
關於 oh + oh + oh + so + beautiful 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 8.SADNESS(PROD. Goldenboi) KnowKnow-Msounds (Deluxe)8.SADNESS(PROD. Golde ... 說對就是對錯就是錯 sorry I don't really care有點沒心沒肺這是我的lifestyle今天晚上吃了什麼無所謂 freestyle桐梓林的晚風吹在我的臉上我在studio裡跟自己的大腦對抗 Let's make another hit在某音上引發了earthqua ... r sadness Enjoy my everything So much beautiful in future Man I can't believe有 ... 我也不知道)買左個新sofa from Ikea(在宜家買了新
2 1.LIGHTS me better oh黃子韜 Oh we can talk about nothing Driving through the city lights Baby I know only u can feel me U know I can make u feel ... l me U know I can make u feel so right跟著節拍就開始跟音樂不停搖擺不經意把眼神落在她身上的時候我知道有故事展開 Swinging side to side旁若無人姿態 Un yeah I got nothing to hide她是那麼自在 Occupy my mind心情無法按耐穿過人 ... You can try to know me better oh黃子韜帶你去
3 1.Beautiful Love(原創版) 阿沁-Beautiful Love1.Beautiful Love(原創版)作詞葛大為作曲阿沁編曲馬敬恆看住時 ... 感受 Love's beautiful So beautiful我失去過更珍惜擁有多慶幸我是我被你疼愛的我緊緊牽住的手不要放手 ... 護我 Love's beautiful So beautiful我很快樂你會了解我我不會再哭泣是因為我相信我們勇敢的愛著每秒鐘 ... 感受 Love's beautiful So beautiful我失去過更
4 1.寂靜的誕生 創造震撼到就似瀑布 Oh you can have it all Life can be so beautiful Oh it's so wonderful It's so wonderful oh oh Oh you can have it all Life can be so beautiful Oh it's so wonderful It's so wonderful oh oh(!
5 1.Dancing In the Sky She looks so beautiful hit my heart and let me fall And now you're holding my hand. Baby I know I met ... ng my hand. Baby I know I met someone that I'll always love Never give you up ... always love Never give you up So my darling you just look at me tonight we'll dance in the sky Baby I know You are the only one Baby I know You are the only one I ... ime to take him home he looks so wonderful hit my heart and let me fall And now you're holding my hand. Baby I k

6 1.想你永遠想我 彈琴因為 u re so beautiful you re beautiful想你永遠想我約定好了時間和你去看太陽落 you re ... 陽落 you re beautiful you re beautiful oh look like angle好想和你牽手回憶像一顆星星到我手裡使用千方百 ... 光臨 you re beautiful想你永遠想我約定好了時間和你去看太陽落 you re ... 陽落 you re beautiful you re beautiful oh look like angle好想和你牽手回憶像一顆星星
7 1.Together Forever 杰 Love is so full of joy With a beautiful strength Breaking through all the waves靚 Love is an endless poetry It's a transcending ... ss poetry It's a transcending song Nothing stands in your way杰 Love! T ... everyone靚 Oh love! This love makes dreams come tru ... f youth)杰 So warm and real(靚 Ooh)合 Love love合 You and I Side by side W ... 杰 Love is so full of joy With a beautiful strength Breaking through all the waves靚 Love is a
8 8.Come Wiz Me 1: What a beautiful day叫上shawty go play想去哪都 OK你在的vibe都對 U make me feel ... 哪都 OK你在的vibe都對 U make me feel so great I'll be wiz ya whole day產生的快感從不 ... 從不打折也從不優惠 Oh wait怎麼會如癡如醉讓我流連忘返就像是被帶回到了Y2K你知不知道我心裡到底愛慕誰我天馬行空的想法或許也讓你猜不對 Too fast to live ... 空的想法或許也讓你猜不對 Too fast to live so I ride
9 4.夜 沒有的純粹 you so pretty oh my gilr we can dancing everywhere來我這兒 Tequila we need you more berr err喝滴點兒 i can't wait wait wait babe不在乎心還有誰只怪今晚夜太美月光下撒下的淚淚~流言蜚 ... 別被那些紛紛擾擾阻礙 sunday morning you so beautiful我不想醒來為何情緒像玻璃般易碎就算深淵也往下墜 like dejavu babe別讓猜忌懷疑成為隔閡藏在中間因為這樣會有點累我想這個世界沒有
10 10.Hit The Road best side Oh lord I really feel so blessed up Now I hit the road Yeah I feel like home BurningJ just gets me high Feeling like I'm reaching to the sky Now I hit the ... road Everywhere I roll I see something beautiful I go whipping whipping whippi
11 1.My Girl 線 You are so beautiful girl我瞬間被你封鎖你的獨特讓我著魔請允許我再次靠近你 I ... 請這一切是命中注定 Oh you are my style每次都有新的體驗這不是錯覺把這一刻描繪在心 ... 缺 You are so beautiful girl我瞬間被你封鎖你的獨特讓我著魔請允許我再次靠近你 I ... 請這一切是命中注定 Oh you are my style Oh oh oh oh my girl Oh oh oh oh my m
12 9.極致美麗 know you so pretty beautiful你的笑容比我鑽石還要閃爍 you know you ... l你的笑容比我鑽石還要閃爍 you know you so pretty beautiful像流星一般從我世界滑過 you know yeah you k ... 的手心貼在我的手背 oh my pretty girl would you marry me today我輾轉反側睡不著在等著你的消息我想要變成你的鑰匙被你裝進包裡我對你的思念像是窗戶外的暴雨我為你做的音樂像是東京高級料理在我
13 1.你好兩位 想我為你寫首lovesong(情歌)僅僅屬於你的lovesong(情歌)要最甜蜜的lovesong(情歌)那我就為你寫上一首lovesong(情歌)最最最簡單的lovesong(情歌)只有你能聽懂的lovesong(情歌) Oh baby i can do anything for you(我可以為你做任何事)只要你想要都能夠你說愛情太不簡單有時甜蜜有時很麻煩 i can do anything for you(我可以為你做任何事) you are ... ng for you(我可以為你做任何
14 1.Shibuya Night city vibe so beautiful Enjoy the time I won't say no Different city different mode在東京I'm on that beast mode回到台北 I'm on a new level crossed me onc ... fat ass shaking Make it rain oh life's amazing離不開這裡離不開東京誘惑太多寫成歌變成專輯 I be drunk and wavy搖搖晃晃左顧右盼東張西望看我感覺有點微醺看我感覺有點微暈 Everybody狀態內 Everybody喝不醉 Everybody love that ... ove that shibuya night I feel so g
15 1.2 Lollipops 隨喚隨在 It's so bright but you fade on your own然而當光還亮 ... 融別離是自然趨勢麼 Oh no不 They enjoyed this change of their ... 熱 I shrug oh this weird and unknown separation我困惑著這一場場看似不該發生的別離 Happened all time ever since卻在往後的生命中持續得上演 Across time and space我們在不同的時間和地點 We ... rong才是生命中的一場錯誤 Making our own beautiful sweets is how we rule the worl ...
16 1.Snow White 眼神就確認唯一的他 Oh我的天你的甜把所有煩憂化成風忽略午夜敲響的鐘專注在你給的笑容 Yeah I'm ... 憂化成風忽略午夜敲響的鐘專注在你給的笑容 Yeah I'm so fly fly你抓住我的心 Look at my eyes eyes目光早 ... 鎖定只有我懂你懂你的Beautiful要了命的眼睛 I'll keep it dry I'll be your only dwarf只想把你當成我的公主寵 Baby you're my treasure and my Snow White You're my Snow White不用 ... 解詛
17 1.Falling You ng in you oh that is true I know is you你出現粉色旋律伴奏 b ... 中注定每天膩在一起 oh yeah沉醉在你的輪廓微醺中又帶點了溫柔 In party pool Fa ... 就在那一刻的你回眸 So beautiful Falling your magic leave my h
18 1.我愛得還不足夠 B作曲 PokeB oh我們之間相隔了一千公里可無法阻礙相愛的兩顆心慢慢接近 ah糟糕的生活因為你變 ... 乘上時光機穿梭天際 beautiful tonight feeling so nice我站上了舞臺想要對你說愛你能夠明白已經迫不及待我愛得還不足夠想對你 ... 們一起掉進愛情漩渦 oh baby i love u oh baby i love u oh baby i love u我愛得還不足夠想對你付出所有再給我點時間馬上就能 ... 我追逐在
19 1.冰檸檬節拍 Lil Aitch Oh Dalana~(Let's go)讓我帶你離開繁華的city你好奇的眼睛打 ... 沒有拘束 Silk Sonic so smooth Silk Sonic樂隊如此絲滑復古音樂巨著但是你在放不開與放得開之間不停搖擺這是快樂星球 ... 自在)(我要你來)(Beautiful world let's go)(美好的世界一起來)你是陽光下 ... ars也是Silk Sonic一員指熱單Leave the Door Open】我努力愛著美妙生活探 ... 一次)(我要你來)(Beautiful
20 2.霓虹燈 e with me beautiful tonight Say Hi I just want you to living my life留心秘密牽動每一根神經想躺在懷裡 you you you you傾心明明假裝還在數星星是誰在糾結 you you you you大膽的站在舞池間(興 ... r my baby Say Hi Come with me beautiful tonight Say Hi I just want you to living my life沒你在的夜晚恐怕難以入眠欲望眼神助燃腦海推波助瀾 I can be your baby I don't know what I think I do ... think I don't know if you ok so hot

21 1.妹妹(Mei Mei) 瘦子E.SO-妹妹1.妹妹(Mei Mei)作詞瘦子E. ... 作詞瘦子E.SO作曲瘦子E.SO、A-FLIGHT崔欽翔編曲 A-FLIGHT崔欽翔讓我看到妳的身體 Let me see your body為這首來翻譯 I'm translating it for the ... 翻譯 I'm translating it for the song一堆Jealousy Lots of jealousy What a hoe what a bitch那不礙著妳 But it doesn't bother you扮演誰的生命想讓誰認識妳了解妳的內心 Playing a part in other's l ... his year面著美
22 1.少年家 通 play my song掌握著節奏 go with water flow u should ko ... onw多浪漫的傑作 oh ya ya now I gotta go keep it low認真的生活 ... 底怎能夠 life so beautiful你可以看看我的生活過得多麽努力感謝擁有的一切算是我的福氣曾經
23 1.part of your world 生活的每個潮起潮落 Oh baby won't let you go Girl讓我們一起走向美好的未 ... 的臉龐你沉睡的模樣 So beautiful我無法抵抗讓我牽你的手把你捧在我手掌從此以後就這樣 Am I ... 生活的每個潮起潮落 Oh baby won't let you go Girl讓我們一起走向美好的未來擁著你不離開 You're my everything If only you could see the way I see you right now The rea ... ay I see you right now The reason why I'm up all nigh
24 1.Save Me 我整個世界變得美麗 so crazy oh so amazing baby you should save me love ... s世上最漂亮最完美 so beautiful Po'some香檳做一些事情 we make baby**********我的女孩都說 ... 我整個世界變得美麗 so crazy oh so amazing baby you should save me love
25 2.All Sofine-So2.All作詞 Sofine作曲 Sofine編曲 Sofine All those man Falling down On the name of a flag All those man crawling on the ground in the name of man ... the ground in the name of man Ohhhhhh Those wives left in home Kid alone in this big garden And those days and those night2424 All the man of the town They are go ... All this coverage to make it beautiful to make it beautiful beautiful beautiful To make it beaut
26 7.同一時刻(At the Same Time) But我特別愛講 so what? We came at the same time every night You want ... ame time every night You want some R&B all right Beautiful thing we do all night You r my ... 惱葡萄酒灌到吐然後 so what we gonna do?這緊繃的牛仔褲穿得我不舒服 ... 牛仔褲穿得我不舒服 oh no能不能幫一幫我反正time還多把你手的借給我一起數123 We came at the same time every night You want ... ame time every night You want some R&
27 14.同一時刻 But我特別愛講 so what? We came at the same time every night You want ... ame time every night You want some R&B all right Beautiful thing we do all night You r my ... 惱葡萄酒灌到吐然後 so what we gonna do?這緊繃的牛仔褲穿得我不舒服 ... 牛仔褲穿得我不舒服 oh no能不能幫一幫我反正time還多把你手的借給我一起數123 We came at the same time every night You want ... ame time every night You want some R&
28 1.Good Life 搭配特別帥去逛個街 oh my god she so Hot忍不住多看一眼腳步放慢一點享受著每一天星座說今天我幸運的方位在西北我 ... know生活是未知的Beautiful follow the feel Let it flow~
29 1.My Bad girl I'm sorry但你不是my type I don't want to change for you(my bad) Want me to accompany you every day(no time)當你又在問我一切能否重來 Shorty girl I'm ... )當你又在問我一切能否重來 Shorty girl I'm sorry但你不是my type但你不是my type She don't really care for me我只是玩伴她的每個心動總是會那麼氾濫她發的每條消息都能夠讓我can't stand I don't really care for u I don't ... Turn off the lights you like so fairy
30 3.星星月亮 合這彼此心中的不安 Oh. Baby you are so beautiful你的感同身受能讓我墮落和你周旋就能夠支撐我每天變著法子總是覺
31 1.Never520 They'ers so much I don't know(他們太多了我不知道) I had to fight off your ghost(我不得不抗拒你的幽靈) I keep my eyes on the road(我一直在路上) I love what you do to m ... w with me(總是用來和我擰) You doo it so beautifully(你做得這麼漂亮) When it was just you and me(當你和我) I keep you in mind(我記住你) When I pray a few lines(當我祈禱幾行) I've been off of my ... rind(我已經不專心了) I'm just taking some tim
32 7.謎 時間感覺彼此在身邊(so beautiful)快轉加速夢魘感覺謎題突然穿越(is ... 謎題突然穿越(is so beautiful oh)倒轉穿梭時間感覺彼此在身邊(Dream ... 在身邊(Dream so beautiful Dream is beautiful)快轉拼湊破碎幻覺謎一樣沈睡的夢門已上鎖逃離所有獨自角落背棄
33 1.第一個聖誕節 low dance Oh my baby you know我的心留下所有甜蜜memories離開的時候讓我忘記你對我微笑的表情.別讓我太過著迷從今以後的冬季因為你.就算狂風暴雨來襲.也會覺得暖心如何讓妳能記住這個special day如何才能夠讓妳可以感動落淚你po的每一個文都標記我 ... 標記我每一個心動.每一個朋友都問我 how can you so beautiful Beautiful you so beautiful在廣場牽手.拉著你的手你的
34 1.姑娘一十八(feat. Teresa) ou really sorry we don't have to talk are you really over it yeah. It's not fun me I think it's for you. you chose me good If you want to see. ... forJust want to see her again Oh well never tree autumn near gets by hit Everybody calm down Add hang got to price pay She looks like16 years old. Last dance even ... could really get it if I want So many Lonely nights Fun you and if you notJust want to She looks like16 years old. She's my dream and Drive me crazy Big bad weath ...
35 2.OK OK 沒說(I have so much to tell you)你到底去哪裡(Where are you going)別放開我的手(Please don't let go of my hand)讓我跟你一起(Please let me stay with you)記得你抱我說的愛我(Yo ... uld you come back to me) baby oh baby OK OK You're the only one my baby OK OK你是唯一我的baby(You're the only one my baby)抱著我呼喚我沒有你的世界(Hold me and call my name I can't ... hat)有沒有理由可以愛(Please find a reason not to end our story)
36 1.Stars e it seem so beautiful'Cuz I had barely had you present in my life ... ly had you present in my life Oh It was simple it was reckless it was
37 1.異類 覺得他是瘋子也快樂 So beautiful oh多麼獨特oh他緊握著手沒有回頭總有有些記憶讓你更有意義就算來不及演繹只有自己才懂得那邏
38 3.Never Stop z瘦子 Q.luv Oh tell me why被操縱了現實確定是你這不可能試圖改變的距離依舊保持神 ... 的距離依舊保持神秘 Oh feeling like gravity無時不刻被吸引 ... ty無時不刻被吸引 Oh yea oh yea心跳加速 you're so fine We gonna make it hot till it caught on a fire肆意開啟我 Magic touch you're my movie star tonight ... you're my movie star tonight Beautiful face若即若離 Like a fantasy for life Woo woo woo woo I can
39 1.Love yourself 不怕不怕由你在前頭 oh Love Love Love Love Love yourself oh Love Love Love Love Love yourself so beautiful so beautiful走著走著我忘掉自我不怕不怕由你在前頭 ... 不怕不怕由你在前頭 oh Love Love Love Love Love yourself oh Love Love Love Love Love yourself so beautiful so beautiful I I I I CHECKED I CHECKED I CHECKED I CHECKED ... I CHECKED I CHECKED I CHECKED oh I I I I CHECKED I CHEC
40 1.Pure Song br>1.Pure Song作詞大眼炮、李魏西作曲大眼炮、李魏西編曲 T-CRASH I write a pure ... 、李魏西編曲 T-CRASH I write a pure song it's beautifulJust like your pure soul it's beautiful For our pure love it's beautiful像羽毛般輕鬆飄在天空 Oh Baby每時每刻都想告訴你有你的世界很Funny ... 的世界很Funny Oh Baby Looking to my eyes眼睛滿滿裝的都是你 Tell You Baby I Want To Say只想簡單的表
41 1.Beautiful 王俊凱-Beautiful1.Beautiful作詞 Caesar、大智、 Loui作曲 Caesar ... 、大智、 Loui Beautiful so beautiful Come on Yeah Know you have me forever from the start從一開始你就永遠的擁有了我 when I saw you girl you were all that mattered從我見到你的第一眼開 ... your looking at mine it feels so good你望向我時我無法抑制的心情 Yeah I wont let you ... 道 You are beautiful so beautiful你是如
42 6.Mary Goes Wrong the hill Oh young Mary she's got She's got no clue at all Where's she supposed to go? Mary goes wrong Mary goes wrong Mary goes wrong Mary go ... she's got no clue at all will someone come along? Mary goes wrong Mary goes wrong Mary goes wrong Mary goes on Mary you should know In this ... Mary you should know In this beautifully messy world We have every right to be wrong ... have every right to be wrong So let it go let it go Try to learn and learn to try Let's go
43 1.In The Sky with me I oh I I see the rainbow in the sky so high so beautiful I wonder you can you can you draw me a rainbow just for me and rescue me I promise I will take you fly away away from here ... n sing with me sing with me I oh I I see the rainbow in the sky so high so beautiful I wonder you can you can you d ... 時針轉開水龍頭 I oh I I see the rainbow in the sky so high so beautiful I wonder you can you can you
44 1.Why You So Beautiful- New Version b-Why You So Beautiful - New Version1.Why You So Beautiful- New Version作詞 TIAB I will try my best to be perfect向困難都說著no way不介意成為你的傀儡我要慶祝你的birthday Why you ... 意成為你的傀儡我要慶祝你的birthday Why you so Beautiful真的沒有理由我夢寐以求陪你到最後人生開始就像電影守得雲開就見月明設下的陷阱讓我遇見你這天氣根本就不像我的預期已成為過去過
45 1.拜託你回我一下 發現被你牽著鼻子走 Oh Crazy你依然時不時的吊著我胃口心知肚明的我知道你心裡的小把戲但 Tra ... 放開你的手 Hey beautiful知道要得到你So difficult沒人理解我我知道確實ain't no body kno

46 1.Beautiful Love 錢正昊-Beautiful Love1.Beautiful Love作詞葛大為作曲阿沁英文詞錢正昊原唱蔡健雅製作人 DOLLARZOO編曲 DOLLARZOO Love's ... DOLLARZOO編曲 DOLLARZOO Love's beautiful so beautiful我失去過更珍惜擁有多慶幸我是我被你疼愛的我緊緊牽住的手不要放手 ... 感受 Love's beautiful so beautiful我失去過更珍惜擁有多慶幸我是我被你疼愛的我緊緊牽住的手不要放手 ... me時
47 1.LOVE DIARY(Album Version) rm shines Oh Love can flourish When it's free and let fly It will never betray each& everyone When it brought to alive Hello Hello Don't Make ... Love has a tender short life Oh How could-you waste on your precious time Never lie Never fight Never let go hold'n each other tight There's no ashamed to bend t ... hat we jeered Don't you being so blind Oh Love can flourish When it's free and let fly If you come to it It tastes sweet like a pie How could you blame love If y
48 1.Knight Rider uz You're beautiful我穿梭隧道 hearing your call Angel d ... t穿透這陰霾融化我的sorrow(we go) Let me hold you tight Know ... 感動你我追逐刺激冒險oh yeah帶你看更多精彩新鮮看我掙脫枷鎖醞釀氣勢磅礴 you're what I aim for每次當你靠近你如此驚豔仿佛置身仙境這不是排練加足馬力到底yea I do for us for us This love feeling like woooo Wa ... I'm down Babe I'm down You're so beautiful我穿梭隧道 hearing
49 1.Shout Out to The World向世界吶喊 Na na na) Oh如果太常跌倒何必奔跑怎麼還藏著羽毛 ... 奔跑怎麼還藏著羽毛 Oh如果能夠飛高那就飛吧就為自己驕傲(Na Na Na)秀出你的本色 You a ... 色 You are so beautiful掌握你的時刻 It's time to let it grow ... 色 You are so beautiful掌握你的時刻 It's time to let it grow別隱藏你的獨特 Now or neverJust shout out to the world Na na na na na naJust shout out to the world ... naJust shout out to the wor
50 1.Why You So Beautful b-Why You So Beautful1.Why You So Beautful作詞 TIAB I will try my best to be perfect向困難都說著no way不介意成為你的傀儡我要慶祝你的birthday Why you ... 意成為你的傀儡我要慶祝你的birthday Why you so Beautiful真的沒有理由我夢寐以求陪你到最後人生開始就像電影守得雲開就見月明設下的陷阱讓我遇見你這種天氣根本就不像我的預期已成為過去過程有再多的波曲多此一舉不會
51 3.Amusement Park leman Hue'Soundzfire' Strother VMP I see the fireworks I see just what you're worth You're heaven on this world Beyond the universe You're suc ... he sky I see beyond your eyes Oh baby let's escape Surf to another place Know that you're safe in my arms ... w that you're safe in my arms Oh baby just enjoy the ride Beautiful so amazing I'm glad you're mine Let's travel up and beyond Neverland When you look in my eyes I lose the time My girl let's fly away ... rs And
52 1.很漂亮 So Beautiful 1.很漂亮 So Beautiful作詞查勞加麓 Chalaw作曲查勞加麓 Chalaw na won nen ho na won nen ho na won nen ho ko ra kat no mi ... na won nen ho ko ra kat no mi so慢一點再慢一點妳走路的速度慢一點呀 Nice and slow she walks ... 度慢一點呀 Nice and slow she walks so nice and slow sa iu a iu Sa iu a iu sa na nai ko rakat ni(hen piaw liang)扭腰擺臀的走啊走(很漂亮) Her hips sway as she moves( ... 亮) Her hips sway as she moves(
53 1.Let Go Tyson Yoshi-Let Go1.Let Go作詞 AKIKO ... 詞 AKIKO Tyson Yoshi作曲 AKIKO Tyson Yoshi*Oh I'm gonna go wild在這幾小時請你別錯過難得放縱的我look at me ... ild在這幾小時請你別錯過難得放縱的我look at me Oh酒精的餘味 Ay燈光下的美 wow Baby I'm not judging ... 係就搞到呀叔我會好 Oh baby I just wanna let you know I won't let you go You are ... ow I won't let you go You are so beautiful Oh(
54 1.Go Away ho's back Oh she! It's been a long wait啊呀呀呀呀 hoo啊呀 ... 在我的眼裡是最美最 beautiful是我專屬唯一的 girl她就是我的 baby ... 就是我的 baby so you just gotta go away啊呀呀呀呀 You just ... 生活誰來給我降降火 oh no怎麼廢話那麼多求你們都放開我 ah ah我的心裡已經有個 girl在我 ... 在我的眼裡是最美最 beautiful是我專屬唯一的 girl她就是我的 baby ... 就是我的 baby so y
55 3.The Dark Knight rk knight Oh~ Realize here's my spotlight in the sOh~ Sacrifice till I die Yeh~oh I don't care what you say I don't care what you hate I just care what we do yeh I have no special power find in my way hey I ain' ... the risk to take my dreams My beautiful fantasy No matter how I get hurt I take the risk to take my dreams My ... the risk to take my dreams My beautiful fantasy No matter how I get hurt~ hurt~ hurt I don't care what you say yeh I don't care what you h
56 13.Good Morning d Morning Oh jangan berduka Good Morning tiada apa yang mengganggu Good Morning Sabar mengharungi waktu Senyumlah sayang semua akan berlalu(Go ... (Good morning sayang today is so beautiful) Everything's gonna be alrigh
57 7.妳的花洋裝 的花洋裝蝴蝶飛啊飛 so beautiful趁妳還沒起床的時陣輕輕打開妳衣櫥仔門吹來一陣清香嗯嗯妳的小小世 ... 笑容妳親像花蕊盛開 so beautiful beautiful beautiful ho beautiful beautiful ya美麗故事是妳的夢境只要妳歡喜我攏答應白雪公主迷失樹林園迷 ... 笑容妳親像花蕊盛開 so beautiful春風吹啊吹起妳風中的花洋裝妳是自由自在享受其中蝴蝶飛啊飛
58 2.Hate(feat.巡音ルカ) rld looks so pale Everything beautiful has been gone Why am I alone? Alone we wrong Walk and shout'Who can give me hope?' Crying loud just like a poor ghost Why ... e! The words in my sights are so disgusting I've never seen Though you play hide-and-seek I'll find you without difficulty Go on! Move on! Straight on! Let fire o ... ing on Woo You are in my zone Oh my dear see what I've found Once again I fall down in the same place with a cry Once again I trust your words
59 1.New Plan 角落(You're so beautiful)觸摸我的心感動舞動跳動(Your amazing love)融化我剛硬的心再多的言語都無法形容你 Sing the ... e)融化我剛硬的心再多的言語都無法形容你 Sing the song Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh New Plan你新事在我們中間 Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Sing the song Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (|
60 1.了解一下 答案想快更快知道今晚Beautiful night CNBALLER-國風DOM.T Hey AY無 ... 答案想快更快知道今晚Beautiful night AY楊佬叄 Ma boy that you Su ... 答案想快更快知道今晚Beautiful night AY楊佬叄 I know that I look stunning ... 叄 I know that I look stunning So take me to the party You're right That taste of my body ... e right That taste of my body Oh I could be your shawty So Try and get to know me Your perfect l ... 答案想快
61 2.Hate(feat.巡音ルカ) rld looks so pale Everything beautiful has been gone Why am I alone? Alone we wrong Walk and shout'Who can give me hope?' Crying loud just like a poor ghost Why ... e! The words in my sights are so disgusting I've never seen Though you play hide-and-seek I'll find you without difficulty Go on! Move on! Straight on! Let fire o ... ing on Woo You are in my zone Oh my dear see what I've found Once again I fall down in the same place with a cry Once again I trust your words
62 1.ZTAO Diplo&MØ- Stay Open 持續徘徊快樂就現在 Oh my heart在跳動讓我走進妳的心房 ... 動讓我走進妳的心房 Oh the stars Beautiful highs新的一天where will you go It's the same with me and u and everybody All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party ... h while waiting for the party So many doors So many closed to light oh baby my heart's open U know that I stay open Lost in the night standing outside the club ... ght standing outside the club o
63 1.Run With U I've been so good now you know it's true I'll go anywhere that you want me to I will be with you be with you Be with you be with you'till we b ... we see the world I will run...Oh I will run oh I will run with you. I will run yea I will run. My dreams are filled with adventure we are ... filled with adventure we are beautiful and free Running through the fields together chasing all the birds I see but Until that moment until that day I'll just me ... ow till the very e
64 1.True Colors raged我懂你的 Oh I realize勇敢並不容易 It's hard to take courage茫茫人海中 In a world full of people不小心就會迷失方向 You can lose sight of it all而內心的黑暗面 The darknes ... 常會讓你覺得自己好渺小 Can make you feel so small但我看見真正的你 But I see your true col ... you所以別擔心 So don't be afraid盡情展現吧 To let them show ... 得令人屏息 Are beautiful如同天上的彩虹 Like a rainbow秀出你的
65 3.With You girl you so beautiful at the same time so approachable got me feelin some type of way you the reason why i get up everyday not to mention你的溫柔and you're vibe the way you call me bae seeing you is like winning a lottery現在我們已經在一起 at ... and微微一點神秘但是同時能夠看到你的everything oh everything oh愛著你 oh想著你 oh惦記你 oh想要做你的guarding angel希望你能滿意想要看清我
66 9.Scent Of A Flower Jackson Turner-Long Time Coming9.Scent O ... 作詞Jackson Turner Nkese P作曲 Soulspeak Elliot G. Nkese P You got the scent of a flower maybe thats where you got your name I sensed your prowess way before I loo ... pressed against your knees Absolutely the most beautifulest thing I've ever seen Your dress is like the fence that separates me from your heart Super thin and yet its presence nev ... inside I know its you Theres something about you in
67 2.妳(U) 鼓 Mambo吉他 Solden你討厭地鐵但也買不起車想清靜只能用耳機聽歌當習慣了為吃飯忙碌生活卻還沒有遇到適合你的先生一夜情或者快點結婚在陽台俯瞰孤單井噴你不算前衛也不看新聞關於昇華靈魂顯得太艱深家長告訴你青春是成本優秀的女人該表現沈穩把未來寄託在社交開墾找個怎樣的男人提高你的身份 ... 體溫 Now I know the world seems beautiful because of you.(現在我終於知道
68 1.新計劃 落(you are so beautiful)觸摸我的心感動舞動跳動 wo ... 感動舞動跳動 wo oh wo oh oh oh融化我剛硬的心再多的言語都無法形容你 ... 的言語都無法形容你 oh sing the song wo oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh new plan你新事在我們中間 wo oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I O I O I O oh sing the
69 8.你不是我的麻煩 詞林華勇作曲林華勇 Oh baby Oh you're not my trouble Oh baby Oh you're not my trouble離開你以後我有很多話不是不想說只是怕你難過愛原來成為我們之間的問題我說babybabybabybabybaby是否原諒我 now listen to me o ... bybaby是否原諒我 now listen to me ooh you're not my trouble ooh你不是我的麻煩 ooh you're not my trouble ooh你不是我的麻煩你並沒有做什麼我承認是我的錯分開留下
70 3.愛美麗 還會陪我看動作電影 Oh~I believe我最最愛的美麗愛美麗由內而外的美麗我看見的是你用相信讓我 ... 麗 You are so beautiful Love u forever oh Yeah~ You are so beautiful I believe~你換了新髮型瀏海遮眼睛在我面前走來走去夢 ... 麗 You are so beautiful You are so beautiful(!
71 10.Summer you look so beautiful Oh yeah就和我到海邊踏踏水 Oh yeah就和我玩沙堆的堡壘 Oh yeah或者根本沒事也無所謂 Oh yeah反正就是希望能夠有你陪 Oh請你答應我求求你答應我拜託你答應我我的小要求我好想只對你講有甚麼事都只會對著你講希望你也只會對著我講甚麼事都只會對著我講我知道自己沒有俊俏的外表但是我的心意就連夏天都感覺到Just wanna be love with y
72 12.Wonderful Tonight see This beautiful lady That's walking around with me. And then she asks me'Do you feel all right?' And I say'Yes I feel wonderful tonight.' ... w And I've got an aching head So I give her the car keys And she helps me to bed. And then I tell her As I turn out the light I say'My darling you were wonderful ... g you were wonderful tonight. Oh my darling you were wonderful tonigh
73 10.不能說的秘密 see ever so clearly最美的不是下雨天 zui mei de bu shi xia yu tian that rainy day wasn't the most ... hat rainy day wasn't the most beautiful是曾與你躲過雨的屋檐 oh~~ shi ceng yu ni duo guo yu de wu yan It's the shelters that I once shared with you in the rain回憶的畫面 hui yi de hua mian The pictu ... llowed us to love this one season of fall飄落後才發現這幸福的碎片 piao luo hou ca
74 4.Life Can Be So Beautiful fe Can Be So Beautiful作詞黑男作曲黑男我跟你說想念過去是種折磨你現在就是應該 ... 有我在身邊快看不見 oh no no no不要讓眼淚模糊了你的視線 Life can be ... no no不要讓眼淚模糊了你的視線 Life can be so beautiful It's a beautiful day事情會完美 Life can be so beautiful It's a beautiful day這是我的世界我跟你說總會有我們的出口就看一盞燈在閃爍閃 ... 板著
75 4.Would you be my girl(&大支) heart and soul看著你的皮膚遮幼身材遮好唉唷唉唷 ... 幼身材遮好唉唷唉唷 So beautiful Baby would you be my girl? Hey ... 徙腳步攬予牢我的腰 OH~氣氛遮爾好就是想欲約你散步心情遮爾好就是想欲佮你擠燒 I want you Don't say no若無我食袂落(大支)他像你ㄟ貓咪哈古錐你就賣哥哈古意假裝問路啊免驚惶問他愛情的盡頭怎麼走賣驚失禮自己創作機會給他癡迷給他所有一切把他
76 1.愛妳的理由 說了這麼多 woo oh答案已經非常清楚明白 YE YE請你別再問我愛你的理由我喜歡這樣自然的妳就請你待在我身邊 Cus you don't know how much! how much! I love you Baby~ Woo~~ Yea~~ I wanna tell you ... nna tell you Baby Baby you're so beautiful(Ye~) Beautiful so….(Oh~~Ye~~
77 1.女神 fine day oh I saw the beautiful girl將我吸引沒介備下一刻將我封印 I'm just say hey I just wanna tell you baby baby尋覓你我花費一生都好 I just wanna tell you baby baby為何要故意扮看我不到我每日 ... y到底你要我等到幾時擰轉身俾我睇真 You make me so crazy你乜都唔需要做就算你只係齋企嚮到都搶晒身邊所有人嘅Fo你姿態一向 ... 親你都say no(oh wow)我做主動你都無動於衷全世界都俾你con
78 1.Come With Me 慢的把你靠近 wu oh oh~ Let's Come with me讓我的腳步慢慢走進你的世界 just ... 的愛是無人能夠取代 so come with me you are my beautiful girl我相信這一切都是緣分的安排這一次我一定要輕輕的慢慢的 ... 的愛是無人能夠取代 so come with me you are my beautiful girl啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦讓我牽著你手wu ... 啦讓我牽著你手wu oh oh啦啦啦啦我對你的
79 5.戰役 後日出複活我是英雄 Oh~oh~oh~oh Oh~oh~oh~oh Oh~oh~oh~oh我是英雄 Oh~oh~oh~oh Oh~oh~oh~oh Oh~oh~oh~oh(Let's go) Now the moment of anguish leaves us to defend our home Thou we've been gone for long Don't think you could sit on our t ... sin you could never atone for so總是會有人類再一次感染貪念就像是電腦病毒這病毒
80 1.戰役 ⽇日出複活我是英雄 Oh~oh~oh~oh Oh~oh~oh~oh Oh~oh~oh~oh我是英雄 Oh~oh~oh~oh Oh~oh~oh~oh Oh~oh~oh~oh Now the moment of anguish leaves us to defend our home Thou we've been gone for long Don't think you could sit on our throne Tryn ... sin you could never atone for so總是會有⼈人類再⼀一次感染貪念就像是電腦病毒這
81 4.Pure Song br>4.Pure Song feat.李魏西作詞大眼炮、李魏西作曲大眼炮、李魏西 I write a pure ... 炮、李魏西作曲大眼炮、李魏西 I write a pure song it's beautiful just like your pure soul it's beautiful for our pure love it's beautiful像羽毛般輕鬆飄在天空 Oh Baby每時每刻都想告訴你有你的世界很Funny ... 的世界很Funny Oh Baby looking to my eyes眼睛滿滿裝的都是你 Tell You Baby I Want To Say
82 4.Young and Beautiful Young and Beautiful作詞 Abner Silver Aaron Schroeder作曲 Abner Silver Aaron Schroeder You're ... Silver Aaron Schroeder You're so young and beautiful and I love you so. Your lips so red your eyes that shine Shame the stars that glow. ... ne Shame the stars that glow. So fill these lonely arms of mine And kiss me tenderly. Then you'll be forever young And ... n you'll be forever young And beautiful to me. You're so young and beautiful
83 1.Tuxedo 蠢蠢欲動未知的探索 Oh Tuxedo Ready to show是男人最華麗的溫柔跟著我步驟不會再跳寂寞的tango Baby當你心跳直覺taking full control One Step一前一後一左一右愛的節奏你要不要跟我走 And I just wanna surrend ... a surrender my body heart and soul當愛so close當你so close跟感覺走不需要什麼理由 Tonight love is ... se跟感覺走不需要什麼理由 Tonight love is beautiful Oh Oh My Tuxedo Oh
84 24.Wonderful Tonight 方大同-The SOULBOY Collection24.Wonderful Tonight作詞 Eric Clapton作曲 Eric Clapton It's late in the evening She's wondering what clothes t ... nd everyone turns to see This beautiful lady that's walking around with me And then she asks me Do you feel all right? And I say Yes I feel wonderful tonight I fe ... w And I've got an aching head So I give her the car keys And she helps me to bed And then I tell her as I turn out the light I say My darling you were wond
85 7.世界小姐 ou You're so beautiful You're so wonderful用客氣話代勞 Yo You're so beautiful You're so wonderful做夠戲馬上逃好就以這一套來融合世俗扮同路密圈滿肚唯獨對知音訴無謂對姑母嬸母犯顏直告只講對方的好看盡人類百態殘酷派糜爛派所有堆都拒埋卻越來越世界其實我柔道已紅帶 And you You're ... 卻越來越世界其實我柔道已紅帶 And you You're so beautiful You're so won
86 10.Wonderful Tonight Clapton編曲Johnny Yim監製Johnny Yim A It's late in the evening She's wondering what clothes to wear She'll put on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair ... nd everyone turns to see This beautiful A+T Lady that's walking around with me A And then she asks me A+T Do you feel all right A And I say yes I feel A+T Wonderf ... w And I've got an aching head So I give her the car keys And she helps me to bed A And then I tell her as I turn out the light(T And then he
87 7.藍寶 with me I oh I I see the rainbow in the sky so high so beautiful I wonder you can you can you draw me a rainbow just for me and rescue me I promise I will take you fly away away from here ... n sing with me sing with me I oh I I see the rainbow in the sky so high so beautiful I wonder you can you can you d ... 時針轉開水龍頭 I oh I I see the rainbow in the sky so high so beautiful I wonder you can you can you
88 2.A Beautiful Mess CD2.A Beautiful Mess作詞Jason Mraz作曲Jason Mraz You've got the best of both worlds You're the kind of girl who can take down a man And lift him back up again You are stron ... what happiness is Hey what a beautiful mess this is It's like picking up trash in dresses Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write Kind of turn the ... ship we're staging And it's a beautiful mess yes it is It's like we are picking up trash in dresses Well it kind
89 7.Angel ay I need some distraction Oh beautiful release Memory seeps from my veins And maybe empty And weightless and maybe I'll find ... eightless and maybe I'll find some peace tonight In the arms of the angel Fly away from here From this dark cold hotel room And the endlessness that you fear You ... rms of the angel May you find some comfort here So tired of the straight line And everywhere you turn There's vultures and thieves at your back And the storm keeps o
90 1.美麗的力量 me春泥後的花季 oh oh oh將最好都給你膩在一起沈溺萬紫千紅 Life is ... 紅 Life is so beautiful你是天使禮物這是花樣人生我和你花落在水中是思念飄在空中是希望臥 ... me春泥後的花季 oh oh oh將最好都給你膩在一起沈溺萬紫千紅 Life is ... 紅 Life is so beautiful你是天使禮物這是花樣人生我和你 Let's get toget ... me春泥後的花季 oh oh
91 8.Hey Sexy 的笑妳的長髮妳的嬌 So sexy短路我的思考妳那美麗的雙唇妳那迷人的眼神 ... 雙唇妳那迷人的眼神 So sexy讓我神魂顛倒心跳滴答滴答滴(Baby let me take yo ... 種笑這種長髮這種嬌 Oh! So sexy讓我無法思考妳那美麗的雙唇妳那迷人的眼神 ... 雙唇妳那迷人的眼神 So sexy讓我神魂顛倒心跳滴答滴答滴(Baby let me take yo ... 也不足形容妳有多美(Beautiful girl)用千百萬個
92 16.Wonderful Tonight see This beautiful lady that's walking around with me And then she asks me'Do you feel all right?' And I say'Yes I feel wonderful tonight' Re ... nd everyone turns to see This beautiful lady is walking around with me. And then she asks me:'Do you feel alright?' And I say'Yes I feel wonderful tonight.' Ref: ... And I've got an aching head. So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed. And then I tell her as I turn out the light I say'My darling you were wonderful ...
93 8.Wonderful tonight see This beautiful lady that's walking around with me And then she asks me Do you feel all right? And I say Yes I feel wonderful tonight I fe ... w And I've got an aching head So I give her the car keys And she helps me to bed And then I tell her as I turn out the light I say My darling you were wonderful t ... ng you were wonderful tonight Oh my darling you were wonderful tonigh
94 4.Nothing Ever Happened raised me beautiful why I'd get get weaker why would I get weaker ... weaker why would I get weaker oh Please please don't I am so scared scared you're too perfect for
95 9.Wonderful Tonight see This beautiful lady is walking around with me. And then she asks me:'Do you feel alright?' And I say'Yes I feel wonderful tonight.' Ref: ... And I've got an aching head. So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed. And then I tell her as I turn out the light I say'My darling you were wonderful ... ng you were wonderful tonight oh my darling you were wonderful tonigh
96 2.Miss H.K(feat.Gold Mountain) he of the sound when we meet feet to feet And the Shuffle that we do is the Snare that we're in Cause you just won't let me in(Put your guard ... never had no need to hide it so無法可接觸你超高身價要怎麼招架自問我絕對合格做舞伴我亦算合拍外貌說話與動作未 ... 紗數隻鑽戒是浪漫吧 Oh No*All alone goes Ms. Hong Kong She think she's independent ... g She think she's independent beautiful and strong And though she's a ... 要
97 11.The Beautiful Ones br>11.The Beautiful Ones Baby baby baby What's it gonna be Baby baby baby Is it him or is it me Don't make me waste my time Don't make me ... Cant you stay with me tonight Oh baby baby baby Dont my kisses please you right You were ... ses please you right You were so hard to find The beautiful ones they hurt you Every time Paint a perfect picture Bring to life a vision in one's mind ... o life a vision in one's mind Some beautiful ones Always smash the
98 6.Party Show nt u need(oh a—yo) OK tell me my mind it's right baby( ... ll me my mind it's right baby(oh a—yo) Martin&Double_G Rock the party( ... 這是中國嘻哈新勢力(oh a—yo) Come on! Boyz!加入我的Party讓我用我的音樂來 ... 乖還是站在一旁發呆 So beautiful girl正在等你去愛不要以為機會失去以後還會再來因為她們不會傻傻的耐心等待熱情已被打開這裡由我主宰 Come boy let me hear you sing my ... e boy let me
99 11.You'll Shine Again You're up so high the brightest in the sky You know that every night I pray my ... ow that every night I pray my soul for you Tomorrow won't be as blue* Oh girl I hope you can understand That tsong will always shine again Now that you've found your way onto a better day You'll shine again You'll shine again Give you strengt ... ou You'll shine again You are so beautiful REPEAT* Oh girl I hope you can understand That my love for you will never end N
100 2.洗牌 對這場得來不易的愛 Oh no*我們都曾等待下一張牌讓落敗的愛能扳的回來卻只組合成傷害希望被失望破壞 ... 輸了你曾為我存的愛 So beautiful Repeat*誰能把悲傷從新洗牌誰能說這不是種安排長久以來

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