
關於 where + where + where 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 7.Where to go ater7.Where to go窗外就有絢爛的煙花看卻盯著天花板喝了一夜怎麼還沒醉 ... 打敗了頹廢卻還在乎 where to go where to go where to別怕下雨天肩上掛雨點淋濕衣服反射光線顏色更鮮豔腳下走曲線踩水花當 ... 已被歡喜填滿誰會在乎where to go where to go where to我會忘記出發的理由像放跑的氣球怎樣看卻都看不見只能依稀回憶起記憶 ... 經理想的終點卻還在
2 1.被你左右 不用去乞求你就是我的宇宙我會陪你度過不管where you go把困難都交給我來搞定我排斥他們感情但希望你靠近你的每個舉動對我來說都要命別再說sorry我希望你能高興定格此刻你認真的玩笑話太炙熱的眼神令我燃燒輕
3 2.Psychic ught of us both And where we could go I got you caught in a daze Eye contact high off a gaze Come give me
4 1.Forever Star 一場銀河墜落的童話 Wherever you go Tripping on my soul每寸傷口在 ... 在光暈裡朦朧得溫柔 Wherever you go I'll surround you still每 ... 保管不了你給的童話 Wherever you go流淌的宇宙我們相遇偷偷填滿銀河的缺口 ... 偷偷填滿銀河的缺口 Wherever you go在這顆星球我的心跳因你炙熱更因你永久 Whoo
5 5.BlueJeans oss the pacific but where my home is Please forgive me if I don't change too much I hate to say goodbye w

6 1.尋找 我最後的勇敢 anywhere you go我都會尋找 anywhere you go我不會丟掉 anywhere you go要記得回來啊 anywhere you go我都會尋找 anywhere you go我不會丟掉 anywhere you go我都跟在你的身後你像是風箏我追著跑被大雨折斷了翅膀炙熱的 ... 我最後的勇敢 anywhere you go我都會尋找 anywhere you go我不會丟掉 anywhere you go要記得回來啊 anywhere you go我都會尋找 anywhere(
7 1.MOONLIGHT+忘記擁抱+像風一樣 it's like we got nowhere to go So meet me underneath the moonlight Light the fire get your mood right Mu
8 10.小星星(Live) t be lost No matter where I go This feeling is so terrible It's like I never own myself No matter how man
9 4.月光(PROD. Reuel Beats) can u dare with me where u at at Put it on the map我來寫出這篇樂章24個揚聲器來播放一首月光他們在包圍我我的心裡沒有怯慌我還是忘不掉那曾經待過的鐵床 Frao
10 1.Let em Out riends We'll go somewhere We'll all be friends huh That's a shot I wanna shoot Step up in the spotlight Y
11 4.Go Forward nging somewhere near the rainbow We all live somewhere between heaven and hell Time always urges that you need to go Let the lightning be stronger I'm not afraid please make it loud ... the shadow Birds singing somewhere near the rainbow We all live somewhere between heaven and hell Time alwa
12 3.Real Bullshit真胡說 Freestyle Show你妹BBA我買BYD Now where is your NFT ro數字幣你需要自制力不是熱瑪吉有人投機有人賣力工作提高待遇有人故意立人設沒幾天被抓外遇如果無法降低碳排那我多放幾個屁確實嘴巴不香我是
13 6.Bad Days Gone t tell me where you're from有共鳴都跟著唱 Good faith that's what we found Let them know Let them know去club可以耍但我分得清主次可以喝吐第二天繼續看看股市市場在爛我也清晰的吐字我吃得起米其林依然 ... and slow Please don't tell me where you're from有共鳴都跟著唱 Good faith tha
14 1.宇宙情歌 ove shows where we're suppose to be熄滅的瞬間新星被點燃見證這一切繼續去發現廢墟上升起城邦和神殿在星辰中央加冕我流浪的誓言見證者是土星的環木星的眼恆星湮滅風化成永恆的模樣水晶冠懸置在銀河之上你的呼吸掀起漣漪飄蕩向宇宙遠方距離就像是潮汐 girl I ... 我看到耀眼的你我脫離軌跡脫離萬有引力 Love shows where we're suppose to be熄滅的瞬間新星被點燃見證這一
15 19.火星之淚 will come where you are where you are I will save your heart a ai could be falling love loading earth memory sinners never say sorry686天一年又一年的等待火紅的皮膚被赤鐵礦所覆蓋 ... s inside my heart I will come where you are where you are I will save your heart a ai could be falling love loading earth memory sinners never say sorry我和詹尼佛躺在月亮上她從未見過火星這模樣好幾萬年 ... s inside my heart I will come where y
16 41.讓過去都沉入大海吧 mmer time where you want go這個夏天你想去哪裡呢 last year you leave me alone go to Hawaii去年你拋棄我去了夏威夷 please please please dont leave me請別再離開我了 or I will ... der the sea我在海底做囚犯 cant go anywhere哪裡也去不了 beacuse you leave me因為你離開了我 so I cry on the beach所以我在海灘上哭 I will curse you bitch我要詛咒你10年不開張 oh no I dont want summer tim ... der the sea我在海底做囚犯 cant go an
17 2.Scary Movie on't know where I went wrong oh Never gave a warning Can you give me till the sun comes out I don't know ... he sun comes out I don't know where we went wrong Is this relief No o
18 1.假裝浪漫 懂意料之中又撲個空記事本裡找不到你影蹤 Where should I go快把愛都塞進垃圾桶無路可走拚命給自己找罪受你只是在假裝浪漫要我心動用假裝浪漫的談話你只是假裝浪漫芳心縱火用假裝浪漫的方法就讓我掉進無底洞
19 1.Angel be that's where your home is Why didn't I say anything at the time Why didn't I fucking say anything How are you in heaven? Maybe that's ... e you in heaven? Maybe that's where your home is Angel you're an ange
20 7.全世界我只想保護你 el it? love is everywhere隨時陪在你身邊做你堅強的堡壘擋下所有危險保護你不顧一切全世界我只想保護你不管外界有多少的雜音就算鮮花都變陷阱我也會牽著你繼續前進想成為你定居的島嶼你的心事我都渴

21 1.Different ser從來只會後退 No matter where我都可以讓你感到羞愧看我又創造著傳奇我就像是你們的管理員你們沒辦法攀比光比閱歷你就短我好幾年漆黑的夜裡總是帶給你不一樣的幻想你幻想著有天可以得到爸爸的讚賞我車速
22 1.自漫遊 時的夢成就此刻的我 No matter where I go嘿我知道會很痛在無數的邂逅 Lead me to g
23 1.神啊- Live 擇哪裡會有選擇? there's no where to hide just face your sins you better pray to survive this time神啊神啊請赦免我的罪啊用那寶劍
24 5.九五家滿 bear我要帶著你們的聲音傳到everywhere吃果子愛拜樹頭一字情代表咱的魂最讚濤欸貨馬坐下港這裡的船跟我欸ghetto hood跳我的街路舞走在這條路不管走多長多久 I always with my cr
25 1.凝望世界終結時 no matter where you at I believe one day we will meet again I will come to find no matter ... I will come to find no matter where you at盼那星際再現重回舊時畫面哪怕身處炮火裡去逆戰你我相隔天
26 1.Take Me To Your Heart d the world Tell me where do I find someone like you girl Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give
27 1.Can't Be in Love 想法太過痴情 Baby tell me where you at沒咗你 I feel like trash學習自己一個也要高興親手破壞是幼稚或發癲懂得去愛離開才發現可以重來再一次牽手去樂園相信靈魂相見能好好記著
28 1.晴天林 晴天林原曲 Where Did U Go作詞 G.E.M.作曲 Skot Suyama改詞晴 ... 太過分 Messi where did you go?點解睇咗Anson Lo? Oh tell me Messi ... 解睇咗Anson Lo? Oh tell me Messi where did you hide?找不到像陳同佳 Where did you go?張家輝都不友好這是騙局票被狂搶 Messi對抗 ... 太過分 Messi where did you go?俾錢睇姜B跳舞 Oh tell me Messi ... u go?俾錢睇姜B跳舞 Oh tell me Messi where did you hide?辛
29 4.外送員悲歌 You gonna度蜜月莫講遮濟廢話 Where's my喜帖是誰在妳的身份證上佔據了配偶的欄位 Baby baby please don't treat me bad When a man loves a
30 1.Dreams Come Alive your side Where all my cravings hide When I close my eyes by your side I can feel the dreams come alive So far away. Before sunrise when the d ... e a place inside by your side Where all my cravings hide When I close
31 1.角 不到光亮也發現回不了家如果再一次重新選擇where you wanna go還能再一次重新擁抱彌補原諒過錯我演得喝太醉那句再見說的絕轉身離開不讓你看見我的淚那年樹下許你個家而我卻還在流浪不能帶你流浪我堅決捧著你
32 1.I Want It 享受多可惜挑逗神經 where ma boys at where them beats at you better put them
33 2.Where Did I Belong -漂流集2.Where Did I Belong作詞 Future Ghost作曲吳思達夜深了輾轉反側天亮了我在哪呢今天將在我生命中扮演什麼角色 Did I find ... 我在哪呢今天將在我生命中扮演什麼角色 Did I find where I belong不敢在原地停留摸索前進和慌張慾望讓我走失一樣我開始
34 3.Let go no世界各處各地 where i'm gonna go Even though it's somewhere For me this is nowhere I don't know想放棄也有點早只想尋回大細路 Round
35 3.FIRST CLASS ro why you flexing? Where you getting that from? We ain't even paid that well Look at你的報表矗立了 a couple mil
36 1.Back Off 部干碎 Enemy where you at Where you at Where you at Where you at Where you at那些害我的想看我敗倒但經歷過太多仍只想賽跑yeah向前
37 1.Party With TL mind bro Lady everywhere we get personal放開你自己 that's the motto hey今晚我同你玩到喘氣從來沒有想過太認真 I just wanna have s
38 1.constitution day h a day and an hour Where's the oneJesse Tang was talking about Well it doesn't matter since I prefer lun
39 1.移山 y on And now I know where I belong Drowning in pain trynna find my way again You reached out your hand Pu
40 2.BARS FREESTYLE anna be greatest so where's your past and line?每個人都相當最好的但卻沒有任何歷史的蹤跡 You said survival「s for the fittest y
41 5.BEERTALK 於我的一切輕松如風 Where I been I was lost我也曾迷失 Could be dreamin可能是在夢里 Could be Hennessy也可能是酒精 But if you search但如果你尋找我 If you down for me對我保持真實 I'll b ... wn for me對我保持真實 I'll be there where you need我會在那裡出現 I could change th
42 1.就這樣讓我把妳錯過 ay search where you where經歷這一切品嚐這世界有太多無奈無法紓解用文字將感情書寫我想微笑和妳道
43 4.男優 golo Everywhere I go nobody cares about me每一天都努力的要讓人討厭對上廢才就需要用這招進了社會就開始學會不要臉反正工作也做不了好幾天努力要當無敵的小天王超凡的魅力誰也無法擋 Shake it up shake it up沒有了對手你想怎樣要不 ... 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟 I'm just a gigolo Everywhere I go nobody cares about me電視裡的名人丑角什麼玩意兒是不是天天都需要拉個皮換了位置也換了個腦袋掌權的人
44 3.可夢 的名字叫做可夢夢嘿 Where you go go When you're gone世界不一樣 Wh ... 的名字叫做可夢夢嘿 Where you go g
45 1.有點愛 e sky somewhere we won't hide no你有點壞我有點愛都明白 underneath the sky someday you and I~~你要的乖我不離開有我在 underneath the sky yeah~ underneath the sky(pict ... 在衝動~~~ underneath the sky somewhere we won't hide no你有點壞我有點愛都明白 underneath the sky someday you and I~~你要的乖我不離開有我在 underneath the sky oh~ hey~ underneath the sky o ... derneath the sky(sky oh~) somewhere we won't hide no(oh oh~)你有點壞

46 2.苔蘚 待集2.苔蘚<Where No Sun Shines>作詞許鈞作曲許鈞編曲許鈞、黃歆婷我平躺的身體上面流動著是你的血而我怎麼才能夠忘記從誕生的啼哭裡一字一句都是你同枯木同雨水共
47 1.For U ust go anywhere with you Cause you are my favorite thing to do像月光落在手中像流星鋪滿心中 I could just go any ... 在手中像流星鋪滿心中 I could just go anywhere with you You are my favorite thing to do你會不會掏給我深藏的脆弱 My heart's only here for you Woo Here for you Here for you Woo嘿無助的時候嘿還有我 ... Woo等待著你很久 I could just go anywhere with you Cause you are my favorite thing to do像月光落在手中像流
48 2.重新來過 on't know where you go Where you goJust tell me what I'm fighting for只能再重新來過我會一直這麼做 I really don't know ... 來過我會一直這麼做 I really don't know where you go Where you goJust tell me what I'm fighting for I don't know ... I'm fighting for I don't know where you go希望是個迴路到時還能找回我我自己寫下日記記下時間重新幾遍活在平面用生命跟血液灌溉到底要等幾天你才會想起來我到
49 10.麻煩刪掉獅子座 wer wooh Satan everywhere偶爾沒十全把握但夠獅子座二話不說吹個口哨就攪弄起漩渦愛恨都應得刪掉獅子座趁亂掙脫繁瑣的規則 Wu~夠驚悚的舞步wu~四肢不服輸赫拉的咒縛反襯他奪目 Hello
50 1.nothingness-虛無 lonely is Where to go? nowhere to go!在失落失落中滯留在等待等待希望營救 falling into nothingness to nothingness月夜艷麗又圓又光的晚上獨自漫步靜靜冇人的晚上幻聽再次發作又再聽到你歌唱'I love you'腦內播放仍然鏗鏘風聲唸著你的暱稱 ... 旅途月光下孤獨中淚流淚光下聽著思念獨奏 Lonely is where to go? nowhere to go!在失落失落中滯留(的盡頭)在等待等待希望營救 falling into Nothin
51 1.Rocket on't know where I came from你不用管我來自哪璀璨絕不只是剎那 I'm taking over cuz I'm way to cool if you want it點燃內心深處的火 This ain't nothing I don't gotta front ... lowkey I know you wanna know Where we gon'be就快要到達超越別人之前要先超越自己 Always walk it like I talk it別著急無數次跌倒爬起 you know that's how I do it I'm way to cool if you want it點 ... lowkey I know you wanna know Where we gon'be就快要到達超
52 2.WaTeRMeloNN 我走過你走過的大街 I go everywhere you go看同樣的風景喝同一杯拿鐵體會你的酸甜苦辣只為和你感同身受吸引我的是你的內在不止是你的head to toe因為你我想要變得更加優秀讓其他人沒法跟我
53 1.五一路365號 奕人潮洶湧川流不息 Where you at Where you at Where you at手機導航正在提醒前方擁堵不必擔心 oh wow wow ... 己的樂趣加油向前衝 Where you at Where you at Where you at手機導航正在提醒前方擁堵不必擔心 oh wow wow
54 1.Let go no世界各處各地 where i'm gonna go Even though it's somewhere For me this is nowhere I don't know想(放棄)也有點早只想尋回大細路 Roun
55 1.別怕我會在 孩+WYAN王毓千 where do we go別怕我會一直在就握緊我的手一起邁步向未來和你擁有不同 ... 你一起前行 nah where do we go別怕我會一直在就握緊我的手一起邁步向未來沒有我的日子 ... 我一定會來 nah where do we go別怕我會一直在你問我要多久才能滿足我的愛你的脆弱敏感 ... 一起到白頭 nah where do we go別怕我會一直在就握緊我的手一起邁步向未來沒有我的日子 ... 我一定
56 1.Rock and Roll y抓住機會就別浪費 wherever you go they will be call my nam ... y抓住機會就別浪費 wherever you go they will be call my na
57 1.As my tone 天賦會見也分高低貴賤用著里程碑式獨特表演wherever在這或者劇院換這手法變現的確天賦可以缺少些許努力 like身體好的男人不用吃著牡蠣 we gonna say the balance be a littl
58 1.風吹雲走 失去你蹤跡了不清楚 Where you at天空飄起雨我手頭沒有傘我感覺很糟糕 Shit I fee ... 失去你蹤跡了不清楚 Where you at每當我面對問題總是會習慣性的站出挑明有時會討厭我自己太過 ... 失去你蹤跡了不清楚 Where you at夏季的風不太溫柔往我臉上吹拂些熱浪十七歲飄落的樹葉現在回 ... 失去你蹤跡了不清楚 Where you at天空飄起雨我手頭沒有傘我感覺很糟糕 shit I fee ... 失
59 4.These Days gs I dont where they actually came from I just feel the whole world around me has become less sincere And I dont even wanna face it The only m ... get about back up I can't see where the hack is coda Maybe I should grow up and give up I just sit next to the sun Except there is glass beyond I don't know how t ... get about back up I can't see where the hack is coda Maybe I should g
60 1.fizz e bad then checking wherever dream at Dollars won't make me rich tho Otherwise they make bitch woah ya ya
61 15.逮蝦戶 上單打野ADC滿地圖Gank everywhere傲慢與偏見像袋垃圾全部丟掉如果牙齒被打碎記得要往肚子裡吞了黑夜黑包黑鑰匙黑T-shirt某天 Pull up with Bugatti sorry I dese
62 1.得到 foreign Don't know where the fuck I'm going Now I'm frozen I really wanna be your favorite Be the one th
63 1.泰國洗 y Bitch coming everywhere Beach bay. Bitch pay lot of pussy on my way Beach bay. Bitch pay.妹仔叫我 sugar dad
64 6.泰國洗DJ電音慢搖 y Bitch coming everywhere Beach bay. Bitch pay lot of pussy on my way Beach bay. Bitch pay.妹仔叫我 sugar dad
65 7.步伐 哪 Tell me where to go當我停下了步伐噩夢都作同一段平行的我誰可憐相拖累都沒有完整 ... 哪 Tell me where to go當我停下了步
66 9.Be The One No matter where do we go wo oh oh My love is always here with you So I keep on follow The places you've been to I gotta know everything bout y ... an call me for sure No matter where do we go wo oh oh My love is always here with you So I keep on follow The places you've been to I gotta know everything bout y ... an call me for sure No matter where do we go wo oh oh My love is alwa
67 3.Catch Me If You Can t a broken home too where's my family我把痛苦轉換變成了Melody Maybe I can be your friend或是你的enemy我試著把你帶在身邊 positiv
68 1.裸 hat way nowhere to hide and nowhere to g
69 1.Sleep On The Ground(Band Edition) the place where I sleep tonight. Maybe the hotel maybe the restaurant. But my purse is in the house so my money hassin' all been burnt. Then ... hassin' all been burnt. Then where can I sleep tonight? Where can I sleep tonight? I came to th
70 1.Forever Never Ends m above now this is where I belong B段 You sang a simple melody a moment like eternity I fell for you so i
71 1.Misty mask Trapped beyond where that I'm in Narrow stretching open doesn't win I'm trapped in cages All I see c
72 1.Signs me a sign Where are the signs I need a sign Give me a sign ... I need a sign Give me a sign Where are the signs Show me a sign Lights out for me These pills are kicking in I'm fading Fake memories Hallucinogenic dreams Divin ... od stood still Give me a sign Where are the signs I need a sign Give me a sign ... I need a sign Give me a sign Where are the signs Show me a sign Give
73 1.迷 曲張陽陽、梁赫宬編曲梁赫宬 Katie where are you from?這是凌晨的派對 I heard someone call me在燈光那邊你是否又一個人迷離中找 You get this party
74 1.Rainbow ne higher where rainbows lie at the edge of horizon去更高更遠的地方尋找彩虹 A place you I we can start our tradition一個你與我可以開始重建的地方 Wanna give you tonight今 ... 願意與我 Far away and gone higher where rainbows lie at the edge of horiz
75 1.山城 市的路也已經很遠真的是新的一天嗎? Nowhere to go卡在路口要向前或向後時間捉弄到最後沒人陪我一直追為什麼我在後退一直追我是誰好遙
76 9.Loving You Is Easy like I'll always be where you could see Won't need to cry When you're next to me The universe it spins th
77 1.About You e ur love(where u low where u cry)(HLOD ME NOW LUV ME NOT)(HL
78 7.我的小拇指 eft at all我們已經沒有未來了 Where'd you park the car你把車停哪裡了 I'll never look back again我不會再回首去望 Why don't you quie
79 2.Empty Can hid the golden key where can you fin
80 1.Island Boy ang sun感覺我認識你 Every where I go I see you boo去哪裡都可以看到你 manu deja vu似曾相識'upacunan a sun到哪裡我都可以看到你 navenala
81 1.Spotlight(聚光燈) y home So where do I go When the night gets so cold And it feels like I'm all alone At some point in time They say I'll be alright But it feel ... now the price and I pay it So where do I go When the night gets so cold And it feels like I'm all alone At some point in time They say I'll be alright But it feel ... So I keep holdin' on A place where I belong I know I know I know Thin ... 日能看見曙光 So where do I go該何去何從 When the night gets s ... 痕蛻變
82 3.Dance Forever In My Mind I got no where to hide(我無處遁形) Know what you want ... 漸入高潮 Stay where the rhythm is but sometimes this love can be venomous試圖保持這律動但有時這會適得其反 We ain't holding hands feeding chaos going through a tra ... ou by my side(你如影隨形) I got no where to hide(我無處遁形) Baby baby do your
83 9.Cause You Are Mine me kiss you more親吻你 Where can put my hands on我該將手置於何處 My sweetie我的愛人 So baby let me know your body When t
84 10.You My Will 入我的整個意志 Know that nowhere to hide得知無處可藏 Nothing to hold無所依靠 Every time I tried每當我懷揣希冀 Through the darkest
85 1.泰國洗DJ電音慢搖 y Bitch coming everywhere Beach bay. Bitch pay lot of pussy on my way Beach bay. Bitch pay.妹仔叫我 sugar dad
86 1.Just Say Hello(合唱版) on't know Where to go When you're gone Too late to tell you You're ... e Too late to tell you You're where I belong Still trembling now I'm
87 7.the window dle But who decides where we go? We'll find our way out here F*** the rules the stagnant tiers If we shed
88 1.Forgotten Silence h Forgotten silence Where should I go? Falling falling apart What is Love? I lost myself試圖妄想能被拯救為何不敢抬頭忘了如
89 1.喘口氣 Pause Key roll著Js哼著 HOV Everywhere I go drop this song不讓我喘口氣你無法消減我的戰鬥力 Think outside of the box天馬行空范特西 SOGIM蠻可以 Sh
90 1.Turtle's Tear ght You ever wonder where We'd be if you were a billionaire Traveling through time Who knows what we migh
91 1.Blind Fire 醒者將生命付諸燃燒 Where should we go now if all is in vain ... 醒者將生命付諸燃燒 Where should we go now if all is in vain ... 醒者將生命付諸燃燒 Where should we go now if all is in vai
92 1.Bumble Bee not my style身邊沒有你在 where's my smile笑容無法替代我的陽光使我綻放(無法遺忘)你在哪 baby girl I need you now now一切也許太晚今夜再讓我躺妳胸懷不再
93 3.七爪魚 l me this is it Somewhere there must be a hidden keyJust let me in Everything must fit in this box I've g
94 1.Overture: Where are we? 去的未來1.Overture: Where are we?作詞魯健良作曲黃灝暉編曲沙漏SAALAU你係邊啊?我望住個月光等咗好耐。我先發覺其實我原來為咗一滴無關緊要噶野浪費咗好多心機。又會有好多
95 1.全世界我只想保護你 el it? love is everywhere隨時陪在你身邊做你堅強的堡壘擋下所有危險保護你不顧一切全世界我只想保護你不管外界有多少的雜音就算鮮花都變陷阱我也會牽著你繼續前進想成為你定居的島嶼你的心事我都渴
96 1.Pacific Coffee aily Everywhere I go I feel I'm at ease yeah I Can feel it now what it's like to be alive Oh yeah用咖啡去開展每日濃或淡亦敲醒身心鬧市中最輕鬆角落悠然亦可奔放靠窗坐低盡情享受望望天空發揮自 ... ffee Recharging me daily Everywhere I go I feel I'm at ease yeah I Ca
97 1.我讓你忘了我去愛著他 me alone那種感覺像開上高速卻忘了where I should go如果孤獨是河流我會清空杯子 The train is loosing control目的地沒有我的位置草原的野火就都燒乾淨吧照亮我們狼狽
98 1.give in to you ome to me Wherever you run When i messed up every goal When i was stuck Never out of my way No goin′ back I lose my head I give in to you My f ... st the way you′ve been I live where you in Know you'd stay Our love′s profound Free like a child Wish we could fly away Away from this world ... fly away Away from this world Where you love keep on rushin' in Away
99 1.Focus the woods Where are you I'm looking for you Can't get you outta my head I sense your focus is falling we are lost in the woods ... ling we are lost in the woods Where are you I'm looking for you Can't get you outta my head現在瞳孔有點痛 Little bit of gossip Little bit of show今晚話筒有點重 Whatever聲音能擊碎鐵鏽 ... ling we are lost in the woods Where are you I'm looking for you Can't get you outta my head I sense your focus is falling we are lost in the
100 1.Nowhere ong-G龍吉-Nowhere1.Nowhere作詞 Loong- G龍吉作曲 Loong- G龍吉目光鎖定你 ... 有你的地方都變成Nowhere That's nowhere yeah還沒出招我就投降我保持前進你卻總是hold on即便酒精能解 ... 有你的地方都變成Nowhere That's nowhere yeah以前都會跟我報備現在找不到你的方位你總是對我防備認識你讓我

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