
關於 fake + star 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 10.小星星(Live) le little star How I wonder what you are Twinkle twinkle little ... ou are Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are There seems to be a shadow can't be lost No matter where I go This feeling is so terrible It's like I ... ybody lies to me everybody so fake everybody hurts me everybody every
2 1.消失的時光屋 feat.劉學甫-寫手十週年紀念單曲 ust wanna fake it以為自己正在飛 Cause這裡太多幸福被作廢太多愛的陷阱可是you ... 大的boyJust start the fire燒掉垃圾和期待垃圾和期待消失後的脆弱和小時候的孤單寂寞小時候的簡單和小時候的北藍快樂屋消失的時光屋 ya消失後的脆弱和小時候的孤單寂寞小時候的簡單和小時候的北爛快樂屋消失的時光屋 ya哭著閉上眼睛你覺得很累(你說得對你很累) You j ... 你覺得很累(你說得
3 1.當心身後 hindered Fake modest behaviourJust to leave the way in the cluck Back the way to the ... the cluck Back the way to the start It's me brotherJust to get away from this stuff Kicked away by this gut Vanity hindered ... y by this gut Vanity hindered Fake modest behaviourJust to chieve the
4 1.MY LIFE ill gonna fake it(ya) Like that they wanna stay lurkin' might even ... wanna stay lurkin' might even start purgin' I'm so fed up Bet that I
5 7.EVERYDAY verything fake is goin be oneday faded.一切虛偽站不住腳 Lift me up whenever I can「t make it.當我無法面對時站在我的身後 Make way for the future my mind painted.幫我塑造 ... r rebirth每一天都是新生。 Beneath the stars universe在蒼穹星空之下 Flyin like a bird

6 5.Instant Luv t sell in starbuck Babe I wanna be ur illusion No matter how many b*tch*s you ride on Casanova wont turn you down F*ck around沒有誰和你一樣 oh love o ... d is you grind with me no tie Fake love white lies Don't you leave be
7 1.No Matter 舊相冊2022 I started making the music Congratulations ... 會令你對我刮目相看 Fake me out your job can't be forever Bring me down face the reality but no matter惆悵煩惱充斥腦海迷霧中尋覓真我 who you really wanna be2023 still ... my own I told you all along I started making the vibe too strong too
8 5.BLACK SWAN the hood star from242 Round2我一步當兩步扛著槍闖入我看看誰擋路誰還在盲 ... 誰沒穿褲割線不打霧的fake tatto誰撐不住抵擋社會殘酷 Hip hop不自覺被任人擺佈 wo
9 5.NO CAP p Instead Fake ass King's back No cap Instead Fake ass(Verse1)最近腦子有一些許空洞什麼是好什麼是壞 i don't fucking know bro音樂玩的越久越是變的懵懂聽到一些trash看到評論變的優柔倒沒有寡斷 rapper能被假扮時間太短聽眾判斷需要發展 Who's rap who's ... 扮時間太短聽眾判斷需要發展 Who's rap who's star who's rap who care My flow my vibe輕鬆把你吟唱打斷很少有歌曲對我的胃一些國產音樂聽了
10 1.出宜賓 不是結束 I am started from the bottom你是小人我是大人穩固紮根蓄力再發狠我是我他們是他們浮躁的Rapper大多都經不起敲打和發問是花瓶還是珍寶我能分辨你身上的花紋年少輕狂誰不曾捅過幾個馬蜂窩呢我不是誰帶的新人靠我自身瓜分多的紅了的占著空位拉不出s掛羊頭賣狗 ... nce More money More trap More fake More pain More real More love More
11 4.Uranus thing or fake thing Come on with me or its automatic Power lets me bring you back但不可替代 So hold your chance Oh set me free tonight Don't keep ... the dark Cheer me through the star lit bright crowd That stage is truly where I belong Leap with me to my universe Make it ... ith me to my universe Make it Fake it My way Again and again oh Right
12 3.Hit Song ちゃん真不是rap star請叫我MC huh看你們滿臉疑問的樣子好像是Nick Young橫衝直撞 ... 說站不住腳的立場這群Fake ass Rappers沒有戲唱 Ma rap is GTR其他都是N
13 1.夢話 Take off fake chain Than ask me da who you are不再詭 ... 門外不想當個rap star開始只求混的可以不被淘汰出局只想有點儲蓄開始寫了情歌假裝我很憂鬱嘗了甜
14 1.Real Recognize Real 的地帶還不懂rap star的生活是what it be like如果不出意外的話我也會失敗但誰都別 ... 的口味看你們嘴臉有多fake Be real real recognize real Be rea
15 9.威武 開火)升堂升堂讓那些fake shit(假貨)陣亡升堂升堂你們看下哪個才是真王升堂升堂我們幾爺子搞好大陣仗升堂升堂 Click click clack pow(上膛上膛開火)都是我的爪牙散佈在全國大街上我騎著我的寶馬下一步老子就要全國大姐放你們寫的歌那是真惱火還不快點來趁早跟到我看哈 ... 出青龍偃月刀來你們至不至於 I shoot for the stars(我伸手摘星)你們目標很低 Big shot(陛下)即便出現在
16 4.張麻子 ple being fake these days都不要臉了 Losing their senses of shame時代也變了現在的啥都帶電了 Time's changed everything's going electric ... d everything's going electric fakers們可以來騙了 Fakers starting to fabricate實力派越來越少 Real Gs ar
17 2.DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE AL? Who's FAKE? Welcome To NEW TAIPEI穿的厚重實在太冷 I'M FROM DA COLD CITY. THEY TAUGHT ME1 LESSON CREAM道理沒變過要如何才能站穩透過書寫自己I MADE A REAL RECORD I DONT ... METHING ABOUT LIFE AND HOW WE STARTED別特別去在意誰說的才是真理你自己沒腦袋嗎?是非善惡分明(THAT' ... 把一切ALL IN FAKE SHIT的會宴不配與我會面不蛻變會被驗出你我技術的淬鍊 NOW我想要
18 1.Intro They all fake their eyes Tryna fucked up tryna chase the lights Be that mama's type mama的愛 Mama愛的那些我偏不裝寧願當壞小孩他們自己遮住了sight得不到愛就哭著喊說要 suicide M ... erfucking dope Get that party started叫上我兄弟 toast it up我們準備慶祝 Earn my
19 4.二流貨色 U N G PD Star he new world Come and take it bulle ... 自用詞放找了點樂子 Faker又是Follow一輩子想把身子鍍金打腫臉充Bill Gates Ye
20 3.TYPE BEAT oh my god fake rapper該跑了 type beat type beat type ... 鎮江市江蘇所有地界 Star from the bottom哥們兒目空一切不管地上地下反彈琵琶只關

21 1.Blame It On Me all this fakeness I don't need forgiveness There's no regrets What we said We keep going round and round again We going round again Don't try ... that Nothin' left in all this fakeness I don't need forgiveness There's no regrets What we said We keep going round and round again We going round again Don't try ... I'll take it back to where we started I'll never let you know Let's j
22 1.Eight e be like stars on stage huh Meditated everyday I'm Writing some bars on page huh Got some haters got some ... huh Got some haters got some fakers I got a heart doesn't age huh Ch
23 5.Sky Walk oting the fake shit我觸碰到終點最高純度的 cold絢麗帶迷人的 flow跟homie們一路走high way Maserati phantom speed way drop my limit fast car bugatti veyron go flying th ... lifestyle travel in the Five Star step on Ventpine brand New Audemars ... gine轟鳴撞開所有fake with my gang swimming the sky walk
24 2.星座學家 with that fake shit臭直男不懂偽科學星盤留給妹子解唯一支持 Nasa Space X你不是真的關心只是想要觀星 Be a星探 for the time being不用擔心不用搬天文望遠鏡 Watch me do my thing Im a ... 望遠鏡 Watch me do my thing Im a star I be shining Oh星座學家我們的速配指數有幾趴水逆危機該不該出門見他還是乖乖宅在家 Oh星座學教主土象火象我卻像瞎子在摸象上升月亮他桃花越來越旺如何成為他的only
25 3.You lied 想起 how we started(當初怎麼開始的)試著不去在意 so i went to more more party(我去了更多的派對) yep i just need somebody with no lie everybody so ... body with no lie everybody so fake yep that's called life(但充斥著謊言跟虛假這就
26 1.八卦神freestyle 另外加點drama fake face fake smile that's all I see Don't even k ... sickness這場fake show我看你怎麼收他真的拉胯一米八又長得不高他見我沉默不語意思就是自 ... 上帝什麼都對怎麼可能fake你什麼都會該懂的都懂完了I just wanna say No one can dictate我在counter位 just count123 and8 It is time to pay to all those phucking ... to pay to all those phucking fakers This is how you made us Rumors made me greater是你
27 1.酒肉情侶 like porn star black powder瞬間爆炸我們刹不住車就像特斯拉 call me ... 出去認真的累裝認真的fake不去夜店套路看了就會想燒就燒嘛想撈就撈嘛賣人設我真的看不懂你啊你說你沒
28 1.星座學家 with that fake shit臭直男不懂偽科學星盤留給妹子解唯一支持 Nasa Space X你不是真的關心只是想要觀星 Be a星探 for the time being不用擔心不用搬天文望遠鏡 Watch me do my thing Im a ... 望遠鏡 Watch me do my thing Im a star I be shining Oh星座學家我們的速配指數有幾趴水逆危機該不該出門見他還是乖乖宅在家 Oh星座學教主土象火象我卻像瞎子在摸象上升月亮他桃花越來越旺如何成為他的only
29 1.Sky Walk oting the fake shit我觸碰到終點最高純度的cold絢麗帶迷人的 flow(迷人的flow)跟homie們一路走high way Maserati phantom speed way(speed way)(drop shit)drop my limit fast ca ... yle(style) travel in the Five Star step on Ventpine brand New Audemars ... gine轟鳴撞開所有fake with my gang(Ranger Rover) swimmin
30 1.侏羅紀 ny people start from the bottom他們都還沒吸引你的注意 let kno ... 不要再diss充數的faker請你們rest in peac
31 1.Rap Gentle game new start想要擊敗我 Baby no way Let me freak Let ... 貴往事不必追 No fake no pain Don't wait So call me Rap gentleman rap gentleman Rap gentleman rap gentleman Rap gentleman rap gentleman沒來自Underground ... wussup New year new game new start想要擊敗我 Baby no way Let me freak Let me free Let me make u better擊潰綻放出我的花蕊冰冷言語不停攪著渾水不是傀儡沒狼狽太多累贅我只向前衝他們只能看到我的後背 Rap gen
32 1.I Got That Bounce e bitches fake loving but they gonna stab right be ... 對撒謊的教導主任) started from the bottom now he roll the
33 1.BENJAMIN g king& I started from the underground不再差小懷才不遇這首AK ... 吉豐 Bro we started from the fucking city woo bring me back ... ucking city woo bring me back fake ones gonna die bring that real rap
34 1.Through the Fire he was a starter now he feels like a motherfxxxxx We be coming out before the full moon My glock loaded up against the tycoon Burn it burn it ... rifle Wow... thought he was a starter now he feels like a motherfxxxxx ... 是你的錯看膩了這些 fake emotion Fuck a liar扣下了扳機槍口面前 Lost
35 1.BLACKOUT 當人見識了反面當鬼 Fakers面前承諾事後推諉言語又甜美外表太璀璨做法太過偽善 Players就別 ... 誰的籌碼加的大看著我started from the bottom一路to the top Wou
36 2.5000 it(及時行樂) Start it5k till it A$AP Dont be talkin't ... 現在是3.15了砸了fake花了五千過個三年30變33了還是耍的歡的很是爽慘是扇子開始扇時涮鍋沾個
37 1.A.C.E2021 CYPHER super rapstar3ohappy pyramid(金字塔)頂尖的noble(貴族) I w ... ace一直不斷輸出 faker抗不過三秒鐘我們在一步一個腳印稱霸珠江三角洲[05:52.75]ACE tobe to be a ceo(ace每個人都會成為ceo)[05:54.66]未來的前途一片光明 you must be know(你必須知道)[05:56.97]我們的毅力在你 ... 歇)你只能跟在我的背後 ACE be top like a star(最頂尖的ACE)做到第一卻還都不夠再見沒時間搭理他繼續演他們還在期待
38 1.Space Ride 上空 pick a star drop on top閃爍著銀河系 purple star my favor one whippin in my cream紫色的那塊咬一口舒服飄遊在迷霧中 In my vibe all day don't care Make me feel horny no ... 't care Make me feel horny no fake Unlock ur mind eat that Only tell
39 4.怎麼搖 My way to star Funk with my gang外面太多fake2pac Cause we some bad boys成都hit it
40 1.山頂 頭shooting stars總是感覺野心沒有滿足走起你看不到我大動作時老子low key只有的一個 ... 頭shooting stars總是感覺野心沒有滿足走起你看不到我大動作時老子low key只有的一個 ... 哪個是real哪個是fake莫得對比莫得傷害看哈哪個是假的哪個是hiphop老子看的到那些莫得根的歪 ... 手底下全部都是rapstar老子跟你擺future你跟老子擺現在 I don't give
41 5.旁門左道 這是旁門左道要比所有fake都辣 keep it turn it up stare it from underground一點點慢慢壯大把所有假像全部抹 ... 這是旁門左道要比所有fake都辣 keep it turn it up stare it from underground一點點慢慢壯大把所有假像全部
42 2.Black Sheep ke a Rock star Yelling in the Fire truck Till the next part. Go hard We been working So hard Every day go world ... ng So hard Every day go world star Blow out till the coma. A.KHAN翻來覆去'Hip hop Keep Real Real' ... N翻來覆去'Hip hop Keep Real Real' Fake Person嘴裡都是吃了地溝油力爭上遊的Chinese Rapper
43 1.我可以 違禁不讓發 rap star微信不讓加不是歌唱家或鑒賞家只配做個白日夢想家說我唱不了快的贏不了艾熱火 ... 在中途炸掉漫天繁星 Fake做得難聽但票子都輕鬆賺到 Gold brick我們倆在studio裡面
44 1.First Time your boy StarboyWang and Dmo fresh da flow Along with羅漢 and逵逵 u feel me!不管這是不是你的第一次 There's always a right or wrong way to love somebody so l ... olla just to blaze peoples is fake stick with you just Because you ma
45 5.JOMO ove Those staring points also make it good Make you feel so good Right right right I got to tell you a story It is about my music Like this Pe ... t need to know Other people's fake lifeJOMO I don't want to hear your

46 1.不得行 會跳得更高像姚明那些faker耍的音樂都是假叻每天工作不用出去待在家裡不像他們一賺就是百萬money ... 空白你們都是Rap star每天都在哈搜哈看不慣的你都罵日常海邊度個假每天都有Money踹進你的兜
47 4.Die Real 樣的饒舌歌手對 I started this boom bap shit and this's the muthafuckin thanks I get? I ... e muthafuckin thanks I get? I started this boom bap shit! Now get yourfake ass rap shit out here bitch我不向現實低頭
48 8.She Luv What I Do(feat. HowZ) I'm a rap star Imma keep it real till the day that I die That's how I ride jump in my ride if you want to She loves what I do不管從哪裡看我都是最完美的角度 S ... 是那種愛錢的妖豔賤貨 she don't need dat fake shit no upset讓我帶去看sunset如果有一天I mad
49 4.街頭信譽 真不應該那麽對待他 start form scratch總是想起和寶石在宿舍吃著泡面的日子也絕對不做 ... 泡面的日子也絕對不做fake rap如果你覺得hiphop對你不公平的話仔細想想你是不是有過虧待他只 ... 抗在我的左肩江湖險惡faker挑戰我的底線街頭上故事就像教父經典的影片忠誠於兄弟不需要寒暄客套的語
50 1.Start 范海笑-START1.Start作詞范海笑作曲范海笑 Give me the mic寫點歌詞錄 ... ss搭配上drum faker faker fakers皇帝的裝快睜大你的眼睛看清楚再過兩年誰在地下室誰在舞臺放著光 be
51 3.Trap Boy 范海笑-START3.Trap Boy作詞范海笑作曲范海笑 trap b ... 誰 i'm rap star fake只能流眼淚這次不好意思我得先失陪幾個小孩不聽話我給他們施施肥新人一個兩
52 10.唇印 rty world star陣容整個氣氛放鬆香檳灑滿整個房間劇情無法形容愛上的妹她們還在排著隊穿上我 ... 了味我的目的幹掉所有fakefakeshit新一代的rapstar不可能唱的撇45的方位飄來你身上的香味你的眼神絲毫沒有通宵後的疲憊你演
54 3.基地(FOUNDATION) 'd change starting today. But she's back the next day spreading madness.)那個歌手現在也對我施法⋯⋯(The singer casting spells upon me…)耳朵裡的聲音不可能全是假的吧⋯⋯(Imp ... ssible sounds in ears are all fake…)我很驚訝轉頭去望著我的媽⋯⋯(I am shock turning back to my mom…)我的媽得意的說現在你也聽見了吧!(But she gloats: Now you heard ain't it real?)一個閃現必殺技;華麗轉身回基 ... Kexiang do you rememb
55 1.八代目忍傳 The asian star by Y-N S-M FRESH的GANG GANG我的 NINJA ... 盡只唱情歌sing的Fake woo女孩子中了幻術 I don't give a該怎麼做開著我的懸浮 ... 我 PEACE教主 Faker貼上Fake膠布哭著讓我給他加入麻煩中了月讀那就自己解除屬於我的木屋我只懂的禁術す
56 5.光 詞高浩哲作曲高浩哲 Started from the underground不是spotlight就能照的亮不是你能裝的像 Like a rap ... tlight就能照的亮不是你能裝的像 Like a rap star來這裡照個相那些Fucking faker stop trying to be God及你點數拿出全聯福利卡難
57 6.fallen angle(feat. T-Bobby) 我想做的根本不需要 fake們多餘的評價我一路向前不可能低頭決不能輕易的停下最屌的技術旋律的藝術黑色 ... 天使這輩子是Rap Star我的girlfriend是個天使像個知名Porn ... 使像個知名Porn Star Falling404達芬奇都畫不出的pose把所有體力透支 Falling falling bit flow BB Eight Feature me像哈登和威少的聯手在統治著整個聯盟我早就是天使的操作但同齡的 Rapper還差了我太多的火候如果
58 1.What You Need with that fake shit NO Ohh baby tell me what U nee ... 全都在我手裡 we started from the bottom with my team faithfully Pour it在我手裡 Party從不休息看我 keep on swaggin burning up that old me Everybody knows it Al ... my foreign I ain't with that fake shit NO Ohh baby tell me what U ne
59 1.回不去的愛 m沒有任何消息 I started looking for you內心感到特別的著急每天都沒什麼心情期待再過幾個星期就能找回當初的自己 Love again with love我知道你沒有辦法再次愛我也沒有辦法讓你再次為我心動 Where are you hiding?妳跑去哪裡可不 ... k again Don't wanna meet your fake love我以為我的愛被溫柔對待曾經的付出被掩埋離開絕對不是意外 Life maybe will get real若相愛何必傷害若傷害又何必相愛我對
60 1.利維坦 be a rap star(眉筆奧比額)看那些無饜的人他們的吃相多醜隨便能唱兩句都**敢自稱說唱歌 ... 隨便的攻擊都能夠給 fake們帶來了一萬噸傷害當我出現你們都別緊張實力誇張到無法抵抗保持期待時就彎下膝蓋最華麗的儀仗迎接你們的王 woo真的太酷注視著你就邁不開步花式的炫耀大聲的尖叫不是囂張是我real態度鐵王座才配我落位龍吟是在為你送別人群中誰比我高貴歷史註定
61 1.Let the Darkness Overwhelm Me in blood stare your fucking eyes at me但保持冷靜那是帶血的藝 ... 醒 Its all fake what you heard about the faith stuff你所聽到的那些某個無名之輩變成超級英雄 That makes some nobody turns to some savior關於信仰的一切都是假的 Cuz you ain't no ... theart it's fucking brand new start停止親愛的這將是個新的開始 Into the darkness fo
62 1.Meant To Be ust a rap star being(我在做一名rap star該做的事)銘記我的名字Capital'D'(大寫的D) O N dotJ E double S I E(On.jessie) Still writing rhymes in my quarter mill Bentley(仍然在晝夜不停的創作) Bad h ... crown(因為我有能打開一路關卡的秘匙) Yeah x3 Fake it till I get it(假裝它直到我得到它) I've b
63 1.Slaughter freestyle(& MELO) 這是在樓上的金剛) fake rapper都想偷聽我的demo學我口音(假的說唱歌手都想偷聽我的小樣 ... 做了88個five star master巴適的spa(給你耳朵做了八十八個五星級大師巴士的按摩) ... 士的按摩) rap star need faster car(說唱明星需要快的車) slaught
64 1.FIRE ALARM shooting star我能感到自己在燃燒昂首可射下流星 Do you not know what is the hip-hop's charm你是否不懂得Hip-Hop的魅力 I will show y'all the tattoo of em's song on my arm ... ggles and hustles but they're fake bubbles他奮力掙扎但一切都化為泡沫 Then the ... bubbles他奮力掙扎但一切都化為泡沫 Then the star falls it crushed all goes off the wall直到滿天星辰墜落星火燎原瘋狂地拉開了序幕 Pack all the feelings hearin
65 2.小星星 震南-LITTLE STAR2.小星星作詞周震南作曲周震南 Twinkle twinkle little ... 南作曲周震南 Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Twinkle twinkle little ... ou are Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are There seems to be a shadow can't be lost No matter where I go This feeling is so terrible It's like I ... ybody lies to me Everybody so fake Everybody hurts me Everybody Everybody Everybody hides dagger in a smile Eve
66 1.Human Nature 得 Fucking Fake跟著風向 I fallow我跟著走接著忘了自己忘了初衷 Get lost ... ately…. I start falling dow
67 1.Praise The Lord(Remix) 始show rap star全部都go to hero I'm Kobe time is go也從不收手於是他們說我的may so hot in that moment Then arrest a ... in that moment Then arrest a faker let me to be come a leader Soon even stop playing mother fun My pants clot my clothes Vlone Break exports my plan can no I cam ... e a idol show we the game the fake u dame ur shame I came I saw I cam
68 11.原本色彩 original Start it from the underground to the top ... 續他們精彩表演給那些faker去買份病態保險 I am doing myself我做我金牌的導演說話太虛偽需要一份信貸的寶典 Oh I doing alight my bro我知道他們一定會在 I respect that real這是最佳對白付出的雙倍送給自己疊加未來 hold u ... inal Give me vibe be original Start it from the underground to the top從來都不會為誰而改變天生裁判不為誰做差遣做我自己的
69 8.夜夜夜夜夜 Hu-Fame / Fake8.夜夜夜夜夜作詞 Kafe. Hu作曲 SOULSPE ... 光浸泡 I'm a star?(我是明星嗎?)不知道但是天空像壹個懷抱在夜夜夜那些塞滿我的筆記本夜
70 10.月光下的Super Star Hu-Fame / Fake10.月光下的Super Star作詞 Kafe. Hu作曲 SOULSPEAK月光下的SUPER ... 月光下的SUPER STAR(明星)攀登上文字的塔向地平線眺望即將日出的方向月光下的SUPER ... 月光下的SUPER STAR(明星)是妳是我還是他向地平線眺望即將日出的方向淩晨三點我還沒有睡月亮像 ... 月光下的SUPER STAR(明星)攀登上文字的塔向地平線眺望即將日出的方向月光下的SUPER ... 月光下的
71 1.原本色彩(Original) original start it from the underground to the top ... 續他們精彩表演給那些faker去買份病態保險 I am doing myself我做我金牌的導演說話太虛偽需要一份信貸的寶典 oh I doing alight my bro我知道他們一定會在 I respect that real這是最佳對白付出的雙倍送給自己疊加未來 hold u ... inal give me vibe be original start it from the underground to the top從來都不會為誰而改變天生裁判不為誰做差遣做我自己的
72 1.說唱詩人 ound with fake stars and fake account沒有必要對虛假的明星與賬戶留意 They aren't
73 1.Real Talk t need no fake shit make your brain feel Matrix My music so real ain't not need to flex it You gotta be blessed when you still got feelings I ... u something I used to lie and faked'em all I regret the shit that I made up for y'all Talk the talk and walk the walk I pick a rock and break these walls Real tal ... talk million thoughts trynna fake or not Rock paper scissor rock rock paper scissor Real talk million thoughts trynna ... talk million thoughts trynna fake or
74 11.Dope Man(feat. MONEYEZ) eal money fake name so many aka so many hustle mon ... 的現金藏在高壓鍋裡 started from the bottom started from the bottom money talk冷酷無情不
75 1.Bow Down(Naggy) efore All Started1.Bow Down(Naggy)作詞 Naggy ... 青的裝深奧的ish fake說將來會有出息的小娘炮我呸號稱自立為王的見我還是給我跪不管有腦無腦的姑
76 11.土豆 像饑餓的禿鷲啄食那些Fakers死去的腐肉與我Homies匯合下一輪New Kill我跑了70英里體 ... 像饑餓的禿鷲啄食那些Fakers死去的腐肉與我Homies匯合下一輪New Kill No Stress On My Mind我只能感覺到Faded踩油門的方式好像車是我偷的沒有工作我在功課自設目標將其攻破一周Hustle5天然後瀟灑整個周末哈你的型不叫Swag太容易偷我的風格一手但 ... 永遠不會下墜就像球鞋上的Michael Your Girl St
77 3.Welcome To The Club r so long started out with just A dream Something told me Hold on We gon make It to the top Felt the world Was sleepin on me But I never stopp ... enuine haters Than a bunch of fake friends So pardon me If I choose n
78 4.低低頭(Nod Nod) 頭 My head starts nodding the moment I wake up看你低低頭 ... 牽她小手先做女朋友 Start by holding her hands instead霹靂啪啦蹦霹靂啪啦蹦蹦! Pilipalaboom... Pilipalaboom Boom!你懂不懂心動不如行動 Take some action and stop daydreaming!你食 ... 特還是飛客 Whether you're hater or faker回到現實卻總是充滿了failure In reality you'r
79 9.Making Love Out Of Nothing At All st how to fake it I know just how to scheme I know just when to face the truth And then I know just when to dream I know just where to touch y ... waves in your hair And every star in the sky is taking aim at your e
80 11.Making Love Out of Nothing at All st how to fake it and I know just how to scheme. I know just when to face the truth and then I know just when to dream. And I know just where ... waves in your hair. And every star in the sky is taking aim at your e
81 5.4:55(Part Of The Game) play the star I still remember when you said Baby now let's get away And I followed you like a schoolboy I guess that's part of the game Now ... again I don't really want to fake it I already know the end So bye b
82 11.美夢組合 nda tired fakers try to rap You aint no rapper I shit on you like the water in my crapper madder Your body guard I slap her Bloody like a pap ... s Smoke will enter and slowly start to make it down my chamber The ul
83 11.Senorita is how it started senorita put my eyes so shake it the hardest yea she know that im a artist but thats regardless Situation elevatin im antici ... n you hatin you real with you fake with you girl we can do anything u
84 11.Senorita(Explicit) is how it started Senorita caught my eye she shake it tha hardest Yea she know that Im an artist But thats regardless Situation elevatin Im an ... Im luvin u hatin u real wit u fake wit u girl(girl) We can do anythin
85 9.忘了她 so bad it starts to eat and beat you like students get from teachers who treat you like creatures and make your life sucks like a fetus withou ... 忘了她我必須對她說bye bye EC: I try to fake that I take every second in pace t
86 17.Miss You Finally from the start My love made me blind But I miss you finally All of these promises you made This4-letter world t seems to ... This4-letter world t seems to fake em… Baby it's hard to understand N
87 8.Miss You Finally from the start My love made me blind But I miss you finally All of these promises you made This4-letter world t seems to ... This4-letter world t seems to fake em… Baby it's hard to understand N
88 10.Miss You Finally from the start My love made me blind But I miss you finally All of these promises you made This4-letter world t seems to ... This4-letter world t seems to fake em… Baby it's hard to understand N
89 4.4:55 play the star I still remember when you said Baby now let's get away And I followed you like a schoolboy I guess that's part of the game Now ... again I don't really want to fake it I already knew the end So bye b
90 1.Fight For You et With a fake smile pretend that I'm okay Now it's time for us to face truth Can't you see now we've gone too far awayJust wanna Dream of you ... a be your hero What if we can start over again Do anything to fight for you Oh baby tell me what can I do My heart is burning wanna be close to you Take my hand t ... on the crowded street With a fake smile pretend that I'm okay Now it's time for us to face truth Can't you see now we've gone too far awayJust wanna Dream of you ...
91 2.Fight For You為妳而戰 醒來 With a fake smile pretend that I'm okay我假裝自己沒事而擠出一個虛偽的笑容 Now it's time for us to face the truth現在是我們面對事實的時候了 Can't you see now? We've gone ... hero)(只想當妳的英雄) What if we can start over again?如果我們能重新開始呢? Do anythin
92 1.On My Way n't wanna fake it Hoping that I could make it one more day I don't wanna fall. I don't wanna fall apart Gonna go back to the ... ll apart Gonna go back to the start living like a fuckin star cuz I'm on my way時間在流動想學會寬容也許會海闊天空
93 1.Run Away stop that fake smile Why don't people see All the starving beasts They taught me How to b
94 3.Don't Leave from the fake love you gave me Deep into your sadness I know you the most But you treat me like an actress Put me into the game now你脫身留我一個人在哭 ... could never win This game you start Fire burning out of All the reaso
95 1.ALICE 味用繃帶把拳頭包圍把Faker們全部擊碎 ALICE ALICE ALICE ALICE讓我找到我自己對鏡子里的眼神堅定就算面對疾風暴雨別再擔心I'm gonna be alright We chasing the ... nna be alright We chasing the stars We chasing the stars Keep you from the dark dark dark We chasing the ... dark dark dark We chasing the stars We chasing the stars Keep you from the dark dark dark保持 ... 陋用繃帶把拳頭包圍把Faker們全部擊碎 ALI
96 1.Be Alright there and staring right back at you Staring straight through you Trying to live your days as if they weren't full of regret Like your life is going nowhere even though ... ng you have to prove They say fake it til you make it but they never
97 5.Congratulations 簾幕 In the fake forest blooming lily虛幻森林裡綻放的百合花 I fetch up the first time ... 百合花 I fetch up the first time staring at him我第一次將目光投向他 From such a lon ... 簾幕 In the fake forest blooming lily虛幻森林裡綻放的百合花 I fetch up the first time ... 百合花 I fetch up the first time staring at him我第一次將目光投向他 From such a lo
98 1.Woosah ike a rockstar rockstar I'm feeling like woosah woosah I tripping like a bad boy bad boy what you gonna do? I'm feeling like woosah woosah I'm feeling ... woosah I'm feeling like a rockstar rockstar I'm feeling like woosah woosah I'm feeling like a rock ... woosah I'm feeling like a rockstar rockstar Lots of trap babe They all wanna date Post on instagram Free bitch Hashtag Hustle all the day Sorry for my babe昨晚沒回家抱著別人待整夜 Mak ... cing
99 2.5 Am I I I It started really simple No unicorns and rainbows No acting like you Rambo No money left to gamble Now I'm feeling faint People'round m ... feeling faint People'round me fake Fame's a big mistake and you're a
100 4.Money Can't Buy You Love t it Five stars credit cards what you know about it Margiela spent hella what you know about it High heels big deals but I keep it real ... big deals but I keep it real Fake friends all pretend but I keep'em

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