
關於 welcome + to + the 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.灼熱宮殿 I'll let them talk抱歉我實在沒什麼耐心閒心陪你們推導結果原因 Yea we're right on ... 心陪你們推導結果原因 Yea we're right on the spot Show us what you have got就繼續窺視我 ... 誰點著了屋子裡的火 Welcome to my house不成器的傢伙最好明白 time ... 最好明白 time to shut ya mouth Welcome to my house地面上的人們學不來我 walking in ... my house地面上的人們學不來我 walking in t
2 1.Good Show Gentlemen Welcome Life is a good show So what are we waiting for Let's go我卸下領帶和西裝拋開了多餘包裝滿臉的鬍渣告別臉龐給自己煥然的新模樣我跳脫無聊的框架讓想法自在徜徉對美好有怎樣的嚮往先努力順著心之所向人生總 ... 命的良性循環是以愛生愛時間會給我答案Just listen to myself隨波不逐流 Go with the flow飄浮到宇宙(Take it slow)細活靠慢工(Let it
3 1.二周目 Don't be the best但記得壯一點good Level1234 bigger than wu We are plus10 digits dxmn馬上發了 So給我加高加寬啥款再讓一點路呀剪刀石頭布呀又一個 deja vu呀 wutever yo一路秉持打不過也不加入呀 ... ever yo一路秉持打不過也不加入呀 Say hallo to my new version Half hero half villain超頻不用水冷24小時保持沸騰 It's my new game plus It's my new game plus It's my new game plus ... me plus It's my new game plus Welcome
4 1.歡迎來到這世界 來到這世界 Welcome To The World作詞李揚、許魏洲作曲陳永濤編曲張楚弦@光合聲動整條街陽光被高
5 1.Good Show Gentlemen Welcome Life is a good show So what are we waiting for Let's go我卸下領帶和西裝拋開了多餘包裝滿臉的鬍渣告別臉龐給自己煥然的新模樣我跳脫無聊的框架讓想法自在徜徉對美好有怎樣的嚮往先努力順著心之所向人生總 ... 命的良性循環是以愛生愛時間會給我答案Just listen to myself隨波不逐流 Go with the flow飄浮到宇宙(Take it slow)細活靠慢工(Let it

6 1.Ivory tower r>1.Ivory tower作詞李冠君作曲李冠君編曲無晟子 So you said your life is full of pain But you're just wasting your life again You said you've done everythi ... ff and whine on Instagram Let the show begin So many jokes to see You should've taken the lead But you turned into puppets You turn happy endings into tragedies Welcome to the Ivory tower Dancing in the Ivory tower Don't you ever crawl away from here
7 3.FIRST CLASS br> Feat. The Crane作詞 Dessy守一、Gordon Flanders、 ... Flanders、The Crane作曲 Gordon Flanders The Crane Stay up at the nights Schedule so tight「bout to catch a flight Flying like a G6 Got some cavi on ... ng like a G6 Got some cavi on the last bite See me on the news It ain't something new All I know is how ... mething new All I know is how to keep my cool Never over-do Shouldn't interrupt tea-time with my wife Mind your business
8 2.特別來賓 雷玖陸-THE LATENIGHT SHOW2.特別來賓作詞雷玖陸LATENINE6作曲雷玖陸LATENINE6 Ladies& Gentleman ... 玖陸LATENINE6 Ladies& Gentleman Welcome to THE LATENIGHT SHOW讓我們有請今晚的特別來賓!歡迎入座棕皮沙發最 ... 是貴族在我這都沒差 THE LATENIGHT SHOW We talk about REAL不搏眼 ... 你參觀這社會 By the way(本節目長租廣告位哦!) THE LATENIGHT SHOW We talk about REAL放慢
9 1.Vlog 作曲李松樺、熊信寬 Welcome to my vlog歡迎你來看我 My life so B-R-I-G-H-T滿血的HP活在當下 put that in my music Direc ... 在當下 put that in my music Director「s cut I put that in my movie逃了一圈生活還得 ... 了一圈生活還得面對 TOM&JERRY shit同一個片尾面對面看很清楚 Flex yo gram市價15我們扮就像是鸚鵡你們看也像是鸚鵡 OK記錄這一天 like I die ... 鸚鵡你們看也像是鸚鵡 OK記錄這一天 lik
10 1.Ride With Me ㄧ起 Never Stop Venturing Endeavors'NSVE' Let's go now Ride with me Wu最初的初衷只是想通勤朝九晚五順便運動感受在城市穿梭漫步(that's right) Monday ... 受在城市穿梭漫步(that's right) Monday to the Friday(Friday)開始習慣路途由它帶隊假日開始比工作日早起迫不 ... )代表你已深深愛上'Welcome'騎行後看到的風景格外美麗讓人動心你親自感受不用相信相信相信32
11 1.fizz Speaking the true Somethin' in dat like voodoo整組灰掉像椎間盤突出看他好暴躁沒一個漏掉這摸一個那摸一個南無觀世音來hang out許久不見甚是想念哪裡走音就從哪裡再來一遍 bitch曾經總是想成為popular kid換來的是沒出息的人 ... oah Stay in high ain't go low Welcome to B.O dojo you flipping in twisting it then sipping of the benefit yeah他們渴望嗡嗡作響的夢(恩恩)一起捲上通通中獎的roll A
12 1.超進化 Yeah woo Welcome to my world就揮揮手請放鬆 Hey hey hey everybody ... 臉好想定格在這瞬間 Welcome to my world Shake your body with that fl ... 點點頭別害羞揮揮手 Welcome to my world Shake your body with that tone等著奇點超進化成宇宙 Welcome to my world就揮揮手請放鬆 Hey hey hey everybody Hey hey hey everybody ... erybody Hey hey hey everybody Welcome to my world請點點頭別害羞 Hey h
13 1.Make The World Your Business ei V-Make The World Your Business1.Make The World Your Business作詞 Wei V Brandon Midas Katie作曲 Lan唐鑒瀾 Hello world Hello future Hello BPC ... world Hello future Hello BPC Welcome she Welcome he Welcome to BPC What is BPC? What can we offer u?我們打好地基硬核資源都有 We got Harvard Leaders ESG兼顧社會價值成功標準我們來定義 This is BPC!We can offer u一個更大的社交圈真實商 ... o yea-huh But good b
14 1.THIS IS NOT(an intro) 卡作曲飯卡白天不亮 Welcome aboard This is not上位者的說教下位者的逆襲失意者的解藥或是成功學的秘籍 This is not沒有令人迷惑的未來行為藝術但也不會給你寄一張過去的CD This is not傳染所有人主頁的超熱門單曲或故作深沉嚴肅探討冷門議題 Th ... vie This is not a one for you to sympathize Staying in my lane Imma be alright This is not ... e Imma be alright This is not the time for us to say goodnig
15 1.FIRST CLASS br> feat. The Crane作詞 Gordon Flanders、鶴 The Crane、Dessy作曲 Gordon Flanders、鶴 ... landers、鶴 The Crane Stay up at the nights Schedule so tight'bout to catch a flight Flying like a G6 Got some cavi on ... ng like a G6 Got some cavi on the last bite See me on the news It ain't something new All i know is how ... mething new All i know is how to keep my cool Never over-do Shouldn't interrupt tea-time wit' my wife Mind your busin
16 2.Namaste nd around the world我想環遊世界 remember long long long before記得很久很久以前 i wanna around around around ... i wanna around around around the world我想環遊世界 remember long long long ... 大陸在山谷的拐角處 welcome to ma hood歡迎來到我的街區གྲོང་ཁྱེར་བོད་པ「城市藏人」衝出渡口再次出手沒有停過衝在前面一直堅持還在弄我就像是凶猛野獸刺殺獵物瘋狂怒吼在喜馬
17 5.It's gonna be alright (痛快)睜開你的眼 Welcome to the club進入這家店要手捧一束花才可以(才可以)身旁的客人在對你微笑他們
18 1.Flow. >作詞湯捷作曲湯捷 Welcome to the jungle with the flow不看美式足球但點燃super big的bowl打開藏寶箱裡有各種 ... 持續活在cloud Welcome to the jungle with the flow不看美式足球但點燃super big的bowl打開藏寶箱裡有各
19 1.做文明網HONG 我一起掌控 Rap Welcome to the cyber world Everybody so easy to have a word自由分享交流學習的world足不出戶也能see ... 足不出戶也能see the world可是這個世界也需要行為規範誰都不該被輕易地冒犯如果網絡世界謠
20 1.心在冰點就不會流血 art turns to ice the bleeding shall cease也許妳和我一樣心中隨時間漸漸只剩 ... 著難過整理凜冬將至 Welcome to my world躺入我的冰河沒有早知道不讓妳動了我的心弦方法找不到都絕不

21 1.篝火兒女 ) Is good to be back(很高興我又回到這裡) Now who are u?(那麼你 ... 在兜裡揣一把大毛嗑 Welcome to the zone(歡迎來到我的領域) Welcome to the Roha(歡迎來到羅哈)全都不許動歡迎來到Roha幹上一口vodka ... 幹上一口vodka Welcome to the Roha(歡迎來到羅哈)全都不許動要小心我的火把你不能當個懦夫穿過鋼鐵
22 4.Hottest Rapper es Really the hottest rapper在產業裡 Give me some prettiest honest b*tch數不清到底有多少個悲劇要毀滅我生命在一念之間 If u don't know me Now make u now貧窮又落魄但上進的soul Brin ... e u now貧窮又落魄但上進的soul Bring me the spotlight I'm GOAT一路上跪著也走到了頭 She gotta party Bumping some ... She gotta party Bumping some tory讓他們區別出我們的差距他自我麻痺 I go ... 自我麻痺 I go to the
23 1.耀眼的你 詞劉耀文作曲劉耀文 The rain is pouring down幸運兒有把傘帶在身上雨嘀嗒嘀嗒嘀 ... 到柏油路旁 Hit the drum垂著頭的小狗請跟上天氣晴朗享受陽光 Tell me your f ... 們期待吧 When the whole world is ahead of your eyes彩虹迎接大雨 and me折射出光影暈染想像力 with me跟隨心的指引蹤影照片拍下晴空和完美的你這樣的你耀眼的你 You deserve ... 拍下晴空和完美的你這樣的你耀眼的你 You dese
24 1.We Don't Play 讓她曉得老子住哪裡 welcome to my主場這兒繁華像Vegas賭場繼續我瘋狂的人生我才不管他們心裡多不爽挫折對我來說都只是過客我跟我的兄弟些每天在過節老子對待音樂方式真的太苛刻在桌子上老子的兄弟最喝得他們害怕老子胃口太大'黑馬'是個颶風它一直在刮老子成功之前早就付出代價你來數嘛現在好多雙手舉 ... 轉身後打出了完美的 upper hand I came into the greates
25 9.C Funk(feat.TB Ray) 接著搖 dont stop再從左到了右 welcome to ma show A-yo從前到了後 All ma sis n bro just chill One fo da honey n two fo da girl Three fo da lady n four here we go打開封閉的心請你別再較勁沉默不再 ... 焦點都搶走玩兒的出眾 Hook I wanna dance to da funk tonight Why don't everybody join us I know u wanna dance ... join us I know u wanna dance tonight So why the hell don't u join us Verse2:讓你嘗嘗我的厲害 ... 由
26 2.1234 y Massica welcome to my zone we'll be the be the1 of kind(我們獨一無二) step by step and2你說你愛上我捲髮type i know u want ... nd2你說你愛上我捲髮type i know u want to stay可惜我沒時間浪費 causes we aint never fall(four) v11234我不想等待音響開最大聲是我的life計劃沒改變我保持狀態2022we dripping like fire跟我的crew maybe u want ... like fire跟我的crew maybe u want to move沒人把我們給框的住
27 9.魔王 ty佇咧地獄Get the cult get the cult人們攏黑白講地獄恐怖 No no no Everybody ... 人們攏黑白講地獄恐怖 No no no Everybody welcome to the hell喝酒 Demon攏會講這很屌!Dope!Dope!Dope! I ... pirits歡迎光臨To my zone我就親像好飲的Alcohol. Yeah毒你齁莫飲莫閣摸無
28 10.Ya Gamila 編曲龐加斯頓 Gaston& Ten Towns First time visiting Qatar What A Good Day In Ad Doha Sorry guys don't you kiss me God Please forgive me I'm a foreigner I see ... I think I've followed your TikTok and Insta I gave you so many likes but you never reply You're ... es but you never reply You're the Sun rising from the Persian Gulf melting my heart I'm starting ... melting my heart I'm starting to learn Arabic right now I know it's so hard and hurting my
29 1.Summer Time ready for the summer party? Let's go~ Don't you like that Babe don't you like that It's summer time just blow your mind Babe~ No~ No way out心跳 ... 了你會跟著唱這不是回放歡迎來到現場 Hotties and the pool Dive in so smooth Nah別太倉促 You know what you gonna do I might be callin' So freshin' freshin' ... callin' So freshin' freshin' The bottles poppin' N' get it started I ... n u吃著冰的甜筒 Welcome to my new zone融化妳的面孔
30 4.皇上(El Emperador de Pekín) puta from the tik tok(from the tik tok from the tik tok)凌晨三點我們出現在Casio(我們出現在Casio jeje) viva pekín con amigo北平萬歲和我的兄弟 como puyi他們叫我papi rico就像溥儀他們叫我富豪 sabadocityboy中文頂流的latino música大內 ... 個puta來自邁阿密(wooh)六點半chillin in the pekín像VIP(Vip)六點半在紫禁城招搖過市她不理解我的音樂但feel so lit(jaja)每個夜晚在房間說ay papi
31 1.Ya Gamila 編曲龐加斯頓 Gaston& Ten Towns First time visiting Qatar What A Good Day In Ad Doha Sorry guys don't you kiss me God Please forgive me I'm a foreigner I see ... I think I've followed your TikTok and Insta I gave you so many likes but you never reply You're ... es but you never reply You're the Sun rising from the Persian Gulf melting my heart I'm starting ... melting my heart I'm starting to learn Arabic right now I know it's so hard and hurting my
32 1.Welcome To Penghu -被遺忘的時光 肆~Welcome To Penghu1.Welcome To Penghu作詞陳宏銘作曲陳宏銘 ... 詞陳宏銘作曲陳宏銘 Welcome to Penghu Our beautiful islands The Pearls of Taiwan A wonderland of lovWelcome to Penghu The people are so friendly The skies so bright and blue And amazing sea food You can go swimming You can go diving And go fishing everywhere You can go walking ... rywhere You can go walking on the(
33 16.Know See 你自己的style Welcome to the real world!我每次做歌做一半的時候接到一個外賣電話那真的是!你不知道你該開心還是應該怎麼樣!當時錄男子漢的時候那首歌的時候突然接到一個外賣電話算了哎算了繼續錄然後我就把外賣員的聲音給錄到歌裡面不好意思。你知道最牛逼的是什麼嗎?最牛逼的就是他的聲音 ... See》 KnowKnow2022 New album. Welcome to the real world!
34 1.超級玩家 相擁只為閃耀那一刻 Welcome to the neo era iQOO我酷我有自己的態度踏著純粹的夢用力擦拭泥垢熱血鼓動脈搏走路會帶風 iQOO我酷我絕不隨波逐流也不會輕易沈默 Everybody neo everybody neo超級玩家沒對手也曾平凡落寞陷入思索也曾躊躇夢想輾轉反側獨特風格只為開局 ... 我的名堂打破所謂規則(Light up light up) The fire iQOO我酷我有自己的態度踏著純粹的夢用力擦拭泥垢熱血
36 3.少年英雄 l my soul Welcome to my zone小蜜蜂247 always pick up the phone為了生存在這城市就算犧牲一切We do no wrong Be like a ghost ... e do no wrong Be like a ghost Too busy we gotta go Run the city don't fuck wit the po也曾困惑不再顯得懦弱不想像你朋友Ain't wanna be bro ... in我的孩沒在A告Stop playin Yeah we still in the project waitin別定義我甚麼叫成功每天只有現鈔在流通做你拿手 ... in我的孩
37 1.無界 技術迎來人們的期盼 Welcome to the future Touch me in the future Welcome to the future Touch me in the future Welcome to the future Touch me in the future Welcome to the future不用管只要敢想我們率先敲起鐘響你我相見在這姑蘇城外陽澄湖畔
38 2.無界(蘇州·非凡十年Live版) 技術迎來人們的期盼 Welcome to the future Touch me in the future Welcome to the future Touch me in the future Welcome to the future Touch me in the future Welcome to the future不用管只要敢想我們率先敲起鐘響你我相見在這姑蘇城外陽澄湖畔
39 7.露西 LUCY long time to make it the best Hide my Diamonds in(把鑽石藏在)最深處的地 ... 深處的地方質量高得 the deepest place可以把空間都撕裂 It's so perfect and can cut ... 裂 It's so perfect and can cut the space既然已經統治了天那還何必糾結 Ruling ... 糾結 Ruling the universe so it doesn't matter變不變成夜空中 ... 體 if I am the shiniest planet確實足夠幸運對的時間對的地方 Lucky enough ... et確實足
40 2.Bustle Town feat. Boyi Chill >2.Bustle Town feat. Boyi Chill作詞寬仔 KayC作曲寬仔 K ... n人們蜂擁進出頂溪站The clock is ticking擠在車陣動彈不得that's how we living中正橋頭上俯瞰另一端的Taipei City住在天龍國的邊際But We still fucking litty說真的真的想要為我好的建言我都有誠實聽其他自以為專業的b ... 別當學人精234 we mobbing deep Only the best We rockin with Underground rockstar也要Feed Tha Streets就像是Roddy Ricch ... eed T
41 5.Jachary's Intermission gentlemen Welcome This is Bohan Phoenix Your host for ... s Bohan Phoenix Your host for the evening And this is the Cities for the Fools Tour歡迎大家歡迎大家 Ay make sure you get your drink on make sure you get your smoke on Cause we are having a good time ... use we are having a good time tonight That's right(that's right) Wooo That's ... ght(that's right) Wooo That's the boy Dillon on the drums You gotJachary on the bass Ay Pat
42 1.東京奇幻之旅 囉嗦聽聽機艙的廣播 Welcome to Tokyo再見空姐喂喂我倆要快快趕上那架淺草專線ちょっと待って預約了酒店不用再趕着check-in Ay We are heading ... 再趕着check-in Ay We are heading to the Wing Hotel Ay We are heading to the Wing Hotel Are you ready(123 Let's Go!)很想放慢了一切望東京的天際(到處搗蛋到處作反到處扭蛋到處去玩)很想記錄這一切在東京中耍廢(到處搗蛋到處作反
43 7.拉了拉了 Henny on the rock我先熱個身老規矩要double拉了拉了給世界一個交代像華爾街之狼 ... 以標太下頭拉了拉了 Too bad這首歌叫'Zoo Trap'捉弄你像耍猴拉了拉了我演梅賽德斯中心門 ... 狂開發掀起腥風血雨 Welcome to the jungle不服的請進爆你頭像CS:GO的反恐精英根本不屑你哪個甲乙丙
44 4.抓不住 只想恭維試著挽回但是to late每次都想賭對自嘲命運不凡收尾 Get back on my feet lit just cost one day Better off ... just cost one day Better off the life fun crush the banger All thing full on my pray full on my plan幾天時間想法連續應驗不能把努力變得白費做出最屌的作品賺取尊重 dat贏得kick like this Wannna short cut but you Let ... reason Young&rich never lose Welcome to zyz season邁過懸崖依舊平穩 It's
45 8.BIRTHDAY jump out the window final game I'm celebrate like ma birthday人們喊著great great這榮耀自神的調配 Let's party you know us換個標準瞄準下個腳本Shoot I'm on ma way Zer ... 準下個腳本Shoot I'm on ma way Zero to a thousand be a legend real quick他們都在偷我兜售中的舊的Flow我進步到更高維度難怪看你很Slow wait hold on Look at ma pho ... ow wait hold on Look at ma photo從來沒有你的位置 Wait hold on配得起follows賣的都是

46 1.1234 y Massica welcome to my zone we'll be the be the1 of kind(我們獨一無二) step by step and2你說你愛上我捲髮type i know u want ... nd2你說你愛上我捲髮type i know u want to stay可惜我沒時間浪費 causes we aint never fall(four) v11234我不想等待音響開最大聲是我的life計劃沒改變我保持狀態2022we dripping like fire跟我的crew maybe u want ... like fire跟我的crew maybe u want to move沒人把我們給框的住
47 1.魔王(Wonder Demon) ty佇咧地獄get the cult get the cult人們攏黑白講地獄恐怖 No no no Everybody ... 人們攏黑白講地獄恐怖 No no no Everybody welcome to the hell喝酒 Demon攏會講這很屌!dope!dope!dope! I ... pirits歡迎光臨to my zone我就親像好飲的alcohol yeah毒你齁莫飲莫閣摸無時
48 8.今天我們活著 針只向前行不會倒敘 Today we alive Today we survive明天是期待或者是意外 ... 天是期待或者是意外 Today we alive Becoming the light只因為愛會無所不在 Today we alive Today we survive明天是期待或者是意外 ... 天是期待或者是意外 Today we alive Becoming the light只因為愛會無所不在眼睛的世界都是反的顏色好像都在琢磨我的天真還有時間可以慢慢來 anything pass by ...
49 1.帶你走 見 turn on the radio bae可以靠近點你告訴我別低頭陪你聊整夜爛的事情let it ... 見 turn on the radio bae可以靠近點你告訴我別低頭陪你聊整夜爛的事情let it go不必糾結可不可以帶你走 u know what i mean(你懂我意思) v2 walking on ... t i mean(你懂我意思) v2 walking on the moon u know what i gotta Do my bae welcome to my zone i be always going on my way準備 ... 見 turn on the radio bae可以靠近點
50 5.Butterfly 風拂過你飛舞的翅膀 they get nothing on you baby bea you so sweet you can be ma summer day can not wait hug me baby陪你度過sexy trip yeah漫步雪山夢境 yeah I'll Fl ... 飛向你撲近 You got da new1 you are the real1 you got da new1 you should fly ... 進my world welcome to my world when i let u know似乎是一種隱藏的存在
51 4.Gut Feeling PANTHEPACK-The Pack4.Gut Feeling作詞 PANTHEPACK Boytoy Sean TurkJonny Benjamin Young Sky作曲 ... Sky作曲 PANTHEPACK Boytoy Sean TurkJonny Benjamin Young Sky Gitchie gitchie yada Mocha cha Chocolata Leme just get a cuppa Pinkyup just like E-Liza Thats ... Thats just how we live it Panthepack we keep it moving That's just how we live it PAN ... That's just how we live it PANTHEPACK we keep it moving yeh yeh在錄音室喝茅台 ...
52 1.頭目 t windows top down想把煙戒了戒不掉野望絕唱回蕩在街上 When you heard that嘶哈錄音棚裡面倒時差我無法自拔 Say what嘶哈炫耀她剛做的指甲問我哪天陪她 Where you at When we pull up We pull up with ... en we pull up We pull up with the gang黑傘擋住雨不打濕體面 From ... 打濕體面 From the small town Got the big dream那味道在吸引地下到地面沒什麽失去How can you f**k with that外面混的不好才怕
53 1.就當家裡 estra& Zy The Way中庸&老莫 ILL MO& Cait Lin作詞老莫 ILL MO、蔡思理 Sili Tsai作曲 Matt Hsu's Obscure Orchestra ... Matt Hsu's Obscure Orchestra Welcome to the neighbourhood不用介紹什麼的就當家裡 ... 介紹什麼的就當家裡 Welcome to the neighbourhood不用介紹什麼的就當家裡歡迎來到台灣我的家鄉走過 ... 多過你想像所投射的 Welcome to the neighbourhood不用介紹什麼的就當
54 1.Through the Fire s-Through the Fire1.Through the Fire作詞 Cho Lewis作曲 Cho Lewis Wow... thought he was a starter now he feels like a mo ... starter now he feels like a motherfxxxxx We be coming out before the full moon My glock loaded up againstthe tycoon Burn it burn it down we gon smack ... it burn it down we gon smack the bullies Welcome to the party it's the round2我帶上墨鏡你猜不透我的套路聽天由命從來不是我的m
55 1.My wrld 落帶妳飛到別的星球 Welcome to my world回應妳的所有請求太空中穿梭一片一片慢慢拼湊完整妳的夢交給妳 ... per裡 Pull the trigger and I shot them down為了妳我不怕把手給弄髒不說情話因為情話太冗長想傷害妳的人被我給 ... 落帶妳飛到別的星球 Welcome to my world回應妳的所有請求太空中穿梭一片一片慢慢拼湊完整妳的夢交給妳 ... 落帶妳飛到別的星球 Welcome (
56 1.Intro ble heart to greet this great nation我用我最謙卑的心向這個偉大的國家致意 I am Sofine Humble French man我是一個謙遜的法國人 This great nation with its great5000 years of h ... ith its great5000 years of history has trigger my intention since young這個有著五千年偉大歷史的偉大國家從年輕時起就激發了我的意圖 So it is with a heart full of passion bad and good所以它是懷著一顆充滿激 ... 著一顆充滿激情的心好的和
57 2.今天我們活著 針只向前行不會倒敘 Today we alive Today we survive明天是期待或者是意外 ... 天是期待或者是意外 Today we alive Becoming the light只因為愛會無所不在 Today we alive Today we survive明天是期待或者是意外 ... 天是期待或者是意外 Today we alive Becoming the light只因為愛會無所不在眼睛的世界都是反的顏色好像都在琢磨我的天真還有時間可以慢慢來 anything pass by ...
58 1.Fire ash us in the blood free yb to the top跟我兄弟 like mob出來走跳沒在怕1hour2shot像廉價的妓女 ... nny來我車上派對 welcome to my party每一個兄弟都財狼虎豹還沒有長大就不要來鬧腦袋裡隨時都裝滿
59 7.TAIPEI 、Ponzii劉昊 Welcome to Taipei and this is my home Welcome to Taipei and this is my home Welcome to Taipei and this is my home Welcome to Taipei and this is my home誒 Stop抬起頭看誒 Stop不服來戰誒 Stop killing this vibe誒 Stop It's party time今晚台北的 Brother and sister It's time to hit the flow他們說台北沒自己的特色剩夜店還算是點貨色 ... 剩夜店還算是點貨
60 7.Back Then(feat. Bohan Phoenix) br>7.Back Then(feat. Bohan Phoenix) Intro(Bohan Phoenix) Time flies time flies yeah uh huh that's what ... flies yeah uh huh that's what they say right? Well we still here though yeah uh Dough-Boy what's good Seanie what's good baby? How y'all like Brooklyn? ... aby? How y'all like Brooklyn? Welcome It's the kid Bohan uh Verse1(Bohan Phoenix) Back when I was only seventeen Came ... hen I was only seventeen Came to the city of bright lights and big drea
61 1.BOA I Hop Off TheJet我敏捷的身手Like Cobra做你不敢想的一切在黎明前準備就出發我跟我的兄弟們永不言敗把門打開創造著新穎的Vibe Look ... 跟我的兄弟們永不言敗把門打開創造著新穎的Vibe Look the price把握住每一個機會現在和未來 Everything Be Okay我只想做到BOA(best of all)在空中的Peter Pan誰懂我經歷的pain Everything Everything Be Okay我只想做到BOA(best of ... 頭 Nobody ain't safe I Hop Off The
63 1.從無到有(Something From Nothing) tart From The Bottom(從零到百)沒人能夠比我跨過了阻礙也跨過了比我風格像無底洞深不見底全身名牌 ... 味 yes sir welcome to my world(歡迎來到我的世界)要比higher更higher(比更
64 6.偷走- Cook The Vibe Version .偷走- Cook The Vibe Version作詞楊國雋作曲楊國雋讓我用帽T套頭不只是 ... 像對妳講過 yo! welcome to my world但我還沒享受呢我的獎座呢大家搶破了頭掌握著我的未來說我想
65 1.NoKey Freestyle 子全部都生在Ghetto What what what You wanna run the song What what what You wanna run the song What what what You wanna run the song What what what You wanna run the song江奈生 I'm shine like m pro tho huh ... 掉通行證不管how they feel yeah What you talk about my ba ... 花朵可是這裡開不出花welcome to jungle我的胃huh not only paper砸碎規則趕緊躲進你的龜殼 Money is ... ly paper砸碎規則趕緊躲進你的
66 1.我阿姨也癢花蓮版 原本屬於我們的地方 Welcome to the party看著我們風流倜儻我是你阿姨的小男友你要叫我姨丈音響大哥 dro ... 遵守規矩請保持安靜 welcome to Eastside我扛著招牌來自這裡的人沒有誰可被替代有時來實在搞不懂一點
67 1.APEFASE(Intro) rz(VERSE) Welcome to my world.Crowding in my zone.一路走到2020 ... 停過沒落。蠢蠢欲動 too rush想出眾 But淡忘了初衷 It's ain't R&B這破事快把我逼到瘋 Ain't no brake yeah let's talk sum shit Aims my enemy bullseye鑲在我的forehead Passin out o ... t different frontier Speed up to the100想要蹭都擦不上邊 yeah one day gonna make it make it Time chasing my的 ass.像是 Maniac點滿的天賦總會輸給自負 shit這像是龜兔 Do
68 3.VR-SPREE rus) Over top. Luxury bop. VR life we livin.(過得太奢華像活在虛擬世界) Black Dawn. Double R. Hit ... 世界) Black Dawn. Double R. Hit the gas u feel me?(是否感受到勞斯萊斯black Dawn的威力?) House bling. Heavy drip. Shine Dime in my pocket.(鑲鑽大房子的項鍊我照單全收) Slow mo. Pause. Play. G ... 吸引我的主意) Damn. It feel like in the inception.(這感覺超像在演電影) Feel ... 演電影) Feel too real. Other dime
69 6.This Shxx Turn Up e with me Welcome to CDC(歡迎來到成都和我一起超)老子們就是拽你學不來成都的哥老官喊你們爬開 You wanna turn up(你想嗨)這兒就對咯今天晚上不能坐 Turp Up Gang(嗨幫)睜開了眼看了一眼超級Super rapper(超級說唱歌手)的killer(殺手 ... hard(每天都努力工作) we got many way to let lot cash money(我們有很多方式掙錢) call all my young chigga phone給老子弄老子們凶你們在繃把你臉打腫大媽佔領
70 1.12個shot以後 ia Cecchetto Armen Simonpour女聲採樣高姍就晃蕩在虛無裡也想沉醉你身體理智 ... 圾(Hey boy Welcome to the dreamland We have everything you want and nothing you need here This is your last shot ... d here This is your last shot tonight Now let's enter the void這裡是天堂嗎這裡是地獄嗎我是在夢裡嗎還是回到了家我是在夢裡嗎還
71 1.岔路(Hosea& KING CHAIN) hat bad motherfucker that's true Let me show you how I gonna been through I'm that bad mo ... a been through I'm that bad motherfucker that's true Let me show you how I gonna been through I'm that bad mo ... a been through I'm that bad mother mother mother mother mother mother Let me show you how I how I how I how I how I how I It starts with ... I how I how I It starts with the Vroom vroom vroom vroom接著突破重圍衝出賽道我就
72 1.Long Run 開始創作高一用protools摳細節也沒 drop the school還開著drop top roof對音樂再加固把法術加入我的music let you feel ... 比比誰能 make the hit you dig? can't tell what the fxxx these clowns and mxxxxxxxxs saying ill t ... feast今天開席 welcome to the long run game我會做到演唱會都排長隊這首作為證據百分百的勝率 ... 一起走過春夏和秋冬 They be here forever不管多遠的路途
73 4.Forever Night PtⅡ. Kusy-InTheDark4.Forever Night PtⅡ.作詞 Kusy Peels作曲 Kusy Peels Pt1. Don't try ... s作曲 Kusy Peels Pt1. Don't try to understand me(別嘗試瞭解我) i can say Where are you going ... i can say Where are you going to me(我想說你在哪快走向我)Just simply do ... me(我想說你在哪快走向我)Just simply do the things I say(只管按照我說的做) you know me(你 ... (使我流淚) in the empty promises(在空洞的承諾中) you
74 2.666 力無法推測 I'm the bad kids無視規則 Ya we get a party let me drive you all night long So I keep popping ... night long So I keep popping welcome to my trap home I'm the champion主宰全場陷入我節奏 ya The winner one and only我獨佔王座穿越都市叢林我是閃耀的弧線 Hey you can not s ... 越都市叢林我是閃耀的弧線 Hey you can not stop my way黃金比例調配跨越想像的極限 Man I got ... my way黃金比例調配
75 1.歡迎來到這世界 來到這世界 Welcome To The World作詞李揚、許魏洲作曲陳永濤編曲張楚弦@光合聲動整條街陽光被高
76 1.The Feast VINEM-The Swamp EP1.The Feast作詞 VINEM作曲 VINEM Somewhere deep inside ... 曲 VINEM Somewhere deep inside the forest. Across the abyss. There is a place Where it's full of venomous creatures Poisonous shrooms And evil witches. A place where ... d evil witches. A place where the mortals wither And the dyings rot. As darkness devours the light the fouls blossom in abundance. Welcome to The Swamp. Let
77 1.G Style ad Yup wu Welcome to da G style Welcome to da G style Yup wu Welcome to da G style Welcome to da G style ah Call my name SuperYoung ... 事外 why im the reason why看多了所以我見怪不怪害哥們兒的視野寬闊早已經飛到了千里之外 wazzup我謎底沒人能夠猜透說什麼你不懂 nobody can't Do Dat我身上沒無緣無故受的傷疤不靠人靠自己也可白手起家 uh Yup wu ... 緣無故受的傷疤不靠人靠
78 2.Hiding In My Island feat. Zoe The Chef作詞黃右年、衛柔伊、FunkyMo作曲黃右年、衛柔伊、Funky ... 曲 FunkyMo There's no ring ring逃離這個世界 Shut ... 這個世界 Shut the f**k up cut off those bullsh**想找到我別想得太美 Ya'll can't find me hiding in my island ... t find me hiding in my island There's no ring ring逃離這個世界 Shut ... 這個世界 Shut the f**k up cut off those bullsh**想找到我別想得太美 Ya'll can't find me hiding in
79 3.Pink sing down the street不開64我騎著我的獨角獸 Yo my color everglow If you don't know and now you know天空變粉紅色我牽著妳的手在顫抖著太緊張了 ya ya不要害怕我是胖的魔人普烏把妳變成巧克力吃得肚子鼓鼓 We ... 誘惑太多我選擇 nono學習放寬心胸 high highs to low lows拿起漆罐噴滿整片天空建構我的世界自己設計監工組一支球隊我來 ... ce嗚歐嗚歐嗚歐歐 Welcome to my pink world I love pin
80 1.午夜傷心電臺 來 Turn on the radio Turn on the radio Turn on the radio Turn on the radio午夜的電臺熟悉的旋律讓人們習慣中享受著孤單重複的故事不停的延續 ... 有你陪已經沒有機會 They say welcome to da good life(Good life) Baby don't ki ... 來 Turn on the radio Turn on the radio Turn on the radio Turn on the radio Turn on the radio Turn on the radio Turn on the radio Turn on the radi
81 2.空 fame混圈站隊 They do the same thing見到Paper就下跪有幾個Real Man我的調我的swag沒心情去把誰打敗 Everyday Every night都在和自己去比賽老屁股沒人記住又擔心被低估了 yeah yeah ... 自己去比賽老屁股沒人記住又擔心被低估了 yeah yeah Welcome to my zone其他歌都切切切切切 Alright重來倒帶发牌不可能有意外因 ... 兜Jump out the roof其他的rapper都沒有我cool Give me ... roof其他的rap
82 1.Hiding In My Island 曲 FunkyMo There's no ring ring逃離這個世界 Shut ... 這個世界 Shut the f**k up cut off those bullsh**想找到我別想得太美 Ya'll can't find me hiding in my island ... t find me hiding in my island There's no ring ring逃離這個世界 Shut ... 這個世界 Shut the f**k up cut off those bullsh**想找到我別想得太美 Ya'll can't find me hiding in my island我來到一個島島上收不到訊號 Ain't no ring ... nd我來到一個島島上收不
83 1.低收入青年 承載力冠絕整個地球 Welcome to the rich city低收入的青年每個夢想也未兌現還可怎麼發展供樓要幾多年低 ... 淘寶京東食雞同優酷 Welcome to the rich city低收入的青年每個夢想也未兌現還可怎麼發展供樓要幾多年低 ... 個月日本的低價機票 Welcome to the sin city低收入的青年每個夢想也未兌現還可怎麼發展供樓要幾多年低
84 2.登岸 的牢籠) Been tortured by inner some time(被內心折磨了一些時日) while forging ... ime(被內心折磨了一些時日) while forging the illest of mind(在我鑄造最堅韌的心志的途中) ... 堅韌的心志的途中) To be a lyricist(作一個詞人的感覺) I'm shivering ... 浸透全身) All these waves devoure power they sovereign(這些海浪吞噬力量猶如君臨天下) But I yell no!(但是我對它嘶吼不!) You gotta be mentally ill
85 1.DK t HOOK: D to the K It's the key to be great Welcome to my world You know my name is D to the K It's the key to be great Welcome to my world You know! VERSE1:也許你聽說或沒聽說過我 ... 播放列表我不會用Auto-Tune寫首爛情歌引誘著高中生不會出腦抽風的diss與無關的rapper鬧 ... 將 Hook: D to the K It's the key to be great Welcome to my world You kno
86 1.DK t HOOK: D to the K It's the key to be great Welcome to my world You know my name is D to the K It's the key to be great Welcome to my world You know! VERSE1:也許你聽說或沒聽說過我 ... 播放列表我不會用Auto-Tune寫首爛情歌引誘著高中生不會出腦抽風的diss與無關的rapper鬧 ... 將 Hook: D to the K It's the key to be great Welcome to my world You kno
87 1.鑽石屋 宗倫Xyber.M Welcome to the diamond room這是我的鑽石屋過來看看我一手經營的金銀財寶鋪 ... 手經營的金銀財寶鋪 Welcome to the diamond room這是我的鑽石屋過來看看我一手經營的金銀財寶鋪 ... 手經營的金銀財寶鋪 Welcome to the diamond room這是我的鑽石屋過來看看我一手經營的金銀財寶鋪 ... 手經營的金銀財寶鋪 Welcome to the diamond room這
88 9.Private Party(feat. KnowKnow) YSL Push the start那就馬上出發吧 A star is born你是我的Lady ... ah快進來我的懷抱 Welcome to the private party let's work it out vers ... ah快進來我的懷抱 Welcome to the private party let's work it ou
89 8.Rich&Sad tterfly - The Mixtape Vol.28.Rich&Sad作詞 Rich Dragon作曲 Rich Dragon Man I got everything you need和我的飛行少女芝加哥飛到洛杉磯替你*遍這片土地 Man I got every ... t No rules Diamond on my neck They see me growing fast First of all對那些 ... *說聲謝謝2020 welcome to ma Big year Man I got everything you
90 1.結他控 款公司 comes to me Speaking words of Wisdom Show you the money上個世紀經歷三次世界大戰人類卻不清楚末日大限傳召又記起家駒話一 ... 行老細請收我做契仔 Welcome to my store Check out these new arrival guitars Those are the vintage series overthere it's the limited edition I like this and that one ... tion I like this and that one too Sound nice and good looking Hey why ... 貸款公司comes to
91 10.唇印 麼色系這是你的秘密 Welcome to my home今天晚上我們Party world star陣容整個氣氛放鬆 ... 表了我們登上rap top oooo不是O泡果奶 o你的水準還是low我們lowkey do ... o不是O泡果奶 o你的水準還是low我們lowkey do the show而你還停留在媽媽女朋友掉水誰救我們正在準備席捲全球順便捲走你的g ... 痺我的感官 all the bad bad給我奔跑散開把你撞傷我會刷卡買單 HOOK:給我留下唇印
92 3.Swag 新來的後來的都聽好 Welcome everybody get in to my house這個節奏會嗨到爆洗腦程度不亞我裡giao giao新審美 cool cool跟著我 ddu du ddu du不局限任何束縛讓壞情緒都 move move We step ... 局限任何束縛讓壞情緒都 move move We step to the left Step to the right Step to the left Step to the right Dancing all day(and full of night) Dancing all day(and full of night)閃避的眼光動作要快自
93 1.Fallin Fall s I'm not tough enough還是常常 think too much Can you feel my heart It's hardto touch I don't even know where my sadness from Can you kiss my scars Fuck that52Hz剩下 Beat myself進入下個bar安靜的 Social Media沒了social剩下phob ... 呢面對真我別再攻擊他 Thanks God Sent me the gift在這場遊戲讓我不至於被徹底否定我太過鋒利我怪又有病原味的菜色他不夠油膩光是站著就討人厭我也試著做好門面 I knew tha
94 1.On the Straying Wind 羅煒亮-On the Straying Wind1.On the Straying Wind作詞羅煒亮(William Luo)作曲羅煒亮(William Luo) Ano ... iam Luo)作曲羅煒亮(William Luo) Another breath and sigh Fades away in the crowded street No one to show No one will know My shattering sorrow Has ... know My shattering sorrow Has the moon appeared I started wondering Where have I been What have I seen Where have I been ... have I seen Where have I been The rain will fall q
95 1.找自己 雲遮住了太陽別擔心 Welcome to the party工作忙得你快休克相比你我會更加享受生活有的輕鬆有的讓你覺得累有 ... 是我是我 Back to the hood Represent S I D E是我是我不管任何方面 For my people ... I D E是我是我不管任何方面 For my people to the hood是我是我最經典的節奏要最搖擺的 flow是我是我一遍一遍在我腦海 ... 是我是我 Back to the hood Represent S I D E是
96 1.如果真的我想要 口商業玩偶我是獵手 Welcome to the zoo嘟嘟嘟嘟照片貼牆上 Tell me why都是一個模子說得一個樣站 ... 山頂我把眼光放得遠 Welcome to the zoo站在山頂我把眼光放得遠 You ready玩得很開心每天特別 hot走路帶著風凌晨愛吃辣爽就對你笑不爽就 shut up給你送溫暖像個大浴霸我在洛杉磯峇里島夏威夷夢裡寫韻腳幹了杯汽水味道相當 great We can run run fast pap ... run run fast pa
97 1.Intro 高科技 Shout to所有員工所有P.I.M.P. Mr Bentley I am bossy no cap I am a B.U.G. Uncomfortable Face Power Mafia Cashier Role Playing Game We ok? We ok? Y ... We ok? We ok? YBM Yoken YYKBZ Welcome to the Mr. Enjoy Da Money Worl
98 1.My World Alone 不知你現狀 You the social animal你這個社會野獸 I used ... 野獸 I used to be in love somehow無論怎樣我曾被關愛過 You ... 曾被關愛過 You the social animal你這社會野獸 Welcome to my world alone(take me jump jump)歡迎獨自 ... 世界(帶我跳起來) Welcome to my world alone(make me feel young)歡迎來 ... 球(讓我重新年輕) Welcome to my world alone(to the boy alone)歡迎來到我的
99 9.三個火槍手 NEVER BE THE SAME NEVER NEVER BE THE SAME另闢蹊徑到山頂再和我的兄弟匯合讓我再次介紹DIRTY TWINZ ... 傷埋藏在西北青紗帳 WELCOME TO MY TOUR要所有人都聽他唱 HOO來享受開場秀窒息後快搶救三個火槍手 WE GOT ... 呢 SHOW ME THE癒合的傷口誰會記得而那些諾言有多少人早背棄了又不夠戀舊曾熱愛的濃厚氾濫後
100 9.自畫像 writer A to the R A fighter Income Outcome Ay Well done ... r Income Outcome Ay Well done Welcome Ay鄰居過來敲門麻煩你們小聲沒有錢保證磨出繭的腳跟全出身草根從不裝高深從不裝清高但我望高登成功是跑不掉的高跟拿著筆的高更沒得過高分但我打你腦門 Punch打你腦門 Punch讓你腦震蕩 Ay I been down ay秋千在蕩 Ay swing在 ... dream沒人 support沒人 believe And They going do nothing but leave有時那

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