
關於 trap + trap + trap + t + r + a + p 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.Hypnotize 格被放大流放形態 hypnotized Trapped in a trance like a drug in my veins Keep craving more like addicts in chains
2 1.Feel Like Drake 唇 I swervo你只能看著我的尾燈 trappin23我是舞池頭的飛人 I swipe it up想要啥我都買給她 run it up天都亮了我都還在耍全成都都曉得我是人物 M A S I W wooooo
3 2.Beat Kune Do MCJin They call it trap cause they don't Wanna see you grow It's no secret peep it knowledge you trying
4 1.Pretty Boy Rap tu天還早哦我是藝術家ain't no trap rapper他們網上裝的都是cap rapper Making this beat call me莫扎特無人區的天才yeah I feel like I'm a
5 1.One Two 同風格找著各種 type beat除了 trap boombap旋律我也依然唱的帥氣看他們' push the*** ing pack off on'模仿 jid找個 rage type' rockstar m

6 1.紅TRAP 禿子2z-紅TRAP1.紅TRAP作詞禿子2z作曲禿子2z I still hear your
7 3.IJust... the city I've been trapped in memories I'm feeling kinda dizzy(Yeah)冷漠將你我包圍 Won't you let me into your s
8 1.拜託妳快拒絕我 美好的時刻才是真的擁有 Feeling trapped in my mind離不開怎麼辦該怎麼回到最單純的狀態把這些時間倒轉那些愛不存在或許我就能夠從夢中醒來就這樣默默喜歡默默的期盼花落又花開就算我早已知道我不
9 1.金榜題名 throne Raised in a trap Signed by blood The exit sign says Number1.(PetPetShawn)血氣方剛因我天生躁動眼角高習慣貴買粗用諗法多我尤
10 1.鋼鐵叢林 群人只會拿樣要比狂在座好像都沒得資格中文Trap GOSH肯定都是你們師爺派對推了都不去我們渾身都有力跳起來就不落地 V12的發動機開進去開進去派對推了都不去我們渾身都有力跳起來就不落地 V12的發動機開進去開
11 6.You Are My Everything ts of broken dreams Trapped on a carousel Revolving in hopeless agony So I lived with defeat Drifting awa
12 11.追夢綠 沒有在饒舌我懶得跟你爭都拿去分一分你喜歡Trap girl我卻喜歡陳綺貞賺大錢開跑車幹媽斗怎麼了一支香檳好幾萬你怎麼捨得喝包廂裡都是妹問熱狗葛哥呢親愛的我就在這呵呵呵呵呵呵我以為她是fans她真的有Onlyfa
13 7.是我 y you never been to trap I love that bluecheese but more into yuan Who that young boy with the jewelry ja
14 8.陷阱張學友 在我的地盤做生意需要我同意張學友現在搞點trap四大天王現在搞點rap My life is fucking movie即影即有 Shout out to Edison Chen世界各地都有我的產業 My mo
15 4.發給我愛 oll roll發給trap發給慾望發給愛發給black在我腦海轉頂的太滿但還沒有墜是你藥來給我升溫 ... oll roll發給trap發給慾望慾望發給
16 1.Rock and Roll im a rockstar im a trapstar im a rapstar不知道那就做個減法 im not star畢竟生活還沒什麼變化一頭亂發電腦前研發新的 verse新的 flow怎麼變化我打個電話
17 1.追夢綠 沒有在饒舌我懶得跟你爭都拿去分一分你喜歡Trap girl我卻喜歡陳綺貞賺大錢開跑車幹媽斗怎麼了一支香檳好幾萬你怎麼捨得喝包廂裡都是妹問熱狗葛哥呢親愛的我就在這呵呵呵呵呵呵我以為她是fans她真的有Onlyfa
18 17.街頭貝多芬 s太悶打的腦殼太疼 Trapmode like神 like King like dream like ... s太悶打的腦殼太疼 Trapmode like神 like King like dream like ... 球的animal換個trapmode不亞於chief keef的faneto boy Vibe特別的 ... s太悶打的腦殼太疼 Trapmode like神 like King like dream like ... s太悶打的腦殼太疼 Trapmode like神 like King like dream lik
19 1.Run!Pt.2 down哥們研究的 trap但不會掉進圈套 Stand up for respect be humb ... down哥們研究的 trap但不會掉進圈套 Stand up for respect be hum
20 1.Trap在這 紅(RedLee)-Trap在這1.Trap在這作詞李紅作曲李紅踅啊踅(繞啊繞)我已經揣啊揣(找呀找)無意義 ... 怎過你再誇張點無情願trap佇遮(在這) trap佇遮(在這)像命中注定毋甘願蹛佇遮(住在這)住頂加無像你好額(有錢)在不 ... 漢界過橋當作沒看見 Trap Trap佇遮(在這) Trap Trap佇遮(在這)阿媽咧抾糞埽(在掃垃圾)準備提去賣 Not a funny ... 枉少年也迷惘一整年

21 2.On My Way 從跑在到飛不會疲憊我感受到fake感受到trap不感覺到累我不想睡就算no name我絕不後悔前進不後退不管幾遍搶著上天也絕不退位我不在耗費不管幾年每一次表演I pay my soul不管成名前我蹲多久有再多意
22 1.Misty e my mask Trapped beyond where that I'm in Narrow stretching open doesn't win I'm ... retching open doesn't win I'm trapped in cages All I see cages What t
23 1.Hunned Band 什麼歌我不能做好像很gang但人生沒那麼trap y'all just full of them cap stop with the slang不是學幾句黑話文法還用錯就能叫rap當你在那羨慕嫉妒恨我在想下一段
24 1.毒蛇 ong time no see好久沒在 trap beat上出現了再次起飛 oh damn像蛇一樣絲滑的游進了水 idon't care how you say我佔據了最佳位他們說我名字是21和 future生
25 27.小人物 有人say no說你的沒有深度沒有髒話的trap又會說你沒有魂有的話又你好粗暴其實不會有完美的音樂對得起自己就叫做好 rap得更快站得更高直到觀眾跟不上沒有道理的責駡千萬不要放在心上這個道理希望你要知道再大的難
26 6.色弱也知道海是藍色ㄝ 著一個透明酒杯營造色弱友善空間 I'm trapped in your warm embrace到底是暈船還是環遊世界但台北市的交通號誌都沒你眼睛閃爍吼呦一定是光線的錯那閃閃發亮的瞳孔裡究竟看見了什麼吼呦讓我看
27 7.PRISON&T STREET ET作詞太瑞作曲太瑞 Yeah Trapped in a prison i made for myself The fame and the comments always surrounded Som
28 3.Bxxch I Don't Care 你的虛情假意不會再輕易上了當你設下的這個trap送你的全部退回不留餘地的撤退靜悄悄毫無防備這條重複的wrong wa
29 1.Never Know worry I'm trapped in the vibe Feeling you beside me 看著那個潮起變潮落 I know you better卻熟悉別人 我被冷醒 You send to me Pretend to be Oh Step to me怎麼能夠解開這難過不 ...   I'm trying not to worry I'm trapped in the vibe Feeling you beside
30 8.50% Life's a trap the past just drag me backwards50 percent chance of rain百分之百無差別50 percent chance of rain我攏毋出門嘛無關係外口景色哪會攏袂變 yeah落抑毋落嘛烏天暗地 yeah毋免 ... t stacks of problems Life's a trap the past just drag me backwards50
31 2.阱 作詞荒年作曲荒年阱 Trap Like intro時秒針撞壞了時間蠟燭都熄滅無關痛癢小事都劇烈就像種直覺 verse眼神別躲閃今天我們把話說明白曾經多愛也不可能回到那狀態我頂多是搭伙是你的話點燃了火柴難怪人總愛說是宿命的安排 u been feeling like ... 總愛說是宿命的安排 u been feeling like trap trap trap trap trap trap it's feeling like trap trap trap trap
32 1.創世紀 on map爽的板給的答案跳出舒適的 trap本來表面太散漫但渾身是膽 Got a racks on racks on Answer來 rap Merci merci也是醉了開瓶紅酒開個玩笑問我從哪畢業 Gh
33 1.The TIDES st in the trap of time lapse) Cut through the night(I can see we aint got no way back)就算重來也不釋懷淹沒時間的深海落灰的梳粧台破碎的眼鏡片無聲地重映著那晚的鏽燭光那一個不經意觸碰撞開了藏匿著低語的 ... your stride(I got lost in the trap of time lapse) Cut through the nig
34 1.出宜賓 nce More money More trap More fake More pain More real More love More? Not not not They just talk about i
35 1.Close To Me Low game Step in my trap babe join me tonight let's be insane Insane Your lips are poison Leave me no opt
36 6.Dalada away and trap the moon But you're toxic I will die in your arms tonight You know that life is just a game So turn me on stay in this frame Ai ... Flowers You're the spotlight Trappin me with that cowgirl vibe Go go
37 1.救贖 間就像握不住的流沙我曾經被困住無法自拔 trap in my life不曾害怕就算我的世界逐漸崩塌就算我的四肢無力發麻可是我身後是家所以就算倒下也會重新站起來再向前出發一路跌跌撞撞經歷過太多的絕望一切拼拼湊湊組
38 1.Stars In The Room her way Fallin noda trap bitch told me she's wasted Keep'em nodding head now u can see who's trippi
39 1.Truman Show楚門的世界 倒計時我按下計時器 Trapped in City來鍛煉我意志力 Cancer didn't bea ... vie我親自來演奏 Trapping in the city旁邊是諾曼底遍布的雷區生涯期長的像清水
40 13.玻璃海 試渡過愛河 I'm trapped in the city Cause I'll be your s ... 試渡過愛河 I'm trapped in the city Cause I'll be your
41 16.紫水 o dangrous I hope a trap boy's your type但我不是Cental Cee All right也想過算咯但偏偏在最關鍵的時候她回頭看但眼神在閃躲 D**n!我在夢裡看過 How
42 6.N.F.S.G 不行 We all living in trap天藍到黑夜下輩子換他們去吃配菜五千萬個字也無法平息我的怒火聽過最可悲的話沒辦法我們不同勝利絕對可以帶我離開十字路口你最好懂不懂的意見最多傻逼住口都希望保持最佳的狀
43 17.BYE HI. 夢尚意猶未盡說變就變沒有理由分不清人心和Trap I wanna go wanna go wanna go back像發了瘋發了瘋徹夜都難眠妳看著我看著我冷漠得乾脆而那些熱絡固定在腦中永存於心頭雖然妳不在但腳步
44 1.深藍色的兩分半 音在耳邊環繞像你聲音在耳邊環繞 I'm trapping in blue靈魂在燃燒最近不聽hiphop開始聽藍調如果我有天離開誰會為我禱告我想一直往南走走到渡口趁著船舶熟睡的時候被星光包裹住的水手ye輕輕的跌入
45 1.Whisky 騙呢所以我就陷進她的trap還是她陷進我的 trap trap隔天起來看她在旁邊睡幹而且上身還裸著 Whiskey Yeah yea

46 5.LATE BLOOMER 燦爛 I was…(Trapped) I was trapped Kinda trapped Uh I was kinda trapped in this muhfuk MOOD&BLUE車窗的風景提醒
47 1.LATE BLOOMER 燦爛 I was…(Trapped) I was trapped Kinda trapped Uh I was kinda trapped in this muhfuk MOOD&BLUE車窗的風景提醒
48 7.PRETTY BOY SWAG us You jump in the trap I jump higher萊昂納多衣櫃那件Haider Ackermann花紋是玫瑰色我帶她看星空頂梵高得承認我印象派腳上穿的是and1 mixtape I g
49 1.RUSH!- intro will rush When I've trapped in shadows you will rush You will rush When I see they punch you I will rush
50 1.Wavy want sum trap) Can you see? Can you see? Look at me Me& V Pushing P Easy peasy lemon squeezy Made a song Do a dance Up-load it maybe not Stil ... K.:(Part2) Me& V Do this ting Trappers y'all can suck my dick聽不懂也沒關係不
51 1.我知道 風雨即將來臨 why u always trapping on money內心很冷酷外表卻華麗我不管你是誰我們就像在打配合 what u gonna say找不到忘掉你的對策 what u waiting fo
52 1.Hedgehog(Never Pour My Heart Out Again) 不然走心還要走幾遍 trapped in a vicious circle I once poure ... 不然走心還要走幾遍 trapped in a vicious circle我想要前進你處處掣肘 I
53 1.穿梭(Chuan Suo) kill it果啲trap煩惱 Dancing with me feeling how my bo ... 宇宙星際開post Trap in東京一轉不過trappin太空 Where we going今鋪左右left or rig
54 1.Rose Again We going up同進退整齊的步伐 Trapping on night shift僅存的希望是路燈下薄弱的光線暴雨衝刷過後身處泥沼的鑽石顯得格外耀眼 Oh lord我的天02 My city這裡視野太美 F
55 4.潰流 努力做歌一切那都會有這句話騙人騙得最久 trap on me我也還會回頭知道是個陷進還要往裡跳 wth maybe all that hate me聽到他們也會笑(也許所有討厭我的) so fk they sa
56 16.中文說唱(Bonus Track) 點兒Drill加點兒Trap加點兒有punch的lie加點兒火藥加點兒愛這就是中文的rap Vers ... 點兒Drill加點兒Trap加點兒有punch的lie加點兒火藥加點兒愛這就是中文的ra
57 8.Night After Night再入夜(feat. Buhnad) eeling so trapped When it comes down to the facts I really wasn't so bad The Sun starts to rise明天快要來時間過得太快痛苦卻仍滿載還剩多少天 Will this ever end If so ... me back getting me feeling so trapped When it comes down to the facts
58 3.YOUTH WE ARE try again but i got trapped in the same old patterns so i bring awareness with a few spells accompany wit
59 3.Issues nking I'm trapped in the city成了習慣 Tr-trapped underneath yeah B1吞噬自己 duh那是必然
60 6.Memos… ego death Trapped I'm just like the rest That's facts this my ego death ... hat's facts this my ego death Trapped I'm just like the rest It's my ego death It's my ego death That's facts tis my ego death ... That's facts tis my ego death Trapped I'm just like the rest That's facts this my ego death ... hat's facts this my ego death Trapped I'm just like the res
61 1.Riding With You ing flying with you Trap in the city只剩我和妳不只呼與吸空間的中間再偷情不管我去哪裡都說妳也去今天要約哪裡不能說的秘密 Cross the line不算愛也不算債該怎麼辦船上
62 1.Trap GooGoo-Trap1.Trap作詞 GooGoo作曲 GooGoo Trap我知道這是個trap But i don't care我無所畏懼 Now我只想享受當下和你溫存每分每秒你是個優秀的獵人佈置好陷阱等待我墜入 I trust nobody I trust nobody無法相信也包括你但我無所謂但我無所謂 I trust nobody I tru ... I lose control I lose control Trap我知道這是個trap But i don't care我無所畏懼 Now我只想享受當下和你
63 8.I dont want it anymore t Oh拋在腦後那些trap的保持距離那些trap的昏天黑地那些trap的晴天霹靂那些trap的措手不及那些trap的keep controlling me那些trap的cant get away from me那些trap的slowly killing me那些trap的gave me fantacy那些trap的是我們的秘密那些trap的我們永遠一起那些trap的不過是rmb那些trap的讓你和我為敵一個兩個三個四個五個六個冉冉升起然後墜落一個兩
64 1.BYE HI. 夢尚意猶未盡說變就變沒有理由分不清人心和Trap I wanna go wanna go wanna go back像發了瘋發了瘋徹夜都難眠妳看著我看著我冷漠得乾脆而那些熱絡固定在腦中永存於心頭雖然妳不在但腳步
65 1.Still Rap ap OldSchool的年代當時沒有 trap作業本上寫滿塞進 pack如果回到過去我對對他說 I respect沒有多餘的一切只是發生著伴隨著告別記憶碎片太深刻簡單的循環播放一段 loop就這樣一隻走到下個
66 1.不去想太多 的位置你要找我都隨時隨地就算你沒事就算是trap我會往下跳躍 I don't give about yeah心跳像是高鐵找到你就像在冒險 Round a round a round太多蒼蠅在你身邊繞心中的火在燒
67 9.sad but not bad be alright I still trapped in my memory the path we walked through begging you stop walk into my dream d
68 2.胡說八道 ha T Yeah我沒rap夠這是資格的trap mode我不想diss了我已經diss夠 Turn into beast mode我在跳disco沒什麼我不能打贏的 Maison Margielar I'm
69 14.蘭博基尼炒飯 大城市做的hood trap Sell Mixtape像在sell土特產你最愛的陷阱音樂黑馬主管我們 ... 叫做奧迪 Real trap music我們不得燒你我把二郎腿翹起給屋頭賺點兒補貼馬老師來嘛我來給
70 1.TRAP MY SOUL 成晞 CHANCE-TRAP MY SOUL1.TRAP MY SOUL作詞溫璽揚作曲溫璽揚你告訴我你不想喝醉後離開就算 ... 到沒日沒夜 You Trap My Soul我的夢 Everything you know有種感覺就 ... 手毀掉一切 You Trap My Soul逃不過當情感脆弱觸碰過去就被困住好久忘不了那種痛早習慣被 ... 停才能甘願 You Trap My Soul我的夢 Everything you know有種感覺就 ... 手毀掉一切 You Trap My Soul回憶冒著濃煙 You
71 3.行屍走肉 I slept I trapped你想要力爭上游?還是在寄生上流?(Imhotep x4)到處 ... otep x4)到處trap trap trap大都是crap crap crap看copycat cat cat每個
72 1.K st Save me for I am trapped Save me from this hell Save me from myself Let me take this one last flight L
73 7.I.f.i.l ell Rock bottom I'm trapped in my own cell Watching you being loved by someone else羽毛落下的寂寞心被淚淹沒隨著痛漂泊回憶拉到無
74 4.The Dragon Song the rest for later Trapped like a rat in the maze I got my feelings locked and put away in a cage She a
75 1.死靚仔 好每一天寫隻歌再岀個片乜都識享受刺激鍾意trap寫下rap準備進擊死靚仔帶住廢老卡 Mosh pit作反玩到散 bitch I'm living young醉到通街嘔周街跑都未想訓醉左諗星光大道有日有我掌印有班
76 10.Killy Killy 有任何理由 I'm trap boy沒有人能夠接受 Talkin''bout money p**yw ... 有任何理由 I'm trap boy沒有人能夠接受 Talkin''bout money p**y
77 1.ILLUSION tryna OT Trap in the zoo see the monkey go ape Living ... see the monkey go ape Living Trapei city see my mental go ape Though
78 1.大叔 哪怕地獄事過境遷結局像齣鬧劇心的情境像是trap到Lo-Fi從滿腔激情回到現實無奈能把悲劇當成下酒的幹話我就稱他做大喜劇家 smoke with me drink with me dance with me聽我
79 1.忘憂草 好累因為半夜不能睡黑眼圈像黑洞融合成一個trap想把所有難受的用力都吸進肺 Da da da da da Da da da da da da da da搭上巴士了沒地方坐沒法改變的叫做生活 Da da da d
80 11.Sickest Freestyle this is t-trap now we balling worldwide(這裡是T-trap我們走遍全球)工作正好重疊於我們的熱愛聽到我們的flow他們都五體投地
81 12.Life(Outro) 做了斷 But T trap boys we smokin' chillin' and we be ... oppin'(但T-trap弟兄們總是逍遙放蕩)北京西藏成都天津 all the way to B
82 1.社區人聲 葩稍息立正比方那個用trap boom bap flow耍drill去廠頭耍嘛去找你的廠花萬人迷更適合去跳個踢踏突突咋不拿出來bom boom pa哭訴資本的口袋在變卦俘虜他們的腦袋被結紮不如我bbox附帶整起耍 ayeah到底啥叫文化 ayeah都舶來的嘛 ayeah爭個論像活在貼 ... l好funny的叫罵別強行著加碼 so coming da trap part翟正楠用嘴巴回到那2018三連音配上那正宗的sup整點 ... 上那正宗的sup整點trap p*
83 8.COVID-19 t me free Trapped in the city Let me try to be me God please set me freeJust set me free ... e set me freeJust set me free Trapped in the city Let me try to be me可不可以不再掩飾我完整的面孔可不可以出來肩並肩地慢慢靠攏把那些消失的畫面都再來一遍人類被困在這充滿危險的世界可不可以不再掩飾我完整的面孔可不可以出來肩並肩地慢慢靠攏把那些消失的畫面都再來 ... e set me freeJust set me free Trap
84 1.What De FFF…??? in in the trap都在放我的歌 Young God keep k on my foot I'm back like bomb你的嘴還那麼得 Back to my town他們都會call我G Ball from the head to the back to my knee ... ppin' like thug Walkin in the trap都在放我的歌 Young God keep k on my foot I'm back like bomb你的嘴還那麼得 Back to my town他們都會叫我G Ball from the head to the back to my knee黑特們 ... ppin' like thug Walkin in the trap都在放我的歌 Young God keep k on my foot
85 1.河南trap 道雀Bzz-河南trap1.河南trap作詞道雀Bzz作曲道雀Bzz我在高壓環境裡想立名有些缺氧但我不
86 3.Over lls I see Trapped on the road but God where does it lead Still gotta move on still gotta believe There's something to be dreamt over Verse2再來一 ... over All of these walls of me Trapped on the road but God where does
87 1.HEADHUNT his is my trap quit that bullshit that you trapping in quit that bullshit that you trapping i
88 5.少數族群 登對 WA UP SON同情你踏入就深陷TRAP U DONT LISTEN THIS SHIT卻是你的長輩歲月痕跡歷史淬鍊誰也無法抹滅知識就是力量多數還是盲從受騙人性有多賤我翻面秀出你下限以小博大 TPC Y
89 8.PARANOIA 段交叉入口紅燈警戒沒有算命師教我怎樣才對Trappin in Taipei我們這些異類 Shit…要如何應對進退只能保持信念相信每一次低潮是為了造就下一波高潮花了多久思想得以活化跳脫世俗靈魂得到解放他讓我成為男
90 1.know me sers我還需要乘勝追擊15年我就刮起了trap的風現在又說我只會耍autotune「勒是霧都」這個口號讓我驕傲但不是標籤嗯他們都還不懂走起的都想要突破自己沒有走起的只想在女娃兒後面慫 shout out to
91 1.Losing My Mind 也沒有什麼奇效 Woo Feeling trapped by soul Sinking in a black hole filled with fearness It chokes me and now I'm
92 3.淺灘 st you About a soul trapped in the body and losing sensation On insomnia night he can't feel anything His
93 1.Hush(噓) 痕卻不曾卻不曾回到過去能不能不小心掉進 trap搭把手 come my side想解鎖新話題只需要 only night關於你號碼已經不會再去想拉入黑名單一定要記住 my vibe好多人我看過不停不停往下流是什
94 1.反伍 路不直還有我的兄弟跟我一起掰不會掉進了 Trap觀眾的手舉起來比 Five要跟我比賽起步讓你兩個禮拜 You say hi我的蛋糕You wanna bite沒門你快走開 BADFIVE early in th
95 1.2 Lollipops 曾經共處的那份甘醇 Trap us on a road把我們繼續綁在分叉路 Life-alterin ... 法再拼湊的回憶甘醇 Trap us on a road把我們繼續綁在分叉路 Life-alteri
96 1.女神 也說濯清漣而不妖空靈雙眼不揉不矯望穿秋水trap bae不會明瞭我可以盯著她直到天荒地老心臟永遠維持papuda-popping急速狂飆 Excuse me my girl借我妳的手牽我已經快受不了別再繼續放電
97 6.If I Can Be You look me in the eye Trapped in a nest they are eating me alive Living in the city but just to survive I w
98 1.Fuck Your G ck your G(Trapstar K) Fuck your G Rob your bitch我改 ... tch我改變這遊戲 Trapstar K讓所有同行都震驚砸一筆錢做生意你的歌詞假到沒有人會信太多人
99 1.Shibuya Night and dumb Trapping hard那些牛肉不再追究 All my ninjas Tripping hard穿越shibuya十字路口人群walk by狂歡到sunrise不夜城 big city big lights直接來先跳過告白紙醉金迷跟著我repeat every ... hat talk I want all the smoke trapping hard但是我 stay woke Shibuya wher
100 1.KURCC1.0 'm a player I ain't trappin bit** I only want u day and night辣年糕辟穀盡情翹起 I can't believe wit keep it the lo

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