
關於 boom + boom + beat 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.Pretty Boy Rap ys就像Metro Boomin Don't hate the player hate the game遊戲太不公平忘看儀表盤了我又開了幾十公里我坐在Santa Monica chill看著風景但還沒來得及看表時間就已經跑了不是同賽道就不用來賽跑了前兩年很E現在喃我又好了 M3rde ... 用來賽跑了前兩年很E現在喃我又好了 M3rder this beat走出stu天還早哦我是藝術家ain't no trap rapper他們網上裝的都是cap rapper Making this ... 們網上裝的都是cap rapper
2 1.One Two 沒有靈感索性就做首 boombap最簡單的韻律才會讓我更痛快我不關心大事或者誰發了動態我更擔心我腦子 ... 找著各種 type beat除了 trap boombap旋律我也依然唱的帥氣看他們' push the*** ing pa ... 吐出的是淚珠聽我的 boombap把不屈服的精神傳雖然產量少但是絕對讓你聽著燃 My rhythm貼 ... thm貼合態度就在 beat上盡情玩別叫我 twenty one了叫我本名寧雲凡 Yo mic m
3 1.Sweet Hot like the beat行那再告訴你個秘密過了今晚噓我會做你的蓋茨比 Sweet Hot Sweet Hot別浪費時間 di da Sweet Hot Sweet Hot東八區跳到西八 Sweet Hot Sweet Hot你是不是叫Eva Sweet Hot Sweet Hot ... t你是不是叫Eva Sweet Hot Sweet Hot Boom跟那些 Idol不是同類流水線音樂加個走位腰板站的直唱我昨晚寫的詞做自己的主角何必當個傀儡要相信這個男人有點東西能夠克服本能和天性它不是難題你說劈腿的滾
4 1.Deride0577 是選秀說你的強項是 Boombap那我就用 Boombap把你殺對付你我都沒有興趣拿出808說什麼在溫州沒聽過我算哪位我跟你 ... J一起但是他做不來 beat!現在是個人有個網易雲賬號就裝作懂哥說這話那讓舞台部的哥們兒該怎麼活呢
5 2.Right Here ou make a'Boombap' shit I make'Boombap' back我只服'Boombap' YEN也只服'Boombap'霏簽了新的合約他們碰對了簽了新的合約他們全都傻了 All day and night音樂不會變得壞只會變得愛越來越多Likes I'll be the star你可當我fans講更多壞話你可把我當箭靶大賣CD I'm the one打開香檳 I'm ... 你感謝你的主我感謝我的努力 I can kill this beat用我R&B I can kill this beat cuz I'm Zunya Li So buddy I've bee

6 5.雲南王Freestyle 來蹭雲南王你用土透的boombap beat老子就當昆明的central cee老子不管你割包皮還是叫什麼Doub
7 2.Dragon Flow 不記得一支mic一個beat that's all I need不玩兒拉幫結派的那種小把戲太多rapper是沒骨氣的小垃圾不玩兒說唱玩兒小蝌蚪找媽咪找資本找金主找個冤大頭找個能紮的蛤蟆之後get da dough Rapper太廉價像本科搞擴招 Rapper不靠rap而是靠社交 Ho ... 被賣掉 Yeah ma dragon style like boom boom pow Nobody move nobody get hurt走我想
8 1.浪漫陷阱 ba gi li boom建築 money tree I no longer feel alone yeah告訴你現在的計畫時代快趕不上變化 I got I got many free I wanna fxxk da ... got many free I wanna fxxk da beat look如果再給我一次機會再次讓我選擇匹配我就想錯過你這麼雞肋街道的
9 8.古巴(Cuba) ggaeton關掉了boombap播放雷擊頓音樂關掉boombap從來不按計劃出牌我哥們喜歡戴du rag行李箱裡部都是Rolex ... 找我的女孩玩玩當我做beat like dr.dre我製作的節奏像德瑞博士她說她來自烏拉圭 los
10 1.社區人聲 比方那個用trap boom bap flow耍drill去廠頭耍嘛去找你的廠花萬人迷更適合去跳個踢 ... 突咋不拿出來bom boom pa哭訴資本的口袋在變卦俘虜他們的腦袋被結紮不如我bbox附帶整起耍 ... 瓜得要命翟正楠耍耍耍beatbox耍得頂隨便拿個champion好得行說唱 ... mpion好得行說唱beatbox和我兄弟小象耍tagteam來嘛我用嘴巴來抓個 ... m來嘛我用嘴巴來抓個beat不像你做的beat別個
11 25.一個明星的誕生 裡 Bass ba-boom-ba-boom每分鐘的 heartbeat隨著節奏呼吸他頭戴著 Hats腳跟著 Kick手接著 Clap初次登場在 ... 見過了太多給一萬個 beat都不夠說他不能忘記他的名字叫做什麼也得要能讓他的名字叫座高山低谷間的走秀 ... rse第一次想法在 beat裡投射第一句 flow第一筆用演出賺來的 dough第一次感覺到那所有
12 1.掃地僧 弟都用著油管上偷來的beat我的實力只允許K.O樂評人都給我GO home你的審美帶著狐臭祝你健康幸 ... 個記者我在寄快遞呢 BOOM耳機裡有TNT別在那裡蝦BB My son現在就聽 My song別假
13 3.鎮海 gimme the Boom**** the money we****in nobody海岸線那裡有條白龍我駕馭我們炸裂了大地炸到神界有壓力 i'm hardcore的大帝他們全部都像芭比 I'm making moves faker u gotta move(我在行動時假貨都得讓路 ... he room Urrra urrra gimme the Boom出生在低層不是底層邏輯或試圖脫離基層的通行證窮學生或工薪層但我們的牙口開過刃法老EINK鼠尾草聯手我們做事兒就是太過分不助長壞作風我是開拓人這幫
14 1.運鏡 謝乾編曲 Abel Beats製作人謝乾 Pan tilt dolly truck arc with a ... n tilt dolly truck arc with a boom shot follow and track Aerial shot up in the sky Camera roll with my stunning mind Pan tilt dolly truck arc with a ... n tilt dolly truck arc with a boom shot follow and track器材軍火是fully packed Camera roll with my35香爐剎底框個翹的Lay out給我鏡頭怕水會發黴把現實化為Frame Build the scene with some solid ... n tilt dolly truck arc with a
15 1.我的Folykiki 也有臉蛋你嘗起來是 boom boom慢半拍讓我把所有熱愛都 boom出來我有你就不怕失敗很期待我宣布你就是我的最愛很意外你嘗起來是 ... 愛很意外你嘗起來是 boom boom慢半拍讓我把所有熱愛都 boom出來我有你就不怕失敗很期待我宣布你就是我的最愛很意外其實我也憂慮憂慮到沒 ... 愛生活我用了歡快的 beat我剛想掰一半給你才發現你是回憶關於你 emo過
16 1.劍走偏鋒 了蠱吃了毒你瞧不起的boombap在追什麼 Monica為什麼都把自己搞得很低能這樣不會進步嘛我跟你講要受人尊敬你要先會想人云亦云你就跟著法兄弟都上你也跟著打大便吃不吃嘛老師在那邊講像我是覺得簽三小 ECFA Blow that puff like wiz khalifa煩惱都燒掉你 ... 行吧 No more cheat shit no more beat up All peace all love都綠的立體的音符越聽悅耳起
17 5.獻祭 ng on the beatBoombap Flow做首Trap Beat也是迫不得已 Angel treble4 make the shit我帶 ... l獻計了獻祭了陷阱的beat史無前例欸老子一日走千里 Ma
18 1.Megahit 沒器官會崩 Woo Beatbox跟古箏和誰才最襯想知交響的命運誰也去碰碰和吻吻有些戀曲 Uh-Oh ... 從和弦或亂撞裡探討 Boom Boom Boom碰到你的 Bang Bang Bang乒鈴嘭唥一齊妄想 ... g乒鈴嘭唥一齊妄想 Boom Boom Boom再加你的 Bang Bang Bang乒鈴嘭唥這是震央不必怕將彼此刮花世 ... 從柔和或劇烈裡探討 Boom Boom Boom碰到你的 Bang Bang Bang乒鈴嘭唥一齊妄想 ...
19 1.散打冠軍 還是讀高三的反正這個beat今天要被我們嗨翻 Hook都太緊密咯藏在心裡頭虛偽再少一點引發了多米諾不 ... 裡滴傻嗨送入虎口我概Boombap so hot揸穩扶手代表0759keep住我十八歲概態度所有人都聽住宜家Biggie9來帶路感受我滴flow享受我概show歌名帶個pro Shout out to my bro好似Mario摸佐東南西北中打個十三幺 call me一聲大佬讓你三招 ... 小水蝦子些強的莫奈何 let me back to the boom to t
20 2.噓 我killing這個beat young blood we got no peace空降每場live ... one你在做白日夢 boombap都唱不好你跟我談什麼基本功他們說的話我全都聽不清幾張嘴的看法影響

21 1.Hardcore Party 背後你的homie boom boom打開音響嗡嗡加大分貝去往硬核派對後臺backstage屋裡飄著香味還沒有 ... 了 drop da beat D D DJ Quaver玩月亮睡太陽我睜開了眼睛 give me
22 2.Badass 這個節奏還是迪哥做的beat如果你聽不習慣那就當我放個屁沒興趣哄你玩我也不上綜藝每天享受我的生活別惹 ... op除了trap就是boombap沒樣兒的MC們在這全都給我shut up real undergr ... 你臉上給你來一響的 boom! hook: call me badass噠啦噠噠(嗯哼) real
23 3.Make Luv et's Q da beat先別著急放鬆 dis a murda sheye!還是暴力的插入把你壓住 ... 了更好的瞭解 Ka-Boom!開始合理的饕餮直到你的困擾已經消失身體和靈魂都被我交織吸上一口充滿人
24 2.摸得到天 )我霍你撒子聽聽我這beat美女來杯拉菲 two the paty親祝我親自穿入困境戰神降臨帶你委屈 ... y單人出行莫得問題 boom!…哈皮來我家裡看看老子的玩具 lady看我這下面夠不夠happy沒得
25 1.異類 e(和平和愛)國產的beat加上me你覺得Who's Master(誰是大師)南郭先生遇到我也只能獨 ... 才是中文說唱的傳奇 BOOMBOOMBOOM看過水滸知道你的下場會怎樣 DONGDONGDONG湘北輸給山王工高下
26 10.What I am er on the beat Damn Drinking beer I'mma listen to my Fear Drink it now Drink it later I don't care bout ur tears No emotions Make a grime I'm ... bats Tough enough huh Make it boom Chigga moves R city In my hood I d
27 1.唔撚同你玩 士威露士屈指一算你甩beat叫我鬼谷子鬼谷子斬斬斬斬斬你叫我鬼武士鬼武士響噹噹我哋廣東幫硬邦邦咪撚來 ... 聽到你rap到on beat你老豆就已經知足燜火腩冚唪唥爭住trap仲要笑狗我玩 ... trap仲要笑狗我玩boombap喂你嗰啲都叫做rap係啊係啊知你叻蛇鼠一窩嘅花靚倞又話係gang
28 15.像我一樣 我有音樂的品味給我個beat給把麥克風其他的都無所謂我帶了兩千塊來一個禮拜就被花光討厭我覺得我沒資格 ... school不就是boom bap不就是trap不就是這些那些我還能夠R&B不就是錄不就是rap
29 1.A.C.E2021 CYPHER kill this beat lets talk about we will be the king be the god be a super rapstar3ohappy pyramid(金字塔)頂尖的noble(貴族) I will shine by mine(我會讓自己變得閃 ... 鬥 Power刻在磁帶與你不同level Show the beat beat(在這個beat裡展示我的技巧) let me rate it hit.(讓我來給他們當 ... 要的標籤掀起轟動搭配beat最後燃起硝煙(搭配伴奏)當最大贏家帶上我的homies躺在包間(帶上我的 ... 的酒卡從睡醒開
30 1.成都郊外的晚上 永遠不會怯場 Oh看Boombap老派的威力我現在拋開了規矩看風兒輕輕的吹動夜晚郊外的黑我剛有搭訕一 ... 是借酒勁我放著流暢的Beat嘴裡念著行酒令月色多麼好(聽節奏時柔時剛)這條路多寬廣(看月亮時圓時方
31 3.Pink 輕鬆看我使出氣功波(boom boom)給個 beat Easy come and easy kill Cruising d
32 1.RAIN flow shah boom boom boom被賦予心跳 LASTKING shooter只相差一歲眼紅的麻煩都閃開輪到了下一位我們的天賦不止是比你大一倍 young asian rising gang we doing flow wave(年輕的集體開創'flow'浪潮) I walk it I t ... I feel like a beast killin da beat(如同一隻肆意的猛獸) undefinable systematic(
33 5.蹦吧貓 每天播放這首70年的Boom Bap Beat他喵的還在睡覺被叫起來一起聽 Retro OldSchool NewSchool BadSchool那時還沒有什麼東西岸他只喜歡他家的紅地毯星期天他翻開地毯的另一面再轉另一邊發現上面印著他最愛的rapper's face他常常和他家的貓對話聊嘻哈蹦吧貓聽到 ... 得他很可愛也一起蹦吧蹦吧而我也是其中之一 let's go boom bap boom bap欸欸蹦吧貓欸欸蹦吧貓這個鼓點編得真是妙
34 6.Role Playing Game BM on the beat Mr. Enjoy da Money歡迎加入我的role playin ... 扣你們全待在我胯下 Boom shaka laka boom shaka laka Boom shaka laka ooo年輕的Godfather懶得聽你誇了全部
35 1.烏鴉 Immortal Beats Wuyaya yaya yaya Wuyayaya Wassup W ... Wuya吃了這個 Beat I never change經歷了事情的人都會變清理我身體中的碎片把答 ... 拿麥克風纏繞著榮譽 Boom Boom Boom見過黑暗裡的光才知道珍惜 Vroom Vroom Vroom Flex on夜幕降臨開始出動 Hu$tle Hard做事絕不平庸我終於學會假笑就像被上了手銬列車飛速在軌道我依然保持原調 Wuyaya yaya yaya Wuyayaya Wassup Wu ... Wuya Wuya Super YoungG on
36 12.Keep Breath ersein da beat我來喚醒塵封的感覺讓思緒反復穿梭在這每個鼓點之中從昆明到貴陽我們全部wa ... 搓起硬是硬雜得惱火 Boombap節奏勒出現第一個想到暉哥想到我所以說我勒一切你都可以學但是就算你
37 1.Pink 輕鬆看我使出氣功波(boom boom)給個 beat Easy come and easy kill Cruising d
38 1.#catchallmydrip big glock(boom boom) Put it all this shit on your whole block(whole block) Catch all my drip(drip) when the ... ch all my drip(drip) when the beat drop下盤棋將了個軍妹子給傷了個心(woo)怎麼這麼狂即使才當完了
40 9.Explore room like Boom boom pow Beat it beat it up And we going up Filling up your cup Let me know wassup Bass like a dump Bumping like a trunk Give you what you need Ain't ... at you want Got the room like Boom boom pow Tell us keep it quiet in the suite But we gon turn it up before we leave here We gon cause a scene If they try and kick us ... turn it up Got the room like Boom boom pow Beat it beat it up And we going up Filling up your cup
41 3.你不知道我的名字 give me a beat給我一支鉛筆寫下成長中的含義和我的兄弟挨個擊掌每天的儀式 Air for ... 大合唱把大門上個鎖 Boom come back我還在 give me a light Number45 never forget One more try致敬逝去的青年誰都不能倖免夢的雛形精簡 hit song變成經典我還記得那年的她貌美如花路燈下的兄弟誰都不願回家興奮著明天即將不 ... ouble Give me a mic Give me a beat給我一段新的靈感再次描寫過去時間慢慢
42 7.第四回合 等一會兒讓我寫完這段beat出其不意加足馬力帶你去天堂或地獄你的貴族太過媚俗我保持一貫的痞氣如果明天就死去這首歌陪你到下個世紀我究竟是誰誰又是我人生來本赤裸為什麼堅持到偏執心無旁貸的執著他們著急又上火慾望裡住著個心魔我的風格不再被定義跟著旋律去生活又到了冬天空氣不新鮮沒人在身邊 X光 ... 沒正形的想一夜成名沒人懂尊重和平愛 I still rap BooM
43 2.老表 BG on the beat老表老表老表 swag老表老表老表 gang老表老表老表 swag老表老表老表 gang老表全身鑲滿鑽石老表脖子掛到鏈子老表 swag老表 gang老表全身鑲滿鑽石老表脖子掛到鏈子老表 swag老表 gang老表錢很多多得胎不縮老表關係硬走哪都是哥喝酒一口 ... u plus one TNT成都pretty chigga boombox街上freestyling my pretty chiggaz
44 2.Close Your Eyes(feat. Skye)(Huangfu Remix) the music booming loud on the dance floor. Let it flow in let the rhythm mend your heart heal your soul. Close your eyes dance till we see the ... A kiss that will make my heartbeat beat so loud. Give me a smile so that I
45 2.阿羅哈 rl比基尼椰子殼還 boom boom跳草裙舞在我身邊仔細看我彈奏聽我來唱一首就算指法不太嫺熟穿過大教堂卡蘿拉曬個日光 KameHameha HEY不知你可否賞光就漫無目的走要牽著你的手幸福就像 sunshine all around me it so beautiful we gonna p ... 只怪那海風吹的人心撲通撲通撲 YO DJ drop the beat準備好仔細聆聽親吻你是我每天醒來的 first thing(every

46 1.Round4 BooM黄旭-狂人日記1.Round4作詞 ... nd4作詞 BooM黄旭作曲 BooM黄旭 For my family For my people For m ... 等一會兒讓我寫完這段Beat出其不意加足馬力帶你去天堂或地獄你的貴族太過媚俗我保持一貫的痞氣如果明天就死去這首歌陪你到下個世紀我究竟是誰誰又是我人生來本赤裸為什麼堅持到偏執心無旁貸的執著他們著急又上火欲望裡住著個心魔我的風格不再被定義
47 2.U Don't Know My Name BooM黄旭-狂人日記2.U Don't Know My Name
BooM黄旭作曲 BooM黄旭慶幸堅持到了現在慶幸手中還握著麥一起感受我的節拍 But you don't know my name You don't know my name獨自一人無數個night追逐想不到的意外感歎時間過的好快 That's a long way That' ... way Give me a soul give me a beat給我一支鉛筆寫下成長中的含義和我的兄弟挨個擊掌每天得儀式 airforc ... 大合唱把大門上
48 1.Round4 nd4作詞 BooM黄旭作曲 BooM黄旭 For my family For my people For m ... 等一會兒讓我寫完這段Beat出其不意加足馬力帶你去天堂或地獄你的貴族太過媚俗我保持一貫的痞氣如果明天就死去這首歌陪你到下個世紀我究竟是誰誰又是我人生來本赤裸為什麼堅持到偏執心無旁貸的執著他們著急又上火欲望裡住著個心魔我的風格不再被定義跟著旋律去生活又到了冬天空氣不新鮮沒人
49 2.U Don't Know My Name ame作詞 BooM黄旭作曲 BooM黄旭專輯狂人日記歌曲 U Don't Know My Name作曲 ... My Name作曲 BooM黃旭作詞 BooM黃旭慶幸堅持到了現在慶幸手中還握著麥一起感受我的節拍 But You don't know my name You don't know my name獨自一人無數個Night追逐想不到的意外感歎時間走的好快 That's a long way That' ... way Give me a soul give me a beat給我一支鉛筆寫下成長中的含義和我的兄弟挨個擊掌
50 7.南部囝仔(& SOWUT) mix with boom bap I got the do list and that's do rap They say don't do this so I do that高雄人們唱饒舌都失敗居多 so他們就炮轟90後你說他說他們都逞兇鬥狠大多年紀都大很多不就老不休好多兼了職 ... amera action I be killing the beat in the orderly fashio
51 3.跳電(feat.寶貝) t let the beat go boom With all my ladies in the room We here to have a party All ya treaks get naughty Common放送電音讓你身體跟著跳連小孩大人運將也都在跳電huh Put hands up ... hot hot.....跳電...Just let the beat go boom With all my ladies in the room We
52 2.To Make It Better s你知道這是什麼聲音Boom boom你知道我們來到這裡有什麼原因 ... 們來到這裡有什麼原因Boom AP is coming green Ts with the blac ... ates怕this beat這是新的Story never chapter11 buck那個 sue me Crying loud for my style beach you can't move me You better learn it through my movie ro ... P Ya Better bucking blaze the beats Ya better blaze台灣兄弟 Blaze TB Ya Be ... ates怕this beat你需要多少時間To make it better put h
53 2.Miss H.K(feat.Gold Mountain) rian Chan Boom! The beating of the heart to the beat Is the start of the of the sound w
54 5.The Come Thru(Album Version) weeded up beat it up but dont eat it up this aint a slow jam so I can speed it up I aint sparkin the metal I just wanna talk to the ghetto bag ... n her phatty when the bass go boom she witness how Twista spit it so
56 3.Alive 壓力風暴來襲頭腦爆炸boom boom boom迅速找回狀態I'll be back in zone zone zone ... 所以我根本無所畏懼 Boom I'm on my way Boom I'm on my way I will keep doing Now I make the ... ill keep doing Now I make the beat booming Boom I'm on my way Boom I'm on my way I will keep doing Now I make the ... ill keep doing Now I make the beat booming在舞台上最狂放的舞步我把世界裝進冰箱降溫度保持
57 4.Bounce(Prod. by KIRE) 孫盛希-Boomerang4.Bounce(Prod. by KIRE)作詞 KIRE、孫盛希 Shi Shi作曲孫盛希 Shi Shi、KIRE Ah~ Hands up to the sky Move your body side to side Oh ... 겨나마치어쩌다마주친우리지너와나Just feel the beat the rhythm感覺你擁有全部的自己去選擇 Don't let
58 1.MAMACITA love the beat goes bam bam bam bam Bam bam bam bam Sweety I know what you want Keep bam bam bam bam Bam bam bam bam Babe there's nothing wron ... like zoom zoom Put it on like boom boom花光我的積蓄So What Cause I love your Big
59 1.乾爹蹦蹦蹦 bucket go boom boom boom Gameday bucket go Gameday bucket goboom boom boom Gameday Gameday Gameday bucket go boom boom boom Gameday bucket go Gameday bucket goboom boom boom Gameday Gameday對著鏡子孤芳自賞我知道不能停下直到你給我一對翅膀讓我凌駕這個市場上所有出現的行情價再給我五星評價讓我佔據這個地方 So show me your money我叫你一聲爹地我不想努力 Show me you
60 14.魔動北極星「FantasticJourney」Outro 一擊最強的對手全部都beat it(幹掉)哢姐不管我們怎麼撒野我們的劇本由我們來寫鯊魚跟河馬要開始冒 ... 對是啦啦啦啦啦啦嘿 boom du lu la da la da da da da da da魔動閃 ... a da魔動閃霸嘿 boom du lu la da la da da da da da da魔動
61 10.小鬼怪 Far zen Tower Beatz黑到白的time so long(時間有點漫長)一味的成全是抵抗的採樣 ... 我要醒來一聲 ba boom(巨響)變成壞人帶走我的小鬼怪做我的男人 you're so far(
62 1.Riding' rn on the beats mode Drivin so fast everybody know ... atin跟Trap Boom Bap All I wanna see everything I p
63 1.Follow me boi crank da beat up now Follow follow me Boi Follow me Follow me Follow follow me Boi Follow me Follow Follow me follow me follow follow me Boi無 ... You love old school.i rap da boomblap正合適談戀愛(ya)對你全糖去冰塊(ice)嗅費洛蒙we gon'high?(right)你總是可惡但永遠可愛(ah)每當我見到你心事有些失禮折疊的更立體氧氣歇斯底里勾結怯弱一起集結成enemy But me myself and i body都想 ... es callin'loud Let's crank da beat up now
64 1.左邊 請注意放空身體跟著 beat這非常棒的歌曲掀翻房頂沒暫停跟著我一起唱 la la la la la左 ... 體躁動我讓現場爆炸 boom booty shake it shack it全身都 Shining
65 3.Our Generation(英文版) won't be beat just gotta embrace it Celebration Revelation Our generation ... ion Revelation Our generation Boom boom(!
66 1.Hot Party like~聽見我的心BoomBoomBoomBoom重節拍感覺整個身體強烈熱起來倒數L Y X U ARE~ Can you ... 就請別見外聽見我的心BoomBoomBoomBoom重節拍感覺整個身體強烈熱起來倒數L Y X U ARE~ Can you see me like you u~想太多就會先淘汰看熱情融化了冰山變成了海就快點跳進來涼快快把雙手舉起來快把姿態擺出來要夠帥要夠拽超級酷到崇拜加一拜對的人請靠過來跟我一起high
67 12.Tonight(鄧麗欣&Y.E.S.) 치않는내 Baby boom Can I get up! Can I get up! Oh make ... it쿵쿵거리는이 Beat에내심장을맡겨버려이밤이다가버려도되살짝이분위기취해봐도되 Ready
68 1.Boom Box 影 CRIMZON-Boom Box1.Boom Box Feat. HUR作詞 C.Holly王粲勻、JJEAN(@ Number K)作曲JJEAN(@ NUMBER K)Justin Reinstein(@ NUMBER K) YO! You Ready?! Got the ... ER K) YO! You Ready?! Got the Beat got the Boom that rocks LISTEN! Once upon a time there was just a girl wobbling It's like the words they didn't rhyme No she was struggling ... unce booty Bounce booty I'm a Boom Box Hey Bounce Baby Bounce Baby I'mBoom Box Hey Tik tok on the clock Got th(
69 8.我不像 蜜莉十分之一「這個 beat我真的沒有辦法」我不像 GodØne怎辦那麼貼 ... dØne怎辦那麼貼 beat接地氣不像6 yi7那麼自信不像 C Grass那麼順ㄌㄩㄝㄌㄩㄝㄌㄩㄝ ... (我)在對 RPG boom bap感到最深的純粹胖不過庫巴沒這胖子帥不像小卡比丟出很炸的 punc ... 摧毀2023我依舊 Boom bap always做不到 REX腔調喘氣我做不到位學 REX喘氣喘一 ... 礎而我根扎的深用這 beat殺了生那個
70 5.Cypher Track9(艾蜜莉AMILI& Quanzo& Amos&神經元&趙翊帆YI94) 代-大嘻哈時代2: BEAT Y’ALL PER MINUTE 脫穎而出5.Cypher T ... 南的舊牆何時能突破 boom bap who's that where my hood at af
71 6.Cypher Track10(SteeVen& IVAN艾文& TreXer-$& Denzel Cheng& RPG) 代-大嘻哈時代2: BEAT Y’ALL PER MINUTE 脫穎而出6.Cypher T ... show的Kobe Boom boom the bap The fadeaway attack不可能撤退我唱的燙開熱水 What the fuck you about son我像是nafla把這遊戲掃蕩 I feel like chosen one要獨吞寶藏永街的兄弟分了贓不可能金盆洗手 Li ... gon see I don't kill I murder beat I don't really want no smoke饒舌歌手超愛beef How the fuck you say you crazy如果你擔心監視器 Most of them they jus
72 1.321 BOOM 3P-321 BOOM1.321 BOOM ft BLINK作詞 Caven Tang作曲 Caven Tang ... INK作詞 Caven Tang作曲 Caven Tang BOOM! IN THREE TWO ONE WE MOVE We Reach Up To The Moon We Switch Up Any Mood In Three Two One We ... Any Mood In Three Two One We BOOM In Three Two One We Croove We High Up To The Moon This Shit Can't Be Refuse IN THREE TWO ONE WE ... Be Refuse IN THREE TWO ONE WE BOOM!(Caven.Rap) Dropping Low Hit Popping Real Shit Flexing New Kicks I'm Fresh Like
73 1.6ENERATION 親自帶上我的兄弟又是boom bap那只需要四成功力向世人展示新的風氣像是能展翅吸引了攻擊將至的腥風 ... t'新鮮flow唱上beat對著我的假想敵你們都想對我做「效果」但你沒有效果器 Do it mys
74 1.LOVE p) To the beat y'all It don't stop(And it don't stop) Yes yes y'all It don't stop uh uh uh uh(Show me some love! Come on! Show me some love!)你 ... I need you to vibe with this boombap beat(Yes yes y'all. It don't stop.)我把mic丟回去給你空中接力(Yes yes y'all. It don't stop.) Yeah I need you to vibe with this ... I need you to vibe with this boombap beat(Yes yes y'all. It don't stop.)我把mic丟回去給你空中接力(Yes yes y'all. It don't stop.)
75 2.叨位(Where You From) 架寫著G-funk boombap west coast那是我的底只是現在外面披著那個名為trap的 ... 去?問我宅男抽到這種Beat會不會心慌?蝦烙骨子裡的我們骨髓都嘻哈沒有一種節奏是我駕馭不了告訴他們
76 6.相同的路(The Same Road) 中求是否有一線生機 Boom是槍炮彈藥 Wow欸轟幹麥造 Bro你還在賣藥我想你是瘋了他是的我兄弟理 ... me警民合作不小心把beat給殺了 uh Popo gambler握手言和都變成warrior P
77 4.Hit you like a bomb heart is beating like a like a like a like a like a bomb Come on everybody Rum bo bomb Rum bo bomb Rum bo bomb Hit you like a bomb We gon' hi ... you like a bomb Ready get set boom森林都沒在怕引起爆炸 Say bang bang bang最好閃遠一點 Woo隨身攜帶最燙口的上火的掀起了森林大火 Say what不小心引起的傷亡別擋我的光芒將軍Coming害怕的勸你快逃命 Oh can you feel me這裡即將傳來震撼你們快閃開 ... l me Can you feel my heart is (
78 7.Return Of The Boombap rn Of The Boombap作詞詹士賢作曲詹士賢 It's the return of the ... 賢作曲詹士賢 It's the return of the boombap Don't hesitate you know you like that It's the return of the ... e that It's the return of the boombap Yes yes y'all now you bob your h ... 你會悟道了解你想要 beats還要我 rock that使你搖頭晃腦 Yeah you know you like that苦尋無果?這不用排隊這是突破格線完全體不求你完全體會但把心得完全傳給你
79 11.目屬目 un彙聚成焦點一擊 Boom Boom I Picky You I Watch You別再這樣躲 I Watch You別再那樣躲 I Watch You Hey A O A O Hey Watch Out Watch Out Hey A O A O Hey I Watch You Baby白 ... ut Hey A O A O Hey Bring That Beat Back Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Everybod
80 1.Go Get The Money(去賺錢) 漫無目地的享受此刻 beats ay想要瀟灑釋放體內跟我跟你並肩 ay譜出經典和各種亮點輕鬆加快樂 boy到處遊玩玩到現在 boy從未擔心新的未來怎能會 big hero無用武之地 ay都讓開我們要去賺 money(다비켜우린돈벌러가야돼)都讓開我們要去賺 money(다비켜우린돈벌 ... 所有能力值謙虛的態度是為了成為 legend I am a Boom Boom持續(Boom Boom Boom) Bia~~~~~~~tch!!不被束縛每個
81 1.Go Get The Money(去賺錢) 漫無目地的享受此刻 beats ay想要瀟灑釋放體內跟我跟你並肩 ay譜出經典和各種亮點輕鬆加快樂 boy到處遊玩玩到現在 boy從未擔心新的未來怎能會 big hero無用武之地 ay都讓開我們要去賺 money(다비켜우린돈벌러가야돼)都讓開我們要去賺 money(다비켜우린돈벌 ... 所有能力值謙虛的態度是為了成為 legend I am a Boom Boom持續(Boom Boom Boom) Bia~~~~~~~tch!!不被束縛每個
82 4.燥 ick click boom我們一起一起燥 Snap snap zoom瞄準 Like bazook ... 燥好膽賣燥 The beats goin' popping The beats goin' popping The beats goin' popping Pop pop popping oh P ... 燥好膽賣燥 The beats goin' popping The beats goin' popping The beats goin' popping Pop pop popping oh P ... 燥好膽賣燥 The beats goin' popping The beats goin' popping The beats goin' popping Pop pop popping The beats goin' popping The (|
83 1.目屬目 un彙聚成焦點一擊 Boom Boom I picky you I watch you別再這樣躲 I watch you別再那樣躲 I watch you Hey A-O-A-O Hey Watch out Watch out Hey A-O-A-O Hey I watch you baby白 ... ut Hey A-O-A-O Hey Bring that beat back Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Everybody let's move it Na Na Na Na Na Na Na How crazy let you know Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na ... ut Hey A-O-A-O Hey Bring that beat bac
84 8.這節奏 hat sound boom goes ur brain soon can't be saved hit the dancefloor people shake this place to another level ... e this place to another level boomin' dancing(shakin') let yourself go p.o.p twistin' the ... ourself go p.o.p twistin' the beat this ain't no time for dyin' beast
85 4.Take Me Up! feel like boom boom boom boom boom. I'm so horny(come with me) I'm so thirsty(dance with me)開足馬力一觸即發像座volcano nononono…… Take me up! I hear you call me up. Yeah l ... nce again get it up! My heart beats boom boom boom boom boom. Take me up~Take me up~ah~ to make
86 16.Wake Me Up Before You Gogo u put the boom-boom into my heart You send my soul sky high When your loving starts A jitterbug into my brain Till my feet do the same But somethin ... bright spark into a flame My beats per minute never been the same'Co
87 14.Chillax featuring蛋堡 icate the boom bap Gs rhymes like a clap Make your neck snap We now on the map Cause We cool like that Rock a snap back We maintain like a syn ... 活過的慢 Success flow through the beats and rhyme So bless stay relax聽到這首讓自己relax Oh yes we chillax SL G Style we chillax Stay fresh all the time All the time把生活過的慢 S ... 活過的慢 Success flow through the beats and rhym
88 2.這節奏 hat sound boom goes ur brain soon can't be saved hit the dancefloor people shake this place to another level ... e this place to another level boomin' shakin' let yourself go p.o.p twistin' the ... ourself go p.o.p twistin' the beat this ain't no time for dyin' beast
89 7.Boys and girls ten to my beat跟著我carzy不用擔心很瞎我是V.I.P.只想看妳 Rock your body shake your booty baby Hey girls跟我一起來秀出你的身材最sexy的姿態 Hey boys不要懷疑如果你夠勇敢放膽靠過來Give a try現在 ... now123 yeah Let me see y'all boom(boom) Party people baby yeah(yeah)我是你的DJ Wayne(Wayne) Everybody get down jam(Jam) Let me see y'all ... own jam(Jam) Let me see y'all boom(boom) Party people baby yeah(yeah)我是你的
90 6.Boys And Girls ten to my beat跟著我carzy不用擔心很瞎我是V.I.P.只想看妳 Rock your body shake your booty baby Hey girls跟我一起來秀出你的身材最sexy的姿態 Hey boys不要懷疑如果你夠勇敢放膽靠過來Give a try現在 ... now123 yeah Let me see y'all boom( boom!) Party people baby yeah( yeah!)我是你的DJ Wayne( Wayne!) Everybody get down jam(Jam!) Let me see y'all ... wn jam(Jam!) Let me see y'all boom( boom!) Party people baby yeah( yeah!)
91 1.閃 can't be beat to those that just don't dare to compete i'll pat your back take off my hat as a charity to the scared adversary ... arity to the scared adversary boom boom just see my body flow with the bas
93 1.閃 can't be beat to those that just don't dare to compete i'll pat your back take off my hat as a charity to the scared adversary ... arity to the scared adversary boom boom just see my body flow with the bas
94 1.跳 ng to the beat And inever ever met a rapper faster than me With the big fat blabber mouth rappers of the90'sJerry's gonna make his rap funky i ... idy Makes hip hop funky. Bass Boom bumping. Now it's time everybody start jumping(Jeff) Wiggidy whack dancers still doing the humpty hump But now it's the90's and ... 's time for us to jump To the beat that cha all can groove too I do the funky rhymes that cha all can move too The groove so smooth like the musical seduction Con ...
95 1.Right Here ou make a'Boombap' shit I make'Boombap' back我只服'Boombap' YEN也只服'Boombap'霏簽了新的合約他們碰對了簽了新的合約他們全都傻了 All day and night音樂不會變得壞只會變得愛越來越多likes I'll be the star你可當我fans講更多壞話你可把我當箭靶大賣CD I'm the one打開香檳 I'm ... 你感謝你的主我感謝我的努力 I can kill this beat用我R&B I can kill this beat cuz I'm Zunya Li Chorus同理 So bu
96 5.NIKE l的 killer boombap也可以放火 no school的小飛俠出場就讓你忘我 lets bounce記清楚小飛俠的樣子要奪回屬於我的位置 lets bounce記清楚小飛俠的樣子再沒人放肆的和我對視 lets bounce記清楚小飛俠的樣子要奪回屬於我的位置 lets bo ... 人放肆的和我對視247 still rocking the beat像投出三分球的 Curry看老子眼帶殺氣Jay-Z的99個問題不質疑小
97 24.Super Bass(Nicki Minaj) with the booming system Top down AC with the cooling system When he come up in the club he be blazin' up Got stacks on deck like he savin' up ... i Minaj:] Boy you got my heartbeat runnin' away Beating like a drum and it's coming your way Can't you hear that ... your way Can't you hear that boom badoom boom boom badoom boom bass? You got that super bass Boom badoom boom boom badoom boom bass Yeah that's the super bass(Boom(
98 10.Super Bass(Nicki Minaj) with the booming systems. Top down A C with the cooling systems. When he come up in the club he be blazin' up. Got stacks on deck like he sav ... euce up. Boy you got my heart beat running away. Beating like a drum and it's coming your way. Can't you hear that ... your way. Can't you hear that boom-ba-doom-boom-boom-ba-doom-boom-bass?(He got that super bass!) Boom-ba-doom-boom-boom-ba-doom-boom-bass.(Yeah! That's that super bas
99 19.Bass Down Low(Static Revenger Remix)(Dev feat. The Cataracs) I like my beats fast And my bass down low Ba-ba-bass bass bass down low Bass bass bass down low I I I like my ... s bass down low I I I like my beats fast And my bass down low Bass bass down low Bass bass bass down low I I I like my ... s bass down low I I I like my beats fast And my bass down low It's like one two three fuck it I'm bout to take this drink and just stuff it Fish tank this thing a ... Black Eyed Peas You know that Boom Boom Pow If you wanna get wi
100 5.Super Bass– Nicki Minaj妮琪米娜 with the boomin system Top down AC with the coolin system When he come up in the club he be blazin up Got stacks on deck like he savin up And ... deuce up Boy you got my heartbeat runnin away Beatin like a drum and it's coming your way Can't you hear that ... your way Can't you hear that boom badoom boom Boom badoom boom bass? He got that super bass Boom badoom boom Boom badoom boom bass Yeah that's that super bass Boom

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