
關於 lantern 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 2.愛的匕首 hing As long as the lantern maintains its faint balanced pulse We just missed each other Like the snow ju
2 5.light of my life life your love's a lantern in the rain bringing me home time and again burning like an eternal flame lig
3 11.light of my life life your love's a lantern in the rain bringing me home time and again burning like an eternal flame lig
4 13.秋月 the same* Lantern boats sail away all my dreams Don't come back and forget this place I'll see you somewhere Under the moon someday* Repeat* ... der the moon someday* Repeat* Lantern boats sail away all my dreams D
5 7.入夢已千年 night and light the lantern遇山間流雪迴風吹霜華白頭 Hill snow flowed back to wind silvering the hair而你載與紛擾流年 You cros

6 1.我不是病毒(昆玉) d in the night with lanterns became prisoners.可我們不是病毒 But we are not viruses.我不是病毒 I'm not a virus.因為一片烏
7 1.牽汝最後一次(Lantern Light) >1.牽汝最後一次(Lantern Light)作詞 TzChien慈謙作曲 TzChien ... TzChien慈謙 Lantern light sparkling eyes Hold me ti
8 1.同一個世界同一個夢想 >作曲 Frank Mayor英文歌詞 Lanterns light up the night sky In celebration as the nations of the world All come t
9 17.ALL SOULS NIGHT f night Candles and lanterns are dancing dancing A walts on All Souls Night Figures of cornstalks bend in
10 4.All Souls Night f night Candles and lanterns are dancing dancing A walts on All Souls Night Figures of cornstalks bend in
11 5.All Souls Night f night Candles and lanterns are dancing dancing A walts on All Souls Night Figures of cornstalks bend in
12 10.Can That Girl Be Me Girl Be Me. Shaded Lanterns Glow Upon A Carpet Cross By Many People. Empty Chairs In Pairs Where Couples
13 8.水燈祭典 Water Lanterns 燈祭典 Water Lanterns作詞柯智豪作曲柯智豪暖氣微微溫熱臉上有點乾天花板依舊灰藍窗外下著雨滴斑斑你是否也醒了再放首我們的歌擁抱的重量隨著記憶一起流淌你是否累了放手一點我在這很安全你我的重量為了相守來到這世上如果你累了或也倦了我會試著望著水燈離開這張床看著滿山的秋天 ... ould try to look at the water lantern and leave this bed. Looking at
14 4.Spacetime Fantasy Pyjamars The magic lantern is true I brought a new One to my booth The lavish carpet is real I'll introd
15 4.七之四燈花 lled with lantern flowers.商客駕著驢車村民篝火談心孩童於懷中熟睡異鄉人在水邊發呆 Traders ride their donkey wagons. Villagers chat around a campfire. Children sleep sound ... ield hand in hand. We floated lanterns on the water looking at the willows and reeds along the river band.離家已十三載兩鬢早就添了白彷彿做了不少事好像什麼也沒有 Grey has crept on my temples ... he ferry crossing filled with lantern flowers.商客駕著
16 4.In The Shadow In the shadow your lantern is dead In the shadow you check around Every corner lies the night I'm afraid
17 5.I've Got A Dream to see the floating lanterns gleam! Thug Chorus: Yeahh! Rapunzel: And with every passing hour I'm so glad
18 3.Somewhere in time d Rub on this magic lantern Make a special wish then close your eyes Let memories fade away Knowing well
19 7.Somewhere in time d Rub on this magic lantern Make a special wish then close your eyes Let memories fade away Knowing well
20 1.CANDY SPOOKY ALL STARSからのJACK・O'・LANTERN FIRE!(ファイヤー!)ミイラスケルトンフランケンゾンビドラキュラカッパ(カッパ???)お菓子なんかいらないからちょっとだけ血をくれないか(ムリー!)

21 4.Lantern BAUKHA-Bonfire4.Lantern作詞 Yo Miyao作曲Junya Kishino Surrendering Can you see our hands holding Whit
22 1.Helter-Spider t闇に浮かんでニヤリ笑うJack-o'-Lantern赤く艶めく毒林檎興味あるならほらひと口もうひと口… Crazyな蜘蛛はそそのかす危険なRuBee(ルビー)の罠に捕らわれたらもう帰れない怪しく光るHoney
23 2.パーティースーパースター Pumpkin theJack-o'-Lantern練り歩いて Trick or Treat?… but X-scramble大集合映え仮装奇声をアゲて朝まで Going myウェイ Party Party
24 1.Spooky Halloween Night t?Jack-o'-Lanternあなたも城中みんな Have enjoy a spooky nig ... t?Jack-o'-Lanternあなたも城中みんな Have enjoy a spooky ni
25 11.OYASUMI LANTERN FIRES11.OYASUMI LANTERN作詞 daisuke katayama作曲 daisuke katayama虫鳴き星濡れるキャンピングミッドナイトぼんやり灯る天幕の宇宙船どこまでも
26 1.Territory Blues les in the swingin' Lanterns in the darkness Can you see the lightning Hit that apple tree Stormy nights
27 13.FAITH English version Ya I see revolving lanterns Brake no frame no(no) The truth falls apart Blatka blah wow eh I will cross
28 1.술이들어간다(feat. Rhy美) 어내지마꿀꺽삼켜불을지펴마 green lantern난뒤지게좋아무지개좋아무지갯빛널한번바라봐너를막빨아봐다바라던맛봐라넌언제나존맛술술술이들어간다난오늘도너를원해나를적셔줘 my baby술술술이들어간다자
29 9.I'm Beginning To See The Light never made love by lantern shine I never saw rainbows in my wine But now that your lips are burning mine
30 2.Scream am jack o lanternやあやあいらっしゃいなさあ笑いな踊りな君の住む世界は窮屈退屈そうだ真っ暗な古い屋敷999人の仲間たちが君をずっと待っていた You're our1000th gest! and mate! everybody scream... wonder hor ... am...戻れはしないさ I am I am jack o lanternルールなんて存在しないとらわれるものなんて何もない好きなようにそう音を奏でよう真っ暗なダンスフロアにもう目は慣れて
31 3.COSMOS-2017 ver. ng like a revolving lantern. how long will you be keeping such memories even though you know that it is j
32 10.That's Halloween g jack-o'-Lantern Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'- ... t's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern Let's Party! That's amazing We have funさあどうぞ召し上がれ狂気のメインディッシュ Here you are! Bitter or sweet? Enjoy and crazy Trick or treat T ... t's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lantern Let's Party! That's amazing We have fun OMG! That's Halloween Smiling jack-o'- ... t's Halloween Smiling jack-o'-Lan
33 7.Venus っくのぼうよみ目を覚ますJack-o'-Lanternの群れの中砕け散ったアートワークその痕は塵から始まりまた戻る塵芥 Story“筋書き通り”の逆へfalling破壊その後の創造浅いfanatic束の間のdr
34 2.Shall We? laあなたと O'Lantern誰とでも Shall we dance?手をとって Sha la ... laあなたと O'Lantern誰とでも Shall we dance?手をとって時が許す限り永遠 ... laあなたと O'Lantern誰とでも Shall we dance?手をとって時が許す限り永遠 ... a la最後に O'Lanternもう一度 Shall we dance?あなたと時が許す限り永遠
35 3.LET ME SCREAM spiders and jack-o'-lanterns The marching mummies and wicked witches You'll never shock or petrify me! Yo
36 6.幻灯機- Magic Lantern- CER6.幻灯機- Magic Lantern-作詞横山剣作曲横山剣車車車っ黒なビュイックそれもリビエラ多摩川多摩川多摩川渡れば環状8号=Beltway8車+車+車=轟等々力左目黒目黒目黒目黒通
37 4.Extreme fall Revolving Lantern Bright墮ちてくのさ I turned pale with fear. OK Slice my Life. Bastard!! Theater of DA absurdお前の明日じゃ利子にも屆かねぇ Haha「失せな」あの狂えるスリルジャンキ一 ... g Down息が絕えようとも世界は迴る Revolving Lantern Brightただ願わくば Please save my fam
38 3.上海の花売娘 ら)げんと(一)、赤(あか)いランタン(lantern)(仄(ほの)かに揺(ゆ)れる~(紅色燈籠微微搖動著)宵(よい)の上海(シャシハイ)花売(はなう)り娘(むすめ)~(入夜後上海的賣花姑娘)(誰(だれ)の形見
39 4.Lost My Way ying keep the paper lantern lit keep it lit ooh keep it lit oooh the golden veil the drops of dew the tin
40 5.Dream lantern(English ver.) WIMPS-暫存5.Dream lantern(English ver.)作詞野田洋次郎作曲野田洋次郎 Ah if only our voices speak at night could ev
41 29.秋色かくれんぼ も作ろうくり抜いた器(Jack- o'-Lantern)キャンドル灯して「いただきます」感謝したら秋のメグミみんなで食べようおいしい秋をみつけたかくれんぼしてもまたみつけるから笑顔たくさんみつけたたのしい思い出
42 4.Strawberry Nightmare 毛よだつ道を照らし陥れるJack-o'-Lantern振り向くな振り向くな夜が追いかけてくる闇夜から誘い「baby...」(baby...)あなたの目を醒ます口づけ暗がりの奥底から連れ出してほらあなたのすぐその
43 2.eat sweet Night r jack-o'-Lanternを灯してストレンジな香りを Let's play Trick or treat!黒猫のパレード進め進め棺桶はこの世とあの世を繋ぐゲート聞かせてもっと可愛い悲鳴を声が枯れ果てても今宵はHalloween night震えてる肩をそっと抱きしめて不安に怯え ... リズムに合わせLike a monster jack-o'-Lanternを灯してストレンジな香りを Let's play Trick o
44 11.RING THE ALARM Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 dark but I got me a lantern Open up my third eye then I illuminate Willy got a bird eye view when I eleva
45 15.BUTTERFLY EFFECT when I hit up Green Lantern(it's lit alright!) Yeah fly the broads fly the dogs down to Atlanta Yeah in t

46 3.Strobelite(feat. Peven Everett) econd change? Magic lantern strange Are we just too far to be as one again? Are we obsidian? Is this how
47 1.All My Friends A love a lantern in the snow But when she feels it taking hold She finds it so hard letting go How can I tell her that we'll shine? And she d ... d streetlight thrown A love a lantern in the snow But when she feels
48 1.Plastic100°C ons; yes you are my lantern A shy light curves around my ears The more you speak the more I see The more
49 15.Misfit Anthem the sky up Like sky lanterns we light the night up I'm wondering how we made it this far it's just crazy
50 3.Flower Power love grows she's a lantern in the night she's out of sight my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my
51 6.Young As The Morning Old As The Sea wanna see Hungarian lanterns I I wanna walk on a road that leads to Rome I wanna be free as the winds tha
52 11.Young As The Morning Old As The Sea(Acoustic) wanna see Hungarian lanterns I I wanna walk on a road that leads to Rome I wanna be free as the winds tha
53 13.Guillotine I will stay so the lantern in your heart won't fade[ChorusJon Bellion] The secrets you tell me I'll take
54 2.Hands Across the Table is grand Softly the lantern's gleam Isn't it splendid to sit hand in hand Silently lost in a dream? Hands
55 8.The Endless March comes our lanterns We are searching for truth but find dust and dirt Though sight falls hard trudge headfirst and forget what matters Caught i ... he need This glow becomes our lanterns though sight falls hard Trudge
56 3.Run For Your Life feat. O.C low as if I'm Green Lantern with his ring on Different dimensions I'm in tune with mind body and spirit W
57 7.City of Lanterns 7.City of Lanterns Oh my brother kneel with me And share this dream of paradise Through this cold and freezing night We will survive Oh my ... night We will survive As the Lantern City lights Burn ever brigh
58 10.The Tinder Box mind And i saw the lantern man as he stood so still And the child knew this gentle soul- his kindness Th
59 12.A Restless Heart and Obsidian Skies For I'll carry the lantern your way For I'll bring us home[Spirit:] Dark is the night scarlet the moon S
60 6.Until It Goes amble leaves And my lantern jaw and bourgeois draw and my embossed thrashing belt Let's turn the weapons
61 3.Long Bridge Murals-Violet City Lantern3.Long Bridge She stepped out to the sound of the water As I sat down
62 4.Illuminate The Path you on the way The lanterns lambent glow Light our damned souls Drag us from the dark Torch our wretched
63 3.Keep It Between the Lines ines Don't burn two lanterns at the same time No ship out on the water will pay your rent Cause you live
64 3.I'm Beginning To See The Light never made love by lantern-shine I never saw rainbows in my wine But now that your lips are burning mine
65 6.Lantern tic]6.Lantern Listen child how your voice makin these sounds where they tumble as mountain and stone Rage has a way of unleashing your ... to set light to lead by night lantern set set inside speak to the fea
66 11.Song of the Lonely Mountain From long ago when lanterns burned Until this day our hearts have yearned Her fate unknown the Arkenston
67 7.Leef through my skin And lanterns blur the fact It smells as if I'm caving in From our brain stew Our wellingt
68 2.Rigid Man Behind closed doors Lanterns sway in pulsing dark Though the body's near Rigid man with soiled hands Cann
69 6.State Park oretum the downtown lanterns like we never have seen any of this before. We are coming through the same d
70 3.Devils and Angels en Holdin' a jack-o-lantern acrobatic verbiage Dirtiest of wordsmiths bar game is murderous Don't talk ab
71 9.Magic Lantern Days r>9.Magic Lantern Days Hail the blest atomic morn Unto the earth a bomb is born The pebble bed reactor core Up to the sky ascends. Hail th ... set plays From charming Magic Lantern days For the android whales bel
72 10.Ten ween candies jack o'lantern their tails would fall Clear from their bodies And we'd shriek and we'd run K
73 1.Of Dust& Matter Lanterns on the Lake-Beings1.Of Dust& Matter I'm spitting out the dust For al
74 2.I'll Stall Them Lanterns on the Lake-Beings2.I'll Stall Them This city is a dog fight late ni
75 3.Faultlines Lanterns on the Lake-Beings3.Faultlines Full-blooded words like knives But it
76 4.The Crawl Lanterns on the Lake-Beings4.The Crawl Crawl deep you know I'll walk you thro
77 5.Send Me Home Lanterns on the Lake-Beings5.Send Me Home Be a dear help me pull my shoes on
78 6.Through the Cellar Door Lanterns on the Lake-Beings6.Through the Cellar Door So are we heading outsid
79 7.Beings Lanterns on the Lake-Beings7.Beings In the bar tonight filling hollow veins H
80 8.Stepping Down Lanterns on the Lake-Beings8.Stepping Down I'm done with the damage done And
81 9.Stuck for an Outline Lanterns on the Lake-Beings9.Stuck for an Outline All seeds grow in the right
82 33.I'm Beginning to See the Light never made love by lantern-shine I never saw rainbows in my wine But now that your lips are burning mine
83 1.Girl with Lantern Eyes Girl with Lantern Eyes Once upon a sinkhole a prince who'd lost his people Slipped out through Daddy's keyhole late one night With no land ... ldren's rants and ravings Her lantern eyes might light the wa
84 5.Colossal Beasts ft Swollen Members Esoteric and Celph Titled An acrobatic jack-o-lantern I'm immaculate Attack ya like the cackling jackal you should evacuate I still
85 2.Ghost ofJenni Rainbyrd nd the yellow gypsy lanterns in the window called me called me And the tapping of the rain like tambourin
86 7.Her Name Is Rose 's you that lit the lanterns in the alleyways and yards Her name is Rose Following her footsteps there sh
87 6.Sometimes I Feel h a mink Green with lantern speed I feel rap is my puppets on strings Third string the weather make me in
88 1.Favorite Song Howie Day-Lanterns1.Favorite Song I'm waiting for a simple code I write it down for all
89 2.Life-Sized Howie Day-Lanterns2.Life-Sized We are life sized On the skylineJust too big to hide Bir
90 3.Make Peace Howie Day-Lanterns3.Make Peace You come out the hard way You come out the hard way don'
91 4.Love Is Never Lost Howie Day-Lanterns4.Love Is Never Lost First we were on our own But we had ourselves An
92 5.Treetops Howie Day-Lanterns5.Treetops From way up here The world is just a blur Of your only dis
93 6.Medicine Ball Howie Day-Lanterns6.Medicine Ball Come on I'm reeling here on a rock Counting the place
94 7.Lanterns Howie Day-Lanterns7.Lanterns You've been the story of my life in the crash site You were the razor and balloon So when I opened up my eyes on the hi ... all the atoms Lighting up the lanterns Letting go of all the lanterns Tracing all of the patterns Fusing all of the atoms Lighting up all the ... the atoms Lighting up all the lanterns Letting go of all the lanterns I'm letting go of all the lanterns For yo
95 8.Worry Howie Day-Lanterns8.Worry You hid the note Then I found it In a book I read in weather
96 9.Anyone Howie Day-Lanterns9.Anyone Say you never wanted change You've fallen into place I don't
97 10.Harley Howie Day-Lanterns10.Harley There are things that I have said But you know that I don't
98 11.Torches Howie Day-Lanterns11.Torches Sipping coffee in the night Thinking how it all went wrong
99 12.I Saw Everything Howie Day-Lanterns12.I Saw Everything Faultlines always change There's an end to everyt
100 2.Sky Lanterns ft. MarissaJerome 2.Sky Lanterns ft. MarissaJerome[Intro MarissaJerome] They don't understand us yeah We don't look down just up yeah Rise we're fallin' ... disguise Like a thousand sky lanterns ignite the night like ah-oh-ah-oh Like ah-oh-ah-oh Ignite the night like ah-oh-ah-oh like ah-oh-ah-oh Ignite the night like ... -oh-ah-oh Like a thousand sky lantern

最多只能顯示前 100 項,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】