
關於 because + me + crazy 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 9.Be Free my sleep because my thoughts are f'cking racing思緒在競跑睡眠全輸掉 my mind's a ... racing思緒在競跑睡眠全輸掉 my mind's a mess and now the world's going crazy大腦混沌世界崩壞 I don't know myself but if I did I think I'd hate ... but if I did I think I'd hate me but我不認識我自己否則可能忍不住自我厭棄 Maybe a revelation is only just step away也許醒悟就在一步之遙 dull the pain inside my brain like novocaine and s
2 1.Be Free my sleep because my thoughts are f'cking racing思緒在競跑睡眠全輸掉 my mind's a ... racing思緒在競跑睡眠全輸掉 my mind's a mess and now the world's going crazy大腦混沌世界崩壞 I don't know myself but if I did I think I'd hate ... but if I did I think I'd hate me but我不認識我自己否則可能忍不住自我厭棄 Maybe a revelation is only just step away也許醒悟就在一步之遙 dull the pain inside my brain like novocaine and s
3 1.醺醺 tle tipsy Because of you baby You drive me crazy You can do whatever you want裝作清醒卻看到你分身的重影難道被酒精和水相愛分解該怎麼表達才不顯得那麼突然原來情緒是越模糊越說得出來 Girl you're always in my heart Now I'm a little ... 都安靜了心思攬著意識睡著腦袋開始短路了 You drive me crazy(You and I both feel the same) Now I'm a little tipsy Because of you baby You drive me crazy
4 1.Gone with the Wind ven and a crazy battlefield(愛是避風港也是瘋狂的戰場) You are sunshine(你是我的陽光) you are moonlight(亦是我的月亮) Our love just like the song(我們的愛猶如這首歌) I have fou ... lonely~lonely~ lonely~lonely because of you~(只因為你我如此孤寂) Yearning thoughts beca ... 你我如此孤寂) Yearning thoughts became a lost bird(我的思緒幻化為一隻迷路的雛鳥) your lips sucked forth my soul(你的熱唇吮吸走了我全部
5 1.點燃這根菸不是因為妳而燃燒 aybe it's because I'm crazy) Life or bitches choose one fuck all this把垃圾亂丟在哪我不在意因為只有一個垃圾住在這公寓 It's my world I can handle所以妳的世界就不再擁有我 Fly high into the sky ... to the sky眼前一片空白 You can find me in another night從夢中醒來妳已不在不在妳已不在我點燃這根香菸當然是因為妳燃燒太想要的東西我會努力得到用任何方式表達最愛的妳所以即使按下刪除鍵 Yo

6 2.我的名字叫周密 的~ That's crazy because I'm big boss you should know me!超帥的~ that's crazy because I'm成都man you'd better look at me!我的媽媽非常快樂因爲她生了一個帥哥這個帥哥不僅帥還爭氣從不惹我媽生氣唔!衛 ... 的~ That's crazy because I'm big boss you should know me!超帥的~ that's crazy because I'm成都man you'd better look at me!有人背後說我壞話I don't give a sh
7 4.That's Crazy >4.That's Crazy作詞 CJ周密作曲 CJ周密 crazy crazy crazy crazy oh that's crazy Hello美女能不能加你個微信 crazy crazy crazy crazy oh that's crazy我覺得全場女生就你最具魅力 ... 場女生就你最具魅力 crazy crazy crazy crazy oh that's crazy你的出現讓我生活不再萎靡 crazy crazy crazy crazy oh that's crazy我叫周密很有
8 3.Why Do You Hate Me(CLOCKWORK&仰昭光&周凱翔& SOOVA) You Hate Me(CLOCKWORK&仰昭光&周凱翔& SOOVA)作詞周凱翔、仰昭光、SOOVA、CLOCKWORK作曲周凱翔、仰昭光、SOOVA、CLOCKWORK Sauce I Don't Know Why Do You Hate ... I Don't Know Why Do You Hate Me I Make Money Not Dirty想成為我 But I Am Only I Wanna Do Ye I Do It I Don't Know Why Do You Hate ... I Don't Know Why Do You Hate Me I Make Money Not Dirty想成為我 But I Am Only I Wanna Do Ye I Do It Allen:愛我恨我你沒理由 Everybody我都向
9 1.愛神 ance with me如何為了你打趴所有海王佔領最高地你像是嘴角抹了蜜你示意我靠近品一品爛情話都變詩意何止為了你 U please slow down wait for ... 你 U please slow down wait for me給你不多至少全部打一個分數 We poppin like輾轉你的留言動態別怪 ... 鈴不太紳士顯得太急 Because fo u口罩下壓不住你的美眼神醉Babe Hold up甘願被你套上枷鎖心甘情願困住的我像個Babe Going ... p甘願被你套上
10 5.懨懨 t look at me嚷些什麼展現妳的壞脾氣像是我把妳的脖子掐得緊滴妳身上喘息聲灼傷我心 Burn my skin(yeh) Girl don't say anything比起妳的辱罵更愛妳的冷暴力在我房裡方舟上來合個影讓我漂浮在妳的浪裡沿軌跡一路到山峰用舌尖造河景妳美麗的回應不浪 ... dy can help you Cuz you drive me crazy開啟我的奴性新的信仰 Oh My God! Girl you're m ... 我生了病 Make me Sick(Because of you) Make (
11 1.Love Ain't Easy 煉愛情搞得滿身泥濘 Because you got me Make me crazy如果可以請記得hold me對妳太過成癮我害怕會失去自己妳的微笑是久違的太陽我寂寞的心就由妳填滿到底怎
12 1.懨懨 t look at me嚷些什麼展現妳的壞脾氣像是我把妳的脖子掐得緊滴妳身上喘息聲灼傷我心 Burn my skin(yeh) Girl don't say anything比起妳的辱罵更愛妳的冷暴力在我房裡方舟上來合個影讓我漂浮在妳的浪裡沿軌跡一路到山峰用舌尖造河景妳美麗的回應不浪 ... dy can help you Cuz you drive me crazy開啟我的奴性新的信仰 Oh My God! Girl you're m ... 我生了病 Make me Sick(Because of you) Make (
13 3.No No No wait for me to fall)變成和你一樣(And become like you)扶不起的阿斗(idol)(A loser with no hope)你看到shadow就著急模仿(You see a shadow and are eager to imitate)我開了間廠房自己是模版(I'm original I cr ... ver give up my mind is firm come on stand up I will never ever give upbecause my mind is firm come on stand up Knowing my name with underline I wish you all a good life all you want that's my cosign Pleasure still all mine clap
14 4.Chillin e telling me something Don't say a thing This point I'll be going ... hing This point I'll be going crazy All this while we've been texting All the ti ... we've been texting All the time we've been vibing Tell me what you want Tell me what you need I need to know What you've been thinkin ... know What you've been thinkin Because because because One step closer to your heart but one step further from u One more ti ... tep further from u On
15 1.謊言擊破 魚這畫面倒映出的內容Crazy來自我心裡 I'm wrong get wrong get wrong ... 人的情緒 Make me wrong get wrong get wrong So difficul ... 叫狂想曲的Trip because I never ever treat所以我活著只能break C ... 叫狂想曲的Trip because I never ever treat所以我Break the rule in fla ... treat所以我Break the rule in flame I living breaking the lies I dying br ... 在乎 So let me jump I jump I'm diving to ocean my l
16 1.FIRE ALARM Don't let me in i swear to god i will fuck this up千萬要阻止我不然我發誓會炸了這一切 I don't know if it worth it but i can tolerate no more我不知道是否值得但我已無法再忍受 Wit ... cal通過副歌還有人聲寫出的真心的話 i store my crazy mind inside the door before it blows在我瘋狂的思緒爆炸前將它擋在門後 I hear it calls ... 狂的思緒爆炸前將它擋在門後 I hear it calls me when i'm drown then ask me what
17 8.怪模樣 pray for me(那你為什麼總為我祈禱) oh我的怪模樣可曾讓你受傷你中意的模樣我努力的逞強那天我離開家說世界那麼大登高望遠踏落花卻依舊容不下我的怪模樣怪模樣不怪你那又何妨像我這樣的怪模樣怪模樣該去向何方 oh Mum Its not a job(oh媽媽這不在做一份工作)不 ... 我這樣的怪模樣怪模樣該去向何方 Here's to the crazy ones.(這世界上有一些瘋狂的人) The misfits.(不適應工作的
18 3.The Dark Knight hting unarmed pride my town I am the one not what you want but what you need I know my way hey Not ... ou need I know my way hey Not because I have to be but I just choose to be No matter falling making I am gonna pick myself up for ... I am gonna pick myself up for me I won't be a hero but silent guidance and watchful protector I believe my perfect world would be in the near future I take the ri ... own And you keep givin' a try Crazy in your mind I will condemn you t
19 1.True Colors 的笑容吧 Show me a smile then別不開心 Don't be unhappy都快忘記 ... 記 Can't remember when上次看到你的笑容是多久以前 I last saw you laughing如果這世界讓你受夠 This world makes you ... 果這世界讓你受夠 This world makes you crazy再也無法忍受 You've taken all you can bear請告訴我Just call ... all you can bear請告訴我Just call me up讓我陪你度過 Because you know I'll be there但我看見真正的你
20 1.Really 的時間沒有什麼阻擋 Because i wanna get u我相信你就是我唯一 I'm fallin love我真的有些張揚有些詼諧有些獨特我真的優點很多缺點很多這就是我做真實的我不自我的我請你走進我的世界裡how do u feel我的腦袋裡bang bang我的心跳在bang ... ang Really Now I wanna u tell me now You tell me now Girl you shake me now Na na na na na Na na na na na Na na na na na Na na na na na週末一起去party我迫不及待見

21 1.Hit And Run We have time to burn Fade away Fade away Fade away and slip on through I can feel you. Oh… It goes like- boom- explode Loaded gun- Hit and Run ... you….. Let's get a little bit crazy And make a scene Everyone is somebody Somebody's watching me Break away Break away Break away And make a sound ... y Break away And make a sound Because we ain't breaking down Oh… It g
22 4.Holiday Song 人醉 Do u rememberJust for you簡單的快樂一路向前走美妙的 Holiday Be with ... 簡單的快樂一路向前走美妙的 Holiday Be with me這一刻輕鬆的快要飛 Because I'm so happy U got me crazy U got me crazy I'm fell so good today今天我睡到自然醒推開窗空 ... 浪漫 Do u rememberJust for you簡單的快樂一路向前走美妙的 Holiday Be with ... 簡單的快樂一路向前走美妙的 Holiday Be with me
23 4.Loving You ery night想melody做一些彌補每個心思都在這些甜蜜詞語中 Do you miss ... 一些彌補每個心思都在這些甜蜜詞語中 Do you miss me? Call me maybe The song because of u每個想你的夜靈感都會如此氾濫 So ... 都會如此氾濫 So crazy for u Oh no no no no no在那未來你欠我一句「I ... Everyday想 melody告訴你全部不知不覺小宇宙都在被你牽動 Do you miss ... 訴你全部不知不覺小宇宙都在
24 2.I Know You Love Me You Love Me作詞紀佳松作曲紀佳松編曲紀佳松123 Go穿上西裝打上領帶燈光灑下來 And沒有誰比我還更自在 right音樂節奏響起人群全都靠過來我的世界就這麼精采 Oh I think you love ... 我的世界就這麼精采 Oh I think you love me(ho) And everybody loves me(yeah)(and)不要裝做什麼事都不懂你的眼神告訴我 ... 不懂你的眼神告訴我 Because you love me eh你的媽媽也 love me ho你的
25 14.C'mon t my welcome mat and I ain't mad by letting you in Long as you listen to ... you in Long as you listen to me closely as you get to knowJin First of all I had the thirst of all rappers combined Worst of all people told ... ined Worst of all people told me I was wasting my time Like I was better off making up computer designs A doctor a lawyer or anything that's using my mind When I used to rap I usually ... and used it as fuel in my rhymes In every battle the r
26 14.C'mon t my welcome mat and I ain't mad by letting you in Long as you listen to ... you in Long as you listen to me closely as you get to knowJin First of all I had the thirst of all rappers combined Worst of all people told ... ined Worst of all people told me I was wasting my time Like I was better off making up computer designs A doctor a lawyer or anything that's using my mind When I used to rap I usually ... and used it as fuel in my rhymes In every battle the r
27 10.Love Grows nows Like Me. She Talks Kinda Lazy And People Say She She's ... Lazy And People Say She She's Crazy And Her Life's A Mystery. Oh But Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes And Nobody Knows Like ... ry Goes And Nobody Knows Like Me. There's Something About Her Hand Holding Mine It's A Feeling That's Fine And IJust Gotta Say'Hey'. She's Really Got A Magical Spell And It's W ... er That I Love Her Endlessly. Because Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes And Nobody Knows Like
28 3.Unicorn autiful Come Unicorn lay by my side And we'll sing sweet songs by the river side Where the water's pure The water's pure They think I'm ... e water's pure They think I'm crazy Because they don't understand Why don't they leave ... derstand Why don't they leave me alone Leave me alone They choose to hate me Because they can't understand Why don't they leave ... derstand Why don't they leave me alone Leave me alone I love the Unicorn How I
29 2.Mr. Who(英文版) ate draws me to you How lovely in the days You got a way to take up in my space It's you No I can't fall No I can't fall for you As a dream to ... nk too much about you You got me into all of you Is this what love's like Every breath I take Catch my heartbeat loud and truly Maybe that's ... t loud and truly Maybe that's because of you Hello my Mr. Who I like the things we do I can be cute and ... hings we do I can be cute and crazy for you baby You know I'm not your nu
30 1.優先權(Priority) ait One moment please Dress heels or casual選擇困難讓我快 ... ty但不想讓妳知道 Because you belong to me每壹分每壹秒 You're my priority I wish you can always be(No pressure) You know I'll make you my king半夜醒來first thing收到妳的短信給妳回應改掉脾氣just fo ... I like it too oh Love drives me crazy Your love makes me dizzy Forget about how it can be Blow ... ty但不想讓妳知道 Because you belong to me
31 2.英台曬奶(三伯英台遊西湖)–2 are both men.''Aiya Liang why don't you want to take a break here. Whenever I ask you to do so ... e. Whenever I ask you to do something you always refuse. I am not saying we should stay here forever. You and I only have a few months left to be together.''Fine ... y are a strange one. Don't go crazy because you want to find a wife! Hurry let's go. Let's go check out other places.'('Ok fine!') As we walked out of the monkey cave I ... king very quickly in front of me
32 10.Attention listen to me I will bring the top of high we jumping of tonight and DJ never tired ... of tonight and DJ never tired because lost control is the mother fuck right even it's not friday but also enjoy the party the bass so loud and club will be broke ... irls shaking and boys fucking crazy so you call the911? it's too late now bring your mother fucking hands on all the ladies get down now girl shake and shake shak ... the stage right bring my DJ come whatever bad boy or
33 8.Before You Go J It is time to take it easy Feed me more with those obvious excuses I'll pretend that I have accepted them all Cause I cannot just let you go The sky is gray for thi ... ng there's no other way The game is over the time is faded Words in my chest but I can't say baby think again before you go baby hug ... again before you go baby hug me cause it feels too cold baby love me again because you know I am still in love with you I am still in love with you
34 1.作繭自縛 stay at home沒頭腦就算聽到這句話像一樁木頭畫只不過人不壞有點呆智力太簡單還有點面癱但不同 ... 之人 Ah let me show you Ah listen to me Now tell me tell me tell me what you want If you don't know think it's a joke You can leave ... ink it's a joke You can leave me alone總在自導自演一直在自導自編像一個編劇自己在導演話劇到現在還在演那一場可笑的無聲戲劇在別人的眼中就像
35 7.Happy ight seem crazy what I'm about to say Sunshine she's here you can take a break I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space With the air like ... don't care baby by the way Uh Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ... el like a room without a roof Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ... l like happiness is the truth Because I'm happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you ... know what happiness
36 3.Crazy For You teur3.Crazy For You作詞John Bettis作曲Jon Lind編曲谷中仁監製谷中仁 Swaying room as the music starts Strangers making the most of the dark Two by two ... k Two by two their bodies become one I see you through the smokey air Can't you feel the weight of my stare You're so close but still a world away What I'm dying ... I'm dying to say is that I'm crazy for you Touch me once and you'll know it's true I never wanted anyone like this It's all brand ne
37 8.逢場作戲 on't miss me because we just free這次我不會繼續逢場作戲了解都太少關係不太 ... 還是你太靦腆 oh crazy u with she but i don't care it想靠近一點溫暖一點什麼都看不到什麼都想不到到底是什麼讓我忘不掉 Yes or no可能還沒想好 cuz i know我對你很重要用你的猜疑試探我的心笑著對我說你還很在意 oh baby boy ... 說你還很在意 oh baby boy don't miss me because we just free這次我不會繼續
38 2.Luka(盧卡) My name is Luka I live on the second floor I live upstairs from you Yes I think you've seen ... m you Yes I think you've seen me before If you hear something late at night Some kind of trouble some kind of fightJust don't ask me what it wasJust don't ask me what it wasJust don't ask me what it was I think it's because I'm clumsy I try not to talk too loud Maybe it's ... t to talk too loud Maybe it's because I'm crazy I try
39 9.Luka Vega My name is Luka I live on the second floor I live upstairs from you Yes I think you've seen ... m you Yes I think you've seen me before If you hear something late at night Some kind of trouble some kind of fightJust don't ask me what it wasJust don't ask me what it wasJust don't ask me what it was I think it's because I'm clumsy I try not to talk too loud Maybe it's ... t to talk too loud Maybe it's because I'm crazy I try
40 12.True Colours Ong-Sweet Memories12.True Colours You with the sad eyes Don't be discouraged Oh I realize It's hard to take courage In a world full of ... beautiful Like a rainbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy can't rmember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bearJust call ... ken all you can bearJust call me up Because you know I'll be there And I'll see your true colors
41 9.True Colors 林志美-Moment to Moment9.True Colors作詞 Billy Steinberg Tom Kelly作曲 Billy Steinberg Tom Kelly編曲褚鎮東監製褚鎮東原唱 Cyndi Lauper You with the sad eyes Don ... beautiful Like a rainbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy can't rmember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken all you can bear You call me up Because you
42 7.True Colours nbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy can't rmember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bearJust call ... ken all you can bearJust call me up Because you know I'll be there And I'll see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don ... ize When this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bearJust call ... ken all
43 4.True Colours nbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy can't rmember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bearJust call ... ken all you can bearJust call me up Because you know I'll be there And I'll see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don ... ize When this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bearJust call ... ken all
44 6.True Colours nbow Show me a smile then don't be unhappy can't rmember When I last saw you laughing if this world makes you ... ghing if this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken all you can bear You call me up because you know I'll be there And I'll see your true colors shining through I see your true colors and that's why I love you So don ... bow When this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken all
45 15.True Colors 蔡健雅-T-time Tanya新歌+精選15.True Colors You with the sad eyes Don't be discouraged Oh I realize It's hard to take courage In a world ful ... beautiful Like a rainbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy can't rmember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken all you can bear You call me up Because you know I'll be there And I'll

46 14.True Colours nbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy can't rmember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken all you can bear You call me up Because you know I'll be there And I'll
47 11.Hip Hop Medley(把心放進來 I Need A Boy Dilemma穿越時空遇見你) 1.Hip Hop Medley(把心放進來 I Need A Boy Dilemma穿越時空遇見你 ... 慢慢慢來 Tell me baby what you need a gentleman is what I be I'll lace you with a diamond ring make the ear go bling bling Trip all across the wor ... rip all across the world just because of you my girl just to let the others see everything you ... the others see everything you mean to me your style it was a dream under covers make ya scream but in the end girl it just can't be caa
49 8.Another Sad Love Song(Ballade Version) h my mind messed upJumped in my car tried o clear my mind Didn't help ... d o clear my mind Didn't help me I guess I'm all messed up now baby Soon as I jumped ino my ride Those ... as I jumped ino my ride Those memories start to play A song comes on On the radio And hat U are baby once againJust another sad love song Rackin' my brain like ... ve song Rackin' my brain like crazy Guess I'm all torn up Be it fast of slow It doesn't let go or shake ... ow It
51 3.True Colors nbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy can't rmember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken all you can bear You call me up Because you know I'll be there And I'll see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don ... ize When this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken all
52 10.Baby Don't Be Shy hy one be crazy. Dance with it. Hold me be wammly say you love me. Bady don't lie to me. Show your sinserely. Baby take it. Don't be fail it. Hey baby. Don't be shy and keep your eyes stare at my face. Hey baby. Don't ... keep your footstep closing to me. Hey baby. Don't be shy. I'm already attracted by you. Hold ... lready attracted by you. Hold me baby. Don't be shy. Let's awake all night to dancing all night. Hey baby. Don't be shy and keep your eyes star
53 2.True Colors nbow Show me a smile then don't be unhappy can't rmember when I last saw you laughing if this world makes you ... ghing if this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear you call ... ken all you can bear you call me up because you know I'll be there And I'll
54 3.I Got W SWAG ON ME I GOT NEW SWAG ON ME!(yeah!) I GOT NEW SWAG ON ME I GOT NEW SWAG ON ME! stfu lil bih we are not the same.我把我的生活過得像拍電影 i don't give a fuck about你做的trash.我沒有不行還有 another planB!他覺得我非常的fye! FYE! ... nother planB!他覺得我非常的fye! FYE! Because I rocking the5TAR!飛在天上 I feeling ... 本做不到(NO!) Because I got new swag(let's go!) N*brokeboigotnewsawg!她說她想要跟
55 1.Love You So Bad(EP Version) you shoot me through(Because I love you so) Crazy baby I just feel so crazy趕你不出這宇宙時間它被黏著空氣太稀薄沒人能聽見我 Damn it I hate you so Cheesy everything turns so cheesy流行歌我聽得多別裝成我朋友自以為懂得我的寂寞 But I just can't turn it ... But I just can't turn it off Because I love you so bad Because I love you so bad Because I love you so bad Because I love you so bad I wanna cry out沒
56 7.Cypher Track12(+How&鹿希派LucyPIE& GodØne& Majin& A.Roll) apper I'm melody的 Killer遵守著大嘻哈的規則初生之犢台上怕著這太ㄍㄧㄥ了腦門炸裂電視劇情居然在我面前上演比賽規則有待商確 Why you didn't tell ... 演比賽規則有待商確 Why you didn't tell me當天沒得 Sound check下筆又修改了這歌詞N遍重複循環這Beats在每個深夜今後不再恐懼和紛擾鯨魚吞下約拿我就把鯨魚吞掉硬著頭皮幹完這Cypher還有下一場(鹿希派LucyPIE)應該是我的新鮮音樂
57 1.Love You So Bad you shoot me through(Because I love you so) Crazy baby I just feel so crazy趕你不出這宇宙時間它被黏著空氣太稀薄沒人能聽見我 Damn it I hate you so Cheesy everything turns so cheesy流行歌我聽得多別裝成我朋友自以為懂得我的寂寞 But I just can't turn it ... But I just can't turn it off Because I love you so bad Because I love you so bad Because I love you so bad Because I love you so bad I wanna cry out沒
58 1.online our mind. because of it I'm crazy about you. neverthless I want to say all the ti ... hless I want to say all the time but you never be your time. though we're never in the flesh the apps know all things. maybe yes maybe no maybe baby maybe snow. what I want to say is do you ... every one. holiday has been come people who have got the income. but I don't want to go anywhere just be an otaku at my ho ... here just be an otaku at my home. why I'm so to do
59 8.Crazylady 偶-布偶8.Crazylady作詞布偶樂隊作曲布偶樂隊 Hey! Don't be shy when I called you puppy Oh oh! Give to ... lled you puppy Oh oh! Give to me oh wonderful Say Hi before I go Fall in!你別再試著逃離 Oh baby Fall in ... ll in!你別再試著逃離 Oh baby Fall in Because我就是個crazy lady Fall in全部都聽我號令只儘管Fall in Fall in Fall in Fall in tonight then goodbye Don't seriously when I told you I love you OHOH Co ... I told you
60 8.惡魔奪走我的女人 >作詞 SkipJames作曲 SkipJames I'd rather be the devil. Then to be that woman's man. Oh nobody but the devil. Took my darling by the hand. You know I laid down ... I ever fell in love with you. Because you don't treat me like you used to do. You know the woman that I love. The woman that I love. The woman that I love. I stole her from my best frien ... ink no whiskey. And she ain't crazy about no wine. Now it was nothin' but the devil. He ca ... s nothin' but th
61 25.If This Isn't Love(Jennifer Hudson) istens to me cares for me So I truly believe God sent me an angel up from above That's gonna love ... from above That's gonna love me for life Might as well be perfect Onlbecause it's the only way I can describe so If this isn't love Tell ... be so If this isn't love Tell me what it is cause i can be be dreaming and just plain ... be be dreaming and just plain crazy If this isn't love Tell me what it is cause I never felt like this baby If thi
62 26.Another Sad Love Song(Toni Braxton) h my mind messed upJumped in my car tried to clear my mind Didn't help ... to clear my mind Didn't help me I guess I'm all messed up now baby Soon as I jumped into my ride Those ... s I jumped into my ride Those memories start to play A song comes on the radio And there U are baby once again It's just another sad love song Rackin' my brain like ... ve song Rackin' my brain like crazy Guess I'm all torn up Be it fast or slow It doesn't let go Or shake ...
63 32.Can't Sleep Love(Pentatonix(feat. Tink)) Trinity Home作曲 Avi Kaplan Elof Loelv Kevin'K.O.' Olusola Kevin Figueiredo Mitchell Grassi Scott Hoying Teddy Peña Trinity Ho ... t Hoying Teddy Peña Trinity Home Uh... huh Yeah! Tell me am I going crazy?(Uh... huh) Tell me have I lost my mind?(Yeah!) Am I just afraid of lovin'?(Uh... huh) Or am I not the lovin' kind?(Yeah!) Kissin' in the moonlight M ... But it's just cold.(Yeah!) Somebody wake up my heart Light me up Set fire to my soul yeah.(Uh
64 1.Because of You 公主病1.Because of You作詞李承鉉 Urban Cla6ix李昭萱作曲 Urban Cla6ix I'm gonna be fine You left ... ix I'm gonna be fine You left me alone Can I heal the wounds myself So what can I do And why did u co ... what can I do And why did u come To make my heart beat for you Don't don't lose my mind Dream of you again And I looked to you as it fell I want to make a wish in ... make a wish in the well Hold me tight show your love Everytime I trade m
65 22.Superhero廷廷 pk戰神嘎嘎(MY LOVE) much you mean to me(What would you do?) If I told you you were beautiful Would you date ... were beautiful Would you date me on the regular?(Tell me would you?) Well baby I've been around the world But I ain't seen myself another girl(Like you) This ring here represents my hear ... ing I need from you(Say I do) Because I could see us holding hands Walking on the beach our clothes in the sand I could see us on the countryside Sittin' on the g ... ook at my lady Gi
66 3.Happy(From'Despicable Me2') espicable Me2')作詞 Pharrell Williams作曲 Pharrell Williams It might seem ... arrell Williams It might seem crazy what I'm about to say Sunshine she's here you can take a break I'm a hot air balloon I could go to space With the air like I d ... I don't care baby by the way Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ... el like a room without a roof Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ... l like happine
67 9.Have Fun ou stroke me out I had nothing to complain about I've tried to get my feet back on the ground it's not so easy I'm still in a cloud Until I sa ... ll in a cloud Until I saw you mess around with somebody There's no anger And where's my jealousy ... anger And where's my jealousy Crazy what's the matter with me I enjoy my self-punish Is that my tendency Did god confuse my feeling I'm a hero in tragedies Even though the hurts so much I've ... outh Like a magic bullet
68 7.Leo Are You StillJumping Out Of Windows In Expensive Clothes? can hear. Because it's not easy because it's not easy. I hope you can feel what I can feel. I hope you can believe what I can believe. ... n believe what I can believe. Because I feel lonely because I'm so lonely. I don't wanna go me I still can recall all the days in F.4 we played in our school now I stay in ... d in our school now I stay in Mei Foo but where are you? Leo where are you? I hope you can taste what I can taste. I hope you can think what I thi
69 5.爸爸愛媽媽 SIN' LIKE CRAZY BECAUSE I LOVE YOU YOU ARE MY LADY OH女超人愛蝙蝠俠米老鼠愛唐老鴨 TOTORO愛AKIRA新新人類愛開喜烏龍茶我爸爸愛我媽媽阮阿公嘛愛阮阿嬤你知道我正在愛你嗎*DON'T LET ... 媽媽阮阿公嘛愛阮阿嬤你知道我正在愛你嗎*DON'T LET ME DOWN不要讓我變鍋粑 DON'T TURN ME AROUND不要讓我轉吉魯巴 DON'T FOOL ... AROUND不要讓我轉吉魯巴 DON'T FOOL ME AROUND不要讓我I.Q.58 LET'S HAV
70 2.Control The World life was meant for me'cause I can't be like someone else Getting tired of all these twists and turns so I'ma really need your help'Cause baby I cannot control the world when I ca ... n the ceiling I told her hold me tight and take a look in my eyes now you wonder the way that I'm feeling If you are who I think you are then you lend your hands ... e then you lend your hands to me But tonight so I think it's time to make up my mind then leave'Cause I'm throug
71 7.Crowd Go Crazy .Crowd Go Crazy Got it together(Woo) But that don't ... together(Woo) But that don't mean I'm too comfortable Yep I see the weather It ain't all rainbows and pots of gold Yeah I won't waste no minutes the world ain't ... es the world ain't waiting on me Time to go start living and go give them smething to see(Give them something to see) Hey hey We walkin' with a new attitude Hey hey We fresher than a new pair of shoes Oh Lord And when we step in a roo
72 3.Happy(Pharrell Williams)(神偷奶爸2) ight seem crazy what I'm about to say Sunshine she's here you can take a break I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space With the air like ... I don't care baby by the way Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ... el like a room without a roof Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ... l like happiness is the truth Because I'm happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you ... know what happiness
73 15.True Color(Cyndi Lauper)(慾望城市2) nbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy can't rmember when I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You can call ... all you can bear You can call me up Because you know I'll be there And I see your true colors shining through I see your true colors and that's why I love you And don't ... inbow If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken
74 6.Get To Know Ya(Platik feat. Blue& Deep) 、Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo、Tim Lubaj、Ziga Tement、Tibor Vuckovic I wanna get to know ya I really wanna fuck you baby One dose of your lovin I really gon' drive you ... lovin I really gon' drive you crazy I wanna be your lover I wanna get to spank you baby One dose of my lovin I know it gon' drive you ... ovin I know it gon' drive you crazy[Verse One: Young Buck] I'm lovin how you look in my eyes swangin them hips when you pass I'm visualizin my na ... you pass I'
75 8.6 Foot7 Foot- Lil Wayne feat. Cory Gunz(小韋恩 feat.柯里剛茲) ection:Summer(R&B 夏日音樂祭)-R & B 夏日音樂祭 2011(R & B Th ... ection:Summer 2011)8.6 Foot7 Foot- Lil Wayne feat. Cory Gunz(小韋恩 feat.柯里剛茲) Six-foot seven-foot eight-foot bunch Six-foot seven-foot e ... enigma? two bitches at the same time synchronized swimmers got the girl twisted'cause she open when you twist her never ... open when you twist her never met the bitch but I f-ck her like I missed her life is the bitch an
76 14.99 Problems-Jay- Z(傑斯) ection:Summer(R&B 夏日音樂祭)-R & B 夏日音樂祭 2011(R & B Th ... ection:Summer 2011)14.99 Problems-Jay- Z(傑斯) If you havin girl problems I feel bad for you son I got99 problems but a bitch ain't one ... s! I don't know what you take me as Or understand the intelligence thatJay-Z has I'm from rags to riches niggaz I ain't dumb I got99 problems but a bitch ain't on ... ms but a bitch ain't one- hit me!99 problems but a bitch ain't one If you havi
77 5.Crazy(瘋狂) dom)5.Crazy(瘋狂) I remember when I remember I remember when I lost my mind There was something so pleasant about that place Even your emotions have an echo in so much space And when you're out there without care Yeah I ... as out of touch But it wasn't because I didn't know enough I just knew too much Does that make ... knew too much Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy? Po
78 5.Love The Way You Lie(阿姆) and watch me burn But that's alright because I like the way it hurtsJust gonna stand there and hear ... st gonna stand there and hear me cry But that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie[Verse1- Eminem] I can't tell you what it really is I can only tell you what it ... out to drown she resuscitates Me she fuckin' hates me and I love it Wait! Where you going? I'm leaving you. No you ain't. Co ... leaving you. No you ain't. Come(
79 27.Crazy(瘋狂) 國2927.Crazy(瘋狂) I remember when I remember I remember when I lost my mind There was something so pleasant about that place Even your emotions have an echo in so much space And when you're out there without care Yeah I ... as out of touch But it wasn't because I didn't know enough I just knew too much Does that make ... knew too much Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy?
80 4.One Day(Matisyahu featuring Nameless) aturing Nameless) Sometimes in my tears I drown But I never let it get ... drown But I never let it get me down So when negativity surrounds I know so ... negativity surrounds I know someday it'll all turn around because有時我淹沒在自己淚水中但是我從來沒有真正放棄過所以當被消極的感覺包圍時我深信總有一天這一切情勢將會扭轉因爲 All my life I been waiting for I been praying for for the people to say ... e
81 17.True Colors(Cyndi Lauper) nbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy Can't rmember when I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken all you can bear You call me up Because you know I'll be there---------
82 29.Why R U(Amerie)(艾蜜蕊) .Why R U(Amerie)(艾蜜蕊) Why are you the one? I can't lose What's the reason that I'm here again it's ... ason that I'm here again it's crazy? I keep waiting but I'm foolish cause you'll never change. Wasted all my ti ... never change. Wasted all my time and here I am still crying over you over you Hey loving you is so hard I keep trying baby I just end up with scars And I keep fig ... ? But baby you're no good for me No you can't be you can't be you can't be the
83 11.Luka(Suzanne Vega) My name is Luka I live on the second floor I live upstairs from you Yes I think you've seen ... m you Yes I think you've seen me before If you hear something late at night Some kind of trouble. some kind of fightJust don't ask me what it wasJust don't ask me what it wasJust don't ask me what it was I think it's because I'm clumsy I try not to talk too loud Maybe it's ... t to talk too loud Maybe it's because I'm crazy I tr
84 2.American Boy(Estelle、Kanye West) 的喝采2.American Boy(Estelle、Kanye West) KanyeJust another one champion sound**** Yeah Estelle about to get down we the hottest in the wo ... in London town Bet they give me a pound Tell them put the money in my hand right now Tell the promoter we need more seats we just sold out all the floor seats Es ... oor seats Estelle Chorus Take me on a trip I'd like to go some day Take me to New York I'd love to see L.A. I really want to co ... o see L.A. I re
85 1.Click Flash(Ciara) City: Volume 21.Click Flash(Ciara) Click click click flash... Uh...Ciara...' Click click click flash...Goes...yeah! I know you probabl ... ou probably think a girl like me is oh so vain Because I love it when the camera man screams out my name(uh huh) He says'Hey girl look here turn left right up down POSE!' And I feel so beautiful while I'm wearing these designer clothe ... a show?(a a a show) And the cameras go... Click click click flash(Ya ya ya be
86 7.Hasta La Vista o be It's crazy Come rock with me! Couldn't wait to leave But now I hate to go Last day of camp Packing my bags slow Made so many friends Why does it have to end I ... e to end In the end its a win Because we grown so close together Remember when we first met First day Figured this would be no fun No way And now its ti ... e no fun No way And now its time to leave(leave) But now we wanna stay(stay stay stay stay) Oh! Hasta la vista I'm gonna say goodbye
87 1.Crazy(Gnarls Barkley) 美的喝采1.Crazy(Gnarls Barkley) I remember when I remember I remember when I lost my mind There was something so pleasant about that phase. Even your emotions had an echo In so much space And when you're out there Without care Yeah I ... as out of touch But it wasn't because I didn't know enough I just knew too much Does that make ... knew too much Does that make me crazy Does that make me crazy Does that make me (
88 7.MIRACLE he Last name TRIBUTE~7.MIRACLE DOPING PANDA作詞 Yutaka Furukawa作曲 Yutaka Furukawa There are many ways to reach to the right. But whichev ... ter what I'mJekyll or Hyde. I meet you all the way from your future. I never lose you anymore. If you can't understand But I know what to do and I know what I say ... real. Cried for you cried for me cried for the light because you know the dark.. Cried for you cried for ... ark.. Cried for you cried for me cr
89 1.Stir It Up(麥阿喜-檸檬樹下的愛情-羅馬尼亞語) out of time There's no room in this ol' heart of mine Bill collectors waiting down the hall Neighbors scream and crack the bedroom wall Nerve ... wall Nerves jump off the pavement passion hits the street Angels cookin' in the city heat World's too ... in the city heat World's too crazy I can't take no more I won't stay here locked behind the door Baby stir it up got to break it up now When I think about tomorr ... play hard to get All those time bombs tickin' in you
90 22.True Colors nbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy can't rmember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken all you can bear You call me up Because you know I'll be there And I'll
91 26.Mambo italiano to Napoli Because she missed the scenery The native dances and the charming songs But wait a minute so ... ing songs But wait a minute something's wrong Hey mambo! Mambo italiano! Hey mambo! Mambo italiano Go go go you mixed up sigialiano All you calabraise-a do the ma ... abraise-a do the mambo like a crazy with a Hey mambo don't wanna tarantella Hey mambo no more a mozzarella Hey mambo! Mambo italiano! Try an enchilada with da fis ... dance a rhumbah But take a some a
92 4.Cell Block Tango elf to blame If you'd have been there If you'd have seen it[VELMA] I betcha you would have done the sa ... cha you would have done the same![LIZ] Pop[ANNIE] Six[JUNE] Squish[HUNYAK] Uh uh[VELMA] Cicero[MONA] Lipschitz![LIZ(Spoken)] You know how people have these little ... m. No not chew. POP. Well I came home this one day And I am really irritated and looking for a little sympathy and there'e Bernie layin' on the couch drinkin' a beer a ... e you pop that gum one more t
93 13.True Colors nbow Show me a smile then Don't be unhappy can't rmember When I last saw you laughing If this world makes you ... ghing If this world makes you crazy And you've taken all you can bear You call ... ken all you can bear You call me up Because you know I'll be there And I'll
94 3.Catherine Zeta-Jones Susan Misner Deidre Goodwin- Cell Block Tango elf to blame If you'd have been there If you'd have seen it[VELMA] I betcha you would have done the sa ... cha you would have done the same![LIZ] Pop[ANNIE] Six[JUNE] Squish[HUNYAK] Uh uh[VELMA] Cicero[MONA] Lipschitz![LIZ(Spoken)] You know how people have these little ... m. No not chew. POP. Well I came home this one day And I am really irritated and looking for a little sympathy and there'e Bernie layin' on the couch drinkin' a beer a ... e you pop that gum one more t
95 19.Lick y part of me Know what makes me tick I love it when you lick Lick(Joi) I put my heels on for ya baby The ones that are wrapped all around my legs Your every touc ... legs Your every touch excites me And DaddyAndMothrerit I ain't too proud to beg And even when your not around ... And even when your not around me The tingling just won't go away Don't make my body wait no longer ... t make my body wait no longer Because this pussy cat gotta play play play play(Choru
96 10.She Drives Me Crazy he Drives Me Crazy CHORUS She drives me crazy oh oh she makes me Lose control when she comes my way I won't forget her no no can't let her Capture ... r no no can't let her Capture me and take me away Whenever you're around I just can't sit down Cuz you are the girl that drives ... you are the girl that drives me wild At night I just can't sleep Cuz I see it in my dreams And you are the one taking over ... d you are the one taking ov
97 15.Back Up Off Me ck Up Off Me[Mean Green] What's up y'all? It's the Mean-ster Green-ster THIS should be played in residential neighborhoods clubs cars at high volu ... rhoods clubs cars at high volume Get(?) wodies at high volume[Master P- over Mean Green] UNNNNNGHHH! Where all my No Limit Soldiers at? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? Where y'all at? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?(Throw'em ... e wodie throw'em up high We some No Limit Soldiers'til the day that we die And everybody
98 4.Love Me br>4.Love Me Artist Obie Trice Eminem&50 Cent(Obie Trice) You don't see ... ent(Obie Trice) You don't see me in the hood it's cause I'm doing this man Verse1(Obie Trice) Nigga's I'm still grinding(yeah...) I'm still hearing those sirens I ... mine and my mic's on And my time is none because I'm writing more And I ain't here to ... ting more And I ain't here to meet a soul in this business I'm here to eat speak until these hoes feel this(for sure...) and I can
99 2.Obie Trice Eminem50 Cent- Luv Me Cent- Luv Me(Obie Trice) You don't see me in the hood it's cause I'm doing this man Verse1(Obie Trice) Nigga's I'm still grinding(yeah...) I'm still hearing those sirens I ... mine and my mic's on And my time is none because I'm writing more And I ain't here to ... ting more And I ain't here to meet a soul in this business I'm here to eat speak until these hoes feel this(for sure...) and I can't let yall de-rail ... and I can't let yall de-rail me man
100 11.Clint Eastwood Finally someone let me out of my cage Now time for me is nothing cos I'm counting no age Now I couldn't be there Now you shouldn't be scared I'm good at repairs And I'm under each sna ... a clearer view cos you're too crazy Lifeless To know the definition for what life is Priceless For you ... hat life is Priceless For you because I put you on the hype shit You like it? Gunsmokin' righteous with one token Psychic among those Possess you with one go I ai ...

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