
關於 okay + okay + okay + so 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.DONTFORGET 麼一路走來始終如一 so strange稍作停歇只是逗點莫忘初衷 don't forget don' ... 麼一路走來始終如一 so strange Keep rocking to the beat一樣不會收 ... 麼一路走來始終如一 so strange稍作停歇只是逗點莫忘初衷 don't forget don' ... 麼一路走來始終如一 so strange Keep rocking to the beat一樣不會收 ... 播一次喜歡但不明瞭 Okay我先把車子停好跟著點頭到脖子痛直到明早 Mind blown錯過的
2 8.Fake body just so fucking fake白也可以偽裝變成黑想說什麼卻又默默閉了嘴那些花言巧語適合別人別送給我我相信你不懂卻裝得很輕鬆可惜這世界和我想的遠遠不同再給我幾分鐘別打破了沈默眼前終究還是一片黑 Verse無心的話似曾在哪裡聽過無限放大講不存在的生活權力遊戲慾火焚心我 ... 來只剩見利忘義的朋友才叫悲哀 Everybody just so fake. Pre-Chorus So its okay for now爾虞我
3 10.On My Way rl you're so shy Still'member in my mind(In my min ... 會就不見 It's okay火沒滅 Live in life Live in life Live i ... 會就不見 It's okay火沒滅妳的輪廓在我腦中想大聲對妳說妳讓我心動從沒想過我表現那麼赤裸 Ba ... 會就不見 It's okay火沒
4 1.輪迴就像旋轉壽司 on't feel okay So I keep it run no hold back So I keep it run like I really okay Never forget what I really regret沈
5 2.Holiday you'll be okay受夠了追求別人的期待內心卻藏著不快像在為愛贖罪把情感都化成燭淚抓不住的風 ... 了總有天會開花結果 So don't runaway別怕去追 Don't ever change就

6 1.F.F.F y deepest soul is fading and disappearing(我最深處的靈魂逐漸消散) Two people talking(有兩個聲音) One showed me how to love(一個教我表達愛) Another one told me'You go ... 多天的沉寂卻讓我感覺更無力) Tryna calm but sometimes art's come from my anger(我試圖讓自己冷靜下來但藝術來源於憤怒) I believe in Buddha(我很虔誠) Always showing love but I know I'm a liar(帶著愛卻撒了謊) ... ) I'm not a Christian but for somehow
7 1.Lost Again ou're not okay I could find a way I'll undo mistakes You dropped my heart there's an empty space I feel lost again I feel lost againJust anoth ... 我走出來 But that shit don't feel so right醒來當你不再回頭不再形成著阻礙 You crossed your heart but you're not ... sed your heart but you're not okay I could find a way I'll undo mista
8 1.On My Way rl you're so shy Still'member in my mind(In my min ... 會就不見 It's okay火沒滅 Live in life Live in life Live i ... 會就不見 It's okay火沒滅妳的輪廓在我腦中想大聲對妳說妳讓我心動從沒想過我表現那麼赤裸 Ba ... 會就不見 It's okay火沒
9 1.Nah r> Rap詞 Anson Lo作詞王樂儀作曲 Michael Wong NIX0N An ... o作詞王樂儀作曲 Michael Wong NIX0N Anson Lo編曲 Michael Wong@emp NIX0N監製 Edward Chan I'm not freaking outJust dare to suffer I'm not freaking out(say it loud say it loud) ... a play it cool though Party's so so can't hold it in oh no嘲諷的眼光急降的溫度我面向著你鎮定到要哭承受恐慌衝擊千鈞一髮投射燈光一刻都想再撐在動彈不得的方格站著渾身發著
10 1.迷離童話鎮 ople feel okay人們都幸福 Drunking in the sky(每天都渾渾噩噩醉醺醺 ... 容不僅僅是出自綜藝 so I Drunking in the sky(每天都渾渾噩噩醉醺醺) O
11 8.be mine Tyson Yoshi-2nd PRE EVOLUTION8.be mine ... e作詞 Tyson Yoshi、Tiab作曲 Tyson Yoshi、Tiab編曲 Silverstrike I see you ... 許只是覺得我太變態 Okay okay我解決你只需要4 days因為星座說我們蠻匹配為什麼不給我一個機會 Em...好像是我以為每次都把你的直播錄起來分析過之後我就是你的type Very Very nice Melody故意的慢一拍我就是在未來終點等你來我們先來開花再來結果 Oh我不是
12 1.be mine Tyson Yoshi-be mine1.be mine作詞 Tyson Yoshi、Tiab作曲 Tyson Yoshi、Tiab I see you on the gram All ... 許只是覺得我太變態 Okay okay我解決你只需要4 days因為星座說我們蠻匹配為什麼不給我一個機會 Em...好像是我以為每次都把你的直播錄起來分析過之後我就是你的type Very Very nice Melody故意的慢一拍我就是在未來終點等你來我們先來開花再來結果 Oh我不是瘋了沒 ... ic let's
13 3.lost my way n My love Sober up Don't wanna drown in all the memories of us Drowning in my tears ... es of us Drowning in my tears So tell me it'll be okay'Cause I don't wanna run away Have I lost it Have I lost my way Oh tell me it'll be the same'Cause I don't wanna hide away Have ... days in the rain Does it take So tell me it'll be okay'Cause I don't wanna run away Have
14 8.Night After Night再入夜(feat. Buhnad) Kawa Sounds-破曉8.Night After Night再入夜(feat ... r>作詞 Kawa Sounds作曲 Kawa Sounds Night after night all alone just ... 個 feeling so lonely wanna see my homies當朋友在身邊忽然只想自 ... 身邊忽然只想自己過 Sometimes I feel nostalgic真的不想自己往後看但當我看着前方好像什麼都沒有希望 My friends tell me that I'm fine but I'm breaking down inside每天的苦我怎樣講他們都不會明白 Nig ... orwards
15 4.S.A.D. mansonvibes-liFe iS…4.S.A.D.作詞 man ... 作詞 mansonvibes Guddy作曲 mansonvibes Teddy Fan編曲 Teddy Fan mansonvibes Enoch Cheng監製 Enoch Cheng mansonvibes Got a tingling pain burning in my vein I'll be saying ... ing in my vein I'll be saying okay(okay) There's toxin falling in the hot rain I'll be saying alright(alright)「If anyone comes into your life He's bound to leave you」( ... a fool Stay away Getting disassociat
16 1.ISSOKAY 段星星-ISSOKAY1.ISSOKAY作詞 NIA楊心予段星星 metracin作曲楊約翰楊泊尼 Baby it's ... 星星 metracin作曲楊約翰楊泊尼 Baby it's okay Let's make up that promise天空不會黑 Yea ... 回應沿著記憶的足跡 So hear me say It's ok it's ok it's okay It's ok it's ok it's okay Anyday everyday celebrate It's ok it's ok it's ... elebrate It's ok it's ok it's okay夜長夢多的路有白色腳印和泥土一起哭笑喊過
17 1.世一 his money Okay but maybe a little just so you can look fly But you make it lookso simple As long as I got you with me
18 3.世一 his money Okay but maybe a little just so you can look fly But you make it lookso simple As long as I got you with me
19 1.At Least I Tried wanna go So it's okay to deviate At least I tried At least I tried I keep tryin' tryin' tryin' tryin' tryin' Until I die Before I die I will find fin ... e But I know where I wanna go So it's okay to deviate At least I tried At least I tried I keep tryin' tryin' tryin' tryin' tryin' Until I die Before I die I will find fin ... e But I know where I wanna go So it's okay to deviate At least I tried At least I tried I keep tryin' tryin' tryin' tryin' tryin' Unt
20 16.Sweet Escape (sensual)(so say the word)某個他真與假信你都分得到醉了嗎上我家寬衣解帶遺下 ... ay全部解開啲鈕都 okay wanna let's go all the way從這個世界永遠抽離 ... 太黑 oh hoo so say the word and we can have it all

21 2.Romantic Song .Romantic Song作詞 B.O.作曲 B.O.輕撫你髮端想要你嘅氣味圍繞住我周圍 Feeling like長期同你一齊清走我哀怨可以淡泊名利簡簡單單一世懶理旁人點樣睇愛意難以克制多得月老穿針引線令我哋過電留喺你身邊倆心牽每日增添多一份新鮮今天總比昨天更甜從來唔善長用 ... 婚後每晚擁你入眠黑夜與白晝愛你又再多一天 Romantic song I write for u Romantic song i write for u Romantic so(
22 8.Wake was doing so okay that I forgot your face Now it's like my body's ... face Now it's like my body's so addicted to your taste Why is pleasurso connected with you and the pain Can't explain Why you won't just let me go escape Now I always buy into your games Put it in the ... Gotta go Gotta go Feeling is so primal You're the rush When you touch Me you're ... rush When you touch Me you're so entitled Tell me some Tell me some But you always lie
23 1.Summer Time brand-new sound Party represents It's your boy MC BELL and FRΔNKIΞ Are you ready for the summer party? Let's go~ Don't you like that Babe don' ... Hotties and the pool Dive in so smooth Nah別太倉促 You know what you gonna do I might be callin' ... u gonna do I might be callin' So freshin' freshin' The bottles poppin' ... 抓不住太陽曬我背後 So hard不只是它我在跟你對話 So far你的全部 so good! R u ready party rock In a big mood! We
24 9.It's Your Turn by I feel so free Wanna feel like me Feel free to find your peace時間滴答滴沒什麼來不及錯過了就錯過說聲C'est la vie You might think the world is dangerous If you ... danger us You gotta let it go so we can change the world We got free w ... 跌倒 That's okay走過白天和黑夜也不會忘記我是誰用愛照亮每一天 It's your tur ... 跌倒 That's okay走過白天和黑夜也不會忘記我是誰用愛照亮每一天(Sing it for yourself) It's
25 8.野百合 把我心照耀 You so shine shine Girl you so shine shine一步一腳印不讓妳只是泡影我不再猶豫為妳寫一首歌讓餘音 ... 世界路程都不限時間 okay妳不必那麼婀娜多姿抱歉讓妳等候多時以前只能夠遠遠的注視妳不知不覺就臉貼臉 ... 把我心照耀 You so shine shine Girl you so shine shine一步一腳印不讓妳只是泡影我不再猶豫為妳寫一首歌讓餘音 ... 世界路程都不限時間 okay
26 3.Feel Good James Lee Sometime's I want to be alone當我想孑然一身 ... ne當我想孑然一身 So now I'm turning off my phone我就關掉手機 I don't wanna think about later我不再思考未來 I can take the pain with the pleasure我可以苦中作樂 And now I' ... e noise I'm gonna make my own sounds gonna make my own sounds now遠離喧囂做自己的音樂 Got a taste and enj ... 自己我感覺到了釋然 Sometimes I'd rather go my way有時候我只想走自
27 1.Through The Years e And I'm so glad I'd stayed right here with you Through the years. I can't remember what I used to do Who I trusted who I listened to before ... I know Can't imagine needing someone so But through the years it seems to me I need you more and more Through the years Through all the good and bad I know how much we h ... much we had I've always been so glad to be with you Through the years It's better everyday You've kissed my tears away As long as it's ... my tears awa
28 1.GET THE MESSAGE different Okay lay down on ma mattress damn把你給吃了就像火腿腸抹上番茄醬hot sauce Drunk in luv from ma street hard time Bent it over cuz i'm fu** prince Bi* ... numb to the pain out ma brain so show me some exotic Farfetched reason i don't care then i straight to the top Find u hoe mattress pink Get out ma car cast a wink Steal ma swag make it bleed沒人能代替她 do ... on me i ain't change Mixed personality Only you wanna s** me honestly Make s
29 1.buzz cut Is there someone special are you going out? You can tell me all your worries and doubts Not just my birthday and not once a year One call awa ... ne could ever fill your shoes So maybe one day you'll come through Maybe now you'll think I'm cool Cuz I don't see you at all And we're both growing old ... ll And we're both growing old So come home! Come home I got a buzzcut like you A buzzcut like you Like you I got a buzzcut like you I feel like your friends know ... et angry
30 1.Walk Out The Temple my young soldiers and warriors out there''When walk out the gate of this temple always remember that''Never leave your back to your enemy bec ... w your weakness to your enemy so that you will become the strongest warrior' Alright alright AfterJourney Of course is me Fu-Qi Temple哎貸款就別給我打電話了現在 I'm recording ... 人也同樣有種為了自己愛而戰鬥 Man I hope not so far of course music in my blood肚子脹氣的假 ... d肚子脹氣的假仗義
31 12.形式主義黑泡泡 k絕不偏袒戳你肺管'Okay you want the hook?''No hook?''Okay I'll give you a hook.''You want the hook?''The hook be like……''Listen!'Journey use to be a window shopper Never mind就當照鏡子Journe ... t like this was20 years ago.''So I'm gonna sing the hook again.'Journ
32 1.Fake(Acoustic Version) body just so fucking fake白也可以偽裝變成黑想說什麼卻又默默閉了嘴那些花言巧語適合別人別送給我我相信你不懂卻裝得很輕鬆可惜這世界和我想的遠遠不同再給我幾分鐘別打破了沈默眼前終究還是一片黑無心的話似曾在哪裡聽過無限放大講不存在的生活權力遊戲慾火焚心我該相信誰的聲 ... 剩見利忘義的朋友才叫悲哀 Everybody's just so fake. So it's okay for now爾虞我
33 1.Damn Dollar et higher Okay show me你的damn dollar(damn dollar)(高胥崴) Y'all show me你的damn dollar(damn dollar) Flex hard like I'm Ben baller(ben baller)別想阻止我們 ... 別想阻止我們 get higher(get higher) Okay show me你的damn dollar(damn dollar)(吳 ... lar)(吳昱廷) So收緊你的錢錢別想做對看哇某的排隊站在槍口前千萬別想教我謙卑我不屑不可能說 ... 謙卑我不屑不可能說 sorry we don't really give a shh(高有翔)對我
34 1.Sick of You ow anyone Somebody asked me if I'm okay I nod my head not saying much Not much to say No one is hearing Everybody's near but no one's close Nothing to lose nothing to ... you break my heart in two I'm so sick of it I'm sick of you I love everything you say you do I put my heart in you I'm ... do I put my heart in you I'm so sick of it I'm sick of you You seem a lil bit surprised now said I'm in love and that I am crazy I must admit that I have lost co ... t I have los
35 1.隨便玩玩 變叛逆變他們眼裡中的okay跟妹子幽會然後把酒精給勾兌倒滿我的酒杯我怎麼才剛剛喝了一口就醉我是不會說唱的說唱愛好者跟說唱勾肩搭背我很弱我很菜我真的是新手 Umm我只是just just playJust just just make money你想要 I don't give a s ... 只是隨便玩玩而已卡西歐 with my chain got some ice學學我的穿搭如何得體只是隨便玩玩吧 just play我是業餘門外漢 just play讓我找個type beat先 just pl
36 4.Bish Say what) So when I go to beach(A ham) I could be a fish(What the) Memory count to three( ... at the) Memory count to three(Okay) My life is such a bish(That's fineSo when I go to beach(A ham) I could be a fish(I know) Memory count to three(That's right) Woo Yeah我又再次演了show還不曾把這世界想得太醜我認錯123456789 ... life is such a bish(Say what) So when I go to beach(A ham) I could be a fish(What the) Memory count to three( ... at the) Memory count
37 1.S.A.D. mansonvibes-S.A.D.1.S.A.D.作詞 mansonvibes Guddy作曲 mansonvibes Teddy Fan編曲 Teddy Fan mansonvibes Enoch Cheng監製 Enoch Cheng mansonvibes Got a tingling pain burning in my vein I'll be saying ... ing in my vein I'll be saying okay(okay) There's toxin falling in the hot rain I'll be saying alright(alright)「If anyone comes into your life He's bound to leave you」( ... a fool Stay away Getting disassociatedJust don't know what
38 4.Off The Wall aying2pac songs World crumbled when2pac gone Then ... 莫&阿爆 It's okay to be different It's okay to be you你可以做你自己 It's okay to be you It's okay to be different It's okay to be you你可以做你自己 We gon always stay ... 的時候音樂是我解藥 So I dropped boombap with conscious Teac ... u老莫 It's okay to be different It's okay to be you你可以做你自己 It's okay to be you It's okay to be diffe
39 12.Off The Wall(Original) aying2pac songs World crumbled when2pac gone Then ... 莫&阿爆 It's okay to be different It's okay to be you你可以做你自己 It's okay to be you It's okay to be different It's okay to be you你可以做你自己 We gon always stay ... 的時候音樂是我解藥 So I dropped boombap with conscious Teac ... u老莫 It's okay to be different It's okay to be you你可以做你自己 It's okay to be you It's okay to be diffe
40 2.boyfriend material ly5'7 I'm okay good looking But lacking on fashion I'm20 and clueless「bout most things romantic Facing the pressures of dying alone I hate bei ... p first I find it hard to put someone before my work And I'm too shy so I'm struggling to flirt Guess I'm just not boyfriend material I think I need ... riend material I think I need some loving tutorials Can't seem to say「I love you」- three syllables「Cause I don't mean it when I say it Guess I'm just not boyfrien ...
41 1.野百合 把我心照耀 You so shine shine Girl you so shine shine一步一腳印不讓妳只是泡影我不再猶豫為妳寫一首歌讓餘音 ... 世界路程都不限時間 okay妳不必那麼婀娜多姿抱歉讓妳等候多時以前只能夠遠遠的注視妳不知不覺就臉貼臉 ... 把我心照耀 You so shine shine Girl you so shine shine一步一腳印不讓妳只是泡影我不再猶豫為妳寫一首歌讓餘音 ... 世界路程都不限時間 okay
42 1.月亮它睡我不睡 度的熱水淋在我的頭 So fool開始想像我身處熱帶的瀑布 And you不如放鬆跟上我飛行的腳步 ... 費管它咖啡什麼口味 Okay is okay反正在午夜時分的派對不用叫醒他們裝睡在我的國度被包圍 Is ... 的國度被包圍 Is okay okay時間有魔法讓我們長大地圖那麼大哪裡才算是最後的家我總是在不停看不停地走不 ... 費管它咖啡什麼口味 Okay is okay反正在午夜時分的
43 1.Fake body just so fucking fake白也可以偽裝變成黑想說什麼卻又默默閉了嘴那些花言巧語適合別人別送給我我相信你不懂卻裝得很輕鬆可惜這世界和我想的遠遠不同再給我幾分鐘別打破了沈默眼前終究還是一片黑 Verse無心的話似曾在哪裡聽過無限放大講不存在的生活權力遊戲慾火焚心我 ... 來只剩見利忘義的朋友才叫悲哀 Everybody just so fake. Pre-Chorus So its okay for now爾虞我
44 1.Running(煙茫茫 Remix) u will be okay And we will find a way To live on another day煙茫茫望月林中愛亦非愛恨亦非恨我亦非我消散的過往誰人賭強遠走他鄉空留阮珠淚顫動倚琴泣紅 Go and find another way You're asking ... can't I know That you will be okay And we will find a way To live on another day Take it one step at a time Take the pain day by day Put the pain killers in line ... you gave away How could I be so blind? How could I not see? Guess the money in t
45 8.Neo Love ever feel so happy I can't forget you told me I'll be the one for you Can't forget That day you wake up early Telling me ... you wake up early Telling me something just stay with me all you need Everyday with me I just wanna love you baby No matter where you are I know I'll go Babe wou ... nce again I can't pretend I'm okay Remember when we first meet Can't move my eyes from you Can't forget You like an angle for me You gave me ... e an angle for me You gave me someth

46 1.Everything 著去改變 Find something in my life When the emotion can't out of my mind把思緒寫下之後 I just can found out away Everything Will as good as the moment過我要 ... 個讓自己無法忘記的夜晚 I just want to do something不會後悔昨晚我就會go back You know what ... 著去改變 Find something in my life When the emotion can't out of my mind把思緒寫下之後 I just can found out away Everything Will as good as the moment過我要 ... 關掉 Netflix n
47 1.游移 hate you so much aye I'll do everything by myself yah I really hate you ... myself yah I really hate you so much aye But plz let me stay by your ... 透明 You be okay and I'll be okay You be my jam I'll be the bread You be ... jam I'll be the bread You be okay I'll be okay緊緊跟隨別再兜
48 1.WOWX3 )嫉妒我的人狀態依然So lame(Lame)你還是沒法寬恕我這麼酷(woo)你女朋友還要關注我讓你 ... i我依然足夠秒殺你(okay okay okay)那些喜歡我的妹 Lookin at me那些恨我的faker他們很氣
49 1.Nobody Cares ng in the sofa Played me like a little doll So fun Have fun Okay Then you turned the lights off Put me in the background Alright fine I'm ... e background Alright fine I'm so fine Okay Don't you say no to someone I don't wanna let you Don't you stay known in no time I don't wanna(let you) Don't you say no to ... (let you) Don't you say no to someone I don't wanna let you Don't you
50 2.UP UP AWAY 垃圾堆那就讓我先飛 okay總是在床上醒不來 You should給我來杯水澆醒我的那empty b ... sky感覺快樂不夠 so free再來點燥烈的酒美味看看我的雙眸細微物質欲望作秀 I just break up*2 I just waiting to catch a break I'm just getting up All like a broken glass I let y ... glass I let you see the pain so what u thinking#6她總想廢了你我決定再過把癮什麽都覺得很
51 3.GOT U! 垃圾堆那就讓我先飛 okay總是在床上醒不來 You should給我來杯水澆醒我的那empty b ... sky感覺快樂不夠 so free再來點燥烈的酒美味看看我的雙眸細微物質欲望作秀 I just break up*2 I just waiting to catch a break I'm just getting up All like a broken glass I let y ... glass I let you see the pain so what u thinking#6她總想廢了你我決定再過把癮什麼都覺得很刺激連呼吸也都很過癮我不會感覺累可憐的人
52 1.Honey Ginger Tea(Live) ries Like some pictures I don't care Feel like Déjà vu everyday Honey stars keep on falling I don't know how to tell u my feeling Nothing chan ... my feeling Nothing change Im sorry Feel like Déjà vu vu everyday In the morning I don't wanna just feel ... rning I don't wanna just feel okay In the morning I don't wanna be so lonely In the morning I don't wanna just feel ... rning I don't wanna just feel okay In the morning Can you be my sunny rainy Honey ginge
53 5.High State ever felt so peaceful I feel better than okay Gotta ground myself when I'm in my high state in my high state When I'm in my high state in my high state When I'm in my high s ... elf'for I fly away Never felt so peaceful I feel better than okay Gotta ground myself when I'm in my high state in my high state When I'm in my high state in my high state When I'm in my high s ... elf'for I fly away Never felt so peaceful I feel better than okay Gotta ground myself w
54 1.Sweet Escape(Aftermath) ay全部解開啲鈕都 okay If you want it let's go all the way ... 動誰體温黑夜若太黑 So say the word And we can have it all
55 1.Tequila Sunrise an you be so sexy just the way you are只是喝口水也 makes me wanna fuck all day I got the moves likeJagger eyes like eagles你是囊中獵物要把你吃的乾淨俐落 God damn那仙 ... hat you doing tonight If it's okay一起看太陽落下來克制不住no that body's ... 一起看太陽落下來克制不住no that body's so fine let's wake up to the sky And drink Tequila Sunrise I heard it through the grapevine You said you had a great time不捨把日落歸還
56 1.BOA ything Be Okay我只想做到BOA(best of all)在空中的Peter Pan誰懂我經歷的pain Everything Everything Be ... pain Everything Everything Be Okay我只想做到BOA(best of all)在空中的Peter Pan誰懂 ... Woah看我不爽 So Go Go Go聚光燈對著我咔咔 Drama交給我的經紀人Shut Up保佑我飛黃騰達地盤不斷擴大躍龍門的人只會是我們的Squad聽不懂刷微博吃你的瓜我們年少有為而且野心很大扔掉你所謂的藉口讓ALLEN來
57 1.我希望 抱我希望在一起和你 Okay我是個內向的男孩所以有些話語也只能放在歌裡我濫情也我同樣也很專一所以愛你 ... ht感覺真的好奇怪 So tell me why我希望你開心我希望能看到你笑我希望你快樂希望能看到
58 5.無所謂 Isey-So Young and Hopelss5.無所謂作詞伊西Isey作曲伊西Isey Let me try it Let me try it Let me try it Let me try it I can not沒辦法沒法忘記你居然還還存在我的m ... 的memory Dulida dala lula emm) Okay老實說偶爾還是會想起妳雖然我假裝不在意臉上是無所謂的表情但想起那些甜蜜還是忍不住有點開心(HAPPY HAPPY)出賣我的是嘴角(HAPPY HAPPY)曾經也被歡笑圍繞我們那些過去早就不需要言語妳知道我
59 2.Black Sheep uching my soul.then you know I'm a devil I like to see people go psycho. I'm on the road.tell that boy turn up the Marshall I think I'm a read ... rshall I think I'm a ready to solo. Real no joke. grow up like Sonic Temple and They just a new account level. Came from the Tepito.Young lady she call me Dear Professional. A.KHAN Rhyme ... ar Professional. A.KHAN Rhyme so freaky稍等我先擺個pose再來rap If u don't like ... 我先擺個pose再來rap If u don't like (|
60 6.JUST DO YOU I always so obsessed with me like you got a whole lotta time. Who said Imma be the one to please ya? Speak less show me that you wanna be her ... rself the exit please(sunkis) So why you gotta cause a scene? I'm just ... 在踩地雷 Talk so fake請閉嘴別浪廢我的時間 okay?(ØZI) Gotta head to shows The studio Pop another julio get lit sum mo ohhhh fuck it im alright i got plans tonight ... m alright i got plans tonight so(Hook)Just do you I don't care乾
61 1.無所謂 lula emm) Okay老實說偶爾還是會想起妳雖然我假裝不在意臉上是無所謂的表情但想起那些甜蜜還是忍不住有點開心(HAPPY HAPPY)出賣我的是嘴角(HAPPY HAPPY)曾經也被歡笑圍繞我們那些過去早就不需要言語妳知道我不是演戲(演戲演戲?) Write a ... 就不需要言語妳知道我不是演戲(演戲演戲?) Write a song for you恩是妳天大的榮幸想起當初跟妳在一起的時候什麼都是甜的就算是空氣恩都
62 1.Sweet Escape day全部解開啲鈕都okay wanna let's go all the way從這個世界永遠抽離 ... 太黑 oh hoo so say the word and we can have it all
63 1.人生外掛 ky you're so fine I watch your線上課程 all the time進了職 ... 了課程馬上蓄勢待發(Okay let's go)閉著眼睛寫都考九百八(九百八)遇到困難人生直接開掛
64 1.BEAST m a beast okay? I'm the danger danger. Now I look your way Only thing I wanna say: Girl you turned me away From the danger danger. It's ... From the danger danger. It's so clear Well let's just say I was kinda wild Before I met you hey! And I know it's pretty strange To look ... w it's pretty strange To look so pale But you're the reason I'm here today and I am Breaking all the chains that hold me here. I don't think this cage will hold me still. And my feeling ju ...
65 1.November Rain ft untold So I keep you in my Yellow note book in this cardboard box In the attic of my parents house To stop myself from thinking about you t ... pped away And you left me too soon Rain and tears Soak my black suit and boots It's been a minute But i still feel the blues November rain got me thinking bout you Took you away And ... you away And you left us too soon Rain and tears Soak my black suit and boots Do anything To take that one look at you Tell myself a h
66 1.美 u know me so well愛的那麼輕鬆 let be your hero day and n ... 孔卻總覺得自己不夠 so I say oh my love別在胡扯我愛的是妳的獨特 There's not a day I'll run away It'll be ... a day I'll run away It'll be okay I'm here to stay I'll give you all
67 1.LAY YOUR EYES ON ME ose to me So close to me Gimme all your problems babe letting you just slip away Could you do just one more thing for me? Lay your eyes on me ... things I say Do I really feel okay? Play pretend and I'll be fine Put it all up for display Lemme see your face again I wanna see your smile Wanna feel ... nna see your smile Wanna feel okay again I swear its been while Runni
68 1.Honey Ginger Tea ries Like some pictures I don't care Feel like D vu everyday Honey stars keep on falling I don't know how to tell u my feeling Nothing change ... my feeling Nothing change Im sorry Feel like D vu vu everyday In the morning I don't wanna just feel ... rning I don't wanna just feel okay In the morning I don't wanna be so lonely In the morning I don't wanna just feel ... rning I don't wanna just feel okay In the morning Can you be my sunny rainy Honey ginger tea i
69 1.Everyday gonna be okay至少有你陪我廢就沒那麼可憐 I wanna breathe in eve ... 睡了酒錢真的有貴的 Okay鳥事總會遇到睡不好日夜顛倒反正你也睡不著 ... 顛倒反正你也睡不著 so what還不如跟我hang out Right now在門口等你出門pa
70 1.#8. My whole life is a dump but... babe it's okay不要害怕 If we ain't gonna make it then we make it our grave如果我們的生命不可避免會有終點至少我們可以決定它結束的方式 entropy escalates But ... 定它結束的方式 entropy escalates But something ever fades混亂與崩裂是這個世界的法則但是有些記憶將永不褪色 Luv me luv me就愛我吧 Luv babe in this way就這樣 You know that I am ... his way就這樣 You know that I am sorry I don't have that perfect pla
71 1.I Don't Need Your Friend 詞朱彥安作曲朱彥安 Okay it's time to好是時候了 Fake a smile to s ... ly you只與你 Sometimes I just don't need your friend有時候我真的不需要你的朋友 I don't care about what they said他們說的我一點都不在乎 Tonight just me and u今晚就你與我Just me ... 是個好人 But now they don't think so Cause但是它們現在不是這樣想的了 You treat them lik ... 你想認識的 The sorry you said is not enough for the pai ... 不
72 9.Imsorry gh9.Imsorry作詞李浩瑋Howard Lee作曲李浩瑋Howard Lee編曲蔣希謙Johnpiz Don't crawling back when I'm alone我不喜歡你的沈重所有你給我的藉口變成我犯錯的理由 I just wanna see see ... anna see see see the sunlight So don't ruining my day with your fuckin face I just wanna see see see the sunlight Yeah go on and fuck yourself And I'm ... on and fuck yourself And I'm sorry but I can't help it I'm fighting against my brain And I'm ... t
73 1.Night After Night再入夜(feat. Buhnad) Kawa Sounds-Night After Night1.Night Afte ... 個 feeling so lonely wanna see my homies當朋友在身邊忽然只想自 ... 身邊忽然只想自己過 Sometimes I feel nostalgic真的不想自己往後看但當我看着前方好像什麼都沒有希望 My friends tell me that I'm fine but I'm breaking down inside每天的苦我怎樣講他們都不會明白 Nig ... orwards two steps back Like a song on replay same old track Over and over again looking for sins to r
74 1.You Got Me Owned 樣 I'll be okay你終究會想起我 I act like the one that you wanna see I be like the one that I don't wanna be But I don't mind I won't hide Cause you're ... 進妳的耳裡) Why you gotta treat me so cold(慢慢刺進我的心)回憶的片段在酒精裡面去尋找地板的酒瓶堆積出平時
75 1.Sons of Summer(夏日之子) 黃雨籬-Sons of Summer1.Sons of Summer(夏日之子)作詞黃雨籬、Guxiang作曲黃 ... 氣與力量繼續前行吧 So I can still feel a thing讓我重新感受萬物的美好 I ... 等著我們 It's okay it's okay沒事的別擔心Just get lost in this把你的一切交給我吧 ... 好了嗎我們將會一起 Some noise like the good old days將所有激情釋放 Cause we are born for this!因為我們生而張揚即為了這一刻 Wo We are
76 8.C的孤獨 發光 I feel so lonely I feel so lonely I feel so lonely I feel so lonely T O P or E N D A S K my G O D ... 得歸屬為那壹類璨星 Okay okay okay我想我是需要這個機會賺眼球不用靠跟誰敵對賺點錢換點牛*的裝備分享給從壹而終的部隊繼續朝原本設定的方位猛攻去創造藝術品藝術家藝術塔陳列著有天賦有角度自我的藝術去對比藝術家藝術咖藝術娛樂化為娛樂而娛樂的畫布在
77 8.C的孤獨 發光 I feel so lonely I feel so lonely I feel so lonely I feel so lonely T O P or E N D A S K my G O D ... 得歸屬為那壹類璨星 Okay okay okay我想我是需要這個機會賺眼球不用靠跟誰敵對賺點錢換點牛*的裝備分享給從壹而終的部隊繼續朝原本設定的方位猛攻去創造藝術品藝術家藝術塔陳列著有天賦有角度自我的藝術去對比藝術家藝術咖藝術娛樂化為娛樂而娛樂的畫布在
78 1.C的孤獨 發光 I feel so lonely I feel so lonely I feel so lonely I feel so lonely T O P or E N D A S K my G O D ... 得歸屬為那壹類璨星 Okay okay okay我想我是需要這個機會賺眼球不用靠跟誰敵對賺點錢換點牛的裝備分享給從壹而終的部隊繼續朝原本設定的方位猛攻去創造藝術品藝術家藝術塔陳列著有天賦有角度自我的藝術去對比藝術家藝術咖藝術娛樂化為娛樂而娛樂的畫布在
79 7.FADED 作詞Jackson Wang Alexander Hewitt Luis Angel Fue ... hman作曲Jackson Wang Alexander Hewitt Luis Angel Fue ... 直到夜幕降臨 Im so gone我迷戀這種感覺 Off the la la right now好像脫離了全世界 Na na now此時此刻 May be gone可能有些沉醉 But I ain't no cash out但我並不想太過火 You only touch me whe ... ing alright no worries gon be okay感覺不錯別擔心一切都會變好 Dripping them ice on
80 2.Fashion God ng chosen So what's the slogan That keeps you postOkay done made a move Twenty two done made a shoe Ready to put me on loose Shaking the industry like I'm a preeee fashion god people ... 正義使者挺身而出跟你玩命單挑 Boy I'm feelin so pretty Boy I'm feelin so litty誰說貴的就有價值我能給平價貨加持你那件大衣不如我的打底再貴的鞋
81 10.聽個感覺 一天都過得特別糾結 so shit為了迎合市場每天偷學總覺得自己想做的卻做不好總覺得別人是個王者而我只是塑膠做自己想做的別的不管不顧自己去做一個參天大樹自己扶住這年頭沒人願意免費為你鋪路他們會說 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ... 會說 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OKAY那就不要後退 SO SWEET別怕別人吐口水他們說 NO WAY因為你會後悔因為沒人會給你優
82 1.Froze take her soul All of my killas lock load All of my killas tote poles All of yo people they fold All of yo people they told I just been on the ... ain is it novacane That power soft get lost in the cellophane Who you tellin' mang Let it hang let it bang Thirty on the choker chain swervin' in the Rover lookin ... per sane Love everything is a okay Still got illmatic bumpin on replay Known her way way back when I use to pray Nowadays really hope that she doing ... ys really hop
83 1.Fashion God ng chosen So what's the slogan That keeps you postOkay done made a move Twenty two done made a shoe Ready to put me on loose Shaking the industry like I'm a preeee fashion god people ... 正義使者挺身而出跟你玩命單挑 Boy I'm feelin so pretty Boy I'm feelin so litty誰說貴的就有價值我能給平價貨加持你那件大衣不如我的打底再貴的鞋
84 6.She Said Tyson Yoshi-Album 1st6.She Said作詞 ... d作詞 Tyson Yoshi作曲 Tyson Yoshi One day One day One day One day One day She told me she's a good girl She don't lie She told me music took up All my time ... y She told me she've moved on So should I She told the whole world bout Her single life She fuck with random dude On Friday night She told her best friend I didn' ... right When she listened to my song She won't cry相戀不再相愛不再兩人不
85 1.Gang y day I'm okay You can two play Something happen once again anyway I don't give a shit Wearing a gold chain Gang one night bitch wanna I say Baby makeing all day ev ... makeing all day every day I'm okay You can two play Something happen once again anyway I don't give a shit Wearing a gold chain Myself my style You cannot imitate remeber me Trap let y ... let you fascinated pussy Take so easy one on one no body I so gang feature your teacher Hello hater mothe
86 1.YOUNG xplode it So young so rich太多對手開始感到飢餓提到我的名字新的hit ... 我的名字新的hit song到達頂點發熱 Back off魚龍混雜太多溫室的花朵前面獵物血在流千軍萬 ... 纏繞著我 It's okay I play a long game掀起腥風血雨全call out
87 10.我們(&孫盛希) nt I felt so awake Does time change or was it just a mistake? Felt like in a moment we lost it I move on but I change my mindset Tell myself t ... ll myself things are gonna be okay But I know that nothing will ever
88 3.Jackpot ft. burgerlin too much so cocky Oh U wanna play let's play boi你不成威脅 Oh u not a threat連我都想騙那婊子沒你賤 Every time U trynna fuck with me Black Mic: I see u scared ... n MyJesus ain't nobody listen okay I'm gonna teach you a lesson fuck it come closer聽我聲音前進讓你靠近 Let y
89 6.Skit ove u two so much bro你說的沒錯我要持續做我自己想做的發揮到最大保持初心但不忘成 ... 倒你的正能量要出來 Okay? M: Okay know it
90 7.So true heck7.So true作詞廖冠能作曲林漢庭、廖冠能 Go back when I ... 殺遺忘人生緊接崩塌 so true(Damn)夢想成就多少人的偉大我也想要所以不斷地追它不斷追加的是 ... 其他的路他覺得不配 Okay我持續唱這loop All in下注創自己的富 show ... 自己的富 show some love to my people y'all knew fool
91 1.別說抱歉 Don't say sorry Don't say sorry Don't say sorry Don't say sorry Don't say sorry Don't say sorry Don't say sorry Don't say sorry別再為愛抱歉兩個人的冒險對與錯的辯解我會把它全部留在雨天白與黑的交點愛與恨的纏綿你的一切一切都在這個空蕩蕩的房間 I'm sitting there askin if it would be better now All these life pages ... thinking Thinking was it ever okay我們太多美好 You wanna be I'm aski
92 1.Red boy om hiphop so call me hiphop red boy Run to the2018 I am Red boy再重新出發洗淨鉛華容光煥發舌綻蓮花回到起點改變紀元再來錦上添花新的一年心的曆練 peace n love貫穿整個期間不要忘了初心來自哪裡地上還是地下這裡有hi ... phop im a red boy from hiphop so call me hiphop red boy Let's start th ... 幾袋難度都一視同仁 soulmade向大家問好幫你忘掉所有困擾見長輩要淡定生活的環境還沒對象那你要
93 8.Shine Like A Star(Hidden Track) 曲周國賢 It's okay People said it's gonna be ok Heaven is only ten zillion light years away Hidden in the milky way Aries is dancing in her starry ... and it falls on the pain It's okay to touch your deepest scar and cry out now ... deepest scar and cry out now So cry out loud But I know in rainbow someday You will be Shining like a star Never thought it would go this far When you're lowJust look upon the sky of the sky Do you r ... ht The moon the stars the sky (|
94 1.Let Go Tyson Yoshi-Let Go1.Let Go作詞 AKIKO ... 詞 AKIKO Tyson Yoshi作曲 AKIKO Tyson Yoshi*Oh I'm gonna go wild在這幾小時請你別錯過難得放縱的我look at me Oh酒精的餘味 Ay燈光下的美 wow Baby I'm not judging come on Is ... by I'm not judging come on Is okay落BAR唔溝綠茶淨係會飲齋烈 RAPPER都會肉麻唔代表我花弗假設打鐵一定要趁熱等我解開你既衫樓解開你既心結 GIRL今晚不如上嚟我到你都聽過今
95 1.I'm Here never be okay(Be okay yah yah)如果感受不到疼就不要說你感同身受每天笑的那麼開⼼對不起 ... 為誰而活 Like so damn good I just going flexing on my zone(Zone)不同的ice還總可以掛在我胸⼝ yah表現出不同的模樣在⼈群里悄悄偽裝告訴自⼰明天的太陽還會照常升起呀一八年繼續成功吧再繼續散發著魅力呀哪怕死後變為水也會在舞池中央 ... is嚼碎憑你思想決定對錯 I will never be okay(!
96 1.She Said Tyson Yoshi-She Said1.She Said作詞 T ... d作詞 Tyson Yoshi作曲 Tyson Yoshi One day One day One day One day One day She told me she's a good girl She don't lie She told me music took up All my time ... y She told me she've moved on So should I She told the whole world bout Her single life She fuck with random dude On Friday night She told her best friend I didn' ... right When she listened to my song She won't cry相戀不再相愛不再兩人不
97 5.甩個POSE REMIX 嘉唯現場準備燈光設備Okay Nae andJimmy麥克風預備Ready Work Work Wo ... up)誰在舞臺中央 So watch me甩個Pose甩個Pose(Camera Spotlight甩個Diva姿態)特別針對著你 Huh!設計這動作(Ooh設計這動作 uh huh)就儘管囉嗦 Yeah~(Yeah~cuz俺沒甩到夠狠角色的因果)狠角色輪到我來甩個Pose(Uh y ... 了想像看!(Haha)看你驚呆模樣(Hell Yeah!) So watch me甩個Pose甩個Pose(Camera Spotlight甩個Diva姿態)特別針對著你
98 3.Devil On My Shoulder n up我睡不著覺 so I can't be sleeping enough still can be tough you take naps you can't be rollin' with us不停地咳只有聖水才能解我的渴 that holy water holy enoug ... e ay if you obey you might be okay angel on my left shoulder while devil on my right one I'ma back on road when the night's done ey nowadays all these chiggas wan ... e ay if you obey you might be okay(!
99 3.Liquid Flows醉欲の流動(feat. DEE)|Sep2016 puffs I'm okay Man Annie are you okay God damn that was30k Blowing money I don't give aJ365 all day Hold up let me pass it to the home boy I'm feelin' this feelin' t ... hurries no woes Pops gave me some money to blow She told me D you're my hope Goddamn I don't wanna go home I just want this moment to last forever Got me feel li ... le I ain't stopping never Got something tomorrow but so whatever Goddamn this hangover I'm s
100 1.Wow Music 閃舞臺照亮前途一切都so crazy really wow!!我們兄弟來自GYC不要怕看我們幹掉假的mc不要怕看我們幹掉假的mc one time的機會不小又擊碎了你彎下腰的時候像拳擊手給你兩次暴肘我就是賽場上的一隻重手在此穿插讓你知道賽場上很多人讓你回家你激起我鬥志期間看賭注全押 ... a fxxk Say what Can only I'm okay YEAH!!YEAH!!YEAH!!YEAH!!YEAH!!Now不

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