To be by your side Your best friend wrote and told me You had teardrops in your eyes Daddy's home your daddy's home to stay It wasn't on a sunday(monday and ... 've waited for this moment To be by your side Your best friend wrote and told me You had teardrops in your eyes Daddy's home your daddy's home to stay Daddy's home to stay I'm not a
54 7.MAKE BELIEVE br>7.MAKE BELIEVE LyricsJohn Bateson Music劉以達 Arranger山崎稔 We've had our ups and down right from the start I know you're bothered by an ach ... the way I feel in my heart Maybe what we need is a place to dream away Troubles that upset you and me Let's make ... t upset you and me Let's make believe we're in love again Forget the world around us and its pain Let's make ... nd us and its pain Let's make believe we're in love again Together we can find love
55 3.Make believe br>3.Make believe作詞John Bateson作曲劉以達編曲山崎稔 We've had our ups and down right from the start I know you're bothered by an aching heart Though ... the way I feel in my heart Maybe what we need is a place to dream away Troubles that upset you and me Let's make ... t upset you and me Let's make believe we're in love again Forget the world around us and its pain Let's make ... nd us and its pain Let's make believe we're in love again Together we ca
56 3.Daddy's Home(Louie Castro) e Waiting Patiently. Daddy's Home Your Daddy's Home To Stay. How I've Waited For This Moment To ... 've Waited For This Moment To Be By Your Side. Your Best Friend Wrote And Told Me. You Had Teardrop In Your Eyes. Daddy's Home Your Daddy's Home To Stay. It Wasn't On A Sunday Monday A ... 've Waited For This Moment To Be By Your Side. Your Best Friend Wrote And Told Me You Had T
57 1.蝸牛女孩 ll gettin better through what ever I get stronger stronger I've found ... stronger stronger I've found patients and the beat goes on I can live my life my heart gonna ... n live my life my heart gonna be my guide nothing's gonna hold up my mind yeah everything will ... my mind yeah everything will be all right爬過樹幹和枝條有我的烙印我順著樹根從枝幹爬到樹頂途徑盛
58 1.Comethru Bell玲惠-Comethru1.Comethru On your own一個人的時光不夠美好也沒關係 Now I'm shaking drinking all this coffee我微微顫抖著喝著咖啡度過時光 These last few we ... 過時光 These last few weeks have been exhausting這幾週我精疲力盡 I'm lost in my imagination迷失在美好的幻想中 And there's one thing that I need from you我只需要你做一件事 I might lose my mind ... 我努力勸自己意識到 It's alright to not be fine on
59 9.READY FOR LOVE Trey Campbell作曲 Malay TIA RAY Trey Campbell Cheers to my single life It's been a good four years Love me myself and I But is there someone here Someone to hold on a cold night I kinda miss what it feels lik ... love I'm ready for love I can be patient but Don't make me wait too long I can ... t make me wait too long I can be patient so Don't make me wait too long
60 8.One More Day might not be enough也許不夠 And it's hard這讓我很難耐 To wai ... ng up向遠望去 Because if all I know因為我只知道 Is we'll make it through我們一定能衝破屏障 Don't really know just how雖然陷入迷茫 But know what we'll do但我清楚要做什麼 We've ... an hour即便一分一秒在流逝 We've got to be a little patient我們應該多些耐心 To get what is ours這樣才能拿到屬於我們的東西 Got to give Give it one more day就
61 1.Climb High u have to be patient if you want to climb that mountain high You have to ... hat mountain high You have to be patient if you want to climb that mountain high high high high平地起高樓決定的事就去做跌倒了再站起來世界很快你是你徐行與深蹲帶你邂逅更多 You have to ... 界很快你是你徐行與深蹲帶你邂逅更多 You have to be patient if you wanna climb high你活在過去的失敗
62 1.CLIMB HIGH u have to be patient if you want to climb that mountain high You have to ... hat mountain high You have to be patient if you want to climb that mountain high high high high平地起高樓決定的事就去做跌倒了再站起來世界很快你是你徐行與深蹲帶你邂逅更多 You have to ... 界很快你是你徐行與深蹲帶你邂逅更多 You have to be patient if you wanna climb high你活在過去的失敗
63 10.Star gh Not to be shaked out by myself and others I'm not a fungible stock I hesitate a lot Gravity's pulling I cannot feeling myself And I just cr ... yself And I just cry a lot Me being pessimistic is cute as fuck When darkness devours It's the samo journey over this lonely planet Thought he might ... onely planet Thought he might be hating me a lot Can't resist all the sadness talk Blah blah blah blah Am I so broken? A sunny day's not a magical thing to me No ... na Fly throug
64 2.Take It Off ght might be the perfect time I took one shot two shots Gettin drunk The moment I've ... Gettin drunk The moment I've been waiting for It's time to kill all the lies So baby let's just take it off Take it off Love me Make it out I'll let you on the l ... the morning Take it off Might be the last chance till I lost you Maybe I will die when I lost you I'm so impatient When you touch my body Like it's not the first time Whatever you do I'll ... rst time Whatever y
65 1.情人的眼淚 wakaywakay as I remembered. Spring is in the air but why are there tears in my eyes The teacher always said: Every romantic story is the same Whether it' ... ountains and rivers as I remembered. Spring is in the air but why are there tears in my eyes ... hy are there tears in my eyes Be patient and wait for my future Mr. Righ
66 1.Eyes room can be again embraced by warmth You know someday bitter and sour are no longer cluttered In a carefree day you'll find the answer Now yo ... e blur Stretch your shoulders Be patient to search You can draw the path
67 6.Promise to Love You sson I've been up and down Trying all my life To be gentle And to do it right With almost everyone but me Always open like the ocean Giving others all my focus I forgot about My own ... rything's a mess I will do my best To make you feel safe I promise to love you ... el safe I promise to love you Better than any man(don't give in don't' give in) Ah~ It grew onto me Like a melody that I was singing(sweet low) And I couldn't hea ... e I ignored them until I fell Be
68 1.Little Love y came to believe All the way from outer space you chose me And now nothing else feels just as true As compared to falling for you ba ... compared to falling for you babe They all say I'm gonna miss how this feels Somersaults punches and kicks all too real All the headaches and emotions but you're g ... the damn time I realize It's because you're always on my mind On my mind Little love You give me a reason to do anything You give me a reason to not fear or hate ... lculate F
69 4.The Best 4.The Best作詞 Elli Chung作曲 Elli Chung They think that I'm a good kid But they're wrong I was just too afraid to make mistakes He thinks ... m down So now for once Let me be the one I never was Even though it might take several broken hearts'Cause we're all taught by the ... Cause we're all taught by the best yet only learned from the worst case There ain't no safety net for the show I'm gonna play There are rules to break in every st ... t we make our legend la
70 1.Unknown Future They remembered my name They accompany with me I trust someone'd get closer But more'd ... meone'd get closer But more'd betray me It's a fact Do u agree Let's raise a cup for our unknown future It's unforeseen but we ... future It's unforeseen but we believe we'll be stronger Time could turn us to be more gleeful To prove we're credible& braveful We now are friends We're playin' each other Will we ... re playin' each other Will we become hostile Will we t
71 5.People Out There ' me it s been too long Bangin' on my door Tellin' me oh they want more Go~a journey to where the magic grew Start-bright crystals are forming ... ning gold Everyday you should be patient for the damn pain People out there change me I've ... ople out there change me I've been had enough I m standing now The way out that mess Ending to ... e way out that mess Ending to be my new beginning A way out of that mess Let the future turn to stone Every time you sho
72 8.Don't Let Me Go(天空下 Demo) ow please be strongJust wait for me till I get home I'm working night and day I promise that we're gonna ... ay I promise that we're gonna be okay And I know you're down when you are all by yourself But you need to know baby there's nobody else And even though I can't ... else And even though I can't be right with you all of the time Not a minute goes by when you're not on my mind Cuz I know you're waiting I know you ... now you're waiting I know you believe in meJus
73 10.Pulang umah(It's been a long time that I left my hometown) Rela merantau hingga ku sanggup wujudkan asa(just for pursuing my dream) Walau ... for pursuing my dream) Walau berat dan rinduku sangat menggila(Even though It's ... gat menggila(Even though It's been a tough and full of homesickness) Kupaksakan saja tuk merasa ... s) Kupaksakan saja tuk merasa betah(I force myself to adjust to it) Hari-hari ... lf to adjust to it) Hari-hari berlalu ku mulai biasa(I go over
74 8.Before You Go 我喜歡你8.Before You Go作詞方玥、RJ作曲方玥、RJ It is time to take it easy Feed me more with those obvious excuses I'll pretend that I have accepted ... I can't say baby think again before you go baby hug me cause it feels too cold baby love me again ... s too cold baby love me again because you know I am still in love with you I am still in love with you I don't care how much I have given You just ignore I don't ... riven me crazy and used up my pa
75 11.歲月流聲 Just like before It's yesterday once more It's yesterday once more男 Wow wow yeah yeah I love you more than I can say I'll love you twice as mu ... away I fell in love with you before the second show Don't you remember you told me You loved me baby You said you'd ... loved me baby You said you'd be coming Back this way again baby Baby baby baby baby oh baby I love you I really do男 Do you know where you're going to Do you like ... minute Mr. Postman Wait Wait pa
76 3.Don't Make Me Wait For Love ell me to be patient But we can't let love slip away
77 1.紳士 I want to be the one you always can rely on Be the one to hold you through the night storm ... d you through the night storm be the gentleman That s you need no matter how long I ll fight until we re free find the freedom from the feet I want to honor who y ... rt but you grew strong We can be the perfect love song and watch the skys fall Wake up in the morning from the nights come And see the sunrise while I stand tall ... at I always could invision to be right
78 10.Skinny Love ld you to be patient And I told you to be fine And I told you to be balanced And I told you to be kind And in the morning I'll be with you But it will be a different kind And I'll be holding all the tickets And you'll be owning all the fines Come on skinny love what happened here Suckled on the hope in light brassiere My my my my my my my my Sullen ... n the split And I told you to be patient And I told you to be fine And I
79 10.Match Made In Heaven would you be mine I knew love wasn't a fairy tale but something about you made me feel That may ... bout you made me feel That maybe maybe... I could believe That we're a match made in heaven You're the one for whom I was destined I hope we're a match made in heaven Heaven for you ... finally came to know That maybe maybe we both could believe That we're a match made in heaven You're the one for whom I was destined I hope we're a match made in heaven
80 4.Milestone Moon ow You'll be in my arms Sitting patiently For your return When will I learn That soon Time will burn Wondering and pondering If I've ... ndering and pondering If I've been here before Or am I a new born Waiting to learn more I want to learn more Not long now You'll ... earn more Not long now You'll be in my arms With nothing but the brig
81 9.Forgiveness(英) er who'll be saved I know that you love me and You know I love you too Everybody's letting go but lord I found you(Rap) Love is ... lord I found you(Rap) Love is patient love is kind Your love just blows my mind I can't ... ve just blows my mind I can't begin to comprehend that you're my lover my ... ehend that you're my lover my best friend Even though I've turned my back on you through time and again How do you do it God how You keep forgivin and give Unfail ... e p
82 10.Check On It ou got to be patient i like my men patient more patience you take might get you in more places you can't ... you in more places you can't be abrasive has to know to pace it if i let you get up on it you gotta make a promise that you gone put it on me like no ones put it ... n talk but don't please i can be a tease but i really wanna please you ohh boy you looking like you like what you see won't you come over check up on it i'm gone ... le dance i'm a glance at
83 7.Saving all my love to resist being last on your list But no other man's gonna do So I'm saving all my love for you It's not very easy living all alone My friends ... down and cry Cause I'd rather be home feeling blue So I'm saving all my love for you You used to tell me we'd run away together Love gives you the right to ... r Love gives you the right to be free You said be patient just wait a little longer But that's just an old fantasy I've got to get ready just a few minutes more
84 12.Saving All My Love For You to resist being last on your list but no other mans gonna do so im saving all my love for you. its not very easy living all alone my friends t ... down and cry cause id rather be home feeling blue. so im savin all my love for you. you used to tell me wed run away together. love gives you the right to ... . love gives you the right to be free. you said be patient just wait a little longer. but thats just an old fantasy. ive got to get ready just a few minutes more
85 7.Ride(Feat. Trey Songz) nt you to be my ride or die while i go get this money i promise im get us out the hood baby(Trey Songz) Chorus even though im in the streets y ... cuz i ride or die girl we gon be good and if you ride or die we gon make it out this hood(Ace Hood) listen Baby look just ride with me swear that i got us mama on ... e you aint wit that drama you be my ride or die like bonnie imma play the clyde promise to move you out the hood into a bigger house that's why you never trip im ...
86 16.Ride Remix(Feat. Trey Songz Rick Ross&Juelz Santana) nt you to be my ride or die while i go get this money i promise im get us out the hood baby(Trey Songz) Chorus even though im in the streets y ... cuz i ride or die girl we gon be good and if you ride or die we gon make it out this hood(Ace Hood) listen Baby look just ride with me swear that i got us mama on ... e you aint wit that drama you be my ride or die like bonnie imma play the clyde promise to move you out the hood into a bigger house that's why you never trip im ...
87 1.I Didn't Know o do It's been a while since I last heard from you I didn't know didn't know what to sayJust told you that everything would ... old you that everything would be okay* Changed out of my heals and we went for a walk Towards a dark cafe for a quiet talk It's ... rk cafe for a quiet talk It's been a while and so much has happened So sorry to hear that you felt you've ... to hear that you felt you've been mistaken REPEAT*#Seemed you hoped to receive some advice On c
88 4.Hush chemistry between us. And I truly feel that you are the one I dream of. I wanna tell the whole world that you're mine(but I can't) Try to unde ... t tell nobody. I'm waiting so patiently wait for me baby. The very thought of you alone can drive me crazy. And I picture you the father of my baby I'm praying de ... praying desperately and I do believe. Chorus Hush now. Keep our love quiet– quiet(Don't say a word) It must stay on the low. And I know it ain't easy but nobody ..
89 21.Saving All My Love For You(2002Live原音版) to resist being last on your list But no other man's gonna do So I'm saving all my love for you It's not very easy Living all alone My friends ... down and cry Cause I'd rather be home feeling blue So I'm saving all my love for you You used to tell me We'd run away together Love gives you the right to ... r Love gives you the right to be free You said be patientJust wait a little longer But that's just an old fantasy I've got to get readyJust a few minutes more Go
90 9.Daddy's Home s Five Number 1 Hits]9.Daddy's Home電影[傑克森家族-美國夢]插曲 You're my love you're my angel You're the girl of my dreams I'd like to thank you F ... like to thank you For waiting patiently Daddy's home Your daddy's home to stay*How I've waited for this moment To ... 've waited for this moment To be by your side Your best friend wrote and told me You had teardrop in your eyes Daddy's Home Your daddy's home to stay It wasn't on a Sunday Monday and .
91 21.Don't Make Me Wait For Love ell me to be patient But we can't let love slip away
92 2.Daddy's home r waiting patiently Daddy's home Your daddy's home to stay How I've waited for this moment To ... 've waited for this moment To be by your side Your best friend wrote and told me You had teardrops in your eyes Daddy's home baby Your daddy's home to stay It wasn't on a Sunday Monda ... 've waited for this moment To be by your side Your best friend wrote and told me You had teardrops in your eyes Daddy's home baby Your daddy's home to stay I'm not a thousand miles a
93 2.Daddy's Home 陳美齡-THE BEST OF AGNES CHAN VOL.22.Daddy's Home Composer William MillerJames Sheppard You're My Love You're My Angel. You're The One ... To Thank You For The Waiting Patiently. Daddy's Home Your Daddy's Home To Stay. How I've Waited For This Moment To ... 've Waited For This Moment To Be By Your Side. Your Best Friend Wouldn't Tell Me You Had Teardrops In Your Eyes. Daddy's Home Your Daddy's Home To Stay. You've Hurt Me On A Sunday(Mond ... 've Waited For
94 1.Being Myself 徐仲薇-Being Myself1.Being Myself Music Ken Lim LyricsJulia Hsu Waking up to the cry of the ... u Waking up to the cry of the bell Got to get on the highway by nine Or get im ... the highway by nine Or get impatient and watch my time passing by When I'm off at the end of the day All my friends will always say I'm working too damm hard The ... Cos that's the only way I'll be happily Living the best to be#Being myself and no one else N
95 10.Don't Make Me Wait For Love ell me to be patient But we can't let love slip away
96 29.Daddy's Home e Waiting Patiently. Daddy's Home Your Daddy's Home To Stay. How I've Waited For This Moment To ... 've Waited For This Moment To Be By Your Side. Your Best Friend Wouldn't Tell Me You Had Teardrops In Your Eyes. Daddy's Home Your Daddy's Home To Stay. You've Hurt Me On A Sunday(Mond ... 've Waited For This Moment To Be By Your Side. Your Best Friend Wouldn't Tell Me You Had Teardrops In Your Eyes. Daddy's Home Your Daddy's Home To Stay. Daddy's Home To Stay. I'm
97 2.Don't Make Me Wait For Love ell me to be patient But we can't let love slip away
98 6.夏日聖誕 tory I've been crying Christmas in Summer.沙灘上寫著我倆的情話 my baby忘不了 oh no!心靈的創傷是misery she's ... y忘不了 oh no!心靈的創傷是misery she's been crying please be my lover!夕陽漂浮在海面上只有我孤獨的在追尋回憶總是在海面上忽隱忽 ... 消失*Let it be夏日的戀情啊就這樣結束好像在夢中甜蜜的brown eyes已經沾滿了離別的淚 ... 的淚 We can be倆心相許啊重溫那舊夢我彷
99 10.Please Mister Postman here must be Some word today From my boy friend So far away Please Mister Postman Look and see If there's a letter A letter for me I've ... a letter A letter for me I've been standin' here Waitn' Mister Postman So ... here Waitn' Mister Postman So patiently For just a card Or just a letter Sayin he's returnin' Home to me Mister Postman(Mister Postman Look and see) Oh yeah(If th ... ou don't stop To make me feel better By leavein'me A card or a letter Mister Postman(Mis
100 6.Daddy's Home e Waiting Patiently. Daddy's Home Your Daddy's Home To Stay. How I've Waited For This Moment To ... 've Waited For This Moment To Be By Your Side. Your Best Friend Wouldn't Tell Me You Had Teardrops In Your Eyes. Daddy's Home Your Daddy's Home To Stay. You've Hurt Me On A Sunday(Mond ... 've Waited For This Moment To Be By Your Side. Your Best Friend Wouldn't Tell Me You Had Teardrops In Your Eyes. Daddy's Home Your Daddy's Home To Stay. Daddy's Home To Stay. I'm

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