
關於 beautiful + everything 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.Concert Desire(Live) 強) Bet my everything to win this game(賭上我的一切成為勝者)無法壓制的怒火已進到心裡面看著你們這張心病了似的臉快拼了命地演演拼了命的犬我們的攻擊無差別 That's a hot(這真的很刺激)你醒來就會慢慢發覺即將被我們給趕盡殺絕眼睜睜地看著我們 ... I'm gonna lose I will take my everything to fight(即便是輸我也依然全力以赴)很多人都勸我不要這麼憤怒但是當我深陷困難的時候你們
2 2.Concert Love(Live) something beautiful I gotta find it I don't believe in destiny There's only judge and punish如果要殺死一個人只能選擇用一種凶器讓他帶著愧疚活著會比利刃更加鋒利選擇逃離將我自己封閉僅存的善意正審 ... onna fight gonna fight Bet my everything and fight till I die All my family and friends are by my side All y'all enemies go home and cry Prairie fire I can't lose ... I don't need a crew Drop out everything now I'm the bulletproof Be
3 8.SADNESS(PROD. Goldenboi) Enjoy my everything So much beautiful in future Man I can't believe有什麼不開心不如看部電影生活就像女孩的心我總捉摸不定今晚 make it rain係銅鑼灣(今晚在銅鑼灣狠狠消費)飲完阿媽煲的湯行到鑽石山(喝完媽媽煲的湯去到鑽石山) Life's a ... on't show ur sadness Enjoy my everything So much beautiful in future Man I can't believe
4 1.沉溺 irl(霹靂女孩) Beautiful dreams you calm my mind(你是我的美夢讓我平靜) Every touch a lightning strike(每一次觸碰都是觸電) You give me ... strike(每一次觸碰都是觸電) You give me everything dont wanna lose you I pray y
5 7.台北直達礁溪 火車停靠 Stop Everything is beautiful What I see is beautiful world Everything is beautiful讓我帶領你看著窗外 Look out the windows ... 火車停靠 Stop Everything is beautiful What I see is beautiful world Everything is beautiful讓我帶領你這裡這裡真的好美這裡好山好水這裡真的好美這裡好山好

6 9.One day i got a dream home請出示碼 Everything's getting postponed其他的往後放 You wanted to say but you just stood like a silly stone你想說點什麼但站在那兒像塊蠢石頭 So listen it son聽著孩子 Co ... 麼清澈河流閃著光 No oppression no war beautiful world沒有壓迫和戰爭多麼好的一個世界 I sang so ... 錯 Come on everything should be born with reasonabl ... 錯 Come on everything should be born with reasonab
7 1.You are beautiful 朧-You are beautiful1.You are beautiful Look into my eyes everything will be alright你不要害怕我不會忍心離開我要抹去你眼中的淚帶你離開這傷害到我這兒來所有傷心的小孩冷漠的世界聽不到你的呼喊幼小的身體如何抵擋這風寒 Every child is a star of hope burning so ... life is a miracle cuz you are beautiful冷漠的世界聽不到你的呼喊幼小的身體如何抵擋這風寒 Every child is a star of hope b
8 1.F.F.F something beautiful I gotta find it(我知道還有些美好的事物等著我去找到) I don't believe in destiny(我不相信命運) There's only judge and punish(只有審判和懲罰) Part II如果要殺死一 ... 的(Yes I am)我全部通通記得(I remember everything)曾經選擇忘記的(What I once chose to
9 1.Tell me u love me o be your everything Please Please just tell me you love me I love you more than you imagined I'll give you more than you want baby I can't he ... t only wit me You're the most beautiful melody always plays in my mind I feel like I'm living when you're by my side I'll try to be your ... y my side I'll try to be your everything Please Please just tell me y
10 1.Together Forever changing everything合 Love is always the same All the same杰 Love is so full of joy With a ... Love is so full of joy With a beautiful strength Breaking through all the waves靚 Love is an endless poetry It's a transcending song Nothing stands in your way杰 Lo ... Love is so full of joy With a beautiful strength Breaking through all
11 1.BaBy GirL Give you everything換回你胸口的燙眼睛進了沙礫 See you dancing ... 是手心的雪花 So beautiful等天ㄧ亮就融化 Day after day Like a l
12 1.Everything Marvin36-Everything1.Everything作詞葉志恩作曲葉志恩 You are ... 恩 You are Everything My Babe You are Everything My Crazy那年冬天遇見的妳記憶總是讓我再想起 You ... 起 You are Everything My Babe You are Everything My Crazy寫了這首歌我送給妳是否有天妳會再聽聽記憶總是帶我去到妳的夢裡相處時間不夠長被鬧鐘吵醒回過神來滑開手機訊息是妳的提醒妳要我早點睡我說我寫歌
13 3.Sun e Burn me beautiful hot sun yeah yeah Shi:你的存在是愛也是害焚燒了自愛此墜落於海不再愛 Chorus: Take me to your star your star your star Girl take me to your heart y ... abe don't lie Hold me and let everything just rewind Back to where we
14 1.Fall For You t lost of everything I've got what is true about you got lost in this empty room without you I will fall if you will too thinking guessing may ... 是白色玫瑰穿過我的心染成紅色 Hey why you so beautiful dont know what to do with out
15 1.My Girl ou are so beautiful girl我瞬間被你封鎖你的獨特讓我著魔請允許我再次靠近你 I ... 近你 I like everything about you請收下我的邀請這一切是命中注定 Oh you are my style每次都有新的體驗這不是錯覺把這一刻描繪在心間我神魂顛倒難入眠要怎麼遮掩還是我對你太靦腆看來這就是緣自然就會出現讓我們出場在對的時間當我們眼神相遇的瞬間填滿 ... 間當我們眼神相遇的瞬間填滿我心的
16 7.露西 LUCY 萬年後都會重新洗牌 Everything will be reset after thousand years anyway現在先讓她蓋一層白雪 But for now just cover it with snow你想要哪顆我去幫你抓 Which one you want I ca ... lights shining最美麗的舞 The most beautiful dance別等她開始起舞才發現 It's too late to realize that散落到天空下起Diamond Rain(鑽石雨) the diamond rain is because of its dance把黑洞都染白分不清黑夜白 ... lights shining最美麗的舞 The most (
17 3.Save My Soul ed up But everything is so beautiful Can't stop won't stop Believe
18 1.Falling You 一刻的你回眸 So beautiful Falling your magic leave my heart with you and give you ... y heart with you and give you everything baby Always beside me you on
19 1.Sun e burn me beautiful hot sun yeah yeah Shi:你的存在是愛也是害焚燒了自愛此墜落於海不再愛 Chorus: Take me to your star your star your star Girl take me to your heart y ... abe don't lie hold me and let everything just rewind back to where we
20 4.Dreaming About You(2021 Version) king What beautiful night is going The moon is shining It's just like dreaming ... ining It's just like dreaming Everything seems to be singing What beautiful night is going You're sleepin

21 1.少年家 年家就算今年犯太歲 everything will be ok沒時間浪費遇到妹也懶得虧你問我是誰 p ... 夠 life so beautiful你可以看看我的生活過得多麽努力感謝擁有的一切算是我的福氣曾經一 ... 年家就算今年犯太歲 everything will be ok沒時間浪費遇到妹也懶得虧你問我是誰 p ... 年家就算今年犯太歲 everything will be ok沒時間浪費遇到妹也懶得虧你問我是誰
22 1.part of your world You're my everything everything早晨的臉龐你沉睡的模樣 So ... 你沉睡的模樣 So beautiful我無法抵抗讓我牽你的手把你捧在我手掌從此以後就這樣 Am I going crazy?我腦海裡全都是你給我一次機會(一次機會)在這一刻我答應從此給你所有的愛 Girl let me be part of your world陪你走過生活的每個潮起 ... l讓我們一起走向美好的未來擁著你不離開 You're my everything If only you could see the wa
23 5.Marry Me king in a beautiful aisle and when I was asleep my face has a ... en I was asleep my face has a beautiful smile Please don't wake me up in this ... ease don't wake me up in this beautiful night now I found in you the missing piece of my heart Can I keep you and never let you go will you be mine for the rest o ... rry me? you are the reason in everything I do I promise my heart alon
24 1.Dreaming About You2021 Version king What beautiful night is going The moon is shining It's just like dreaming ... ining It's just like dreaming Everything seems to be singing What beautiful night is going You're sleepin
25 1.Never520 doo it so beautifully(你做得這麼漂亮) When it was just you and me(當你和我) I keep you in mind(我記住你) When I pray a few lines(當我祈禱幾行) I've been off of my ... 惡夢如果你真的要走也許會止不住淚流 without you everything went wrong(沒有你一切都錯了)就在你走之後 Please don't leave me alone(請不要讓我一個人呆) They'ers so much I don't know(他們太多了我不知道) I had to fight ... ith me(總是用來和我擰) You
26 1.METTEL ome point everything At some point everything will go away Come lay your head down and rest steady Imagine something ... rest steady Imagine something beautiful Don't worry about today Mettel you have a ... about today Mettel you have a beautiful heart Right now you must be very tired As weak as dust Mettel you doesn't know where bound to go. You want to avoid that m ... We will end in dust At sunset Everything will go awa
27 1.Beautiful Tonight 餃子-Beautiful Tonight1.Beautiful Tonight作詞餃子作曲餃子 ... >作詞餃子作曲餃子 Everything is gonna be alright Babe u look so ... nna be alright Babe u look so beautiful tonight你說過會在夢裡見很高興能飛到你的心裡面當你回頭我已不再 Maybe我在尋找你說的重來這結果算不算體面那時我也沒經歷的全新體驗在你的眼裡他們都沒我帥悄悄地在你家門口等待你喜歡聽r&b allnight你說我
28 1.Beautiful 王俊凱-Beautiful1.Beautiful作詞 Caesar、大智、 Loui作曲 Caesar ... 、大智、 Loui Beautiful so beautiful Come on Yeah Know you have me ... 道 You are beautiful so beautiful你是如此美麗 girl you look beautiful to me你在我眼中是如此美麗 You are ... 麗 You are beautiful so beautiful你是如此美麗 girl you look beautiful to me你在我眼中是如此美麗Just tell me gi ... do ya可以嗎
29 12.I Did na both A beautiful rose for my24 years old You did you did ... y24 years old You did you did everything i did it You did you did i told ya i will did it I did i did i did it did it made it I did it did it made it i did it Mov ... Yah我穿得都是他們買不起的 Yah I told you everything I will did it Yah贊助商的鞋子送了幾車我腦殼上的皇冠都是他們給我p的 You did you did ... 殼上的皇冠都是他們給我p的 You did you did everything I d
30 6.Role Playing Game I did it beautifully泡的妞從ugly到beautiful我的歌曲從網絡紅到Billboard電話響了不是生意就是booty call原來是 Ollie Uncle給我介紹 Snoopy Dogg Ladies and gentlemen交出你的dollars bills放進我的麻袋get up and ... 白手起家身邊一群流氓地痞發家致富幹凈利索 I did it beautifully聰明人全都走進了tour bus頭腦不夠用的去坐short bus Baby CEO長大變 big CEO Don't touch設計師給我定制的goyard你們曾經嘲笑
31 1.Knight Rider uz You're beautiful我穿梭隧道 hearing your call Angel dust為你點燃心火 Babe do you wanna join me lifeJoin my life what you gonna say Ye ye你是我的light穿透這陰霾融 ... ing like woooo Wanna give you everything you're my passion無法降低速度Rambo般的action你是我的靈感點燃我的天份 Yea It's true and we like that我一路向前 follow your call看風呼嘯而過184當你需要我babe I ... down Babe I'm down You're so beautiful我穿梭隧
32 1.Beautiful Day 李益-Beautiful Day1.Beautiful Day作詞 Radio Li李益作曲 Radio Li李益 Give me a reason To search for a meaning Cause the rain came ... a meaning Cause the rain came Everything's new again Now the sky is bright And I can see the light The peace find a way in the dead of night And it came a whole n ... hole new life It's gonna be a beautiful day We will walk a long way I
33 1.Girl Let Me Love You We loving Everything we do together feel amazing Did you see that love We should making Let me love you I promise I will give you my heart Let ... night with you baby It was so beautiful U the type of girl I've never
34 8.Shadow 夜暢談盡顯貪得無厭 Everything in life are often unpredictable(人生是不可預測的) but the wise advance every step so confidential(但是還是要嚮往神秘的前方) I know how to giv ... 一個完美秀) And my life will be so beautiful aint got any shadow(我的人生將會美麗無比 ... 置疑時笑我聲東擊西 Everything in life are often unpredictable(人生是不可預測的) but the wise advance every step so confidential(但是還是要嚮往神
35 9.Fascinated(feat. SupTiffany) f mine is beautiful(你的吻附在我的唇上讓我一天都變得美麗) Others will be jealous that we are so suitable(其他人嫉妒我們如此合適) My regret why not I met you as juvenile(我後 ... rns on my lips day of mine is beautiful(你的吻附在我的唇上讓我一天都變得美麗) Others will be jealous that we are so suitable(其他人嫉妒我們如此合適) Hey baby you let me fascinated(寶貝你讓我著迷) Do ... 袋裡有太多想對你說但還沒來
36 13.Good Morning day is so beautiful) Everything's gonna be alright Everything's gonna be fine Sunrise into your eyes~ ... fine Sunrise into your eyes~ Everything's gonna be alright Everything's gonna be fine Let's smile
37 7.Run ran till everything looked the same And it was then I passed the lake At your reflection I turned to ask Can anyone tell That I am lost Can a ... nd I knew it was over However beautiful however mad Before I wake I j
38 2.Hate(feat.巡音ルカ) t a game? Everything in the world looks so pale Everything beautiful has been gone Why am I alone? Alone we wrong Walk and shout'Who can give me hope?' Crying loud just like a poor ghost Why ... ded Breathing but suffocating'Everything should be going well' Then tears flow down' ... ng well' Then tears flow down'Everything we did should be done' But t
39 2.Tell Me the Truth(feat.初音未來) ember you Everything just fades away Everything is just a haze I'm willing to give up all I'm willing to give anything for you for meeting you I'm willing to give up all ... Let us dance together in this beautiful worl
40 5.My World(feat. Eleanor Forte) y perfect Everything goes wrong and we are just pretending Everyone is deaf even can't hear anything Is this what you want or i'm just too ann ... orld which is so colorful how beautiful Can you hear can you notice I'm shouting outside just for you I don't care anything about this curel world I won't turn ba ... the deepest place Fall asleep Everything goes wrong and we are just p
41 2.Beautiful(English Ver.) untdown + Beautiful2.Beautiful(English Ver.)作詞 Amber Liu Ryan Yoo作曲 Amber Liu Ryan Yoo Oh the winds can change I'll stray off the path I'm walking Th ... The storms can come and stop Everything I see Yeah but though my conscience wants to stop I'll give ... ience wants to stop I'll give everything I've got to what I face No matter what they say I'll never turn away I'm not afraid'Cause if I'm happy I don't need to ch ... he scars stay I will say I am (|
42 1.雲南里 It's not everything人生就如一陣秋風別錯過了景在一個美麗在一個美麗的花園裡雲端裡 ... 和你 It's a beautiful day to have you in my life It's a ... to have you in my life It's a beautiful day to have you in my life It's a ... to have you in my life It's a beautiful day to have you in my life It's a ... to have you in my life It's a beautiful day to have you in my lif
43 1.Preciously Mine the most beautiful thing I've ever seen with these two eyes ... ever seen with these two eyes Everything hurts when you try to chastise Tryna say I love you baby no surprise You know you bring the sunshine with the sunrise I b ... re preciously mine Cuz you're everything to me you're preciously min
44 2.Hate(feat.巡音ルカ) t a game? Everything in the world looks so pale Everything beautiful has been gone Why am I alone? Alone we wrong Walk and shout'Who can give me hope?' Crying loud just like a poor ghost Why ... ded Breathing but suffocating'Everything should be going well' Then tears flow down' ... ng well' Then tears flow down'Everything we did should be done' But t
45 1.趴踢爽 催出來啤酒緊捾過來 Everything will be change Oh~my friend I know you are the king只要你講一句話無人敢違背有一寡代誌明仔載才來後悔免想遮濟你就啉落去跳落去 This is a ... 明仔載才來後悔免想遮濟你就啉落去跳落去 This is a beautiful night為何你坐咧足百袂起來一个人戇神佇遐看海敢是有代誌咧等待Just come with us don't be nervous ... come with us don't be nervous Everything will be change你完

46 4.If Love(如果愛) the most beautiful sunshine to you I wonder how I can express my love to you no matter what it costs if love were time I would be willing wil ... t my life to you if love were everything I would give you everything even there's no return event
47 3.With You rl you so beautiful at the same time so approachab ... 但是同時能夠看到你的everything oh everything oh愛著你 oh想著你 oh惦記你 oh想要做你的gua
48 9.Scent Of A Flower again and everything will be ok Emotion's like a waterfall it always rains Sink into the ocean of my heart I'll wash your tears away I want to ... our knees Absolutely the most beautifulest thing I've ever seen Your dress is like the fence that separates me from your heart Super thin and yet its presence nev ... s two to tango making love is beautiful How's it going to end? You ca
49 4.I Am So Beautiful 4.I Am So Beautiful作詞 Bifidordor作曲 Bifidordor天 ... 美麗 I'm so beautiful so beautiful不要讓煩惱打敗你的美好就算再糟都有病死生老要一天一點把它忘掉 You are so ... 算再糟都有病死生老要一天一點把它忘掉 You are so beautiful so beautiful只要你相信就會變得更好反正人生本來就沒有多好沒差多這點困難報到Just believe ... 生本來就沒有多好沒差多這點困難報到Just believ
50 4.Young and Beautiful Young and Beautiful作詞 Abner Silver Aaron Schroeder作曲 Abner Silver Aaron Schroeder You're so young and ... Schroeder You're so young and beautiful and I love you so. Your lips so red your eyes that shine Shame the stars that glow. So fill these lonely arms of mine And ... n you'll be forever young And beautiful to me. You're so young and beautiful you're everything I love. Your angel smile your gentle touch They're all I'm dreaming of. Oh take this hea
51 5.Beautiful Lie 嘉-十面5.Beautiful Lie作詞魯維孝 GJ作曲 GJ A ... GJ作曲 GJ A beautiful lie我聽妳說你要的一切讓妳滿足不嫌太多自由是為換個寄託付出 ... 出卻讓你更自我 A beautiful lie我聽妳說 A beautiful lie美麗承諾你給的一切是未來注定的墮落我的紀念日妳解脫妳的 ... 的重生日我寂寞 A beautiful lie你說我們早已經失去曾經美好的 ... 已經失去曾經美好的 everything別依
52 20.第二天堂 s perfect everything is so fine Wait till you look it through your spiritual eyes You think it's nice but please open your eyes This place is ... your eyes This place is but a beautiful sky You want it I want it everything's a want We lose it then we say it's for fun You think it's funny what I'm saying is corny It's a warning hear it or igno ... epeat# You think it's perfect everything is so fine Wait till you look it through your spiritual eyes You think it's nice b
53 9.第二天堂 s perfect Everything is so fine Wait till you look it through your Spiritual eyes You think it's nice But please open your eyes This place is ... your eyes This place is but a Beautiful STY You want it I want it Everything's a want We lose it then we
54 7.Loving you se you're beautiful Makin' love with you is all I wanna do Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true And ... an just a dream come true And everything that I do is out of lovin' you La la la la la la la... do do do do do Ah~ No one else can make me feel The colors that yo ... you soul come shining through Everything that I do is out of loving y
55 1.維納斯 olate yet beautiful it is a bit deploring都市中太多記憶 T ... th一切都變得動聽 Everything sounds pleasant一切都覺得痛惜 ... nt一切都覺得痛惜 Everything is deploring都市中太多記憶 There ar
56 15.第二天堂 s perfect Everything is so fine Wait till you look it through your Spiritual eyes You think it's nice But please open your eyes This place is ... your eyes This place is but a Beautiful STY You want it I want it Everything's a want We lose it then we
57 10.You'll Shine Again ou are so beautiful I know that you've been watching over me you've up so high the brightest in the sky you know that every night I pray my so ... nd your life Find your reason Everything will be alright for tommorow
58 11.You'll Shine Again ou are so beautiful REPEAT* Oh girl I hope you can understand That my love for you will never end Now that you've found your way onto a better ... nd your life find your reason Everything will be alright For tomorrow
59 4.Loving You uz you're beautiful Making love with you is all I wanna do Loving you is more than just a dream come true Cuz ... an just a dream come true Cuz everything that I do is out of loving you La la la... No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring Stay with me while we g ... oving you has made my life so beautiful Everyday of my life is filled with loving you Loving you I see your soul come shining thru Everytime that we... ooh I'm mo ... oving you has made my life so (|
60 13.不哭的雙眼 any men A beautiful model with a beautiful soul Standin' by my side when money was tight she had Tears in her eyes every night as I Lived a crazy life waitin' for my ... e) Feel You constantly remind(Everything's) Gonna be alright This bot
61 8.You Are So Beautiful(美麗佳人) ou Are So Beautiful(美麗佳人) LyricsJoe Cocker MusicJoe Cocker You Are So ... er MusicJoe Cocker You Are So Beautiful To Me You Are So Beautiful To Me Can't You See Your're Everything I Hoped For Your're Everything I Need You Are So Beautiful To Me SuchJoy And Happiness You Bring SuchJoy And Happiness You Bring Like A Dream A Guiding Light That Shines In The Nigh ... Heavens Gift To Me You Are So Beautiful To M
62 8.Too Much Heaven d forever Everything we are will never die** Loving's such a ... l never die** Loving's such a beautiful thing Oh you make my world a summer day Are you just a dream to fade away**(Repeat*) Oh you and me girl got a highway to t ... life I can see a new tomorrow Everything we are will never die Loving's such a ... ill never die Loving's such a beautiful thing When you are to me the
63 2.第二天堂 s perfect everything is so fine Wait till you look it through your spiritual eyes You think it's nice but please open your eyes This place is ... your eyes This place is but a beautiful sky You want it I want it everything's a want We lose it then we say it's for fun You think it's funny what I'm saying is corny It's a warning hear it or igno ... epeat# You think it's perfect everything is so fine Wait till you look it through your spiritual eyes You think it's nice b
64 3.You are so beautiful ou are so beautiful You are so beautiful to me to me Can't you see You'everything hopped for You're everything I need to me to me to me Can't you see You're ... me to me Can't you see You're everything hopped for You're everything I need You are so beautiful(!
65 5.You are so Beautiful ou are so Beautiful You are so beautiful To me You are so beautiful To me Can't you see You're everything I hoped for You're everything I need You're so beautiful To me Such joy and happiness You bring Such joy and happiness You bring Like a dream A guy in the life The shine is every ... Have a gift to me You are so beautiful To me A guy in the life The shine in the life Have a gift to me You are so ... Have a gift to me You are so beautiful(
66 8.Dream Again gain Your beautiful smile When we're dancin' cheek to cheek Across a thousand miles yeah My baby hasn't seen me in so long And she knows I'd n ... ow in my heart that you're my everything I'll never love another As l
67 5.You are so beautiful ou are so beautiful You are so beautiful to me to me Can't you see You'everything hopped for You're everything I need to me to me to me Can't you see You're ... me to me Can't you see You're everything hopped for You're everything I need You are so beautiful(!
68 7.Too Much Heaven d forever everything we are will never die Loving's such a ... ill never die Loving's such a beautiful thing ooh yeah Oh you make my world a summer day Are you just a dream to fade away? Nobody gets too much heaven no more It ... life I can see a new tomorrow everything we are will never die Loving's such a ... ill never die Loving's such a beautiful thing so beautiful When you are to me the light above meant for all to see My precious love(to see my precious lov
69 4.YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL OU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL Arranger Wayne Miller You are so ... anger Wayne Miller You are so beautiful to me You are so beautiful to me Can't you see You're everything I hoped for You're everything I need You are so beautiful to me You are so beautiful to me You are so beautiful to me Can't you see You're everything I hoped for You're everything I need You are so beautiful to m
70 7.All My Loving asy coz a beautiful take my love to you it's all I wanna do Loving you it's more than just the dream come true ... than just the dream come true Everything I do it's all above be you I'll pretend that I'm kissing the lips I am missing and hope that my dreams will come true. An ... Oh loving you it's easy coz a beautiful take my love to you it's all I wanna do Loving you it's more than just the dream come true ... than just the dream come true Everything I do it's all a
71 13.我的天空 ht所有都快要毀滅 Everything's almost destroyed至少我還有夢 I ha ... 和失落 It is beautiful though there's helplessness an ... ht所有都快要毀滅 Everything's almost destroyed至少我還有夢 I ha ... ht所有都快要毀滅 Everything's almost destroyed至少我還有夢 At l ... ht所有都快要毀滅 Everything's almost destroyed至少我還有夢 At
72 7.EYES NOSE LIPS th you My beautiful memory Verse2 I love you I only loved you But I guess my love just won't do If I could get another chanceJust to hold you ... The thought it drives me mad Everything starts to fade to grey When I see your smile in my picture frames All the colours in your eyes When they staring back int ... Only Pain remains with you My beautiful memor
73 8.Forever thinking everything's so beautiful you and me so beautiful girl you're just so beauitful I've been wondering why it's always wonderful you and me so wonderful. How bout forever ... o wonderful. How bout forever everything's so beautiful everything's so beautiful How bout forever Oh yeah.. If i had wings then you would see me fly If i had wings then you would see me fly Now baby... N ... ow baby... I've been thinking everything's so beautiful(
74 1.Nothin' on Me They know everything But little do they know you wasn't just a summer fling I really got them thinking this was all just fun and games So caug ... 's in it I'm growing everyday Everything's gon' be okay As long I got my**** together They gon' see me doing better Ain't got nothing no me on me on me Ain't got ... on me on me Ain't got nothing Beautiful girls all over the world I could be chasing But my time would be wasted They got nothing on you baby(they got nothing on m ...
75 1.WAIYA 遙(Life is beautiful)談天說地自得其樂(Bragging about ... ul)談天說地自得其樂(Bragging about everything and relishing every moment) W ... 遙(Life is beautiful)談天說地自得其樂(Bragging about ... ul)談天說地自得其樂(Bragging about everything and relishing every moment) W ... 遙(Life is beautiful)談天說地自得其樂(Bragging about ... ul)談天說地自得其樂(Bragging about everything and relishing every mom
76 1.Be Born raightway Everything would seem waiting me and expectant me to display走出機艙感受冰沁空氣鬱鬱蔥蔥的鋒利拿出充滿電的微驅動器恆等式聖系虹器啟動的反衝力栜慄已被壅蔽的聖地共立撼天動地的蹤跡讓我們用重力誕生九人從此一脈 ... seaway opened in straightway Everything would seem waiting me and expectant me to display Take me to your heart take me to your soul And you will know the world ... l And you will know the world
77 1.與琪 ou are my everything But now we have drifted apart What remains are remnants of warmth I have lost count of the times I've forgiven you I only ... es and what-ifs No matter how beautiful this starry night is All that's left is me Once I so believed You are my ... Once I so believed You are my everything But now we have drifted apart What remains are remnants of warmth I have lost count of the times I've forgiven you I only ... es and what-ifs No matter how beautiful thi
78 2.Perfectly Beautiful(英文版) Perfectly Beautiful(英文版)作詞楓愛音樂故事作曲楓愛音樂故事 I thank you for you love me so Your love is tender and gentle You're in my heartbeat In the air I ... ng love pours on me Perfectly beautiful You call me your beloved Mm..Mm… And I am your beloved Nothing can replace The kind of love you have for me No one can tak ... ng love pours on me Perfectly beautiful(My beautiful) You call me your beloved No one can take away No one can take away
79 1.浪漫啦哪次不浪漫 艾瑞 You're beautiful& mazing You're wonderful& unique所有任性 I love it第一眼看妳只有amazing You're ... love it第一眼看妳只有amazing You're everything that I need所有任性 I love it Oh I just wanna let you know I know It's been a long time我早有一套習慣一個人的電影配著一個人的晚餐 I thought nothin ... 黑夜讓我愛上沒有黑的世界 And I say You're beautiful& amazing You're wonderful& unique所有任性 I love it第一眼看
80 1.Take My Hand 你黑夜的太陽 So beautiful閉上眼去感受所有的心跳不再掩飾所以別再放開我的手別想框架我的靈魂 Before I met you Now I just want to focus on you You're my ... ant to focus on you You're my everything渴望鮮血的魔鬼 I need you I found you ... 你黑夜的太陽 So beautiful閉上眼去感受所有的心跳不再掩飾所以別再放開我的手 Yeah這一 ... 你黑夜的太陽 So beautiful睜開眼會看見所有的景色不再侷
81 1.Existence ing for a beautiful moment. A moment worth sacrifieverything that I have. But the desire is like a stone crushing us to indifference. I wonder how many of you can hear the voice of m ... life I've been waiting for a beautiful time. A time when we all can
82 2.Be The One(《他》英文版) u love is beautiful beautiful Be holding on your telephone telephone To say hello If you gild it up once before once before Then you will light the dead ... the dead torch Dead torch If everything you hold it down Hold it down Already gone I said Babe babe babe who do you wanna be Maybe maybe maybe maybe you should b ... me someone A girl you love is beautiful beautiful Be holding on your telephone telephone To say hello If you gild it up once before once before T
83 3.Bad Bed Lover t why did everything Get worse in the end It used ... to be… so beautiful I didn't mean it. But why is everything not right anymore We used to
84 1.下一個春天和下下一個春天 g out the beautiful color.是你說過告訴我灌輸我的事 The stories you told me.讓他們都一起被吹進遠遠的風裡 Let them blown into the wind.我是一個獨立的個體擁有自己的興趣 I'm an individual ... this big big world I can see everything.水仙不開花在田裡 Narcissus bent in the pool without blooming.下一個秋天和下下一個秋天 Next fall or the fall after我想學棒球你陪我練盜壘加打擊 I want to lea ... th the wind. Under th
85 1.什麼都會老(除了和你一起) 都會老除了和你一起 Everything fades except our days. As fre ... 都會老除了和你一起 Everything fades except our days.記得我們聊過什 ... 都會老除了和你一起 Everything fades except our days. As fresh as never goes away. As fresh as never goes away.(吳念真口白)我們可以共同去回憶 We could remember the ti ... 想時光真好 I think…this was such a beautiful time
86 1.he'll be mine h you Cuz everything of you fits all my likes Everything of you fits all my likes Look at that cute face tones he have How could I handle that World is big but he made me feel li ... Adorable gorgeous and bright Beautiful words can not describe Boy can you just be mine Can you be mine Intelligent gentle and kind What a nice person in my life ... o get more close with you Cuz everything of you fits all my likes Everything of you fits all my likes Look at that cute
87 1.stay in17 y in that beautiful number Forever and ever Don't need to face those adult problems17 Oh plz don't Plz don't I beg you to stay Maybe one more ... e dayJust stay Cuz after That Everything is different I can't pretend I don't understand Things I wanna evade I can drink I can drive But I can't kill people I do ... at is it like to stay in that beautiful number Forever and ever Don't need to face those adult problems17 Oh plz don't Plz don't I beg you to stay Maybe one more ...
88 2.You Are So Beautiful2020 ou Are So Beautiful2020作詞周典奧作曲周典奧 I always needed time to on my own我一直都很享受獨處的時光 Nevner thought i'd need someone when i cry從未想過當我受傷會需要什麼人陪伴 ... mile我看到你的笑如煙花飛舞般絢爛 You are so beautiful to me你讓我感到驚豔 Can you see?你知道嗎? ... 嗎? You so beautiful to me你是如此美麗 You' re everything I need你就是我需要的全部 You are so ... !) I n
89 9.鯉魚精–3 ous about everything which is why I got involved in some mess and got banished into the mortal world. Now I am here guarding this pond. Gosh i ... ou into a charming attractive beautiful young woman!' I the Tortoise
90 5.再見(Good bye) ething so beautiful. I know your soul is looking for someone too. I hugged your ... or someone too. I hugged your everything I know what you want but I can't give you ... you want but I can't give you everything you're scared of being loved. Forgive me I don't need someone who's only there for me when he's lonely I'm sorry. Why we ... onely I'm sorry. Why we tried everything to find someone meant to be when we keep on given up on what's already there. Why are we all s
91 1.低級趣味 on走進我的電視機 everything gets glorified and feelingles ... on走出我的電視機 everything gets joyful and blind.送給他塑膠的花 Make plastic flower for him忘記他姓名吧 forget the name寫美麗的謊話 clothed in ... get the name寫美麗的謊話 clothed in beautiful words和他歇斯底里一起去戀愛吧 hystericall
92 1.Lie to me Now everything is gone all you've told about is lie lie lie(lie lie lie) But something is bound to die maybe I'll survive just try try t ... to tried to make it good did everything I could Now it's over alright You said I'm ... t's over alright You said I'm beautiful unbelievable but you don't think at all right?(you said you like my voice) I'm so untouchable you came into my world and b ... re just a nightmare to me Now everything is gone all you've told about
93 1.young(feat. Tang King) sed to be beautifully young sometimes i just sit and smile thinkin about ya for a while wondering how ya doin now it such a sweet memory baby ... and me and how we used to be beautifully young sometimes i just sit and smile thinkin about ya for a while wondering how ya doin now i heard you were married had ... and me and how we used to be beautifully young sometimes i just sit and smile thinkin about ya for a while wondering how ya doin now it such a sweet memory baby ...
94 1.You Are So Beautiful ou Are So Beautiful1.You Are So Beautiful作詞周典奧作曲周典奧 I always needed time to on my own我一直都很享受獨處的時光 Nevner thought i'd need someone when i cry從未想過當我受傷會需要什麼人陪伴 The ... mile我看到你的笑如煙花飛舞般絢爛 You are so beautiful to me你讓我感到驚豔 Can you see?你知道嗎? ... 嗎? You so beautiful to me你是如此美麗 You' re everything I need你就是我需要
95 11.The Colored Cottage They are beautiful though The paradise of summer is where your mind goes It's a cold cold winter You are so far away with the warmness of tho ... the future Without the light everything is dark everything is dark It's a cold cold win
96 9.Your Girl world and everything that's beautiful I will write this song sing t
97 10.Wild Heart time It's beautiful We're brave but we're broken We're fire and frozen and scarred That's who we are We're powerful Don't forget to breathe Wh ... hard till it hurts Even when everything's bursting apart Paint the sky stars with your wild heart We're fragile and fearless Heroes and villains we hide So terri ... hard till it hurts Even when everything's bursting apart Paint the sky stars with your wild heart Nothing is perfect You have been reckless But don't mean you're ...
98 1.You Are Beautiful 1.You Are Beautiful網劇寒武紀主題曲作詞劉沁作曲劉沁 Look into my eyes ... 主題曲作詞劉沁作曲劉沁 Look into my eyes everything will be alright你不要害怕我不會忍心離開我要抹去你眼中的淚帶你離開這傷害到我這兒來所有傷心的小孩冷漠的世界聽不到你的呼喊幼小的身體如何抵擋這風寒 Every child is a star of hope Burning so ... life is a miracle Cuz you are beautiful冷漠的世界聽不到你的
99 4.Pray For You(English Ver.) just too beautiful to cry Oh I can't deny Now everything just seems so bright I think
100 5.Disappearance Requiem II d regret. Everything is nothingness. I see the world all is you. Rest in peace… I see the world there's no ugly and ... the world there's no ugly and beautiful. I see the world there' s karmEverything is nothingness. I see the wo

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