
關於 hunger + 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
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專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.Concert Desire(Live) away from hunger by my heart(請讓我撫慰你的飢餓) To accompany you to a peaceful night with my eyes(請讓我陪你走入深夜) Let your anger burn recklessly in my life ... ing each other to satisfy the hunger of desire(為填補飢餓而相互撕咬) Lying to e
2 2.Concert Love(Live) ther to satisfy the hunger of desire Lying to each other hiding from each other Contradict to each other
3 2.BARS FREESTYLE Staring at the game hunger can not be satisfied.眼看著這場比賽無法被滿足的飢餓感 Even the food are supplied need to be te
4 2.Stay Hunger br>2.Stay Hunger作詞熱能作曲熱能 Stay hunger保持飢餓 I'm staying hunger Stay hunger炙手可熱 I'm staying hunger Stay hunger保持飢餓 I'm staying hunger Stay hunger炙手可熱 I'm staying hunger我像只獵豹在叢林裡狩獵從不會收斂808再往我耳膜給多些在音軌上面hu ... 們的哀悼 Stay hunger保持飢餓 I'm staying hunger Stay hunger炙手可熱 I'm staying hunger Stay h
5 1.Flower Star blinded卻又鼠目寸光 Anger hunger liar憤狠欲念欺騙 All around揮之不去 Where is my shining garden?我的芬芳樂園去哪了 Flowers in a st

6 10.Ya Gamila a I'm not afraid of hunger during Ramadan I'll pray five times for you everyday to Allah Baby you're my c
7 1.Ya Gamila a I'm not afraid of hunger during Ramadan I'll pray five times for you everyday to Allah Baby you're my c
8 6.海市蜃樓 邃物競天擇 Gotta win the Hunger Games跨越階層才能安穩睡 I don't need no sidekicks All my friends are equal to my fams挺起
9 1.9:30 yell we claw we all hunger for our freedom.就像是開啟閃爍回城一幕幕回閃我們可笑的自尊。原來現實世界沒童話原來我們一直在掙扎原來愛會消失都沒差人類的痛苦無法互相覺察。就
10 1.Rubia voice請你聽見我的聲音 that hungers for a duo正渴望與你二重唱 Life blooms like a flower生命如花朵綻放 far away or by the road或許遙
11 10.飢餓時代 OW黃宣編曲 YELLOW黃宣飢餓時代 Hunger Game神秘的霧模糊了前方的路地上的枯枝落葉很適合故事的開場翩翩飛舞有毒長翅膀的豬媚俗的河流終歸於人們口中的信仰潮汐動物躺在濕的泥土缺角的麋鹿至少還隱藏意圖
12 2.Unchained Melody ling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely time Time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine I need your love I need ... me Oh my love my darling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely t
13 1.愛 keep you away from hunger by my heart To accompany you to a peaceful night with my eyes Let your anger b
14 1.Desire ther to satisfy the hunger of desire They gon' lying to each other hiding from each other Contradict to e
15 5.Hard To See Where To Go 生朝九晚五母個人都想發大財 I see hunger on the rise我看到饑餓的人群在增加 Underneath they smiles be advised在他們的微笑之下請注意 Nothing co
16 2.Oh My Love Love My darling lve hungered for Your touch a long longly time我的愛愛愛獻給妳我的情情情屬於妳我的心心心裝滿妳白天想著妳黑夜念著妳白天黑夜分不清如果
17 2.Comin' Up uld it be my desire Hunger Games I'm a one of one You will find none the same With skills required like y
18 13.Unchained Melody ling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine I need your love I ... me Oh my love my darling I've hungered hungered for your touch A long lonely t
19 11.這個荒唐無聊盲目的世界 ning Dayeen welfare hunger problems rape killing and hate Race discrimination killing for faith what's go
20 5.Desperado Your pain and your hunger they're drivin' you home And freedom oh freedom well that's just some people t

21 10.Desperado(許志安&陳奕迅) your pain and your hunger they're drivin' you home and freedom oh freedom well that's just some people t
22 15.MEMORY&UNCHAINED MELODY ling I've hungered for your trouch Along lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine I need your love I ... me Oh my love My darling I've hungered for your touch Along lonely ti
23 1.Imagine o need for greed or hunger A brother hood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may
24 5.Desperado Your pain and your hunger they're drivin' you home. Freedom oh freedom. That's just some people talkin'
25 10.Desperado Your pain and your hunger they're drivin' you home. Freedom oh freedom. That's just some people talkin'
26 10.UNCHAINED MELODY(Hy Zaret/Alex North) ling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine I need your love I. ... me Oh my love my darling I've hungered hungered for your touch A long lonely t
27 5.Desperado Your pain and your hunger they're drivin' you home. Freedom oh freedom. That's just some people talkin'
28 2.Desperado(1) Your pain and your hunger they're drivin' you home. Freedom oh freedom. That's just some people talkin'
29 1.I Wonder ride Laid down when hunger strikes Brokenness in your soul Greater than the wounds in your hands Tell me
30 4.Remember Me you remember me No hunger shall befall us Our tears be wiped away When all is over Will you please remem
31 7.Poetess ntly With maddening hunger I'd write to the point of suffocation I'd write myself into nervous breakdowns
32 1.試探 o就算得到了也未必能滿足 It's a hunger game and we play by rules都說不在乎其實另有企圖刷著訊息還有什麼意義孤獨不是秘密都別刻意提起不是為了誰都是為了自己我從高空降落服從地
33 1.In Need Of You issing your touch I hunger for your love你不在的每一刻我都很寂寞~Wu~ Yeah~我想念你的笑聲 Wu~我需要你的體溫所以請你不要讓我等我會不知所措的心好亂 I jus
34 4.Great Hunger r>4.Great Hunger作詞蘇詩丁作曲蘇詩丁她從跳房子的格子遊戲越過去規則不過太氾濫的定義她讓話語透過身體盡情拒絕著好像絳紅色的快樂她親吻太過急切的渴慕找不到一個完整自己的房間她在試圖鬆動你看世界的目光閉上眼秘密找到你 Oh~~~~great ... 鬆動你看世界的目光閉上眼秘密找到你 Oh~~~~great hunger Oh~~~~great hunger請允許我喊你的名字把隱秘的恐懼塞進槍膛零和
35 2.Sorrow Had a Funny Face waiting for I still hunger for I am longing for I called it love love love love love love love from you I
36 1.Great Hunger 蘇詩丁-Great Hunger1.Great Hunger作詞蘇詩丁作曲蘇詩丁她從跳房子的格子遊戲越過去規則不過太氾濫的定義她讓話語透過身體盡情拒絕著好像絳紅色的快樂她親吻太過急切的渴慕找不到一個完整自己的房間她在試圖鬆動你看世界的目光閉上眼秘密找到你 Oh~~~~great ... 鬆動你看世界的目光閉上眼秘密找到你 Oh~~~~great hunger Oh~~~~great hunger請允許我喊你的名字把隱
37 2.置於我消失殆盡後的夢魘世界 蘇詩丁-Great Hunger2.置於我消失殆盡後的夢魘世界作詞陳詩牧作曲陳詩牧瞳孔放大了分貝顯微鏡像中體會細胞分裂了纖維摧毀覆蓋的植被 So it goes Your w
38 3.無緣有故 蘇詩丁-Great Hunger3.無緣有故作詞陳立志作曲陳詩牧縹緲虛無來去自如抓不住何苦既有開始就有結束不不問來路不明去處不過是身外之物 Hei由不得我們做主葷不葷素不素為
39 11.歲月流聲 ove my darling I've hungered for you touch Are you Are you still mine I need your love女 I need your love
40 25.You Raise Me Up no life without its hunger; Each restless heart beats so imperfectly; But when you come and I am filled w
41 22.Unchained Melody ling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine? I need your love I ... e. Oh my love My darling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely t
42 11.Imagine o need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people sharing all the world. You you ma
43 2.You Raise me up no life without its hunger; Each restless heart beats so imperfectly; But when you come and I am filled w
44 11.Desperado Your pain and your hunger They're driving you home. And freedom oh freedom. Well that's just some people
45 10.The rose me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need. I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed. It's

46 6.The Rose me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need. i say love it is a flower and you its only seed. its t
47 12.You Raise Me Up no life without its hunger; Each restless heart beats so imperfectly; But when you come and I am filled w
48 21.Unchained Melody(奔放的旋律) ling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine? I need your love I ... me Oh my love my darling I've hungered hungered for your touch A long lonely t
49 1.The Rose me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need. i say love it is a flower and you its only seed. its t
50 10.The Rose me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need. i say love it is a flower and you its only seed. its t
51 10.All The Days Of My Life ld could be Without hunger war or poverty A world where children can be free To dream thsir dreams And li
52 12.The Rose me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed It's t
53 7.Finale osely now I see the hunger arise in your eyes And it's urging me on Higher and harder and it's faster and
54 2.Apple Tree ay no anger no more hunger no more war no more pai
55 3.The Rose me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed It's t
56 6.專心一意 hisper in ya ears I hunger for ya love I shed my tears How much I miss ya all these years Like a stranger
57 11.The rose me say love it is a hunger and an endless aching need I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed It
58 17.The Rose me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed It's t
59 6.The Rose me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed It's t
60 9.The Rose me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed It's t
61 9.The Rose(玫瑰) me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need有人說愛是種饑渴一種永無止境帶痛的需求 I say love it is a flower我說愛是一朵花 And
62 2.Imagine o need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may s
63 10.SOMEWHERE her baby's cries of hunger Angry words and restless nights These are the signs of the times But I still b
64 1.Unchained Melody ling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine? I need your love I ... e. Oh my love My darling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely t
65 2.Unchained Melody ling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you sti ... e. Oh my love My darling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely t
66 5.No Frontiers you thirst and you hunger for justice and right. And your heart is a pure flame of man's constant night.
67 2.The Rose me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need. I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed. It's
68 12.The Rose(With Piano) me say love it is a hunger an endless aching need. I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed. It's
69 11.The Rose(玫瑰) me say love it is a hunger An endless aching need I say love it is a flower And you it's only seed It's t
70 5.Desperado Your pain and your hunger They're driving you home with freedom Oh freedom But that's just some people t
71 2.Desperado Your Pain And Your Hunger They're Drivin' You Home. Freedom Oh Freedom That'sJust Some People Talkin'. Y
72 20.THE ROSE me say love it is a hunger An endless aching need I say love it is a flower And you its only seed It's th
73 1.Badass t your demon out My hunger for you freaks me out And I'm burning inside out I love your ugly eyes I love
74 2.When You Tell Me That You Love Me you) I will always hunger All i need is true love to make me stronger Yeaa......[Both] And baby every ti
75 13.When You Tell Me That You Love Me'(feat.Julio Iglesias you) I will always hunger All i need is true love to make me stronger Yeaa......[Both] And baby every ti
77 10.Desperado Your pain and your hunger They're drivin' you home Freedom oh freedom That's just some people talkin' Yo
78 16.Finale osely now I see the hunger arise in your eyes And it's urging me on Higher and harder and it's faster and
79 1.Split Personality demon keeps crying hunger and blood thust and violence as I told you I've got a I've got a split persona
80 3.SakaiJiken(堺事件)- Remastered thirst for justice Hunger for death Marvel at the saplings that on flesh and blood did rear Walk with me
81 1.Dopeboi be適合為愛鼓掌你還在牧羊我們是虎狼保持Hunger像是雷恩加爾他們說我歌太好聽要我再寫幾個bar947dontwannatalk只用音樂來說話今晚去哪一個club I'm Dopeboi運用流水般的flow
82 1.堺事件 thirst for justice Hunger for death Marvel at the saplings that on flesh and blood did rear Walk with me
83 4.咽喉藥 hundred keeping the hunger(瘋狂提速保持饑餓)畢竟她說她要'花'我只加了個'火'在前面漫天沙土撒向她早已僵掉的body(身體)她根本說不出話如同是喉嚨被卡把食指換成中指這次不是'噓'而
84 1.刺蝟REMIX you say feeds up my hunger Of hate of pain and whatever you say That's just me Sio&mooey: faker's say who
85 1.愛(周震南) keep you away from hunger by my heart To accompany you to a peaceful night with my eyes Let your anger b
86 1.Desire ther to satisfy the hunger of desire They gon' lying to each other hiding from each other Contradict to e
87 1.愛 keep you away from hunger by my heart請讓我撫慰你的饑餓 To accompany you to a peaceful night with my eyes請讓我陪你走入深
88 2.Desire ther to satisfy the hunger of desire互相攻擊為填補饑餓而相互撕咬 They gon' lying to each other Hiding from each other C
89 3.Why Don't You Kill Us All? eone live so greedy Hunger of power money violence They don't care who's innocent Bodies lying down oh no
90 4.My Little Lillith row inside of me My hunger is fed by charity A secret between you and me
91 1.Why Don't You Kill Us All? eone live so greedy Hunger of power money violence They don't care who's innocent Bodies lying down oh no
92 7.Congratulations the sense hunger club That the answer walked to the edge of the city Where each number goes Are they hiding behind the door Ridiculing me Play ... ho is in control of the sense hunger club That the answer walked to the edge of the city Here is the number81725467983541112201 That I made immediately from the t ... ho is in control of the sense hunger club That the answer walked to t
93 1.Just A Little Money… as you soul There's hunger out there you never saw You say money she's not in the mood You know her appet
94 8.人類價值 know his hunger? You gotta have hunger You wanna know his value? You go
95 9.北極星 ing down because of hunger無法指引方向 cannot point to the right direction迷失在溫室裡 choke on greenhouse gases can
96 4.娜魯灣浩室(Sonja V) Lovers embracing we hunger for unity. The chemistry in remixing there is no boundary for you and me. Worl
97 3.Unchain Melody darling I hungered for your touch Such long lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time cam do so much are you still mine I need your love ... to me Oh my love my darling I hungered for your touch Are you still m
98 8.狂人 are And I know your hunger for justice is as great as your thirst for bloo
99 12.喜歡你 y love My darling I hunger for your touc
100 10.Bali Island Island I hunger colorful pretty when I arrived Kuta's sand. Colorful pretty Relax. Colorful pretty Relax. Colorful pretty Relax. But I got a ... retty Relax. When you feel my hunger sight. Lying on Kuta lying on Ku

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