
關於 we + are + the + champion 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.Beat The Best nday-Beat The Best1.Beat The Best作詞彭柏邑作曲彭柏邑 Hook(唐立杰) Be ... k(唐立杰) Be The Best Be The Best Yeah We tryna Be The Best Finally We Beat The Best Finally We Make It Rain(陳水豐) Be The Best Be The Best Yeah We tryna Be The Best從來不會覺得倦從來不聽別人勸(峻瑋) B.E.A.T B.E.A.T Ya ... 來不聽別人勸(峻瑋) B.E.A.T B.E.A.T Ya We are the
2 1.跟著我搖擺 搖擺煩惱都統統走開 We are the one We are the champion失敗只是為了成功我開著時光機器就慢慢騰空不用太過驚訝我廣大神通為了夢想我穿梭銀河音樂中一起加油的人車尾燈都不夠看所有行駛路上的兄弟都贊別遇見了一點點困難就打退堂鼓來首舞曲讓煩惱消散對不起眼的痛 man I don't really c ... 惱消散對不起眼的痛 man I don't really care Ain't nobody do anythin
3 20.冠軍live 曲南征北戰NZBZ We'll be singing哦喔哦喔哦喔哦喔哦喔哦喔 Sing again哦 ... 靡續寫不敗的奇蹟因為we are the champion我讓你看到一個為自由而戰的我勝利的光環就像天使般擁抱著我四面的熱 ... 的熱血 To be the winner We'll be singing哦喔哦喔哦喔哦喔哦喔哦喔 Sing again哦 ... 命中夠準沒人否認因為we are the champion我讓你看到一個為自由而戰的我勝
4 1.Be Strong 形同面具 I am the key打開新生代的King要馬就be my queen hundred ... 榮耀之頂 I am the champion贏得每場比賽 You are a loser總是都不明白我站在舞台正中央他們為我歡聲鼓掌綻放的星光 I ... to北京 Be careful and don't be suprise歡迎光臨In my liv ... 在考驗著我 Say we will want you(we will want you)我已經長大獨立拉迎接著新光曙 Say ... 接著新光曙 Say we will want you(you wu w
5 1.Worldwide oke up my We got nowhere to hide My ninjas gang gang to see o ... e My ninjas gang gang to see others dead dead My ninjas gang gang to see o ... d My ninjas gang gang to see others dead dead Came though a long way s ... たは言う L to the IMH Sensei on this beat Need more st ... またはじまったぜ other bi*ches tweet tweet U heard about me as a dope mcあたしから奪おったって無理 bi*ch please Who ... たしから奪おったって

6 1.We Are Champions(& B. Howard) 吳建豪-We Are Champions1.We Are Champions(& B. Howard)作詞 B. Howard E ... alacios作曲 The Interns B.Howard Soldiers of the Dawn We got' fight the sun Fight until we've won….. Dancing In the dark Where we can seen the light Shining like diamonds( Brighter than ... like diamonds( Brighter than the sun) Feeling so alive This knight will never die Kept ... is knight will never die Kept
7 9.New K k Back to the original street啤啤酒加冰一整天都喝不醉 Force force全新五十雙都不嫌貴回回憶曾經窮的沒有地方睡至少我還年輕有個強壯後背力力拔千鈞加入社會大部隊賺賺點現金保證生活不倒退兄弟都是尖兵我們賺錢也納稅我也早都不聽他們嘴裡作的弊裝出來的關心 ... 我等待有一天有華人的現場都在合唱我的作品 I am new champion I am new K I am new champion I am new K I am new c
8 3.Get That Money In(讓錢進來) ter玫瑰金鑽石銀 we go get that money get that money in money in money in ... at money in money in money in we go get that money get that money in玫瑰 ... in玫瑰金鑽石銀 we go get that money get that money in money in money in ... at money in money in money in we go get that money get that money in I ... aybe還要好幾年 we won't stop賺更大掙個億當紀念(ya) ... 個億當紀念(ya) we go get that we go get that賺錢就像asap
9 1.Pray For You w down to the KeyNG This song is dedicated to My best friend in ... edicated to My best friend in the world Hah This song's for you We roll up with the windows down Turn it up let me play that song Get drunk in ... e play that song Get drunk in the bar forget who we are Ain't worry about nothing Not a thing goes wrong Cuz ... ng Not a thing goes wrong Cuz We roll up with the windows down Turn it up let me play that song Get drunk in ...
10 1.Get That Money In(讓錢進來)(feat. Steven.YW&Joseph) ter玫瑰金鑽石銀 we go get that money get that money in money in money in ... at money in money in money in we go get that money get that money in玫瑰 ... in玫瑰金鑽石銀 we go get that money get that money in money in money in ... at money in money in money in we go get that money get that money in I ... aybe還要好幾年 we won't stop賺更大掙個億當紀念(ya) ... 個億當紀念(ya) we go get that we go get that賺錢就像asap
11 6.Ring(feat. MONEYEZ) 定 yeah都是我的champion yeah我的信心非常堅定 yeah都是都是我的 ... yeah都是都是我的champion for my ring ring ring ring ring ... ya做好自己 ya we don't care diss ya行動舉例子 F小屁兒X only rap shit ... s ya行動舉例子 F小屁兒X only rap shit we are boss X快扯個躲子噻快點閃一邊 whoo習慣獨自走在野外遇到狼群解下 ... 定 yeah都是我的champion yeah我的信心非常堅定 yeah都是都是
12 1.冠軍 肩膀沒有什麼能阻擋 We are the champion We will fight till the end就算不能征服全世界只要擁有自己的天因為我是我就是我沒人能取代握緊
13 1.Go Harder BiggE' Cleare、游恩杰編曲游恩杰 This is the party Everyone go crazy You can take it easy ... go crazy You can take it easy We go harder for it babe This is the party Champagne vodka whiskey Going harder and harder ... iskey Going harder and harder We turn it up daily他想要他不知道他們party過後到底要去哪裡好她不要她很難搞她們party過後只想回家睡一覺但有我在你不用逃我只想要幫你蓋被子看你睡著 China tow
14 18.冠軍 s becomes the cup You put water into a bottle it's becomes ... er into a bottle it's becomes the bottle You put it in the teapot it's becomes the teapot Now water can flow or it can ... 肩膀沒有什麼能阻擋 We are the champion we will fight till the end就算不能征服全世界只要擁有自己的天因為我是我就是我沒人能取代握緊拳 ... 的肩膀沒什麼能阻擋 We are the champion (
15 13.時光十年 fight)瘋夠了(We are the champions)再瘋狂 Ten years ago我們開始相愛 Ten y
16 1.每一天(Everyday) ray to be the best that I can be Be an example so that ... can be Be an example so that the rest of you can see Don't matter whoare u just need positivity Climb up the ladder to the spot we meant to be Conspiracy sons of bitches wanna keep us down Teach us wrong see us down locked up in da pound You see everything act ... hing actually originates from the mind If they brainwash the masses then they can rob you blind In this tim
17 1.冠軍 肩膀沒有什麼能阻擋 We are the champion We will fight till the end就算不能征服全世界只要擁有自己的天因為我是我就是我沒人能取代握緊
18 5.5-10-15. com(new) I Don't Care U Suck Like Hell!我猜遍全世界七大洲的一百多個國家但係點解個個同我猜親都一定咁鬼渣我睇住佢o地趴o係梳化度嘔到死o下死o下我都懶得問你o地你冇o野係嘩 Wake Up Chi Chi Cha Chi Chi Cha Chi Chi Bom ... throw your hands up15 Dot com we da bomb with the world in my palm Yo WHAT the girls want(Eric Suen) Got5-10-15 girls up in his room put it down from Hong Kong To Taiwan ShangHai who da surprise yo who ...
19 3.智激校園 Everyone We are the Champion贏人要先贏自己盡我努力展我潛能* IQ EQ中英數商討對策夠合拍 ... 錯仍舊掌聲之中作答 We are ready to fly跳入智激境界 Repeat*#鬥志與魄力一身好本 ... 志腦筋都可一起進化 We are willing to try跳入智激境界 Repeat
20 1.Worlds Collide 015 World Championship) Do we fight to hold our heads up high And beat ... ld our heads up high And beat the drum to what we love? Risk the fall oh we have felt it all come crashing down from far above. Stars arising countless worlds colliding only one will take it all. Can ... nly one will take it all. Can we bring to fall the giants Can we make the final call. We are the ones To ignite the darkened skies. (|

21 9.The Scientist 我自選)9.The Scientist作詞 Guy Barryman&Jon Buckland&Will ... uy Barryman&Jon Buckland&Will Champion& C.F. Martin作曲 Guy Barryman&Jon Buckland&Will ... uy Barryman&Jon Buckland&Will Champion& C.F. Martin編曲陳珊妮 Come up to meet you tell you I'm sorry You don't know how lovely you ... You don't know how lovely you are I had to find you Tell you I need you Tell you I've set you apart Tell me your secrets And ask me your questions Oh let's go bac .
22 12.花房姑娘 我看著你默默地說合 We are the champions my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions We are the champions無畏的路程 Cause we are the champions of the world We are the champions my friends And we'll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions We are the cha
23 1.World Top wow woo) We are the champions We are the champions oh(Oh wow woo) We got the champions oh Cuz we're the champions誰有才跳出來用舞力證明血脈要光環我自帶接住這個世代無時無刻舞門派跟重拍絕對不分開電流傳送 day and night炫技就趁現在出奇招刷新耳朵細胞我起跑想跟上我請提早 I'm on my way讓身體被這節奏一波帶走讓所有視線燃爆隨著我擺
24 1.狂妄 朔和)一上台就拿下了championship遇到我命中注定的劫歌詞只花了10分鐘寫蘇新皓黃朔 Yo bro sorry張極 I forgot ... 蘇新皓黃朔 Yo bro sorry張極 I forgot the friendship左航高了你不知道多少 level level我的語速除以2也是你 double double勤能補拙但你防不住我開頭出手你的兒歌誰都會唱張極左航蘇新皓黃朔 Boy keep going on朱志鑫(張澤禹張峻豪和) But you ga ... na round me You gain pain you are brie
25 1.全面玩家 a jump in the fight我們都進化全面玩家不畏懼瘋狂改造皮囊那不是倔強而是我們的心臟 ... 倔強而是我們的心臟 We are T.D. We are daedal We are T.D. We are daedal我們都進化全面玩家千變的魍魎馳騁戰場所有的萬化將魔王一一抹殺 I believe I will be ... 萬化將魔王一一抹殺 I believe I will be the champion We are Thousand dance Guys call me T.D We (|
26 1.SilverJam(星之舞) ) Rise of the Sun'He-man'星河的 Champion(我們在這光芒萬丈黑夜驕傲如宇宙英雄希曼) ... 傲如宇宙英雄希曼) West Side光譜(西海岸無限的光譜)外閃爍的光芒 Huh星之眼把藏青色系的 ... 題)不要被夜晚 Bother be Cool With It(不要被夜晚打攪這海浪本不該沉悶)日與月 ... 裝)星星們開始跳舞 Aren't We Gonna Do Some Shit?(星星們開始跳舞把空氣中灑滿幻想) SILVER(舞蹈!) Hook I All
27 3.SilverJam星之舞 SHI DELÄK-The Book of Life 生命之書3.SilverJam星之舞作詞 TASHI DELÄK Htet Ei Wai作曲 TASHI DELÄK Htet Ei Wai Fast Light Fast Car Fast Love(迷幻的霓虹炙 ... Fast Love(迷幻的霓虹炙熱的情人) Rise of the Sun'He-man'星河的 Champion(我們在這光芒萬丈黑夜驕傲如宇宙英雄希曼) ... 傲如宇宙英雄希曼) West Side光譜(西海岸無限的光譜)外閃爍的光芒 Huh星之眼把藏青色系的 ... 題)不要被夜晚 Bo
28 1.Fighter 太大為世人點盞明燈 We're the high light(我們是強光)態度從不懈怠成為眾人期待無邊際的苦海船已靠岸無數次的磨難身經百戰把阻撓逐個擊穿揚帆之後又是下一個奇觀應許之地在修行之後方能看到指引我們無所畏懼因為失敗之後太陽會照常升起像一臺永動機能源川流不息生命就像野草一樣熊熊野火燒不盡 ... 源川流不息生命就像野草一樣熊熊野火燒不盡 Fly into the sky
29 1.RISE UP gain讓榮耀重現 We are the best oh Rakuten Rise up again我在你身邊 ... gain我在你身邊 We are the best oh Rakuten Rise up again讓榮耀重現 ... gain讓榮耀重現 We are the best oh Rakuten Go go monkeys Champion will be Rakuten~間奏~邁出自信的步伐我們要準備 ... gain讓榮耀重現 We are the best oh Rakuten烽火連天的危險場面享受每一次對決 Rise ... gain我在你身邊 (
30 4.Dictator Of The Night ctator Of The Night作詞廖庭毅、楊孝君作曲廖庭毅、楊孝君、王聖方編曲 KI ... 曲 KITrust We flexing bring the new vibe since we step in Up in this game of thrones we are the champion Legion of fearless rebel like an assassin Vicious killers(No one can stop us) Yeah In your soul ... an stop us) Yeah In your soul there's a hidden treasure Yeah And it's strong enough to kill ... nd it's strong enough to kill the(!
31 1.Fighter 太大為世人點盞明燈 We're the high light(我們是強光)態度從不懈怠成為眾人期待無邊際的苦海船已靠岸無數次的磨難身經百戰把阻撓逐個擊穿揚帆之後又是下一個奇觀應許之地在修行之後方能看到指引我們無所畏懼因為失敗之後太陽會照常升起像一臺永動機能源川流不息生命就像野草一樣熊熊野火燒不盡 ... 源川流不息生命就像野草一樣熊熊野火燒不盡 Fly into the sky
32 1.FIGHTER 升騰成為指路的星辰 We're the high light(我們是強光)態度從不懈怠成為眾人期待無止境的磕絆以一馭萬無數次的磨難身經百戰把阻撓逐個擊穿揚帆之後又是下一個奇觀天生熱愛打出奇蹟勢如洪水讓對手決堤我們無所畏懼因為失敗之後太陽會照常升起像一臺永動機能源川流不息生命就像野草一樣熊熊野火燒 ... 源川流不息生命就像野草一樣熊熊野火燒不盡 Fly into the sky
33 5.We Are Champions(feat.吳建豪) Loud5.We Are Champions(feat.吳建豪)作詞 B. Howard E. C ... alacios作曲 The Interns B.Howard Soldiers of the Dawn We got' fight the sun Fight until we've won….. Dancing In the dark Where we can seen the light Shining like diamonds(Brighter than ... g like diamonds(Brighter than the sun) Feeling so alive This knight will never die Kept ... is knight will never die Kept the memories As the world
34 2.Bring It On ost Style We living it fast Then taking it slow Yall know how the story goes We get lit up when the chips are down And we bring it on We bring it on We the last ones standing Wherever we go Yall know it's a lonely road We get lit up when the chips are down And we bring it on We bring it on Phat享受賽事勝負其次我歧視我懷疑呢一句說話嘅含意落得場比試試問邊一個想做第二
35 4.山頂 有你帶引在山頂高唱 WE ARE THE CHAMPION千千的燈火也可隨著心跳驟明驟暗#當走進山頂更大的風勢相比我身體傷 ... 有你帶引在山頂高唱 WE ARE THE CHAMPION我有你帶引在山頂俯瞰更加興奮無論最後雪崩是晴是陰我亦無憾 re
36 7.愛拼才會贏(We Are The Champion) r>7.愛拼才會贏(We Are The Champion)作詞陳百潭作曲陳百潭編曲王雙駿一時失志不免怨嘆一時落
37 1.Generation Of Prime2020 Cypher(B.B.G& Sand&艾兜& Young Leaf& DTKI曲甲& W-buster&5-Uzi&巴特Baatarlll&成都菲利普&楊歐幾) 、楊歐幾 Sand We gang of player player(我們是耍家幫!) ... (我們是耍家幫!) We gang of player player(我們是耍家幫) ... r(我們是耍家幫) We gang of player(我們是耍家幫) We gang of player(我們是耍家幫) B.B.G: G.O.P G ... 麼做除了我還有誰? we are king(我們是王)手上穿戴全是Bling(鑽石) crazy gring(瘋狂的格林) work like everything(做什麼事都厲害)不羡慕他們的路易普拉達鍵盤俠
38 14.World Championship Finale2(The Barden Bellas) >14.World Championship Finale2(The Barden Bellas) Who run the world? Girls(girls) We run this mother Who run this motha Girls Who run this motha Girls Who run this motha Girls Who run this motha Girls Who run ... run this motha Girls Who run the world? Girls(girls) Who run the world? Girls(girls) Who run the world? Girls(girls) Who run the world? Girls(girls) Hey bring it on baby all your friends You're ... baby all your friends You'
39 1.Now Or Never econds on the line16...16...16 minutes left gotta get it done16...16...16 more minutes till ... 6...16...16 more minutes till we're number one! Let's go team! Gotta get it toge ... t's go team! Gotta get it together Yeah pull up and shoot! Score! Are you ready Are you with me Team...Team...Team Yeah! Shake'em with ... am...Team Yeah! Shake'em with the crossover(WILDCATS) Tell me what we're here for To win! Cause we know we're the bes
40 11.We're All In This Together 業季)11.We're All In This Together Together together together everyone Together together come on let's have some fun Here and now its time for celebration I finally figured out(yeah yeah) That all our dreams have no ... about Everyone is special in their own way We make each other strong(make each other strong) We're not the same We're different in a good way Together's where we belong (|
41 1.What Time Is It t I'm off the clock The pressure's out Now my girl's what it's all about Gabriella: Ready for some sunshine For my heart to take a chance I'm here to st ... rybody ready Goin' crazy yeah we're out Come on and let me hear you say it now Right now Everyone: What time is it? Summertime It's our vacation What time is it? ... n vacation Sharpay& Ryan: And the party never has to stop Sharpay: We've got things to do We'll see you soon Ryan: And we're really g
42 4.Rock Star faster In the school hallwayJust to get next to you Some days I spend a little extra time In ... spend a little extra time In the morningJust to impress you Guess you don't notice Guess you don't need to Sad you're not seeing what you're missing On ... seeing what you're missing On the outside shying away On the inside dying to say I'm unusual Not so typical Way too smart to be waiting around Tai Chi practices Snowboard ... d Tai Chi practices Snowboard champion(!
43 9.We're All In This Together cal]9.We're All In This Together Together together together everyone Together together come on lets have some fun Together we're there for each other every time Together together come on lets do this right Here and now its time for celebration I finally figured it out(yeah yeah) That all our dreams have n ... about Everyone is special in their own way We make each other strong(each othe(!
44 7.We Are The Champions tle]7.We Are The Champions Artist Chicken Little I've paid my dues- Time after time- I've done my sentence But committed no crime- And bad mistak ... I've made a few I've had my share of sand kicked in my face- But I've come through ... y face- But I've come through We are the champions- my friends And we'll keep on fighting- till the end- We are the champions- We are the cham

47 5.Hit'em High---Busta Rhymes Coolio Ll CoolJ& Method Man B Real arthlings We have now taken over your radioooo.....(B-Real) Goin' straight through ... -Real) Goin' straight through the hole You ain't got no game I'm breakin' ya out ... t no game I'm breakin' ya out the frame Coming through like a train Looking to take over ... a train Looking to take over the world is my goal With my unstoppable crew takin' all control You can't get none of this ... ol You can't get none of this we're runnin' this Well taker earth sh
48 2.Now Or Never l it's on the line! Sixteen sixteen sixteen minutes left gotta get it done Sixteen sixteen sixteen more minutes till ... een sixteen more minutes till we're number1![Coach Bolton] Let's go team![Troy] Gotta get it toge ... team![Troy] Gotta get it together Yeah pull up and Shoot Score! Are ya ready? Are ya with me?[Wildcats] Team Team Team Yeah[Troy] Shake em with ... Team Yeah[Troy] Shake em with the crossover[Crowd] Wildcats![Troy] Tell me what ... Wil
49 11.We're All In This Together ear11.We're All In This Together Together together together everyone Together together come on lets have some fun Together were there for each other every time Together together come on lets do this right Here and now its time for celebration I finally figured it out(yeah yeah) That all our dreams have n ... yeah) Everyone is special in their own way We make each other strong(we make e
50 1.ROCKIN' PARTY you want we'll go higher Take my hand if you wanna play Gotta say yeah Energy baby Speaker jumping super busy Bumping from a mile away Kickin ... d(x3) Ready or not? Ready for the showノーブレーキで C'mon Nothing can matter tonight Rock your body take a chance'Cause I'm gonna make you dance It's just you and me沸く ... aline yeah Going into fantasy We are the crazy monster Champion hey We don't back down Hop to the top未知の向こ
51 1.UNITED EMCEEZ-Enter the HEXAGON- EZ -Enter the HEXAGON-1.UNITED EMCEEZ-Enter the HEXAGON-作詞 Amon Hayashi作曲 Amon H ... ayashi・NAOtheLAIZA昨日の敵も今日はRival過去のイザコザに用はないな Verse ... イマー Unity the key to the Victory地元REPして騒ごうぜ一緒に6本のMic奏でるシンフォニー ... ros!!! in the place to be尾張からBad Ass TempleがBreak ... 誰が今夜結果出すか We are UNITED EMCEEZ散らばった
52 4.Dearest Friends .F4.Dearest Friends作詞 Doul・Konnie Aoki作曲 D ... ki作曲 Doul Welcome my dearest friends(×3) We're headed to our big place Every timethey would ask me Aren't you ashamed of having such a big mouth It's easy to say but hard to actually take action ... hard to actually take action They are saying the same thing That is so far from the truth Well I'm sure I'll do it We're on the move We're on fi
53 10.Cha-Cha-Chaチャンピオン バレその笑顔キラリ Champion Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレ ... バレその壁を超えろ Championみんながひとつになれば明日が見える So baby Let's ... ンバレその汗が光る Champion Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレ ... バレその願いつなげ Champion栄光への果てなき道は続く So baby Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレその夢が Cha-Cha-Chaチャンピオン What's going on? Everybody clap you
54 5.感動ポルノへのリベンジポルノ イブで男女が手を取りWe Are the Champions謳う「Weの中にボクは入れますか?」と今夜も彼の孤独な歌がひびく新入社員もカミングア
55 10.Darts To The Beat .Darts To The Beat作詞江崎マサル・柴田英嗣(アンタッチャブル)作曲江崎マサ ... ル)作曲江崎マサル Are you ready?投げろ!アゲろ!投げろ!アゲろ!声をあげろ!狼煙あげ ... WIN!WIN! We are Darts Fighter A Following Wind Wind WINNER ... A Following Wind Wind WINNER Champion STAR Let's Throwing WIN!WIN! We are Darts Fighter頂上へ(JUMP)超Joying(UP) You ... ghter頂上へ(JUMP)超Joy
56 2.This Challenger efense is the reason We always keep on fighting[fighting] Losing our temper it's funny but sad It's not ... r it's funny but sad It's not the right thing[right thing] Desire it seems has no end Don't take anything for granted[granted] How can you turn from ... ranted] How can you turn from the only Supporter that you wanted[One T ... Two!] At the fork in the road I feel like I've been rushed and Sometimes I feel that I might Pick ... imes I feel that I
57 11.winning for billions featuring福山潤 ARTZ Here we go!!!!!!!) One in a million I dreamed of billions Winning for billions今日こそやると決めてたのにまたダラけて寝てる tonight財布の厚みも薄くなる気付いた時すでにヤバイ I MY ME ... asy history calls for me I am the champion She's with me goddess of victory See ... ith me goddess of victory See the medallion and money not enough for m ... 来た待ちわびた日が Are u ready?「行こうぜ」 G
58 12.THUNDERBOLT ld behold we are the thunderboltいまにもほら崩れそうな街は積み木みたいにそんな場所に鳴り響いた魔法をかけるように今日倒れても僕たちは何度も straight生まれ変わってまた立ち上がろう強いわけじゃない強くありたいだけ誰だってそうやって生きてゆく肩を落とさずに振り返 ... lt heavy clouds behold behold we are the thunderbolt君の気持ちが通ってくる光の
59 1.What Time Is It 作詞 Matthew Gerrard・Robert S Robbie Nevil作曲 Mat ... evil作曲 Matthew Gerrard・Robert S Robbie Nevil What ... me is it? The time of our lives Anticipation What time is it? Summertime School's out scream and shout! Finally summer's here Good to be chill ... od to be chillin' out I'm off the clock The pressures out Now my girl's what it's all about Ready for some sunshine For my heart to take a chance I'm here to stay Not movin ... rybody ready
60 11.Cha-Cha-Chaチャンピオン バレその笑顔キラリ Champion Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレ ... バレその壁を超えろ Championみんながひとつになれば明日が見える So baby Let's ... ンバレその汗が光る Champion Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレ ... バレその願いつなげ Champion栄光への果てなき道は続く So baby Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレその夢が Cha-Cha-Chaチャンピオン What's going on? Everybody clap you
61 4.Cha-Cha-Chaチャンピオン Sexy Zone-Welcome to Sexy Zone4.Cha-Cha-Chaチャン ... バレその笑顔キラリ Champion Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレ ... バレその壁を超えろ Championみんながひとつになれば明日が見える So baby Let's ... ンバレその汗が光る Champion Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレ ... バレその願いつなげ Champion栄光への果てなき道は続く So baby Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレその夢が
62 3.Hard Knock Days(English Version) fly away The great unknown there are no rules Standing up blow it up my dream is getting wilder I'm not afraid beat me hit me I will never turn around oh Ano ... will never turn around oh Another day another chance you know it's never too late If I can do it so can you! Only winner( ... do it so can you! Only winner(We gotta go together baby glory road) Fight it's my life it's your life Fighting for tomorrow go get what you really want I want more
63 1.Cha-Cha-Chaチャンピオン バレその笑顔キラリ Champion Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレ ... バレその壁を超えろ Championみんながひとつになれば明日が見える So baby Let's ... ンバレその汗が光る Champion Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレ ... バレその願いつなげ Champion栄光への果てなき道は続く So baby Let's Go Everybody! Come Onガンバレその夢が Cha-Cha-Chaチャンピオン What's going on? Everybody clap you
64 11.Your Dreams angle all the knots to get out of a box諦めたくない光さす未来 ... から Dreams are waiting for youいつだって待ってるから ... だって待ってるから The dream doesn't run away追いかけてその先へと限界を超 ... と限界を超えたって We never stop失敗を恐れないで Don't give upさあ描いた ... んだどこまでだって The feeling of a champion you handed me that You took all of my pain and now I'm comin
65 8.K.O. tain yall We are we are the champion受けて立つ show time Unstoppable hero世界に見せろ実力の差を証明段違いのlevel容赦はいらない勝負を決めろ完膚なきまでに KNOCK OUT沸き起こる歓声を浴びてまるでアンコールのように call my name歴史に名 ... ろ KO KO& KO見てろ entertain yall We are we are the champion受けて立つ show time Oh上を上を To ... Oh上を上
66 6.Are You Champion? Yeah!! I'm Champion!! LION6.Are You Champion? Yeah!! I'm Champion!!作詞 MOMIKEN作曲 UZ(Na Na Na…) ... a Na Na…) We Are The Champions僕らオンリーロンリーひとり toひとりさみしくって求めあういつもホンキートンキー週末クレイジーぐわっと飲むPrecious Time ... ンキー週末クレイジーぐわっと飲むPrecious Time We Are The Champions OH YEAH駆けろTonightとろけるような ... ght
67 2.Are You Champion? Yeah!! I'm Champion!! IR-虹2.Are You Champion? Yeah!! I'm Champion!!作詞 MOMIKEN作曲 UZ(Na Na Na…) ... a Na Na…) We Are The Champions僕らオンリーロンリーひとり toひとりさみしくって求めあういつもホンキートンキー週末クレイジーぐわっと飲むPrecious Time ... ンキー週末クレイジーぐわっと飲むPrecious Time We Are The Champions OH YEAH駆けろTonightとろけるような ... g
68 9.PLANET ROCK away till we get to the Galaxy with open arms and we flow through let's Moonwalk our hand in hand spread our wings and fly away till ... d our wings and fly away till we get to the Galaxy spread our wings and fly away地上から見上げた夜空は煌めいた星座が like a little jack in ... 煌めいた星座が like a little jack in the boxでも向こうから見えるこの星にも整列したillumination今日 ... 熱い想いで Get the PL
69 3.LIMIT BREAK(English) oking for the future to come We shall draw it together We'll go the distance We'll share our hearts all the way Ride on Dream(Take on us under the sunshine limit break we are vanguard) No matter how strong we all may become We shall never get satisfied We are the vanguards(Wanna be final vanguards) Rivals just get in our way Everyone wants to be ... our way Everyone wants to be the strongest
70 8.Baby after you when you are inside to drive me crazy lazy daisy There's such a beautiful place somewhere over ... eautiful place somewhere over the rainbow I feel like an angel Who has seen ... el like an angel Who has seen the top of the world Come on come on come on Baby baby after you I've been tried and failed You ... 've been tried and failed You are the champion to take me higher fire Gaea I don't want to give up showing you Oh what I fuckin saw Look b
71 3.WE ARE THE CHAMP best3.WE ARE THE CHAMP The name of the game(football) The name of the game(football) The name of the game(football) The name of the game Ole ole ole ole We are the champ We are the champions Ole ole ole ole We are the champ We are the champions Ole ole ole ole We are the champ The name of the game(football) (|
72 12.神輿ロッカーズ FEAT.RHYM ESTER KICK THE CAN CREW-VITALIZER12.神輿ロッカーズ FEA ... r>作詞 KICK THE CAN CREW MUMMY-D宇多丸作曲 KICK THE CAN CREW(もし)会場中が全員ケンケンガクガクになっても(もし)会 ... え!)これにかけちゃWe are the championそれがどこのお祭りだろうとまくしたてる(かっこいー)みこしもマイ ... すパーティーの象徴 we are theショウストッパード派手な神輿た
73 12.You'll be the champion You'll be the champion作詞 Nobuteru Maeda作曲 Michiya ... いでずっと You are a challengerその涙が想い出になる日が来るまで Someday You ... rその涙が想い出になる日が来るまで Someday You are the championサヨナラは君だけのglory daysそう信じてたいね風の中で聞 ... いできっと You are a challengerその汗が笑顔に変わる日が来るまで Someday You ... rその汗が笑顔に変
74 9.グロリアスレボリューション f Chicken-THE LIVING DEAD9.グロリアスレボリューション作詞 ... ser」?願わくば「We are the champion」?実は飛べるんだその気になればそりゃもう遠くへ!放り投げるん
75 37.要注意狂女騎士 n Hai! Oh we're pretty PRISMA the princesses are here!Just we're big champion the most beautiful lady in the world! Love power is transformation spell become the Goddess'Bibidi-Babidi-Boo!' Hey!深淵の闇 ... の詠唱…'Open the gate' Hai! Oh we're pretty PRISMA the principality's here! So we're great champion the most beautiful lady in the space! Love power is transformatio
77 17.Champions -暫存17.Champions宮田俊哉(Kis-My-Ft2)作詞宮田俊哉作曲 An ... one誰もが誰かのChampions世界を救えなくても ah Fearless ... pions世界を救えなくても ah Fearless champions arlight70億人なんて守れないキミがいれば僕はキミだけ ... いれば僕はキミだけのChampions心と心を繋げ目に見えるモノが無くても ah怖くはない arli ... ight誰もが誰かのChampions世界を救えなく
78 1.Odogwu Igbo land them calling me Odogwu(Odogwu) And as I  ... s I enter the town I put am for egwu(Odogwu) And nobody can stop you na so ... And nobody can stop you na so we dey fly pass oh Over any obstacle e be Odogwu(Odogwu) Say na who ... be Odogwu(Odogwu) Say na who they draw the map e oooo(Odogwu) You are looking at the champion(Odogwu) Where they girls na shaky nyansh eho(Odogwu) Wey the person with the cash
79 6.Wu Tang Forever t's begin then Shaolin shadowboxing and the Wu-Tang sword style If what you say is true ... style If what you say is true the Shaolin and the Wu-Tang could be dangerous Do you think your Wu-Tang sword can defeat me? Wu-Tang! Wu-Tang! Wu-Tang! Wu-Tang! Aye yo Wu-Tang for ... ang forever Who rhyme better? We too clever the boom bap's back harder than ever R.I.P. O.D.B comin' through like Killa Bee Ever since I heard Enter ... Bee Ever since I heard Enter
80 8.I'm Country untry There's a plastic stretched across a broken window pane You gotta dodge ... n window pane You gotta dodge the pots an' pans on the floor when it rains There's a ten-point buck on my livin' room wall A squirrel and two ducks ... wall A squirrel and two ducks are hangin' in the hall That hole in my yard is a barbecue pit A couple times a year ... cue pit A couple times a year we'll throw a hog in it There's a four-wheel drive parked in
81 1.The Scientist Sunshine-The Scientist1.The Scientist作詞 Chris Martin Guy BerrymanJonny Buckland& Will ... BerrymanJonny Buckland& Will Champion作曲 Chris Martin Guy BerrymanJonny Buckland& Will ... BerrymanJonny Buckland& Will Champion Come up to meet you tell you I'm sorry You don't know how lovely you ... You don't know how lovely you are I had to find you tell you I need you Tell you I set you apart Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions Oh let's go
82 7.Pattern Up Properly(feat. Flowdan&Jamakabi) iley-Godfather7.Pattern Up Properly(feat. Flowdan&Jamakabi) When I'm on a mission I can't let anything stop me When I'm on a mission I ... and shirt In my life now man are big brand like Bosch I won't forget I came from ... ch I won't forget I came from the dirt If I go to a dance to rave I think smart Keep humble I play my part I've had a sick flow from ... art I've had a sick flow from the start And I walked in the shubs withJermaine and Mark I've got
83 3.Real you draw the line? Shape shifters short term thinkers Every single one wants to point ... ery single one wants to point the finger No one wants to take the blame Look into the mirror You've done the same From the machine to the street What once had significance is now just pestilence It lays dead at our feet I don't live in your world of empty promises I ... nsequence You live to destroy the things I love You live to feel the pain you've c
84 2.Roll It Around iver Show-The Flying Musical Circus2.Roll It Around I knew when I saw you on ... I knew when I saw you on the side of the road Panting like a dog tongue like a toad Life was going to go and get a little more tough Might as ... a little more tough Might as well go and rub your face in the mud Roll it around Slip between your fingers while you're holding it down Gotta keep going can't look back I think about ... can't look back I think about (|
85 56.No Competition st-Empire:The Complete Season 256.No Competition作詞James David Washington作曲James David Washington Everybody wants to shine But ... Everybody wants to shine But they can keep on wishing'cause ain't no stars made overnight And ain't no competition(out here)'petition(out here)'petition(out here ... on't see no competition Where they at where they at I don't see no one I'm Ray Charles I'm Stevie Wonder with a blindfold on It's getting darker than a bitch o
86 15.Multi Millionaire Laflare naire Laflare製作 Southside[Intro] I'm a Multi Millionaire Multi Millionaire La Fl ... onaire Multi Millionaire La Flare nigga It's Gucci it's Wizop BRR BRR catch up(go go go)[Verse1] I'm smiling like ... go)[Verse1] I'm smiling like theJoker All these choker chains keep chokin' me Trying to keep ... eep chokin' me Trying to keep the poker face my extended clip keep pokin' me All ... ended clip keep pokin' me All these tinted chains and bracelets lo
87 4.God With Us e Torwalt-Champion4.God With Us[Verse1] Yoare matchless in grace and mercy There is nowhere we can hide from Your love You are steadfast never failing You are faithful All creation is in awe of who You are[Verse2] You're the healer of the sick and the broken You are comfort for every heart in loss Our King and our Savior forever For eternity ... r Savior forever For eternity we will sing of all You'vedone For
88 8.Come And Move e Torwalt-Champion8.Come And Move Verse1 We have seen the way You move Full of Goodness full of Mercy ... ull of Goodness full of Mercy We can never get enough O God of Grace Great God of Love Chorus Let ... Great God of Love Chorus Let the Weight of Your Glory Come and settle on us now ... ory Come and settle on us now We stand in awe for You are Holy And Your Kindness overwhelms Verse2 As ... Kindness overwhelms Verse2 As w
89 11.Mountain e Torwalt-Champion11.Mountain I've seen your grace from ... br> I've seen your grace from the mountain. I've felt You there in the valley below. I see your love and your mercy Guiding me home. I know You're in every season I feel your hand bringing peace and ... I will not be moved. High on the mountain I will be lifting my voice. And in ... l be lifting my voice. And in the valley I will be dancing for joy. In every season You ... for joy. In e
90 2.Relentless elentless we ride free Now fear the coming storm Repent thy sacred flesh be torn Tyrants of infamy Meet your destiny Suffer my hell Death misery Tormenting spell Un ... ng spell Unchained Relentless we ride free Brandish your swords up high Dauntless and bold ... ds up high Dauntless and bold we face the endless hordes Champions of war defy Lo and behold we are slaves no more Ride on! Ride forth to victory Immortal legacy Suffer my hell Death mis
91 3.eXplosions ll I make the all madden team So far I have done assault battery on track after track I just do it automatic I take you where you can't go phy ... you can't go physically Where we all all-stars visually And I ain't sayin all women ... y And I ain't sayin all women are into me I'm sayin that they all are finna be New idol while I'm all off in a beat You idle while I'm workin never been to sleep Audibly I am hard to beat I'm a gian ... ad is way far from defeat You
92 2.The Greatest King-We Are King2.The Greatest Who wants a run with the number one? Get in line for the greatest great to grace this side of time I'm taking home ... side of time I'm taking home the gold One at a time the modern marvel man to stand behind I'm taking home ... stand behind I'm taking home the gold Though my heart it beats like crazy My heart is spinning and ... razy My heart is spinning and we both know There's just one way
93 9.Light It Up us] Light the sky up tonight(3x) Put your lighters real high ... ) Put your lighters real high We gon' celebrate life tonight It's the Fourth ofJuly tonight Fireworks up tonight ... tonight Fireworks up tonight We gon' light the whole sky tonight We gon' light ya whole life tonight Lighthe whole sky tonight We gon' light the whole sky tonight Light the whole sky tonight Celebrate tonight[Verse1: Snoop Dogg] Cheers to ... Verse1: Sn
94 7.Rubble Of The Past Urthboy-The Past Beats Inside Of Me Like A Second Heartbeat7.Rubble Of ... cond Heartbeat7.Rubble Of The Past[Verse1] The wounds we licked And losses inflicted Drifted off in ... sses inflicted Drifted off in the distance And battle scars lifted If history is told by ... lifted If history is told by the victor Rip the old script up painted over picture The official version of the vista rose coloured glasses But can you hear
95 9.Dance Off k walk On the black top just me you that's all No cat calls no tag teams no mascots Right now dance off Get on ... ts Right now dance off Get on the floor Get on the get on the floor go Get on the floor do it Come on and get on the floor go[Verse1: Macklemore] I grab my ankle and pull it up And do that thing where I move my butt I got ... ng where I move my butt I got the juice motherfucker don't use it up I say woo there it is then
96 18.High School Shit Masta Ace-The Falling Season18.High School Shit feat. Torae製作 KIC Beats[Hook Torae] This what you call that old high school shit That ... school shit I can't listen to them lies you spit You gonna homecoming for real I was saying? Yeah it's that high school shit That your school is not better than m ... school shit I can't listen to them lies you spit You gonna homecoming for real keep playing[Verse1: Masta Ace Torae] This what you call that old high school rival
97 4.Champions OG Maco-The Lord Of Rage4.Champions[Hook] And all I want is althe world For my niggas in my city And all I want is all ... my city And all I want is all the world For my niggas in my city We are the champions my friends we are we are We are the champions my friends we are we are[Verse1] It starts in one night The fight starts to rise We're seeking no end (
98 11.Wrecking Ball l here in the swamps ofJersey some misty years ago Through ... some misty years ago Through the mud and the beer and the blood and the cheers I've seen champions come and go So if you got the guts mister yeah if you've got the balls If you think it's your time then step to the line and bring on your wrecking ball Bring on your wrecking ball Bring on your wrecking ball Come on and take your best shot let ... ball Now my home was here
99 10.We Can Win tewart-Another Country10.We Can Win Oh-oh-oh we can win there's no doubt about it Oh-oh-oh we can win with faith in our hearts Oh-oh-oh ... faith in our hearts Oh-oh-oh we can win stand up and shout it All the world will know whoa You can feel the tension in the air It's in the pubs it's everywhere Stadium lights light up ... where Stadium lights light up the sky Sixty thousand crammed inside yeah yeah Sail on my dream
100 17.The Festival AM17.The Festival[Intro] Yeah yeah Let me get a little bit more beat Yeah[Verse: Mac Miller] Ask God if she believe in me and will sh ... ept me as a deity And tell me the secrecy won't keep you free I'm sleeping won't dream until ... 'm sleeping won't dream until the demons leave I took a nap I need a tree in ... I took a nap I need a tree in the shade Feel the sharpness of the swords and blades of grass Picturingthe images that make you lau

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