
關於 celest 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
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1 14.Lost in Celestial River 4.Lost in Celestial River作詞黃安祖作曲黃安祖編曲黃安祖 He is but a star a flying bird lost in the ... tar a flying bird lost in the celestial river. He is but a grain of sand stone lost in the ... ain of sand stone lost in the celestial river. His sadness and beauty are staggering and trivial. Transient and infinite all at once One can't understand. Try to ... what is eternity. Lost in the celestial river. He takes a sojourn at the long beach remem
2 21.As I Do I think of you It's celestial it must be sent down from above It's a wonder God created this love That I
3 2.靜聽心中的絮語 Extracted from'The CelestialJourney' book166 by Living Buddha Lian Sheng. Lyricist: Grand Master Lu Shen
4 7.鯉魚精–1 e water to become a celestial being up in the sky and is even capable of morphing to take on the looks of
5 8.鯉魚精–2 tion of a celestial golden fairy. He has been eating lots of vegetables since his birth so his body smells pretty divine and even his fecal ma ... rtoise God? He's an important celestial officer

6 9.鯉魚精–3 heavenly celestial officer and really had nothing much to do except wonder around to see the world. One day I heard some sounds of water spla ... peeping tom for peeking at a celestial fairy while she was taking a bath! This is absurd! Gosh I was in deep trouble and didn't know what to do. So I was accused ... y to help.''Fine. Please kind celestial officer please give it a try
7 1.空心吉他 張玉華-Celest[同名專輯]1.空心吉他作詞姚若龍作曲張玉華你用一通短訊做了決定結束了你和我的愛情這是種體貼或是種逃避分手的方式沒有表情掙扎太久了終於平息心裡
8 2.原諒 張玉華-Celest[同名專輯]2.原諒原曲 Kiroro一滴眼淚翻唱KIRORO的一滴眼淚作詞徐世珍作曲 Kiroro*原諒把你帶走的雨天在突然醒來的黑夜發現我
9 3.我不會飛 張玉華-Celest[同名專輯]3.我不會飛[萬家燈火]主題曲作詞徐世珍作曲蔡健雅一頁一頁的心情寫著當初的甜蜜一個人的日記裡回憶是我的氧氣*一步一步的前進我漸漸離
10 4.那又怎麼樣呢 張玉華-Celest[同名專輯]4.那又怎麼樣呢中視我的秘密花園片尾曲作詞深白色作曲深白色你照片還在床頭卻在你摔上電話之後看得我心痛當你後悔傷了我已褪色的玫瑰卻沒
11 5.隨便你 張玉華-Celest[同名專輯]5.隨便你作詞小寒作曲易齊你有很溫柔的雙眼可惜我不是焦點在我面前你也不收斂身旁太多謠言席捲覺得處境有點危險既然分開不可避免不如我早
12 6.讓我自己自由 張玉華-Celest[同名專輯]6.讓我自己自由作詞深白色作曲深白色守候你給我的承諾守候我期待的美夢我似乎總是忙著在守候什麼只是當守候了好久你卻還不願伸出手我突然
13 7.有效日期 張玉華-Celest[同名專輯]7.有效日期作詞孫維君作曲張捷惟你要我黏著你像三秒膠固定可是那種感情容易讓人窒息你打個小噴嚏就要驚天動地已經這把年紀你卻還是很孩子
14 8.不值得 張玉華-Celest[同名專輯]8.不值得作詞陳鎮川作曲林松錦茶還是溫溫的你的位子卻怎麼空了你消失了我魂不守舍一個人踱著踱著覺得餓人漸漸多了好多臉孔都清楚記得記得
15 9.多遠 張玉華-Celest[同名專輯]9.多遠作詞鄔裕康作曲黃丹儀經過灰藍的大街經過白色婚紗店我看見一個女孩變成女人那暖烘烘的喜悅我卻覺得很遙遠空氣之中只聞得到落葉你的
16 10.愛情是不聽話的 張玉華-Celest[同名專輯]10.愛情是不聽話的作詞易家揚作曲李偉菘第一分鐘第一個夢愛情給每個人第一杯酒你說你很愛我我記住了但是在甜蜜後就要苦了怎麼了告訴我從
17 10.六點十五分 10.六點十五分作詞陳少琪作曲 Celest六點十五分風平浪靜你背叛了約定六點十五分聽天由命你背叛了約定落日的地平線城市的雨綿綿我們約好碰面在街燈醒來之前六點十五分你沒出現世界沒有改變六點十五分時針停了
18 4.逍遙四方 T. MAMANG SORBETERO Celeste Legaspiⓟⓒ1979ⓟⓒ1981作詞鄭國江作曲Jose Mari Chan(Jose Mari Lim Chan) Gryk Ortaleza編曲鮑
19 15.逍遙四方 T. MAMANG SORBETERO Celeste Legaspiⓟⓒ1979ⓟⓒ1981作詞鄭國江作曲Jose Mari Chan(Jose Mari Lim Chan) Gryk Ortaleza編曲鮑
20 16.逍遙四方 T. MAMANG SORBETERO Celeste Legaspiⓟⓒ1979ⓟⓒ1981作詞鄭國江作曲Jose Mari Chan(Jose Mari Lim Chan) Gryk Ortaleza編曲鮑

21 4.逍遙四方 T. MAMANG SORBETERO Celeste Legaspiⓟⓒ1979ⓟⓒ1981作詞鄭國江作曲Jose Mari Chan(Jose Mari Lim Chan) Gryk Ortaleza編曲鮑
22 9.逍遙四方 T. MAMANG SORBETERO Celeste Legaspiⓟⓒ1979ⓟⓒ1981作詞鄭國江作曲Jose Mari Chan(Jose Mari Lim Chan) Gryk Ortaleza編曲鮑
23 2.逍遙四方 T. MAMANG SORBETERO Celeste Legaspiⓟⓒ1979ⓟⓒ1981作詞鄭國江作曲Jose Mari Chan(Jose Mari Lim Chan) Gryk Ortaleza編曲鮑
24 1.逍遙四方 T. MAMANG SORBETERO Celeste Legaspiⓟⓒ1979作詞鄭國江作曲Jose Mari Chan(Jose Mari Lim Chan) Gryk Ortaleza編曲鮑比達(Pau
25 5.坦白說 in Wong冼佩瑾Celeste Syn作曲冼佩瑾Celeste Syn跟著走這世界不為誰停留他太笨拙拖累了忙碌的朋友別討厭我的
26 1.坦白說 in Wong冼佩瑾Celeste Syn作曲冼佩瑾Celeste Syn跟著走這世界不為誰停留他太笨拙拖累了忙碌的朋友別討厭我的
27 2.Celesta Over The Moon2.Celesta作詞文雋作曲文雋 Ain't me wrong ah ain't me wrong She's angry she envies She got e
28 10.Annihilated Be My Name rator Enchained and celestial I am the Beast of the Oriental Destroying truth and faith Pulverizing honor
29 4.天下 The Subcelestial 隊-春秋4.天下 The Subcelestial鷹帶來了神的遺書交給瑟縮的玫瑰神在昨天已經被謀殺流雲流星紅霞滿天輝映出天門一道凶光直射我家裡黑夜給了我們一雙黑色的眼睛我卻用它來尋找光明暮色蒼穹
30 12.Wherever You Are- Celeste Prince 2.Wherever You Are- Celeste Prince Time has come what's done is done It's time to move on To another
31 6.There Must Be An Angel trange deception By celestial intervention. Leavin' me the recollection Of your heavenly connection
32 2.Comet lonesome shit now a celestial crater Aha! This life is now or never You arrived so I live foreve
33 1.celeste feat.春野 菅原圭-celeste1.celeste feat.春野作詞菅原圭作曲菅原圭貴方はエイリアンだと
34 1.ART GANG MONEY it the gang the mob celestials on the streets and some call them social media influencers The nature in t
35 3.Seiko nd compare So sweet celestial eyes Feed me redemption You're my angel in disguise I found hope I found tr
36 10.Celestia ~Sora no Oto~10.Celestia2人で見上げる空に真夏の希望を乗せた旋律の佳月美しい星の砂たちこの絆を幾星霜語り継ぐようにまたたくセレスティア世界を優しく包んで流れる星よ煌めく星
37 11.There must be an angel(Playing With My Heart) trange deception By celestial intervention Leavin' me the recollection Of your heavenly connection I walk
38 10.Confetti ness Setting sail a celestial kite.'Cuz not even this flying machine can pick me up off of the ground You
39 18.Celestial Diva a Best Album〜18.Celestial Diva作詞宝野アリカ作曲上松範康(Elements Garden)あなたの瞳に墜ちる宇宙が永遠の世へと輝くなら捧げましょう秘めた想いいまsa
40 8.Celestial Diva 里-NEO FANTASIA8.Celestial Diva作詞宝野アリカ作曲上松範康(Elements Garden)あなたの瞳に墜ちる宇宙が永遠の世へと輝くなら捧げましょう秘めた想いいまsa
41 1.粉雪 come So peacefully celestial Our roads they part nowhere to find ourselves A different place yet they're
42 2.Celestial Diva Minori Chihara2.Celestial Diva作詞宝野アリカ作曲上松範康(Elements Garden)あなたの瞳に墜ちる宇宙が永遠の世へと輝くなら捧げましょう秘めた想いいまsa
43 1.Celestial Diva 茅原実里-Celestial Diva1.Celestial Diva作詞宝野アリカ作曲上松範康(Element
44 2.IDENTITY 茅原実里-Celestial Diva2.IDENTITY作詞茅原実里作曲俊龍君が確かにくれた蒼空に約束するよ私に眠った愛の全てを時を越えて君を越えて新しい世界へ…
45 21.Celestial Delinquent GREATEST HITS21.Celestial Delinquent作詞 OLIVIA作曲 OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin You live in a home With run

46 3.Celestial Blue 少女病-蒼白シスフェリア3.Celestial Blue作詞少女病作曲ピクセルビー「目覚めたのは、白雨の降りしきる小高い丘。辺りに人影はなく、ただ唇に暖かな温もりだけが残されていて。僕はどう
47 10.prism t the extraspection celestial retro-resurrection infectious optical illusion patterned and dated selectio
48 2.There must be an angel trange deception By celestial intervention Leavin' me the recollection Of your heavenly connection I walk
49 6.黎明~AURORA~ ggio verso la vetta celeste. Ah! A svegliarsi in tutta questa bellezzaè il mondo che tu proteggevi. Io co
50 11.AVE MARIA t Ave Maria! Vergin celeste la prece mia si volge a te; il genitore mi toglie il fato a te il mio cuore c
51 14.There Must Be An Angel trange deception by celestial intervention Leaving me the recollection of your heavenly connection I walk
52 6.パレット o Ambra Oro Argento Celeste Arancio Ametist
53 22.Cras numquam scire an. Conti affir mia Celest. Nova Sol ie rad four.月は静かに語るだれにも聴こえぬ声で繰り返す潮の満ち引き消えゆく記憶の情景星は密かに記すだれにも解らぬ文字で無限の
54 1.Love Is Back Celeste-Love Is Back1.Love Is Back Love is back Love is back Love is back Lov
55 1.Pure Comedy With risen zombies celestial virgins magic tricks these unbelievable outfits And they get terribly upset
56 6.I'll Fly Away To a home on God's celestial shore I'll fly away. I'll fly away O Glory I'll fly away.(In the morning) W
57 17.Angel of My Dreams ld feel this strong Celestial force A natural mystical Divine source Flyin' me to a new dimension Angel o
58 4.Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine esses in black With celestial secrets engraved in her back And her face keeps flashing that she's got the
59 4.International Space Station g why? Oh celestial You look so beautiful Between the moon and the stars Between the moon and the stars Between the moon and the stars Between ... you find it hard to speak Oh celestial You look so beautiful Between the moon and the stars Between the moon and the stars Between the moon and the stars Between ... A.N.D. S.T.A.R.S S.T.A.R.S Oh celestial You look so beautiful Between the moon and the stars Between the moon and the stars Oh ... een the moon and the stars Oh ce
60 10.Gate of Hell l referring to pope Celestino V who refused papacy Black sail is coming steered by an ancient beard rough
61 2.All Night Sedans in eternity Go tell Celeste who loved you the best There's rains falling in the street Florescent lights
62 2.Ana Electronic n the air celestial sound When the shadows keep your face now Even-even the time flows over Now waste away ooooh Even-even the time flows(away ... e your face now Up in the air celestial sound When the shadows keep y
63 10.I'll Fly Away that home on God's celestial shore I'll fly away I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away When I die hallelu
64 2.I'll Fly Away that home on God's celestial shore I'll fly away I'll fly away oh glory I'll fly away When I die hallelu
65 1.Chaos Reigns Over Celestial Crown-Rebirth1.Chaos Reigns Over In your image and your likeliness
66 2.Consumed by Fire Celestial Crown-Rebirth2.Consumed by Fire Crimson delight of dawn is covered
67 3.Awaken Celestial Crown-Rebirth3.Awaken A day has come to reveal a path Where no-one
68 4.Beyond the Horizon Celestial Crown-Rebirth4.Beyond the Horizon The heavens burned the stars crie
69 5.Collapsed Reality Celestial Crown-Rebirth5.Collapsed Reality We slipped through space away from
70 6.Deep Blue Celestial Crown-Rebirth6.Deep Blue Sleep far away from reality broken glass s
71 7.Reflection in a Mirror Celestial Crown-Rebirth7.Reflection in a Mirror Night descends to fall to emb
72 8.Dark Forest Celestial Crown-Rebirth8.Dark Forest Wandering through forest covered by nigh
73 9.Gazing Demise Celestial Crown-Rebirth9.Gazing Demise Total collapse and you see nothing but
74 10.Cosmic Angel garden I'm her love Celestial body from above I throw a diamond in a well Forget all that I know Cause I
75 7.Behold the Kingdom of the Wretched Undying(feat. Tyler Shelton Bryan Long Dillon Becker e forth bearing the celestial chalice of puerile pabulum: A feeble specimen pinned to the altar- The grea
76 1.Solace apsing under weight Celestial signs appear Moonlight illuminating The deepest depths Of the grieving worl
77 5.Celestial Infancy hbringer-Yūgen5.Celestial Infancy Mind and body are one Body and earth are one Earth and sky are
78 12.Glitches out the stars with celestial winds Ended a cycle that started again I stopped going out they kept coming
79 1.Sputnik th1957 The man made celestial body for the first time in history Overcame terrestrial gravity and flew in
80 5.Ode to the Sun this is she To the celestial sirens harmony And turn the adamantine spindle round On which the fate of g
81 4.Om rth it breathes its celestial light Dormant lies the power of eternal bliss Deep within the heart of the
82 2.Mystical Blood an Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith2.Mystical Blood Gates to the stars and mystical moons Solitu
83 3.The Flames of Infinite Blackness Before Creation an Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith3.The Flames of Infinite Blackness Before Creation Far before
84 4.A Black Aeon Shall Cleanse an Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith4.A Black Aeon Shall Cleanse Black serpent dragon soaring thr
85 5.From Chaos They Came an Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith5.From Chaos They Came Satan lord of the fire burning from th
86 10.Through the Divine Spirit of Satan a Glorious Universe Is Known an Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith10.Through the Divine Spirit of Satan a Glorious Universe Is Know
87 2.Astral Traveler nting pain you know Celestial follow the cryptic perception See live what you've dreamed astonishing I am
88 5.Rivers of Transmigration hin the pantheon of celestial riptide. The vision continued ascension. Return self to one return the self
89 2.Epilogue gdom and with him a celestial crystal echoing his name. They are the Twilight Force. They remain nameless
90 5.Ihmisen aika(Kumarrus pimeyteen) eed The gift of the celestial sphere was to plunge into fire and death A proclamation of earthly frailty
91 1.Better Man Hear those chorales Celestial songs fill these grounds See these fruit laden lands Careless[Chorus] Oh I
92 9.Alienated pecial Nestled in a celestial body a godly vessel For some I know that's probably stressful for them to w
93 1.Celestial Downpour city1.Celestial Downpour The obstacles we break Are fortified by your singularity And soon will be fallen as you are.'You were never s ... drip from my mind's eye; this Celestial Downpour
94 8.Oh Thou Precious Nectar Filled Form(A Little Fart) I got a solar dream celestrial scheme A heavenly plan for the overman You take your life in your hands it
95 4.Everglow now Still I see you celestial Like a lion you ran A Goddess you rolled Like an eagle you circled In perfe
96 3.Touch Me Ash Pournoui Avicii Celeste Waite& Gerrard O'Connell[Verse1] When you feel me up against your bones Now d
97 2.Reliving the Feeling e ashes of the lost Celestine souls Seeds of comfort planted in them all Dancing'til they break apart wit
98 5.abysshex wathed in celestail dust Azathoth- cosmic thrall Cthulhu- Abysshex Azathoth- cosmic thrall Cthulhu- Abysshex As they descend from the stars Az ... ng in galactic fog Swathed in celestial dust Azathoth- cosmic thrall
99 3.Dark Divinity ehold the celestial sphere The dome of fallen angels Universe made manifest The struggle for communion Towards undying lands Divulging the fin ... we burn the cross! Behold the celestial sphere The dome of fallen ang
100 6.Universal Core e in time Celestial forces sublime Emerging thermal turmoil Imminent dry land ignition Forging tremendous turbulence Universal decay Surface o ... fire A fiery fracture in time Celestial forces sublime The wielding hammer above Lightning besieging the eye Increasing tension below The rapture drowning the sky ... core A fiery fracture in time Celestial forces sublime The wielding h

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