
關於 special + girl 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 13.我不想 這樣消失在我的世界裡girl我不想你沒有人陪天還這麼冷girl我是你不想想到的但想到的人girl我不想回憶girl我不想回憶girl When I hug you Wu I feeling so special girl Perfume smell like candy You do anything is really well When I hug you Wu I feeling so ... hen I hug you Wu I feeling so special girl Perfume smell like candy You do any ... 這樣消失在我的世界裡girl我不想你沒有人陪天
2 3.氣氛soul 拍走開心就拍手你那麼Special噴上那最貴的香水出發帶上那最帥的感覺出發你就是最美的一片彩霞播下的快樂也慢慢發芽出發去看你登上最早的那班機出發去看你心情像最後的戰役出發去看你不管晴天或下大雨出發去看你那感覺有點我就開香檳開到秋名山我把迪士尼開到studio染個綠頭髮披個小馬甲一個人 ... 覺得口味上等這種音樂不含糖分 I am like ugly girl be quite quite Pret
3 1.Special you 牧言-Special you1.Special you作詞牧言作曲牧言眼神撲朔迷離外表看起來普通那種玩世不恭 first impression like how you if you can tell with me喜歡上怎樣的我你一直都不說not enough for u pretty ... 你一直都不說not enough for u pretty girl性感附屬著你圍繞著想跟你搭訕跟你嘮嗑眼神鎖定你身上 I can't he ... 情廢柴很榮幸成為我的Special you眼神撲朔迷離外表看起來普通那種玩世不
4 7.Rundown 郎織女走天橋 oh girl Why why why why why不是妳我都不愛我到底抽了什麼東西 ... 沈醉 You so special在我眼中都對我胃口合到發了瘋從夢中醒來後就往妳走去 wanna
5 1.Room Lights sive我假裝淡定 Girl I'm losing gravity一個眼神就讓我著迷九次望著你都是我 ... f慢慢地靠近 So girl let's turn off the room lights我就要非你 ... 我做你的意外 So girl let's turn off the room lights我就是非你不愛 We can dance through the night世界為你而轉 cause it's you Be my bae愛你說不完 Be my baby be my baby ... my baby Be my baby be my baby girl I「m so so obsessive我無法淡定 Girl I'm losing gravity你

6 1.小心思 Man: Ayo girl(男生嘿靚女) Woman: What's up(女生什麼事) Man: What you doing tonight?(男生今晚有什麼打算?) Woman: Nothing ... t?(男生今晚有什麼打算?) Woman: Nothing special(女生沒有特別的安排) Man: I got something to tell you you know?(男生我有話對你說) Woman: Alright(女生好) Man: You know how I feel about you(男生聽好了 ... a La La(唔啦啦啦啦) Baby baby baby girl(寶貝寶貝寶貝女孩)我已對你動了小心思
7 3.放輕鬆 輕放輕鬆 Baby girl清晨五點的太陽多久沒有見到祂換上你的跑步鞋我們一起漫步在森林裡跟那些阿公阿姨打招呼要走哪條路我心情設定在放牧 Where to go? I don't know. but I wanna with you It ain't got no rule livi ... w you wanna show me something special就跟你說別想太多 Oh boy騎車去兜兜風不用給我太多無聊藉口放
8 1.放輕鬆 輕放輕鬆 Baby girl清晨五點的太陽多久沒有⾒到祂換上你的跑步鞋我們⼀起漫步在森林裡跟那些阿公阿姨打招呼要走哪條路我⼼情設定在放牧 Where to go? I don't know but I wanna with you It ain't got no rule Livin ... w you wanna show me something special就跟你說別想太多 Oh boy騎⾞去兜兜風不⽤給我太多無聊藉⼝放
9 1.馬竜野郎 boiz and girls早上好女士們先生們男孩兒女孩兒們 Here's the radio of Igger Grizzly Eager Easily這裡是Igger的電台 And we have a ... sily這裡是Igger的電台 And we have a special guest today: Earsh我們今天有一位特殊嘉賓 E
10 1.Bounce Like This(Prod.HC Dawn) e this Oh girl we gonna bounce girl we gonna bounce like this Clap hands like this Move your step like this Shake your body like this Oh ... Shake your body like this Oh girl we gonna bounce girl we gonna bounce like this我看見你的第一眼就注意到你擠進擁擠人群我要將你抱緊 Oh shawty完全沒有任何道理為何你的出現就像頃刻間的暴雨 wow Let us go摟住我抓住我的手站起來跳起來點點你的頭你的眼睛如此明亮清澈
11 1.1989的下午 冰淇淋讓我來喝咖啡 Girl我們都一樣期待又害怕會受傷但我願意為妳訂做一個他 E ... 意為妳訂做一個他 Especially for you Girl you know it's true I do it for you嗚 ... 瑚礁上我們一起放空 Girl我們都一樣期待又害怕會受傷但我願意為妳訂做一個他 E ... 意為妳訂做一個他 Especially for you Girl you know it's true I do it for you
12 1.Unique yourself girl你很特別我喜歡你的unique我差一點就信了[all ... 一點就信了[all girls are the same]因為你的出現改變我的觀點才發現獨特的女人是 ... 就知道她不同 So special none like you dududu你愛聽我哼唱關於你的所有 ... 關於你的所有 So special none like you Dududu我該怎麼形容你的與眾不同 ... 會幫我都打破 So special none like you Dududu我該怎麼形容你的與眾不同 ... 你的與
13 2.幻想 ight yeah girl just hold me tight享受你的吻你的呼吸感覺這溫度發熱的空間 I'm loving everytime when your heart beats Take me there yeah where you wanna go? Where y ... Ain't try to fit in the crowd girl you're the one for me Special at every single part your soul your smile and breathe I need you and you need me..陷更深不用抽離今晚就成為妳的幻想實現腦海中想像的模樣愛上這身體這種慾望 Hold m ... 樣愛上這身體這種慾望 H
14 1.1989的下午 冰淇淋讓我來喝咖啡 Girl我們都一樣期待又害怕會受傷但我願意為妳訂做一個他 E ... 意為妳訂做一個他 Especially for you Girl you know it's true I do it for you嗚 ... 瑚礁上我們一起放空 Girl我們都一樣期待又害怕會受傷但我願意為妳訂做一個他 E ... 意為妳訂做一個他 Especially for you Girl you know it's true I do it for you
15 1.Next Level me around girl you know that imma strong為了目的我喜歡橫衝直撞看看我的生活走路帶個風像股颶風你能感受它的威力她的少女心已不斷被我追擊眼神有點羞澀卻又不想回避聽聽我的情歌會頂得過Swae lee我不需要你認同我不需要你的理解我不需要去跟風我會領導 ... w she know I use my flow most special zero zero all your boys point zero we pro we pro我像支稀有的烈酒 Go hard like metro Go hard like metro Mov
16 1.Crazy Girl In LA r>1.Crazy Girl In LA作詞朱天堯G9作曲朱天堯G9編曲朱天堯G9看著你慢慢走遠你的身影逐漸蛻變整個世界因你而完美我們仿佛掉入回憶的漩渦讓我們無法逃離在這這漫漫長夜溫度到零點抬頭望向那天邊的一輪明月我看見月光灑在你臉上讓我仿佛置身於仙界 You are a c ... 在你臉上讓我仿佛置身於仙界 You are a crazy girl You are a special girl that I met in LA You are my crazy girl
17 1.Crazy Girl In LA 朱天堯-Crazy Girl In LA1.Crazy Girl In LA作詞朱天堯G9作曲朱天堯G9編曲朱天堯G9看著你慢慢走遠你的身影逐漸蛻變整個世界因你而完美我們仿佛掉入回憶的漩渦讓我們無法逃離在這這漫漫長夜溫度到零點抬頭望向那天邊的一輪明月我看見月光灑在你臉上讓我仿佛置身於仙界 You are a c ... 在你臉上讓我仿佛置身於仙界 You are a crazy girl You are a special girl that I met
18 1.Get Closer a pretty girl on Sunday I hit her up Monday She workin' on a Tuesday but I'll take her to the runway Treat her like a supermodel and by tomor ... friends I just know we can be Special I just want you I just want to
19 1.Christmas girl Christmas girl1.Christmas girl作詞吳海嘯、七神、周楠、克隆作曲吳海嘯鈴兒響叮噹我獨自走進路過的新店裡去一窺究竟滿屋的聖誕氣息彌漫的酒精味道紅白相間的麋鹿角在對我微笑舉起杯今晚或許帶可以你飛的距離醉還有三丈遠呢複習背好的對話 Merry Christmas hello今晚能不能幫 ... Christmas Christmas Christmas girl為什麼為什麼為什麼害羞 Christmas Chritsmas Chritsmas ... Christm
20 6.Selfish Got these girls feeling like they so special You can try and kill my vibe But I won't let ya All I think about is money all the time I be so selfish I chose this life I ... fe I be so reckless Got these girls feeling like they so so special You can try and kill my vibe But you won't but you won't You can try and kill my vibe ya You just wasting time ya All my shi ... fe I be so reckless Got these girls feeling like they so special You can try and kill my vib

21 6.阿斯托莉亞女孩 y Astoria girl Astoria girl Astoria girl Astoria girl Oh oh那就讓我帶你一起走 Oh Babe就只有你跟我 No Babe簡單的關係 Take easy請不要想太多 Oh no Oh no什麼事都先放一邊讓我帶你翱翔在邊界光線太刺眼舞法聚焦渙散的視線 Oh No Oh No就只有你跟我沒有界線待在同樣水 ... 到你的溫度微微抽蓄和心跳 You r so f**king special girl我怎麼可能睡的著你就像隻調皮的小貓愛在我跨下
22 2.你的感覺(Can you feel me)- Chinese Ver. 藝興-Winter Special Gift2.你的感覺(Can you feel me)- ... 隨時都有精彩 Oh girl只要目光靠近你就無法思考顛覆邏輯開始相信一見鍾情 Oh baby不可思議想要你來獨佔一切 Yes信仰獨特大膽的前衛風格你給我新的衝擊和震撼管什麼規則戀愛的星座預測直覺我們心有靈犀 Can you feel me你就是萬中選一 No more你是我唯一要的愛 ... 的感覺 Baby baby can you feel it girl你就是萬中選一 No more
23 3.聖誕的愛(Christmas Love)- Chinese Ver. 藝興-Winter Special Gift3.聖誕的愛(Christmas Love)- Chinese Ver.作詞王雅君作曲張藝興 Onestar冬夜的雪白我在你身邊陪伴(浪漫的 Christmas time)為你唱首歌好想說 Give me chance Gi ... e me chance Give me chance oh girl世界因你而完美空氣都有點戀愛的氣味你像禮物降臨 Christmas ti ... Bell擁你入懷抱 Girl let's make this time like Ahh ahh w ... 白(Tell me girl)月亮都聽出了愛(浪漫的Christmas time)
24 3.想 When I Call You o fucking special I'm gettin' played this the girl I chose無路可走 This' the bitch I chos
25 8.不說晚安 day is a special day Hey身上都是你的香水味我不想睡你太完美我不後悔心電感應天生注定一見鍾情怕你不相信 Let me be your gentleman看看我有多認真我聽著hiphop他們對我哇~哇~你喜歡的嘻哈 yeezy對你萬搭 En pretty ... ~哇~你喜歡的嘻哈 yeezy對你萬搭 En pretty girl這是我的rap flow看著你就像昨晚的夢不管發生什麼事我是你的Bat
26 13.It's You(feat. Bryan King& Scottie Spits) o. You're special the reason why I feel brand new. It's you the one that I don't wanna lose I remember that December she brought summer to the ... u nobody else will do. You're special the reason why I feel brand new. It's you the one that I don't wanna lose It's you baby ... on't wanna lose It's you baby girl it's you. And we've both got a past but we both moved past that. How many ... oth moved past that. How many girls i...? She never asked that and I never asked ba
27 5.我的唯一(&J.Wu) 生活現在想要找一個 special girl Baby come and be(that special lady) You're all I need(我的唯一)我不再想玩幼稚的遊戲只是想給妳我的全心全意 Baby come and be(my one and only) You're all I need(妳是我的唯一) Yall know me ... 走過來時候我一見鐘情 And baby you had a special glow I wanna get to know Baby girl我被妳電到不能動妳的眼睛緊緊抓住我的心妳的聲音又溫柔又甜蜜 A great conversation we聊
28 6.愛我別走(&J.Wu) You know girl all I wanna prove Is my love it's all I wanna do All I wanna do is wrap my arms around you You make me go crazy Baby don't go P ... don't go Please don't go Baby girl don't you go別再想這麼多還有很多想要跟妳說 Baby yo ... 的朋友只想要騙妳 Especially其他男性只想我們分離千萬不要道聽塗說 C'mon baby c ... 全都給妳 Baby girl don't you go別再想這麼多還有很多想要跟妳說 Baby you and me Forever meant to be
29 3.Number1 the only girl that I need Even if the rain falls down from the sky She be right here sittin' by my side She's my number1 only one She's the o ... I go Out of all the different girls that I see(I don't see none of'em) And I fight for3 or2 There's only one number you'll be ZG She's my number1 only one She's t ... when I'm down She's the only girl that I need Even if the rain falls down from the sky She be right here sittin' by my side She's my number1 only one She's the o ...
30 2.我想我們沒有在一起 k about a girl even you treat me so bad lady I still think about you Eveyday every night e ... bout you Eveyday every night especially in midnight and now Where you at我想我們沒有在一起我無法停止想念妳的情緒我想我們沒有在一起每天卻期待妳傳的簡訊~我想我們沒有在一起妳只是要有人陪的時間而已我想我們沒有在一起只是有句話我想要對妳說出~我愛妳想妳當我 ... 我的愛不理不睬 everyday and night badgi
31 2.That Girl br>2.That Girl作詞 HIRO(Digz inc)作曲 HIRO(Digz in ... cその全てが So Special初めて君に會ってから今でも I've been thinking ... ic鮮やかで So Special夏の夜空見上げながら今でも I've been thinking
32 5.SPECIAL 鬼的眼淚5.SPECIAL Hey baby我還在這裡等你..還記得這首歌嗎特別為你 ... 歌嗎特別為你寫的叫做SPECIAL作詞永邦作曲永邦每個夜晚我都在獨自等待而這一次分手將我徹底打敗我從來都不敢相信童話故事裡面的愛情而當我無法停止想念著你我才知道什麼叫做神奇 You're my ... 我無法停止想念著你我才知道什麼叫做神奇 You're my special girl可愛的女生溫柔的眼神孩子
34 9.I LIKE YOU LIKE THAT like that girl This is for you WP in the house let it go now妳的微笑很無邪你會堅定的拒絕妳依賴直覺妳愛喝著熱拿鐵妳愛穿著白布鞋一個人冒險*我想妳絕對有自己的想法你不多話(也)很直接我想妳的世界像現代的遊樂園沒有煩惱的理由☆B ... Yo you know there's something special about you I know you know tell
36 13.Corazon De Melao s about a girl he knows all too well She's got him a tangle and she's got him in her spell She dances with his mind and she dances on the floo ... but not like this before The girl who turns up the heat by walking through the door And when she hits the dance floor she burns up all the lights She's the one a ... ! Melao! Melao! Melao! Melao!(Special thanks for the featuring of Emm
37 1.Corazon de Melao s about a girl he knows all too well She's got him a tangle and she's got him in her spell She dances with his mind and she dances on the floo ... but not like this before The girl who turns up the heat by walking through the door And when she hits the dance floor she burns up all the lights She's the one a ... ! Melao! Melao! Melao! Melao!(Special thanks for the featuring of Emm
38 1.No One Else Comes Close right But girl you know that I'd never ever Let another's touch come between the two of us Cause no one else could never take your place No on ... feel the way you do You're so special girl to me And you'll always be eternally Everytime I hold you near(how i want to hold you) You always say the words I love to hear ... say the words I love to hear Girl with just a touch you can do so much no one else comes close N..........N...........N......... And when I wake up to T
39 4.You Something Special About The Way You Love Me Tonight. You Know That I Can't Remember When I Felt This Right. Loving You The Way I Do Has Made M ... ut You There's Something Very Special About You. You're All I Ever Think About It's True. Baby It's You I'm Talkin About You. I Sitting Back And Watching My Life ... And Do Is All Because Of You Girl. You've Given Me A NewJoy Wonder How I Ever Got Alone. Without You There's Something Very ... ut You There's Something Very Spec
40 1.No One Else Comes Close right But girl you know that I'd never ever Let another's touch come between the two of us Cause no one else could never take your place No on ... feel the way you do You're so special girl to me And you'll always be eternally Everytime I hold you near(how i want to hold you) You always say the words I love to hear ... say the words I love to hear Girl with just a touch you can do so much no one else comes close N..........N...........N......... And when I wake up to T
41 3.屬於我們 > my dear girl當我的視線只剩下一個你你會不會發覺注意當全世界只剩下我和你你會不會主動靠近 vin婧 my baby為什麼會心神交集還會有點心電感應第一次的相遇讓我著迷怎樣才能讓你注意其實我在等你靠近距離逐漸拉近合別看我把直覺一筆帶過別離開我你還在等待什麼星弟我也想和直覺 ... nge these days that i gotta a special feeling i don't know how to tel
42 1.IS IT YOU r find my girl Really an a55hole Only some bad h0es Only some sad feelings Since i lost my best ... feelings Since i lost my best girl Only some mad foes Only some candlesJulian Randle Guess i would be van Gogh Yeah I could've treated you better but That's the w ... side bae Can i make you feel special We can fly to the moon Girl you always say let go let go Guess
43 1.Nothin' on Me Beautiful girls all over the world I could be chasing But my time would be wasted They got nothing on you baby(they got nothing on me) Nothing ... potential We got something so special Like where this is going Keep t
44 1.Dance in da Moonlight with you girl You made me feel special因為你找到⾃⼰這頻率難以抗拒 now I'll show you
45 1.Day by Day thing too special but just in case You meet an ordinary blue eyed dreamer ... an ordinary blue eyed dreamer girl She's that little polar star you'r

46 1.Don't Break My Heart Again! my single girlfriends found a guy to spend the season and i'm alone it's been so long since the last time i felt so warm hey family and friend ... and friends they still hold a special place in my heart but can't com
47 1.不曾回來過 題但你突然消失蹤跡 Girl為何把我留在這曾經那些美好瞬間我還記得算了希望你能快樂我需要時間學習 w ... 題但你突然消失蹤跡 Girl為何把我留在這曾經那些美好瞬間我還記得算了希望你能快樂我需要時間學習 what is love再愛的再疼的終究會離開再恨的再傷的終究會遺忘不捨得捨不得沒有什麼非誰不可就讓自己慢慢成長慢慢放下想當初你愛著我那有多溫柔現在你隨風而
48 1.想要你 ver met a girl like you before She's not shy Never hide her feelings not at all In her eyes I'm the ... ot at all In her eyes I'm the special person that's for sure你問我能否這樣牽著妳到永久 Yes I love you ... e你問我能否這樣牽著妳到永久 Yes I love you girl And I want it all喜歡妳的氣息伴隨左右帶你攀上頂峰後
49 1.Put Up Or Shut Up 不需要氪金與生俱來的Special.請你看仔細我來重新洗牌 You know what I mean ... 比你有出息 Bad girls靠近抱著不同目的不是真的愛我只想和我翻雲覆雨 When it get
50 1.辣辣辣 辣的? Spicy girls是辣妹真的!这就是热辣的感觉![Verse1] Can't live without hot stuff生活中不能没有辣菜辣锅真是好吃到爆炸 Spicy food is delicious每当到了饭点 When dining time comes辣锅一定 ... 木耳是我的拿手菜 Wood ear salad is my specialty辣椒大蒜合并是我的最爱 Chili and garlic together are my favorites[Chorus]辣~辣~蒜辣~香辣~辣~辣~呼~辣~都是love~[Verse2] I love all kinds of辣管他是
51 1.Gloomy Sunday(feat. Burtonm6) side內心感到愛 girl you got that kinda vibe女孩你有那種感覺 that nobody can deny無人能否認的 from the moment i met you從我遇見你的那一刻起 i knew that you were ... 遇見你的那一刻起 i knew that you were special我知道你很特別 wanna hold you like forev ... ver想永遠擁有你 girl it dont get no better女孩沒有比這更好的了 te
52 3.Ugly People Song beautiful girls Thinking when I can become one of them But it will never never never never never never never happen I'm so ugly But I don't ca ... don't care Ugly people are so special We're just not ready to be so special When everybody likes pretty girlsJust like everybody likes mcdonald
53 2.One For You e my love girl You couldn't give me all I want so We'll have to drift into these shades and shadows that we Hide from the moments that we are ... othing We've got to keep this special moment that we know is true Tru
54 2.初雪(Duet with MickyJung) 莉秀-Winter Special (Digital Single)2.初雪(Duet with MickyJung) C)첫눈?내리?오늘??지?네게달려가너와약속했던날~내결?돌아오길바라?내게했던약속지키기?너에게로달려가~ A)?사랑한다?고백하려?했어너와했 ... when I called your name baby girl so hot took my breath away it's a new sensation confrontation let the track flow into a constallation you know my loves a game ... ickyJung)하리?河莉秀 HARISU Winter Special
55 5.Hey Girl 鄭融-Super Girl (CD+DVD)5.Hey Girl作詞黃仲凱作曲林天愛編曲莊冬昕監製莊冬昕鄭融 Hey ... 莊冬昕鄭融 Hey Girl在半睡半醒親我面龐知道時候已到甜蜜夠便要起床 Hey ... 夠便要起床 Hey Girl在發悶發慌沖個熱涼小手腳淋著暖水洗禮伴我泡湯即使心裡想爆炸還是笑著看妳手 ... 妳整古作怪 Hey Girl妳的笑笑口不會含糊擺尾誠實老友名字妳就叫Do Do Hey ... 妳的笑笑
56 53.毫無保留 陳慧琳-Especial Kelly53.毫無保留作詞方杰作曲雷頌德編曲雷頌德監製雷頌德找到你識到你等到你爭到你說了未答了未抱了未吻了未怎麼去討好你討好你討好你 HI我施展所有的武功趁酒精揮發起作用我一擊即中的進攻 Natural High行近對象電流擴大小 ... 眼裡有火面具摔破全宇宙也揀我 Place Your Bid Girl男仕正被競投拍賣出價請盡快盡快慢了舉牌難道寄望別人讓愛(肯放手
58 5.快樂到天亮 薛凱琪-Funny Girl5.快樂到天亮作詞林夕 George Michael作曲方樹樑 George Michael編曲方樹樑 Last X'mas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it awa ... tears I'll give it to someone special Last X'mas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someon ... tears I'll give it to someone special今天人人也有陌路探秘的本領就算沒說及愛情人人變禮物也都高
60 10.September Love find that special kinda love To last me for all time But still I wondered in the days and nights of Summer saved away Untill the day you came ... away Untill the day you came Girl you rise me up just to let me down
61 11.Crazy Ridiculous your baby girl You got me feeling acting like a fool you are my drug I won't Stop until I am next to you Your body with my body giving me the ... w you heard of dig das I'[m a specialists And the best with thi
62 9.莫為愛傷悲 黑暗中 Angie Girl Are you allright莫再這樣去痴迷拋開些輕鬆些 Angie Baby Angie baby You are ... Angie Baby Angie baby You are special lady從來無愁幻夢被踐碎乾了心裡淚往昔的壓迫現實裡衝擊是心痛的 ... 心裡光 Angie Girl Are you allright莫再這樣去痴迷拋開些輕鬆些 Angie Baby Angie baby You are ... Angie Baby Angie baby You are special lady從來無愁幻夢被踐碎乾了心裡
63 6.Dance& Shout the love specialist Feel the pow let me put the groove in your hips The night is young so let's go roll with the fun You got some gun check i ... ause I'm about to play an old girl like a drum She shackatack poor soul settle down ... ckatack poor soul settle down Girl what you gon' do with all that body{Shake it up all night} Careful with that thing before you hurt somebody{Tell me what you li ... honeys under the disco light Girl what you gon' do with all that body{S
64 7.I Wanna Know see other girls get'em too我看到其他人也是一樣 I wanna know I wanna know我想要知道 Hey-ey-ey hey-ey-ey Where do we go where do we go我們該何去何從 From hey-ey-ey he ... 眼中的鑽石蓋過了謊言 Trust me we can be special tonight special tonight相信我們今晚會是獨一無二的 You're the one that I see waking up next to me你是我希望在我身旁醒來的那個人 And I hope it's the same for you我希望我在你心中也 ... 做出這些
65 3.Wonderland now is my special girl she standing on a sea shell Procel
66 1.防空洞 s up baby girl!我好想好想我當妳的防空洞我好想好想佔有妳的分分鐘管他刮風下雨天打雷劈只要有我罩你什麼難關全都渡過我好想好想你當我的防空洞我好想好想佔有你的分分鐘管他刮風下雨天打雷劈只要有你罩我什麼難關全都渡過 You're my ... 雨天打雷劈只要有你罩我什麼難關全都渡過 You're my special lady Making me crazy I can give
67 1.愛沒道理 aby愛已經沒道理 Girl we got something special I'm telling you girl We should stay forever讓我輕輕擁吻你 baby讓 ... aby愛已經沒道理 Girl loving you沒道理的愛 Girl loving you沒道理就
68 1.Special Guest .C.G.勵齊女孩-Special Guest1.Special Guest作詞王麒皓、吳俊儀作曲阿沁 REAL(嘿嘿! ... L(嘿嘿! LCG GIRL)(You Are The Special Guest!)想跳進大海裡跟鯨魚一起玩遊戲很有趣 Let's j ... 你就是唯一(LCG GIRL) Rap想飛到白雲之上一起綻放一起飛飛飛向太陽和夢想說要追追逐星光下
69 2.Who Is Your Girl o Is Your Girl作詞戴萌、許楊玉琢、許佳琪、YOKO HIRAMATSU、滕少作曲 YOKO HIRAMATSU、胡臻編曲胡臻 Ladies and gentlemen Welcome to7SENSES World Let me show you somethi ... rld Let me show you something special. Are you ready feel my gaze baby你的側臉微熱在我指尖 I know I am not your ... 側臉微熱在我指尖 I know I am not your girl抬頭望眼天空鋒芒藏在眼中 I'm a dangerous ... )抬頭望眼天空鋒芒藏在眼中 I'm a dan
70 4.Who Is Your Girl(Japanese) o Is Your Girl(Japanese)作詞 YOKO HIRAMATSU、許楊玉琢、戴萌作曲 YOKO HIRAMATSU、胡臻編曲胡臻 Ladies and gentlemen Welcome to7SENSES World Let me show you som ... rld Let me show you something special. Are you ready feel my gaze babyその手に触れてるのに i know i am not your ... 手に触れてるのに i know i am not your girlはまっちゃったずるいゲーム I'm a dangerous ... はまっちゃったずるいゲーム I'm a dangerous (|
71 2.Night and Day t and Day Girl you gotta know…. Take you for a ride i know you wanna fly Whip lift into the sky G5 Pass by One call if you with me Nothing but ... feel about you Night and day Girl you gotta know You gotta hold on me ooo yea I can tell you how I feel about you Night and Day Oh yea Di di di do Di di di do…. ... th the crew tonight) Feels so special you and I(No stress girl we gonna chill tonight) Say you'll say with me alright I can tell you how I feel about you Nig
72 4.Girlfriend Loud4.Girlfriend作詞 B. Howard W. Kurtiss G. Pinquet C. Millis作曲 Warren Kurtiss B. Howard Sir George Can you keep a secret I don't wanna ... you know Oooh your something special I don't wanna tell you lies(I gotta ... t wanna tell you lies(I gotta Girlfriend) Can you keep a secret I don't wanna say goodbye(I gotta ... n't wanna say goodbye(I gotta Girlfriend) Girlfriend Girlfriend Girlfriend- i want you anyway Girlfriend Lets play
73 11.Need Me Now(Higher Brothers& Guapdad4000) ed me now Girl I know you need me now Hey need me now You hate me but you need me now Hey need me now Your son your daughter need me now Hey n ... eed me now I was broke All my girl leave me alone She say I hate fat poor boy Oh we don't talk anymore boy Now I got real deal Alienware computer'QQ' Make it rain ... ou need me now x2 Need me now Girl I know you need me now Hey need me now You hate me but you need me now Hey need me now Your son your daughter need me now Hey n ...
74 5.Summer夏天 擁著的肩膀 The girl now in his arms曾輕輕擦過我的身旁 Once a ... 身旁 Once a special treasure in my life我靜靜望著你那微笑的臉龐 ... 擁著的肩膀 The girl now in his arms曾輕輕擦過我的身旁 Once a ... 身旁 Once a special treasure in my life我閉上眼睛擦乾潮濕的眼眶
75 3.Last Christmas o someone special Once bitten and twice shy I keep my distance But you still catch my eye Tell me baby Do you recognize me Well it's been a ye ... er with a fire in his heart A Girl under cover but you tore me apart
76 1.Special Q.luv-Special EP1.Special作詞 Q.luv Syson作曲 Q.luv Girl Ur so special4 me我要怎麽做才能夠獨自霸占你想要的不只是你的真愛還想擁有你的現在你的未來寫一首歌送給你Just want u to know how much I need u即使沒有你陪伴在我的左右我的心依然跟著你走 U U U Ur so ... 你陪伴在我的左右我的心依然跟著你走 U U U Ur so special4 me girl(Ur so special for me) U U U Ur so special(!
77 2.Special Remix Q.luv-Special EP2.Special Remix作詞 Q.luv Ki.DAstronaut Belliso作曲 Q.luv You you you you're so ... 曲 Q.luv You you you you're so special for me girl(You're so special for me) You you you you're so special for me girl(是你把愛重新定義) You you you you're so ... 把愛重新定義) You you you you're so special for me girl(You're so special for me) You you you you're so special for me girl(遇見你)
78 17.Like I Love You(Justin Timberlake) re a good girl and that's what makes me trust ya Late at night I talk to you You will know the difference when I touch you People are so phony ... like I love you You're a good girl and that's what makes me trust ya Late at night I talk to you You will know the difference when I touch you Yeah you know I can ... love you baby) Yeah yeah yeah Girl Maybe we'll fly the night away(I just wanna love you baby) ... y(I just wanna love you baby) Girl... Ma what you wanna do? I'
79 4.OMG something special this was just like dynamite Honey got a booty like pow pow pow Honey got some boobies like wow oh wow ... some boobies like wow oh wow Girl you know I'm loving your loving your style Check check check check check checking you out like Ooh(ooh) she got it all Sexy fro ... hard for honey out of all the girls up in this club This one got me whipped just off one look yep I fell in love this one something ... ll in love this one something special this one
80 1.敞篷車 I need a special girl In my special world(Yeah)我要求特別多雖然Girls I Do Adore她回眸慢動作輕輕的咬著手指頭(Damn)那等級不用說 International(Babe)怎樣的Chick讓我到處追怎樣的Chick讓我不能睡怎樣的女孩讓我帶她走遠怎樣的選擇讓我不會後悔我是怎樣了好像有點想的太遠 We'll be ... 物妳會拍手說KAWAII I've never met a girl like you You made me wanna sing like Auto-Tune(Oh Yeah)為了帶妳環
82 1.Ugly People Song beautiful girls Thinking when I can become one of them But it will never never never never never never never happen I'm so ugly But I don't ca ... don't care Ugly people are so special We're just not ready to be so special When everybody likes pretty girlsJust like everybody likes mcdonald
83 4.how can you fall in love with a guy who doesn't know Gainsbourg? nsbourg. Especially the guy who looks very cool and all the ... o looks very cool and all the girls loved him in school. If you expec
84 4.Wonderland featuringJanice衛蘭 now is my special girl She standing on a sea shell Porcel
85 14.跟著月亮慢慢走 亮慢慢走(我們曾擁有SPECIAL LOVE)怎麼每一年這個時候我就特別的特別寂寞天上的月光一樣那麼 ... 了誰我都祝福 My Girl月圓月缺月缺月圓有一天會想起來 Oh... Repeat(#)跟著月亮我 ... 不到你的手我們曾擁有SPECIAL LOVE我們曾擁有SPECIAL LOVE我們曾擁有SPECIAL LOVE我們曾擁有SPECIAL LOV
86 2.BASEBALL O- LAY棒 d all the girlz that love me who's down who's down fad and agb jedi clan tr posse yeah there down with me who's down who's down hip steph and ... family and wei-tze get a very special kiss and to all of our fans if your down to stay大家一起來 o-lay o-lay12345第一就是我o-lay....風水輪流轉輪到我們玩(verse ii) bottom of the ninth ... steven! me the crowd pleaser girlies try to front but i'm the straig
87 1.Wynner's Theme Wynners' Special Tv Hits 75-761.Wynner's Theme Lyrics鍾鎮濤彭建新 Music鍾鎮濤彭建新 Every time when you feel blue I think you lose your cool Tune ... hour Show me your lovely face girl I'll love you more and more and mo
88 5.Evie Wynners' Special Tv Hits 75-765.Evie Lyrics Harry Vanda George Young Music Harry Vanda George Young I got the money in my pocket I go ... a rock'n roll'n band. Come on girl just get on your shoes We're gonna hear some sounds Come on babe don't you know There ain't no time to mess around round round ... 're only seventeen But little girl you're oh-so shy You gonna make a sound Come on babe you know there ain't no time to mess around round round So won't you try i ...
89 8.Celebrate Wynners' Special Tv Hits 75-768.Celebrate Lyrics Gary Bonner Al Gordon Music Gary Bonner Al Gordon Slipping away sitting on a pillow ... w Waiting for night to fall A girl in dream sitting on a pillow This
90 1.Come Into My Dreams something special to achieve'Coz every time and moment we're together It's so emotional and this time I know That we're getting closer in ever ... every way I've never felt so special as today It feel like heaven and I can't hold back no no Now is the time to reach higher and higher Come into my dreams I'll ... ove I'll never ever leave you girl I'll always be there by your side
91 5.壞蛋特調(Specially Made) br>5.壞蛋特調(Specially Made)作詞J.Sheon作曲J.Sheon剃刀蔣 ... 感太野蠻 Baby girl I'mma give you what you like listen ... 感太野蠻 Baby girl I'mma give you what you like liste
92 9.PartyNight(ReDbuff& xxxmiracle&鳥森) 持暢通她是個bad girl符合我的胃口不是她對手我喝的像條醉狗走路開始踉踉蹌蹌身體晃晃蕩蕩沒有回家的念頭雙手解放跟我搖今晚誰都別想要逃看她嬌小身材雖然苗苗條條但是全場沒人比她撩 ReDbuff:跟著身體跳起來讓我們享受今晚的party night Everybody跟我funky ... 離致命誘惑心跳Tik tok like tango bad girl make me crazy你是第一個 Special lover Bad girl only for U Special lover
93 30.夢想藍途(家齊女中佰伍級)(鄭詩樺) u In this special school of blue It's about some girls chasing for their dream It's righ
94 29.Special Girl(INFINITE) 音樂榜29.Special Girl(INFINITE)作詞 Beenzino、Beom Ki作曲 Primary아무도눈치못채게끔너를훔쳐보는게내버릇이되었고가끔너와눈이마주칠때면아무렇지않은연길하는배우가되었어 Action대뜸너에게가서말을건내는상상도여러번해봐근데왜난늘너가내 ... 앞에만오면얼어버리는걸까 I don't know why girl오내헤어스타일도다른남자들보다괜찮고어제새로산셔츠색상도푸른하늘
95 10.Simple Song(The Shins) e a lift. Girl what a gift. Will you tell me with your tongue And your breath was in my lungs And we float up through the rift. I know that th ... rm on the chain that I stole Especial for you. Love's such a delicate
96 11.Don't Matter(Akon) the wall Especially towards you Puttin' girls before you And they watchin' ever
97 29.Sexy And I Know It(LMFAO) alk on by girls be looking like damn he fly I pimp to the beat walking on the street in my new lafreak yeah This is how I roll animal print pa ... their moves and also get some special powers.] Ah... Girl look at that body[x3] Ah... I work out Ah... ... dy[x3] Ah... I work out Ah... Girl look at that body[x3] Ah... I work out When I walk in the spot(yeah) this is what I see(ok) Everybody stops and they staring at ... ill get serviced(watch) Ah... Girl look at that
98 3.Magik2.0(Becky G feat. Austin Mahone) floor the girls come snappin' at me Now everybody wants a blast of magik Magik magik magik magik magik magik magik magik magik I got the magik ... got my rhymes They're like my special potion So when I start to rap them The whole track start turning golden And now I'm through It's the end of verse two Like b ... aby) When I hit the floor the girls come Snappin' at me(They be snappin' baby) Now everybody wants a blast of magik Magik magik magik magik magik magik magik magi ...
99 1.約定(Promise) 隨地讓我開心你是我的Special Chip只要靠近你Energy不在身邊就Emergency我的生命因為有你充滿了美麗的場景我要一點一點存下你的愛在心中角落把所有感動一次給你絕對不保留 I will promise you每一天都要看見你的笑臉 I will promise you ... I will promise you just do it girl做好準備體會完美愛情的出現 Bump Bump心跳狂烈要讓整個世界都聽
100 2.ヒロインはここにいる! 緒に探す未来 My Special Girlどれくらい全力なら追いつけるだろう宛てない旅路のような日々ならいっそ歩も ... もう Lonely Girl切なさを知る度毎綺麗になるよ笑って!どしゃぶりの雨の日にも太陽を仰ぐ日向に咲く花のような君へ…なぜかユラめくうまく言えずに黙り込む昨夜見た夢はすこし意味深なシルエット泉に映る千の桜に見とれただけまぶしい人よ僕らは

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