
關於 letter + you 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.Letter to You想你 Jaewin陳建名-Letter to You 想你1.Letter to You想你歌手Jaewin陳建名、RK915作詞方米作曲陳建名 ... 作詞方米作曲陳建名 Letter to You想你朝著夢想的方向起飛我以為我已做好準備但現實的殘酷如你所言逆行的翅膀已
2 8.不許你註定一人(Remix) know that you don't care因為你聽緊嘅叫做vibes月缺的浮雲夜已深靜謐是流星 ... 影 Wrote a letter to親愛的珍尼 When a girl said she好憎你 Mean she likes ... rl said she好憎你 Mean she likes you that's a真理捉緊心理(Here comes the filler ... 沉也看過天空的灰暗 You're the one that I meet when I'm in my dreams When I'm sick& I'm tired ... eams When I'm sick& I'm tired you're the drugs I need When I play my
3 3.Was All ¥cee Hook You have to consider yourself不能再偏離了軌道我已經奔向那美好 ... 道我已經奔向那美好 You still don't know螢火在黑夜中縈繞波濤在洶湧後退潮 I g ... 潮 I got a letter to myself Who got my soul Verse1: ... 既是擺脫 Hook You have to consider yourself不能再偏離了軌道我已經奔向那美好 ... 道我已經奔向那美好 You still don't know螢火在黑夜中縈繞波濤在洶湧後退潮 I
4 1.Sun and Rain Goes Together ether but you and I weren't Once closed within a meter now as far as a meteor Not until we are withered that we cherish blossom The premature ... un and rain goes together but you and I weren't Somehow thinking of her the person dwelled on a corner of my heart Sun and rain goes together but ... un and rain goes together but you and I weren't Once energetic defender now only with white Fender As our life's programmer I'm not ... our life's programmer I'm not your param
5 4.TooMuch 作曲奧斯卡 Hey you get out my way I just had a bad day now I need some space Now ... day now I need some space Now you talk sh no I can't relate Nobody can ever stop me now not on my stage Too much hate And too much pain Too many dirty hands that ... stop me now I'm on my way Hey you get out my way I just had a bad day now I need some space As I go through this crushing phase Nobody can ever stop me now not on ... ow not on my stage Wrote this letter to myself Any

6 7.給奶奶的信(Letter2 Grandma) r>7.給奶奶的信(Letter2 Grandma)作詞艾志恆Asen作曲艾志恆Asen This ain't a love song This ain't a love song凌晨兩點多的飛機我在城市之間穿梭我現在還沒習慣活成了夢裡面的段落每次當我閉上雙眼好多畫面就會閃過 ... 做音樂肯定要讓別人記到我做到的一切 I just want you to be proud你說對討厭的人其實可以不用禮貌我遇到的人好多在背
7 5.CITY sugars in your Latte窗外的風景交錯著奔波的那個誰 Does it look so familiarJust like us back then握著彼此的選擇慢慢走向兩端 Ruya與城市的另一端像太陽月亮一般同樣為生活打轉同樣心念著週期的循環 All night用夢 ... been waiting for handwritten letters How many times you said mmm信裡存留著你的菸草味 I'm Missing ... aid mmm信裡存留著你的菸草味 I'm Missing you Chorus Da da la Da la da la Da da l
8 10.不算經常但是偶爾 read this letter to you)(Do it for me please dear) Farewell(I'm going to read this ... rewell(I'm going to read this letter to you) The ones I loved(Do it for me please) Farewell(I'm going to read this ... rewell(I'm going to read this letter to you)(Do it for me please dear) Farewell(I'm going to read this ... rewell(I'm going to read this letter to you) The ones I loved(Do it for me plea
9 15.無人區玫瑰 No man's land of Rose 費 Hum Luv letter被堆成紙堆香檳杯換掉紙杯(想嗅你脖頸的味)上天給我的指配 Cuz u feeling now u feeling心跳的速度意猶未盡地回憶著朝朝暮暮 My girl你的快樂我來陪你的傷心我來賠當你從海面起飛我在等你的Message和你的相遇像氣泡的情緒在 ... rls like me So many girl like you可你只陪我去環遊擁有你的獨家溫柔海浪親吻港口像親吻在你額頭答應我別走在天
10 8.唯一寫過的情書 The Love Letter We Best Love Series Theme Song)作詞周予天作曲周予天編曲黃宣銘大學畢業的那一天我穿上新球鞋舊的那雙在你身後追了好久早就不敵歲月以後還得習慣你跟別人鬥嘴收不回的話總是很耐人尋味我們的青春只 ... think I wrote yea When I met you for the first time你總是笑得如此燦爛多想讓你刮目相看
11 4.A Letter From The Pale Blue Dot II4.A Letter From The Pale Blue Dot作詞吳獻(Osean)作曲吳獻(Osean)喂喂聽得到嗎只想確定你一切好嗎遠方琴聲作響隔著一扇窗目前的生活還習慣嗎這裡沒太多變化我常常對天空望想像你在哪 Hey dear ... 嗎這裡沒太多變化我常常對天空望想像你在哪 Hey dear you dear you Hey dear you dear you小心翼翼讓你靠在我肩膀甚至不再改變姿勢你就睡一下下喂喂聽得到嗎只想確定
12 1.唯一寫過的情書 The Love Letter We Best Love Series Theme Song作詞周予天作曲周予天編曲黃宣銘大學畢業的那一天我穿上新球鞋舊的那雙在你身後追了好久早就不敵歲月以後還得習慣你跟別人鬥嘴收不回的話總是很耐人尋味我們的青春只能 ... think I wrote yea When I met you for the first time你總是笑得如此燦爛多想讓你刮目相看
13 1.Sangria a control You'd better wipe them tears Things that I've ever told ... rs Things that I've ever told you I guaranteed Stop the heart break You have to move on Like there is no brake We chill and write songs For the god sake Feed them girls till the dawn Bro ... them girls till the dawn Bro you have no stake But you have all nigh long她的dream是我的cream所有的承諾在我跨下許下日出了她離開我的Bentley吃掉了我的Brandy每次baby I miss that
14 2.Hey I Like You A Lot 菲道爾-A Letter2.Hey I Like You A Lot作詞菲道尔作曲菲道尔 I want to squeeze ... >作詞菲道尔作曲菲道尔 I want to squeeze your face You're the cutest thing I've met I want to touch ... hing I've met I want to touch your hair I want to kiss your head I want to lay in your bed like there's nothing to do I wanna cook with ... thing to do I wanna cook with you Even when the food ain't that good I want to be with ... t
15 1.Just A Little Bit 池邊獨奏 Hope you know better He put the words togetheletter by letter即便無人領會他死磕的是種品味還不想就此隱退他只想Flow fore
16 2.Love Letter br>2.Love Letter作詞朱天堯G9作曲朱天堯G9編曲朱天堯G9 ... G9編曲朱天堯G9 You know you love me I know you careJust love whenever and I will be there ... whenever and I will be there You are my sweetheart You are my heart And we will never ever ever be apart If I was ... r ever ever be apart If I was your wonderland I'd never let you down You'd never be alone I can be your ear anything you want If I was (
17 1.#1.ɪɴᴛʀᴏ:ᴀʟᴇᴛᴛᴇʀᴛᴏᴇɪʟᴇᴇɴ 黃雨籬-#1. A letter to Eileen1.#1.ɪɴᴛʀᴏ:ᴀʟᴇᴛᴛᴇʀᴛᴏᴇɪʟᴇᴇɴ作詞黃雨籬作曲黃雨籬 Dear Eileen I'm graduating this week and I hope that ... ing this week and I hope that you can come to my commencement.親愛的Eilee ... 參加我的畢業典禮。 You see uh…I have a very fragmented college life maybe that's why I find it hard to fit in here.你知道的我的大學時光被拆分得很破碎(我經歷了兩次休學)也許這
18 5.雪人 ho'd make your time come to a stand still Oh my friend ... to a stand still Oh my friend you're sitting on the other side of the road Too far away from me ... the road Too far away from me You're mourning The vanishing horizon This dream has been longer than ever Love is fleeing love is on the edge of a knife Bearing th ... th scars strung like beads If you've made up your mind not to blossom in spring Please be sure to maintain the weight of refusal Please paint
19 8.混亂之子 ll out to you Compelling you to bend to the language of the times The winners make the rules The winners always win The losers always lose Someone is starvin ... ough the city'Here's the life you wanted: To be a poet a warrior a revolutionary' He learned to do business How to conceal his self He wised up through and throug ... as always a voice ringing'Did you get what you wanted?' He rose in the smoke of lust and came crashing back down He kept his balance on the
20 1.Let the Darkness Overwhelm Me 暗的天空質問著上帝'You took my son away now tell me where the fuck to go!「你帶走了我的兒子現在告訴我如今我又該何去何從?」 Got my name written on the pure white wall純白的牆上寫著我的名 ... i call it art in blood stare your fucking eyes at me但保持冷靜那是帶血的藝術睜大你的雙眼看著我 I am no one我只是無名之輩 I am the bold one卻也是膽大妄為之人 I got choked by bundles of rope several t ... nd said bet

21 4.No Tattoos sten to U You should come visit my crew I rather learn from mistakes Than be a victim of school I was a thief at the age of14 I learned to wor ... home I'm afraid that I'm like you I don't know where we're going I don't know what I might do I don't believe in no one[Chorus1] I got no tattoos nothing last for ... what u think I'm soft? I kill your whole rap crew but you never piss me off I got No no no tattoos I got no no no tattoos I got no no no tattoos I got no tattoos
22 1.No Tattoos sten to U You should come visit my crew I rather learn from mistakes Than be a victim of school I was a thief at the age of14 I learned to wor ... home I'm afraid that I'm like you I don't know where we're going I don't know what I might do I don't believe in no one[Chorus1] I got no tattoos nothing last for ... what u think I'm soft? I kill your whole rap crew but you never piss me off I got No no no tattoos I got no no no tattoos I got no no no tattoos I got no tattoos
23 1.I.O.U 你我想給我的命運寫封Letter告訴我下輩子還做你情人假如這個宇宙不能容納我們就讓我們變成恒星爆炸灰塵 I wrote this melody ... 們變成恒星爆炸灰塵 I wrote this melody You know this is what i mean對你的愛至死不渝就像天上 ... 你聽 I love you勝過 everything You must believe that I can do it我愛你是抱住
24 3.Chasing Light(尋光英文版) ς(be with you)κυνηγώνταςτοφωςκυνηγώνταςτοφωςκυνηγώνταςτοφωςΜαζίσαςΜαζίσαςΜαζίσας Chasing the light and feeling the breeze in the summer night ... bottle in the wind Is that a letter inside Bring your message to me Be my guide be my eye A falling star through the sky Let me make a wish tonight having ... me make a wish tonight having you By my side Chasing ligh
25 1.Inspire My Life y life Oh you're the pop star of the future you're the gold No arms no worries still can put ... arms no worries still can put your head up bro Get up go your own way and show up Point it at your haters and betrayers Sing it louder to be famous Make it big bae bae Bang bae bae Cool bae bae Pop bae bae Honor honor I know t ... onor honor I know this is not your cup of tea But what you're waiting looking heading for Singing dancing fighting for God gonna
26 9.God Father Say(feat. MONEYEZ& LIL DUDE) ather say you own me one like god father say we don't explain like god father say ... t explain like god father say you own me one like翹起了二郎腿 we boss ... 腿 we boss you lose寵物是豹子 aye從不看報紙 aye power再到 money摸下腦門兒 i want it我的文字在音軌上當兵你們當心 we coming將軍蒼蠅一言九鼎一諾千金 like god father say i told ... 千金 like god father say i told you i will made it i will made it i will made it然
27 10.Dreamer In The Sunshine irror在鏡子裡 You're rolling like a stone你像一顆頑石翻滾 And standing on ... stone你像一顆頑石翻滾 And standing on your own然後獨自佇立 Then acting like ... )r own然後獨自佇立 Then acting like you've known表現得仿佛你認識 All the faces這所有的面容 ... 一盞黑夜的燭火 A letter on the floor地板上的一封信 A flower on the shore礁石上的一朵花 A history that I tore一段歷史被我打破 And reunited並重
28 5.Bad Friend ite her a letter she'll turn away she'll turn away she'll turn away And ... urn away she'll turn away And you know you love her so Why can't she see you there So you know to make it known You won't say a word Give her a cold heart she'll turn stay she'll turn stay she'll turn stay Give her rejection she'll turn stay sh ... urn stay she'll turn stay ooh you're such a bad friend ooh such a bad
29 1.不接電話 電話給我米啊我不是你younger sister別總給我missing letter也許我可能更適合一個bad boy oh my boy ... !)也許我可能更適合一個bad boy oh my boy You are the gentleman right oh good boy哦 ... y no你只能服從我You know I love you我從不掛嘴上 But you should know我懂你我一直都把你放在我最重要的位置
30 6.Flowers(feat. Bryan King) mall for you. I just wanna let you know that I would do it all for you Spend the night writing kisses on the wall for ... riting kisses on the wall for you247 girl you know I'm on call for you And you know you've got the mind of a diamond right? Starlight might describe such a blinding sight Every time that I listen when ... Every time that I listen when you speak it's like I see a little piece of the cosmos shining Which might be the rea
31 11.Sealed With a Kiss I promise you this I'll send you all my love Every day in a letter Sealed with a kiss Guess it's gonna be a cold lonely summer But I'll fill the emptiness I'll send ... fill the emptiness I'll send you all my dream Every day in a letter Sealed with a kiss I'll see you in the sunlight I'll hear your voice everywhere I'll run to tenderly hold ... ere I'll run to tenderly hold you But darling you won't be there I don't wanna say goodbye for
32 9.Letters e up9.Letters作詞倪安東作曲仔仔(Will Peng)不要害怕雖然我不在 ... 記得我深深地愛過你 You're not alone No matter where I've gone I'll be with ... where I've gone I'll be with you You're not alone No matter where I've gone I'll be with ... where I've gone I'll be with you You're not alone No matter where I've gone I'll be with ... where I've gone I'll be with you You're not alone No matter where I've gone I'll
33 1.Just When I Needed You Most(我最需要你的這一刻) I Needed You Most(我最需要你的這一刻)作詞 Randy Vanwarmer作曲 Randy Vanwarmer ... y Vanwarmer作曲 Randy Vanwarmer You packed in the morning I stared out the window And I struggled for something to say ... truggled for something to say You left in the rain without closing the door I didn't stand in ... ng the door I didn't stand in your way Now I miss you more than I missed you before And now where I'll find comfort god knows'Cause ...
34 1.Lorelei l write a letter Put it in a bottle and hope that it'll find ... ttle and hope that it'll find you Delivered by the arms of the tide'Cause I just can't forget ... ide'Cause I just can't forget you Lorelei Lorelei sweet Lorelei They call ... relei sweet Lorelei They call you Lorelei siren of the sea You haunt me with a song out of the deep Oh I was victim to ... f the deep Oh I was victim to your sorcery Led me straight to misery Like a sailor lost overboa
35 12.Love Story an I say? You can tell he's koo if you talk with him during fire drills girls would wanna walk with him he can have any chick up in his view but there was only one gir ... o help in it wrote the girl a letter told her how he felt in it she was shocked at first of him revealing the truth till she realized that she was feelin him too ... Ohhh... I've been thinking of you Ohhh... I've been thinking of you Ohhh... I've been thinking of you Ohhh... I've been thin
36 12.Love Story an I say? you can tell he's cool if you talk with him during fire drills girls would wanna walk with him he could have any chick up in his view but there was only one g ... o help in it wrote the girl a letter told her how he felt in it she was shocked at first for him revealin the truth until she realized that she was feelin him too ... oo Ohhh I've been thinking of you ohhh I've been thinking of you ohhh I've been thinking of you and you've been think
37 31.JUST WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST I NEEDED YOU MOST You packed in the morning and I Stared out the window and I Struggled for something to say ... truggled for something to say You left in the rain without closing the door I didn't stand in ... ng the door I didn't stand in your way Now I miss you more than I Miss you before and now Where I'll find comfort God knows Cause ... find comfort God knows Cause you left me just when I needed you most Now most every morning I Sta
38 9.忘了她 oJin Have you ever been so attached to someone to the point of addiction ... one to the point of addiction you wind up breaking in seizures so bad it starts to eat and beat ... bad it starts to eat and beat you like students get from teachers who treat ... s get from teachers who treat you like creatures and make your life sucks like a fetus without features要怎麼說怎麼做才算對她好要怎麼搓怎麼拖才算不太早時間或信用都不夠她開銷
39 17.Miss You Finally r>17.Miss You Finally But I miss you finally But I miss you finally Try to remember all these years We shared the laughter shared the tears em… yeh… Thought that forever it would be I real ... forever it would be I realize you lie to me I still hold on… Still dream of days when we were one! ... eam of days when we were one! You played with my heart You played with y mind But I miss you finally Right from the start My love made me blind But I
40 2.CALL ME Dennis De Young Rain began to fall softly as she gazed around the room. Even now she wondered what went wrong. A ... e wondered what went wrong. A letter in her hand trembled as she placed it by the phone. All at once there were footsteps by the door. She didn't want a confronta ... e I know that it's wrong. But you know I'm really not that strong. How I wish I could tell ... rong. How I wish I could tell you that I am. But before I even read thletter I want y
41 5.Just When I Needed You Most I Needed You Most You packed in the morning and I Stared out the window and I Struggled for something to say ... truggled for something to say You left in the rain without closing the door I didn't stand in ... ng the door I didn't stand in your way Now I miss you more than I Miss you before and now Where I'll find comfort God knows Cause ... find comfort God knows Cause you left me just when I needed you most Now most every morning I Sta
42 8.Miss You Finally br>8.Miss You Finally But I miss you finally But I miss you finally Try to remember all these years We shared the laughter shared the tears em… yeh… Thought that forever it would be I real ... forever it would be I realize you lie to me I still hold on… Still dream of days when we were one! ... eam of days when we were one! You played with my heart You played with y mind But I miss you finally Right from the start My love made me blind But I
43 6.Give Me A Letter Give Me A Letter Give me a letter The sooner the better I'm out of here Give me a card I'm not waiting hard To hear ... I'm not waiting hard To hear you All i'm trying to do Is all you want to say Give me a letter The sooner the better I'm away fryou Trying so hard I'm not taking a car And i'll lose ... ot taking a car And i'll lose you All i want to do Is all i'm trying to say What i'm trying to say Is what i'm trying to do Repeat first two vers
44 17.Rhinestone Cowboy cards and letters from people I don't even know And offers comin' over the phone Well I really don't mind the rain And a smile can hide all th ... ile can hide all the pain But you're down when you're ridin' the train that's takin' the long way And I dream of the things I'll do With a subway token and a dollar tucked inside ... tone cowboy Gettin' cards and letters from people I don't even know And offers comin' over the phone Like a rhinestone cowboy Riding out on a ho
45 5.just when i needed you most i needed you most just when I needed you most You packed in the morning I Stared out the window I Struggled for something to say ... truggled for something to say You left in the rain without closing the door I didn't stand in ... ng the door I didn't stand in your way Now I miss you more than I Missed you before and now Where I'll find comfort god knows Cuz ... ll find comfort god knows Cuz you left me just when I needed you most No

46 6.Have you see Her br>6.Have you see Her One month ago today I was happy as a lark But now I go for walks to the movies maybe to the park I have a seat on th ... ch To watch the children play You know tomorrow is their future But for me its just another day They all gather around me They seem to know my name We laugh tell ... even at the picture show Have you seen her Tell me have you seen her Oh I hear her voice as the cold winds blow In the sweet music on my radio Have ... sweet m
47 10.Miss You Finally r>10.Miss You Finally But I miss you finally But I miss you finally Try to remember all these years We shared the laughter shared the tears em… yeh… Thought that forever it would be I real ... forever it would be I realize you lie to me I still hold on… Still dream of days when we were one! ... eam of days when we were one! You played with my heart You played with y mind But I miss you finally Right from the start My love made me blind But I
48 8.Dream Again write her letters every single day There's only so much words can say We'll be together soon. I'm dancin' in my room Imagining ... dancin' in my room Imagining you're not so far away And I dream againYou're right by my side You're back in my arms again A feeling so sublime So I dream again ... g so sublime So I dream again Your beautiful smile When we're dancin' cheek to cheek Across a thousand miles yeah My baby hasn't seen me in so long And she knows ... roug
49 11.Sealed With A Kiss I promise you this I'll send you all my love Everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss Guess it's gonna be a cool lonely summer But I'll fill the emptiness I'll send ... fill the emptiness I'll send you all my dreams Everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss I'll see you in the sunlight I'll hear your voice everywhere I'll run to tenderly hold ... ere I'll run to tenderly hold you But darling you won't be there I don't wanna say go
50 6.Call Me 健-Forever Young6.Call Me作詞 Dennis De Young作曲 Dennis De Young Rain began to fall softly as she gazed around the room Even now she wondered what went wrong A ... he wondered what went wrong A letter in her hand trembled as she placed it by the phone All at once there were footsteps by the door She didn't want a confrontati ... be I know that it's wrong But you know I'm really not that strong How I wish I could tell ... trong How I wish I could tel
51 1.It's My Shadow re to see you Happy in the time when I would have been there at all Happy when the night is gone and I believe ... e night is gone and I believe you Happy when the night is gone and I need a call. Who is chasing in the wind all the ... s chasing in the wind all the letters never sent and who is dusting down the stars and giving me the wrong moves to make. And like a wheel on the table he's a Cai ... feet Oh.....into my day. When you find that things are getting wild is
52 2.Just When I Needed You Most I Needed You Most You packed in the morning and I Stared out the window and I Struggled for something to say ... truggled for something to say You left in the rain without closing the door I didn't stand in ... ng the door I didn't stand in your way Now I miss you more than I Miss you before and now Where I'll find comfort God knows Cause ... find comfort God knows Cause you left me just when I needed you most Now most every morning I Sta
53 3.CALL ME Lyrics Deyoung Dennis Music Deyoung Dennis Rain began to fall softly As she gazzed around the room Even now she wondered what went wrong A ... he wondered what went wrong A letter in her hand trembled As she placed it by the phone All at once there were footsteps by the door She didn't want a confrontati ... show How I wish I could tell you that I am But before I even read thiletter I want you to stay But if I see your mind's made up There's one thin
54 10.Sealed With A Kiss I promise you this I'll send you all my love Everyday in a letter Sealed with a kiss Yes it's gonna be cold lonely summer But I'll fill the emptiness I'll send ... fill the emptiness I'll send you all my dreams Everyday in a letter Sealed with a kiss I'll see you in the sunlight I'll hear your voice everywhere I'll run to tenderly hold ... ere I'll run to tenderly hold you But Darlin' you won't be there I don't wanna say go
55 2.DARKEN SUN d Without You[傷心]2.DARKEN SUN*1 A darkened sun A cloudy sky An empty heart It's over now with some regrets Living for our past memorie ... Living for our past memories Your changing smile And shining eyes made me a king And crownless now standing alone Hearing ... ss now standing alone Hearing you cry for your liberty A darkened sun A crownless king*2 A fading hope Mistaken way A foolish man But now I hear I truly hear The sun might sh ... arts will sing( R
56 4.JUST WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST d Without You[傷心]4.JUST WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST You packed in the morning and I Stared out the window and I Struggled for something to say ... truggled for something to say You left in the rain without closing the door I didn't stand in ... ng the door I didn't stand in your way Now I miss you more than I Miss you before and now Where I'll find comfort God knows Cause ... find comfort God knows Cause you left me just when I needed (
57 11.LORIELEI l write a letter Put it in a bottle and hope that it'll find ... ttle and hope that it'll find you Delivered by the arms of the tide'Cause I just can't forget ... ide'Cause I just can't forget you Lorelei Lorelei sweet Lorelei They call ... relei sweet Lorelei They call you Lorelei siren of the sea You haunt me with a song out of the deep Oh I was victim to ... f the deep Oh I was victim to your sorcery Led me straight to misery Like a sailor lost overboa
58 1.Lorelei l write a letter Put it in a bottle and hope that it'll find ... ttle and hope that it'll find you Delivered by the arms of the tide'Cause I just can't forget ... ide'Cause I just can't forget you Lorelei Lorelei sweet Lorelei They call ... relei sweet Lorelei They call you Lorelei siren of the sea You haunt me with a song out of the deep Oh I was victim to ... f the deep Oh I was victim to your sorcery Led me straight to misery Like a sailor lost overboa
59 1.Lorelei l write a letter Put it in a bottle and hope that it'll find ... ttle and hope that it'll find you Delivered by the arms of the tide'Cause I just can't forget ... ide'Cause I just can't forget you Lorelei Lorelei sweet Lorelei They call ... relei sweet Lorelei They call you Lorelei siren of the sea You haunt me with a song out of the deep Oh I was victim to ... f the deep Oh I was victim to your sorcery Led me straight to misery Like a sailor lost overboa
60 1.IS IT YOU r>1.IS IT YOU作詞太瑞作曲太瑞 Yeah今天打算多久回家心裡面還放不下ta陷入進 ... 都沒有 IS IT YOU Tired of be alone I feel so wrong Smoking over3 packs陷入無底洞酒精後的麻木也是一种放縱天真以為能夠脫離情緒掌控喜歡事後煙霧瀰漫的放空刺激到了頂點我在慾望上空從未發覺我仍然還深陷其中告訴我你是誰是深情的代 ... 來源於在炒作 Yeah How could i treat you with my egos and belief D
61 7.Sealed With A Kiss(以吻封緘) I promise you this I'll send you all my love everyday in a letter Sealed with a kiss Guess it's gonna be a cold lonely summer But I'll fill the emptiness I'll send ... fill the emptiness I'll send you all my dreams everyday in a letter Sealed with a kiss I'll see you in the sunlight I'll hear your voice everywhere I'll run to tenderly hold ... ere I'll run to tenderly hold you But Darling you won't be there I don't wanna say goodbye for t
62 25.等你下課 ley where you stayed I rented a place there為了想與你不期而遇 All I wished was to meet ... 不期而遇 All I wished was to meet you by chance高中三年我為什麼為什麼不好好讀書 Three years in high school why didn't I why didn't I study harder?沒考上跟你一樣的大學 And get into the same uni ... t into the same university as you?我找了份工作離你宿舍很近 I found a job closer to the place ... und a job closer to the place you sta
63 1.Over You Echo-Over You1.Over You作詞丁欣睿Echo、Valentin Fritz作曲丁欣睿Echo、Valentin Fritz Once upon a time there was ... tz Once upon a time there was you and I在很久以前有你和我 Laying on the ceiling躺在屋頂上 Once in a while when I think of ... ce in a while when I think of your smile偶爾會想起你的笑 I get caught in my fe ... 中「Deep in your eyes there's a shadow of mine and i ... 」 But now you're leaving你說著
64 4.Over You br>4.Over You作詞丁欣睿Echo、Valentin Fritz作曲丁欣睿Echo、Valentin Fritz Once upon a time there was ... tz Once upon a time there was you and I在很久以前有你和我 Laying on the ceiling躺在屋頂上 Once in a while when I think of ... ce in a while when I think of your smile偶爾會想起你的笑 I get caught in my fe ... 中「Deep in your eyes there's a shadow of mine and i ... 」 But now you're leaving你說著你會離開 I stayed
65 8.給幸福的一封信 How have you been? I wish you could see how I've grown. Opening my eyes seeking ... rown. Opening my eyes seeking your presence Hoping the wind will carryyour news. Looking forward to seeing you—where are you? Dearest happiness Where can I meet you? I simply want you to know I've learned to love myself. As long as I can see ... myself. As long as I can see you once more I'll be brave and won't weep. Please keep me in ... won't weep. P
66 9.星空下的許願 sending a letter to happiness. Do you think it will reach him?」 No happiness lives far away Stars above please listen here To our wishes so sincere A ... re To our wishes so sincere A letter of joy its melody clear. Ring th
67 1.How u doin' here it's your baby girl(Tell me how u doing lately) I've been waiting for ur call Oh ur still anger on me(I'ma comfort ... till anger on me(I'ma comfort you with kisses)(Can't you feel it Can't you feel it Can't you feel it) My touch on your body(Oh baby)(Can't you smell it can't you smell it can't you smell it) By the bear that I bought(Yeah) Don't know what to do with this I know ... w what to do with this I know you're so done wi
68 1.Last Letter 9896-Last Letter1.Last Letter作詞 kayan9896 WestrinJames作曲 kayan9896 WestrinJames編曲 WestrinJames監製 WestrinJames ... 曲 WestrinJames監製 WestrinJames You don't want it You just fuck it It's how you end it not a word Now I'm frantic Crying panting ... ow I'm frantic Crying panting You pretend like it never hurt I know I know ... e it never hurt I know I know You say it's for the best Yeah I know I knowJust save it for the rest
69 9.Home Home-​想像空間 Live版 Oh I miss you you know And I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you Each one a line or two'I'm fine baby how are ... or two'I'm fine baby how are you?' Well I would send them but I know that it's just not enough My words were cold and flat And ... words were cold and flat And you deserve more than that Another aeroplane Another sunny place I'm lucky I know But I wanna go home I've got to go home Let me go ... s I'm just too far from where (|
70 6.信(一) my brain you the mob you are the irruption太快發生太強的地震目眩神迷再也不能自已 ... 的白紙和鉛筆 in you I found my peace in you I found what I've lost for years thi ... 的活下去 this letter could be the safe house to m
71 1.CITY sugars in your Latte窗外的風景交錯著奔波的那個誰 Does it look so familiarJust like us back then握著彼此的選擇慢慢走向兩端 Ruya與城市的另一端像太陽月亮一般同樣為生活打轉同樣心念著週期的循環 All night用夢 ... been waiting for handwritten letters How many times you said mmm信裡存留著你的菸草味 I'm Missing ... aid mmm信裡存留著你的菸草味 I'm Missing you Chorus Da da la Da la da la Da da l
72 5.angels d all the letters down the chair side Does love decide? Bring me to the place don't hide What's the answer? I don't know Fire dances but I don ... sea could coat it? Angels are you there? I got a right I can't decide Angels will ... ht I can't decide Angels will you spare more teardrops from the sky? Angels hear the air? My faintness inside cries if love equals triangles so do I sharpen all t ... sea could coat it? Angels are you there? I got a right I can't decide Ange
73 6.aletter4u給你們的一封信 ESS6.aletter4u給你們的一封信作詞卡西恩Cacien作曲卡西恩Cacien編曲卡西恩Cacien製作卡西恩Cacien Is it so hard to reach? I can't express my feelings My legs are numb ... I end up with No one can help you unless u ask them to Maybe it's time for ... k them to Maybe it's time for you to try to tie your shoes Don't let em lose Cuz you've got a long way to go Despite the path doesn't show一切是過程 He said it before Don't let anyone
74 8.Butter「黃油」 易收回 Maybe you should be my lover(或許你應是我的愛人) Butter(黃油)咬一口就鋪滿純正的香味 Butter(黃油) I got summer I got ... Butter(黃油) I got summer I got you be my lover(在炎炎夏日我擁有了你我的愛人) Butter(黃油)融化We have a very high temperature(我們炙熱高溫) Butter(黃油) I got summer I got ... Butter(黃油) I got summer I got you be my lover(在炎炎夏日我擁有了你我的愛人) verse1: ... 下我的防
75 1.Loving Bond怪喜歡 e boy and you were a little girl我還是小男孩那時你還是小女孩 I knew that one day ... 孩那時你還是小女孩 I knew that one day you would be my whole new world我確信世界有魔法你 ... 我無邊宇宙所有情緒 You don't know how much time I spent in missing ... much time I spent in missing you你不知道對你的思念讓時間變成跳跳糖 I can't wait to see ... 念讓時間變成跳跳糖 I can't wait to see you coming to my li
76 1.Be around for sure You turn away straight way to the door Letters pictures scattered down the floor Time to get rid of the sweater ... ime to get rid of the sweater you wore We used to screw around and screw around dress on the ground Now that ... dress on the ground Now that you're not around you're not around you're never found I Hate to be alone so can ... und I Hate to be alone so can you Be around be around be around Screw around screw around I know ..
77 1.A Letter to Music ry1.A Letter to Music作詞歐陽稚茗作曲歐陽稚茗編曲孟子 La La La Here I'm standing in a crowed room站在嘈雜的小屋 Pause and say do ... room站在嘈雜的小屋 Pause and say do you see a wonder loom驟然停滯仿佛置於朦朧的仙境 Ligh
78 1.Fifth Of May ere while you just listened as I played Nostalgia trickles down my face onto ... ia trickles down my face onto your letter for me before you went away it said'When I was young like you I was tough like you and I fought like you but I hope it's easier for you; I wasn't as loved as a daughter But as a mother oh I knew No matter what I'd save the very best for ... at I'd save the very best for you' Dad hair is thinner and greyer by the
79 1.Paint me a mountain songs for you.為我畫座山就為你在山頂歌唱。 Write me a ... .為我畫座山就為你在山頂歌唱。 Write me a letter and send it to the place we always dream to be.給我寫封信寄到我們夢想到達的地方。 Give me a phone call I will answer in the future with my adu ... n the sea of dreams I can see you crystal clear.迷失在夢的海洋中你在我眼中卻無比清晰。 Paint me something right and paint me something wrong. give me something
80 1.盛開的心 Lying in your eyes遠方的風景 That distant view美在它的傷感 H ... 你 Drawing you close我透過玻璃 Peeking through the window pane看窗外大雨 I watch as the rain pours靜止中的火車 On that ever so still train不願蘇醒 Hanging on to it ... 我努力想靠近 Longing to be close to you將原野都給你 Offering the fields to ... 將原野都給你 Offering the fields to you流浪的人 Out of the wandering heart生出歡喜 Might joy grow用星
81 3.姨仔配姊夫(探親結緣)–1 isten and you will find out! Let's put on some clothes first. After I got dressed I was thinking for a while thinking about my sister-in-law. ... in a while. I want to write a letter but don't dare to send it. I am just so infatuated with him. Let's put on this shirt. I like her so much and I can't help but ... ere for a moment. Hey what do you know I am at the front door of my sister-in-law's place. As I brush my hair in the morning I am thinking of him. I then go to op ...
82 2.What A Big Mole!(Demo version) I love it you say you don't But I know she had it since5 years old Mole mole mole mole big mole Mole it rhymes with the ... mole Mole it rhymes with the letter O o o She decided to take it off Cut it scrap it to take it off She even tried to paint over it But it just won't come off an ... t a big mole! I say I love it you say you don't But I know she had it since5 years old Mole mole mole mole big mole Mole it rhymes with the ... mole Mole it rhymes with the (|
83 4.百分百 n I stole your shadow一點一點變成泡沫消失在雨中。 become bubbles ... 袋裡的信 Love letter in my pocket寫下了想你的心情… ... 寫下了想你的心情… You are the Moon in my pocket…假如那都無法釋懷 Haunting and haunting這場冒險到最後是否是一場夢。 will it be only a dream disappear in the rain after all?你 ... er all?你在期待什麼樣的答案? The answer you are looking for在等待如何百分百甜美的愛
84 1.Power To Forgive k I blame you for this bitter pain This fever running through my veins The faces in the pouring rain I'm not insane I'm not insane I blame ... insane I'm not insane I blame you for the cigarettes The hollow voices in my head The absinthe running through my brain I'm not insane I'm not insane Extreme deni ... need no enemies I don't want you to come back I blame you for insomnia My endless claustrophobia The tapestry that yells my name I'm not insane I'm not insane I bl
85 13.Emerald Isles ng loving letters To show how much you mean to me Since you left these emerald isles There ain't no boy As lonely as me And I I've been looking for a sign. That all All of this is by desig ... ign. I've been writing loving letters To show how much you mean to me Since you left these emerald isles There ain'
86 1.該怎麼辦 己圓新的謊 All your lies that you spit right now妳不再是我夢想的新娘 No longer be the girl in my dreams right now我承認喜歡是妳表現的模樣 I admit I like ... ow我承認喜歡是妳表現的模樣 I admit I like you cuz the way you behave妳卻以背叛腐蝕我的心房 But ... 蝕我的心房 But you betrayed my heart it's caving in I a ... 自己 I hate you for your heartlessness but I hate myself more明明早該離開妳
87 2.盛開的心 Lying in your eyes遠方的風景 That distant view美在它的傷感 H ... 你 Drawing you close我透過玻璃 Peeking through the window pane看窗外大雨 I watch as the rain pours靜止中的火車 On that ever so still train不願蘇醒 Hanging on to it ... 我努力想靠近 Longing to be close to you將原野都給你 Offering the fields to ... 將原野都給你 Offering the fields to you流浪的人 Out of the wandering heart生出歡喜 Might joy grow用星
88 9.16 Again(16歲似的) last saw you It's been a good while since I last kissed ... ood while since I last kissed you I wasn't bothered about the girls around ... thered about the girls around you coz I was the only one who had true feelings for ... one who had true feelings for you I wonder~ how someone holds so much affection The ... e holds so much affection The letters I wrote the tears that I shed The number of nights i lingered at ... umber of nights i lingered at your d
89 1.Better This Way(& MC HAN韓勇) farewell letter to you It's best that I leave I gotta get
90 1.Better This Way(& MC HAN韓勇) farewell letter to you It's best that I leave I gotta get
91 11.歲月流聲 ostman If You Leave Me Now How Deep Is Your Love Yesterday Once More男 When I was ... sterday Once More男 When I was young I'd listen to the radio Waitin' for my favorite songs When they played I'd sing along it made me smile女 Those were such happy ... ore男 Wow wow yeah yeah I love you more than I can say I'll love you twice as much tomorrow Love you more than I can say女金花四朵金花金花四朵金花把幸福和歡樂送給每一戶人家男
92 1.A Whole New World can show you the world Shining shimmering splendid. Tell me princess now when did ... Tell me princess now when did you last Let your heart decide? I can open your eyes Take you wonder by wonder Over sideways and under On a magic carpet ride A whole new world A new fantastic point of view No one to tell u ... I'm in a whole new world with youJasmine: Unbelievable sights Indescribable feeling Soaring tumbling freewheeling Through an endless diamond sky A who
93 11.Letter Read 造飛雞11.Letter Read作詞 Yamagata Rachael Amanda作曲 Yamagata Rachael Amanda編曲 ARNY My love my love my love how could ... ove my love my love how could you do this to me My love my love my lovyou were supposed to be And I shouldn't have to tell ... And I shouldn't have to tell you to explain yourself My love my love my love how couyou do this to me My love my love my lovyou're not enough for me And I shouldn't have to tell ... An
94 1.我不完美 Like one letter gone from26 You the25 don't get it– I don't care Cause I'm right here- here for the moment where independent spirit manifest mad spit A descenda ... all be judging something that you'll never understand Ain't emo– just ... 受得到一切 All You Need Is Love…Love…Love… All You Need Is Love…Love…Love…你的不完美正是完美好與壞
95 10.Anything Goes use four letter words Writing prose現在只要四個字就能寫篇文章 ... 人求婚時 When you propose我一定會回應 Anything goes凡事皆可 When grandmama whose age is eighty那個八十歲的老奶奶 In night clubs is getting matey with gigolo's來到夜總會和小 ... oes.凡事皆可 If driving fast cars you like如果你愛開快車 If low bars you like如果你愛翻單槓 If old hymns you like如果你愛老派的讚美詩 If bare limbs ...
96 5.Seald Garden(涙のくちずけ) I promise you this I'll send you all my love Everedey in a letter Sealed with a kiss Yes it's gonna be a cold lonely summer But I'll fill the emputiness I'll send ... fill the emputiness I'll send you all my dreams Everydey in a letter Sealed wimth a kiss I'll see you in the sunlight I'll hear your vois everywhere I'll run to tenderly hold ... ere I'll run to tenderly hold you But darling you won't be there I don't want say good-by for sum
97 41.Tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree(幸せの黄色いリボン) t mine If you received my letter teling you I'd soon be free Then you'll know just what to do if you still want me If you still want me Well tie a yellow ribbon lound the ole oak tree It's been three long years do ... It's been three long years do you still want me? If I don't see your ribbon round the ole oka tree I'll stay on the bus forget about us put the blame on me If I don't see a yellow ribbon round the ... It's been three long years do (
98 1.Anything Goes(凡事皆可) use four letter words Writing prose Anything Goes.在過去的日子裡長統襪總是引人注目但是現在天曉得凡事皆可大文豪曾經要有深厚的文學底子現在只要四個字就能寫篇文章凡事皆可 The world has gone mad today And ... that I'm bound to answer When you propose Anything goes世界已經瘋囉好的變成壞的黑的變成白的白天變成晚上最受女人們喜愛的男人只不過是些蠢蛋雖然我不會寫什麼動人的愛情故事
99 4.Call It A Day eel About You(為你鍾情)4.Call It A Day I love ... br>4.Call It A Day I love you in the springtime But you can't warm my handsI love to see your flowers But not the delivery manI'd watch the sunrise with ... manI'd watch the sunrise with you But it's sunset over thereSo why don't we just call it a day? I love to read ... call it a day? I love to read your letters But I can't see your faceI love to see your smiles Imagining
100 7.Home Oh I miss you you know And I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you Each one a line or two'I'm fine baby how are ... or two'I'm fine baby how are you?' Well I would send them but I know that it's just not enough My words were cold and flat And ... words were cold and flat And you deserve more than that Another aeroplane Another sunny place I'm lucky I know But I wanna go home Mmmm I've got to go home Let m ... e I'm just too far from where (|

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