
關於 queen + king 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.無可救藥 淪無法再逃離你是我的queen我是你的king在這愛情遊戲裡我甘願做你的pimp眼神交錯心跳如雷一切都顯得如此完美無
2 19.難聽(PROD. Visudy) been the king and you were my queen如果我是道rainbow you were my rain你把我帶走
3 7.走了八週沙漠 ok like a queen Imma be king but it still in my dream Wanna be
4 1.BOUT' TIME TO GO 質 forever Queen在遇見你之前那都是我never seen想為妳找尋潘朵拉的forbid ... 就讓我為妳戴上fucking forbidden ring Hook當妳有再多的 problem我替 ... 態 forever Queen現在我也是糯米街的 King of the Kings像為妳戴上潘朵拉的 forbidden ring就讓我為妳戴上媽的
5 3.Boy Toy his is my kingdom You are my people你想選貴族或匪類陪著我登頂無趣是罪行給我跪 I'm the mother fuc ... 我登頂無趣是罪行給我跪 I'm the mother fucking queen Tell me Tell me Tell me What the fuck you want from me箍緊我箍緊你到⻄天取經 Tell me Tell me Tell me What the fuck you want from me Guess ... hing but a boy toy This is my kingdom You are my people你想選鞭刑或撫慰陪著我登頂道德是愚行給我呸 I'm the mother fuc

6 1.奈特歌偶 e me有點渴舞池的Queen夜晚的King You are dangerous但我就是探險者靠近你的方向跟著搖搖
7 1.夢話 to be the king or queen擺脫不了惡夢的烙印試圖掙脫清醒做好音樂不比穿搭 Still white T那我也沒有辦法有人拿錢邀請我去唱歌那算頭一遭我直到現在表演依然穿著同一套為了錢我還在struggle躺著賺到底需要多少follow將所有積蓄獻給音樂那是因為有夢我即便窮到沒錢吃飯回 ... y dream Think about to be the king or queen擺脫不了惡夢的烙印試圖掙脫清醒依舊在三坪大的房間打滾
8 3.CHINO REGGAETON e I'm af**king santo我是聖人統治人類已久 what the f** ... ) santo我是聖人統治人類已久 what the f**king I'm saying it's chispañol你們一定好奇我說得什麼鳥語這是我發明的中式西語 the saints are worshipping me take an oath conmigo聖徒們向我跪拜讓我們一起宣誓 I do it para ... ggaeton music find me another queen老子熟練玩轉雷擊頓就差個雷擊頓女皇 maybe chino Beck
9 5.愛你很大 only愛你做我的Queen So baby be my lover對你愛無限擴大 Love yo ... only愛你做我的Queen So baby be my lover對你愛無限擴大 Love yo ... Only愛你做我的Queenài lí tsuè guáê Queen So Baby Be My Lover對你愛無限擴大 duì nǐà ... -sè已經無時行í-king bô sî-kiânn我會拍拚 guáē phah-piànn證明予
10 9.Do You Mind(你會介意嗎) nk only a king is worthy of a queen What!! God damn!我們就是Beyoncé andJa
11 1.Just A Fool met some kings and some queens of this world But no one like yo
12 1.Just A Fool met some kings and some queens of this world But no one like yo
13 1.紅桃Q(Queen of Hearts) y Yue-紅桃Q(Queen of Hearts)1.紅桃Q(Queen of Hearts)作詞 Andy Yue作曲 Andy Y ... 選擇題 Be my queen I will be your only king如果我是Joker你是我的Harley Quinn你在我的每部電影都是
14 10.21:21 ft. YoungQueenz作詞 AR劉夫陽、YoungQueenz作曲 AR劉夫陽、YoungQueenz(Part I夜班司機) Whoa Stars come out a ... no way那些 king太爛都給我挪位都在顧著割韭菜那怪不得那麼多口臭 Verse太多的假 B
15 1.It's Time '運'是夠幸想成為'Queen'or'King'如果本身都沒有真金怎麼能承受火煉只有閉上雙眼看才算真知灼見我不認為任
16 1.It's Time '運'是夠幸想成為'Queen'or'King'如果本身都沒有真金怎麼能承受火煉只有閉上雙眼看才算真知灼見我不認為任
17 1.Party King r>1.Party King作詞 Tyder、Ponzii劉昊作曲 Ponzii劉昊編曲 Brandon Cui崔珺程、Ponzii劉昊 Hey Girl你應該看得出來我的誠意也不會誘使我走入重重難題讓我喝下這杯 Shoju向你的朋友道出我的真心 Hey Girl我想你應該跟 ... have some party This is party king This is party king可以為了你我丟下這個王位 This is party ... 可以為了你我丟下這個王位 This is party king This is party king我已鎖
18 1.萬國覺醒-真理之地 glorious kingdom Are you hearing the voice of Seth call your name Lost In the storm Hold your faith and sword Go Find the Sacred eye win this ... de your mind'cause We are the Kings We are the Queens We will rise up to the top Stand up don't drown in the dust The land of the sand knows the answer in your head Hold tight it' ... l your dreams to the glorious kingdom Are you hearing the voice of Seth call your name Lost In the storm Hold your faith and sword Go Find the S
19 1.Phone Call 夢裡 What's king bed without no queen這是因為妳才得以活下去的命能否給我機會再來重新 I just wann ... 夢裡 What's king bed without no queen這是因為妳才得以活下去的命能否給我機會再來重新 I just wan
20 1.Party King 劉昊-Party King1.Party King作詞 Ponzii Tyder作曲 Ponzii Hey Girl你應該看得出來我的誠意也不會誘使我走入重重難題讓我喝下這杯 Shoju向你的朋友道出我的真心 Hey Girl我想你應該跟我有些默契因為我們都很喜歡歌手ØZI不是套路不為交際 Let ... have some party This is party king This is party king可以為了你我丟下這個王位 This is party ... 可以為了你我丟下這個王位 This is party

21 6.Dance with me 在我手裡現在起我就是king你們就是Queen我們一起一起 Shack your body Put your ha
22 5.愛你很大 ly(台)愛你做我的Queen So baby be my lover(國)對你愛無限擴大 Love ... Only愛你做我的Queenài lí tsuè guáê Queen So Baby Be My Lover對你愛無限擴大 duì nǐà ... -sè已經無時行í-king bô sî-kiânn我會拍拚 guáē phah-piànn證明予
23 1.Be Strong 't be shocking那個就是我不勿忘初心準備好就開始就算沼澤泥濘也要清醒 Don't be ... key打開新生代的King要馬就be my queen hundred China popping living(Vers
24 1.Midsummer Night it like a queen That it for a king You can play a heart like a puppet
25 1.Phone Call 夢裡 What's king bed without no queen這是因為妳才得以活下去的命能否給我機會再來重新 I just wann ... 夢裡 What's king bed without no queen這是因為妳才得以活下去的命能否給我機會再來重新 I just wan
26 1.Love Me ld be the king and you could be the queen That's how love suppose to be有些不能
27 11.House 跟小老虎 Youngqueenz Young king們創新著押韻的 team而我在北京打拼代表020(Doughboy w
28 1.不會再為妳 結尾不留伏筆妳不再是Queen東山再起Like a king像頭Lion奔跑獵殺分秒停止爭吵不要停止升高 It's time to
29 2.海底針(feat. TiKMAN) ve like a king so I treat you like a queen bee Girl you drive me crazy so call me maybe just tell me where to find the key I'll go deep in the ocean To unlock your heart ... 心再次尋覓(Tell me what you're thinking girl come on)追蹤當天心碎那痕跡荒島中的燈塔太孤寂差點捉
30 2.今晚 all in你是我的Queen而我就是KING你的冠軍把你電暈這首絕對上了熱搜就像牽著你的手你的心也被我撩走 Ok我
31 1.Summer Perfume 如此open我是你的King你是我的Queen優雅的你卻沒有公主病 Un L o v e都給你我會為你擋風遮雨請你
32 1.Swag G~SWAG OF KINGS GO GO攀上金字塔頂端SWAG~ SWAG OF ... !)S GO GO攀上金字塔頂端SWAG~ SWAG OF QUEEN GO GO You're looking for somebody to get in my way Yeah不會讓我往後退 I'll wait I can play uh huh與自己對壘去成為無堅不摧 uh大魔王佔據中心位從不畏懼過這裝載彈幕的生活好的壞的都請說絕不逃脫欲揚先抑的打磨才成就了 ... or me now.用目光把我點燃SWAG~SWAG OF KINGS GO GO攀上金字塔頂端SWAG~ SWAG
33 5.炫耀又怎樣 秀你技術 Im a king Im the leader新的孔雀 Follow me快點跟著從不鬆懈 ... 製貼上 Young kings young queens不要脫隊 Show it off come on大手筆收費要當大人物 ... 新的功夫 Im a king Im the leader新的孔雀 I show up I show
34 9.告別 心意傾心目中The Queen The King of all time一而再再而三多番黑夜嘅星 Blink心如止水被
35 1.Meant To Be squad rocking GIVENCHY(我和我的團隊始終保持帥氣) But baby you ... 醫生) Young king from de hood(衝出逆境的國王) I'm just a rap star being(我在做一名rap star該做的事)銘記我的名字Capital'D'(大寫的D) O N dotJ E double S I E(On.jessie) Sti ... I'm out here with my squad rocking GIVENCHY(我和我的團隊始終保持帥氣) But baby you ... (我的愛車) My QUEEN(我愛的人) Bugatti(布加迪) Rollie(勞力士) That type of thing(
36 1.獅子座 on foever king Crazy lion don't let you go want you Honey want u to know baby never gonna say no Show me something so I could know慷慨抱著你尋找星座引力靠 ... verything I m doing is for my queen sake Crazy lion don't let you go
37 8.Highest Heights together king and queen you know we slay當我們在一起時就像國王和王后你知道
38 2.Sleepless& EDO m Charles Kingsley poem)作曲 Huzi Crawling sitting down the holeJust loo ... sitting down the holeJust looking their are going in and out Flesh covers bones switch to get some more Like I need a break scratching on the wall but Nobody fin ... e a swan lad And every lass a queen Then hey for boot and horse And round the world away Young blood must have its course lad And every dog his day When all the w ... e a swan lad And every lass a queen Then hey for boot and hors
39 3.謊言不再 了解誰才是trap queen我以為我能懂你能夠在我心裡 easy的處理這是我多想的這是個難解的謎題我有多想聽到你的聲音在這夜裡你說你不知道不了解是否真的需要你說你喜歡快樂喜歡刺激新的味道 u r my trap ... 需要你說你喜歡快樂喜歡刺激新的味道 u r my trap queen我是真的中了圈套 u r my f**king bad b*tch帶我玩這場遊戲(遊戲)我可能會輸給你(給你)但是我真的願意(願意) No li
40 6.本能 Y BABY你是黑桃king我是黑桃Queen很清楚你現在的底牌所以我不需要你亮牌 Hei man你是 ... Hei man你是king我是紅桃queen很清楚你現在的底線所以不用你表白 I'm I'm so cool L
41 1.好想要 ess or ma queen是否讓我做妳的king不管到哪裡我都會默默的守護妳 Oh my god上帝啊 oh my g
42 9.關於陶喆 re is the kingston mon? yeah kingston mon oh yeah1997那年LA回來的小胖做了一張專輯成 ... 還有做音樂的心就跟著Kingston mon一起唱 Do do do do do Do do do ... a do it跟我 Kingston mon一起唱還可以把MACHI忘掉 Do do do do d ... .那年我十七歲每天聽QUEEN的歌夢想我成為搖滾Superstar抱著我的吉他年輕的我沒有在怕我的
43 1.海底針 ve like a king so i treat you like a queen bee girl you drive me crazy so call me maybe just tell me where to find the key i'll go deep in the ocean to unlock your heart ... 中心再次尋覓(tell me what youre thinking girl come on)追蹤當天心碎那痕跡荒島中的燈塔太孤寂差點捉
44 3.炒飯 易緯作曲胡恩瑞、D-King編曲林欣彥今天晚上有點緊張心跳加速手掌冒汗只因為那一件事情妳第一次要為我 ... 從今天以後妳是我的 Queen我們用真心調配愛的黃金比例一起分享苦澀甜蜜飯妳要怎麼炒加點酸回憶更有
45 4.夢幻華爾茲(feat.金曄) alaxy the king and the queen So let's swing You are medicine cure my weakness You let my dream come to be real Step by(one) step by(two) step(three) you ar ... to tale You and me galaxy the king and the queen So let's swing You are medicine cure my weakness You let my dream come to be real Step by(one) step by(two) step(three) you ar ... to tale You and me galaxy the king and the queen So let's swing You are medicine c

46 3.Legacy(feat. Bryan King) at. Bryan King)作詞 Tommy Sire作曲 Tommy Sire She left her kisses written on the wall Secrets in her mouth tied to the first star What'd she t ... y legacy they're telling me a king is what i'm fit to be I tell em that they're dead right Cause i found a way to master the plan with the streets in the headligh ... i'm back with a vengeance seeking the enlightenment to write into a sentence I could see my future written clearly in the past when they were loo ... in the p
47 26.張永成(vs. Ghost Style) like the king of the hood Missin' my queen I'm mean you wanna test make a bl
48 4.偷歌者 信都沒了就算你變成了king她成不了Queen人家偷菜而你偏偏要去偷歌噢被打敗當然會被發現了“紀昊”的歌每首歌風格
49 3.張永成(Ft.Ghost Style) like the king of the hood Missin' my queen I'm mean you wanna test make a bl
50 5.Sail Away zy it's making me so insecure But you make me feel like a ... e But you make me feel like a king who just found his queen Baby I adore you addicted to the
51 7.關於陶喆 re is the kingston mon? yeah kingston mon oh yeah1997那年LA回來的小胖做了一張專輯成 ... 還有做音樂的心就跟著Kingston mon一起唱 Do do do do do Do do do ... a do it跟我 Kingston mon一起唱還可以把MACHI忘掉 Do do do do d ... .那年我十七歲每天聽QUEEN的歌夢想我成為搖滾Superstar抱著我的吉他年輕的我沒有在怕我的
52 15.來電 定我這一位來電答鈴 King and queen註定發生不朽的傳奇來電不接通童話無法有續集如何讓你跟著我哭你跟著我笑你 ... 懇的態度 Dear queen相信我我保證讓你都心服所以試試到底適合不適合是就是不是就不是這就是事
53 11.Dancing Queen(舞后之后) 1.Dancing Queen(舞后之后) You can dance you can jive having the time of your life See that girl watch that scene dig in the Dancing ... that scene dig in the Dancing Queen Friday night and the lights are low Loo ... ght and the lights are low Looking out for the place to go Where they play the right music getting in the swing You come in to look for a ... ing You come in to look for a king A Teens Anybody could be that guy Night is young and the music's high Wi
54 3.來電 定我這一位來電答鈴 King and queen注定發生不朽的傳奇來電不接通童話無法有續集如何讓你跟著我哭你跟著我笑
55 5.來電 定我這一位來電答鈴 King and queen註定發生不朽的傳奇來電不接通童話無法有續集如何讓你跟著我哭你跟著我笑你 ... 懇的態度 Dear queen相信我我保證讓你都心服所以試試到底適合不適合是就是不是就不是這就是事
56 4.歡迎光臨Disco 的腳印你是我生命中的QUEEN緊抓住我的心是我勤練DISCO的原因我是你生命中的 ... 的原因我是你生命中的KING盯著你的眼睛汗已流個不停愛上了DISCO裡最漂亮的你歡迎光臨DISCO
57 9.歡迎光臨Disco 的腳印你是我生命中的QUEEN緊抓住我的心是我勤練DISCO的原因我是你生命中的 ... 的原因我是你生命中的KING盯著你的眼睛汗已流個不停愛上了DISCO裡最漂亮的你歡迎光臨DISCO
58 5.歡迎光臨Disco 的腳印你是我生命中的QUEEN緊抓住我的心是我勤練DISCO的原因我是你生命中的 ... 的原因我是你生命中的KING盯著你的眼睛汗已流個不停愛上了DISCO裡最漂亮的你歡迎光臨DISCO
59 10.American Pie g for the king and queen In a coat he borrowed fromJames Dean And a voice that came from you and me Oh and while the ... m you and me Oh and while the king was looking down The jester stole his thorny c
60 6.獨立女人(Duli Nüren) rag I'm a queen I am unique也很獨立沒有人能夠左右我做任何決定重要的是我最 ... 女人 I am a queen I am a king I am unique我是女人—獨立 I am a ... 獨立 I am a queen I am a king I am unique我是女人—獨立我是新世紀的獨立女人靠我自己謀生
61 1.獨立女人 rag I'm a queen I am unique也很獨立沒有人能夠左右我做任何決定重要的是我最 ... 女人 I am a queen I am a king I am unique我是女人—獨立 I am a ... 獨立 I am a queen I am a king I am unique我是女人—獨立我是新世紀的獨立女人靠我自己謀生
62 2.My22 urning of King. Not returning of Queen. Please Please Please Repeat Repeat Repeat Say it say you've loved me. Say it say you love me. Say it say you'll love me. Ever ... erlasting. Everlasting. I'm asking:'Lord will the ocean split for me?
63 1.我是女王 出頭國 LOCAL QUEEN的傳奇台就是這款節奏哦哦哦哦嗬哦嗬我是女王走路有風誰人舞功比我卡強我是 ... ìng已經欲出頭í-king beh tshut-thâu Local Queen的傳奇 Local Queenê chuánqí就是這款節奏 tiō-sī tsit khuán
64 1.Wanted at we are kings and queens Living in others' stereotyped dreams Only when it comes the midnight We know who we really are Finally we can take it off Tak ... mpetition Thought that we are kings and queens Living in others' stereotyped dr
65 1.一起 nga Not a king and not a queen We are everything in between Striking poses chasing dreams Nothing is qu
66 1.DJ Drop The Beat 亭集序 I'm a queen gonna win Maybe girls like u but I know they all like me I'm a ... I know they all like me I'm a queen gonna win Call my name cuz u gonna see it on the hall the fame I got the GIA you only see my back I gonna win and gonna take t ... gonna win and gonna take this king island I got it when I say DJ drop
67 1.I'm Abbily 如去管好你自己別管是King or Queen都必須聽我命令我的世界我是G.O.D I'm like A.b.b.i ... 如去管好你自己別管是King or Queen都必須聽我命令我的世界我是G.O.D I'm like A.b.b.
68 2.What A Life my young queens go yea yea yea we on like that Round the world go yea yea yea we on like that All my young ... we on like that All my young kings go yea yea yea we on like that Ro
69 1.What A Life 落地 All my queens go yea yea yea we on like that Round the world go yea yea yea we on like that All my ... ea yea we on like that All my kings go yea yea yea we on like that Ro
70 2.THE ONE I Want an be the queen to your king The pain pain each time when you t
71 1.愛你一見鐘情 近 I'm The King You Are Queen怎麼跳不用我教你為了你愛上你收起我的壞脾氣不知道你綽號可能叫美麗美麗
72 2.I Close My Eyes I am your queen and you're my king In a royal house that has everythi
73 6.Somebody o my only queen我想要從此就做為你的King空氣那麼low你是否感到cold Ha也許你想要我能夠 give yo
74 3.動物字母歌(Animal Alphabet Song) he's the king of the jungle. M is for monkey N for narwhale O is for octopus P for panda Q is for ... octopus P for panda Q is for queen Bee who is singing this song with
75 1.Ecstasy ime is ticking Suit up Boi! We gon leave and start a new beginning Let's build a castle and you could be my ... a castle and you could be my king and I could be your queen(!
76 6.My kingdom 》6.My kingdom作詞王朝作曲王朝跟著音樂去舞動鑽石鞋與鎂光燈害羞的別再臉紅做我的觀眾像生了躁動的病全感染不治之症致命毒是荷爾蒙反抗沒有用別再保持沉默在我的王國(你知道放縱沒有錯因為這國度充滿了誘惑)別再試圖閃躲你已被侵略(是身體的溫熱)纏繞陌生人的黑夜 no ... is the key to the gate of the kingdom; now I'm the queen of you so follow me to sing loudl
77 1.幻覺 ays be my Queen我房裡 Let me be your黑桃King honey honey這關係不可違逆你是唯一我忠心我專情想哭不敢哭想
78 1.The Rabbit's Revenge ng to the queen's tea party Holy that's holy Won't you jump down with him Close your eyes go with the rabbit You could be his mind's salvation ... s Push it or crack it Let the king's men try and fix Open eyes and tr
79 1.Coco Made Me Do It unce trap queen I undo all her filters got Her super mad like ... ilters got Her super mad like King Kong就讓我肆意妄為一步步擴大勢力範圍做自己從沒質疑上誰就這樣坐上
80 4.Shipwrecked brand new king and queen There's no one'round for a thousa
81 7.從黑膠起家 ised NYC– Queens Where kings go to find a queen And dreams can turn into a millio
82 28.全身暑假 all like queen& king Go hit the beach in the sunshine E
83 5.To McQueen(傾慕者的幻想) br>5.To McQueen(傾慕者的幻想)作詞尚雯婕作曲尚雯婕 Hello! Alexander Mc ... 作詞尚雯婕作曲尚雯婕 Hello! Alexander McQueen I love you so I read your blog on my phone I searched your name on google Only to check on your videos You love me so At least ... d some more peace Why it is faking so hard My world is tumbling tumbling it's tumbling down You're like a drug to me it's so sweet I can't live without I try to g ... f up Look at me1234 I am your
85 5.queen king日記 可不可以5.queen king日記今天星期幾你有沒有想念第一遍第二遍我想你很多遍迴盪在我耳邊你歌聲帶了電怎麼會莫名其妙浮現你長著鬍子又顯稚氣的臉不知道到底什麼叫愛情只是心裡有種特別牽掛的感覺總會在第一時間就打開你的留言滿滿屏幕都是你寫的蜜語甜言 Hey OH My Boy誰說我 ... 我我們不是一場遊戲你不會讓我傷心只要我說 i am the Queen..you will be the King
86 9.我們就是 Queen br>9.我們就是 Queen作詞勞迪作曲勞迪 ye r u ready(yes am re ... 舌界的hiphop queen OK我們告你我們就是Queen n king我們只玩HIP- HOP不玩beef n diss如果你想和我玩 OK我 ... Candy教你怎樣做Queen n king[chours] go on hip go on hop go on h ... p噓別說話跟著我們的queen n king一起dancing吧[迪迪]你們想不想來跳舞跳舞你們想不想扭屁股屁股我們 ... 正宗的hiphop Queen我們
87 11.Dancing Queen 1.Dancing Queen作詞 Benny Andersson Björn Ulvaeus Stig Anderson作曲 Benny Andersson Björn Ulvaeus Stig Anderson編曲褚鎮東監製褚鎮東原唱 ABBA Friday night ... ght and the lights are low Looking out for the place to go Where they play the right music Getting in the swing You come to look for a ... swing You come to look for a king Anybody could be that guy Night is young and the music's high With a bit of rock music Everything is fine You're in the mood
88 1.愛的奇蹟 現了奇蹟(你是我的 King)(我是你的 Queen)(你是我的 King)(我是你的 Queen)(我是你的 Queen
89 4.Change the World could be queen Even for a day I'd take you as my king; I'd have it no other way. And our love would rule This ... And our love would rule This kingdom we had made. Till then I'd be a
90 8.熱鬧Medley all like queen and king Go hit the beach in the sunshine E
91 7.你說我是Queen 7.你說我是Queen作詞Jerry Lin作曲林俊傑*搖擺迷人身軀散發勾人眼睛挑動 ... 信呀意亂情迷你說我是Queen轉身你靠近感覺到有熱氣心跳的聲音不斷地撞擊我說算了吧曖昧呼吸鐵讓你快窒 ... 和你這種魔力你說我是Queen原來是顆閃亮的星早在我的身體任憑誰都搞不定 Repeat*#△[Oh yeah Oh girl Oh ... Repeat*#△[Oh yeah Oh girl Oh Queen美麗的Queen你說你是Queen
93 10.American Pie were drinking whiskey and rye Singing this'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die Did you write the book of love And do you h ... When the jester sang for the king and queen In a coat he borrowed fromJames Dean And a voice that came from you and me Oh and while the ... m you and me Oh and while the king was looking down The jester stole his thorny c
94 16.Medley(Victor隆重登場全身暑假一面之緣) all like queen and king Go hit the beach in the sunshine E
96 3.全身暑假 all like queen& king Go hit the beach in the sunshine E
97 9.Dancing Queen 9.Dancing Queen Written Benny Anderson Bjom Uivaeus Stig Anderson You can dance You can jive Having the time of your life See thatt girl W ... that scene Digin the Dancing Queen Friday night and the light are low Loo ... ight and the light are low Looking out for a place to go Where they play the night music Getting in the swing You come to look for a ... swing You come to look for a king Anybody could be that guy Night is young and the music's high With a bif of
98 8.路黑山高錫人夜 舞 DANCING QUEEN)8.路黑山高錫人夜 O. T. ROCK'N' ROLL IS ... 錫人夜 O. T. ROCK'N' ROLL IS KING Electric Light Orchestraⓟⓒ1983作詞林振
99 3.路黑山高錫人夜(Disco Mix) (DANCING QUEEN Remix) (環球復黑王) EP系列3.路黑山高錫人夜(Disco Mix) O. T. ROCK'N' ROLL IS ... ix) O. T. ROCK'N' ROLL IS KING Electric Light Orchestraⓟⓒ1983~ C.
100 2.Fairy tells our fairy queen Wish wish You can make a wish Your dream will come true and you can stay in peace And you will be stronger than ever been Sing ... you can be free live in this kingdom Be stronger than ever been Sing

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