
關於 whiskey + whiskey + whiskey 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.ADAM 引我慢慢撥開你的頭髮在你臉頰上留下烙印 Whiskey on the rock讓你身體慢慢上了火就好像沒了我你根本就不可能快樂 we are adam and eve一起偷嘗這禁果沒有任何的空隙因為你全程都緊握
2 1.派對特工 g隨時準備一炮而紅 Whiskey shot裡加點lean What you mean Party當 ... g隨時準備一炮而紅 Whiskey shot裡加點lean What you mean Party當 ... g隨時準備一炮而紅 Whiskey shot裡加點lean What you mean Party
3 1.A級戀愛 eat超過了20db視線對視微醺一下來杯whiskey Listen baby困難call me來應對只要你喜歡每天都打包送一束玫瑰有我在絕不會讓你流淚做人羨慕的一對That's right電話時長儘管超過記錄
4 2.乾杯乾杯 界遮爾迷人為我存在 Whiskey透Vodka想欲啥物style只要你愛我攏會使乾杯乾杯今夜我是你甜 ... tsûn-tsāi Whiskey透Vodka Whiskey thàu Vodka想欲啥物Style siūnn-beh s
5 5.Instant Luv own別擔心h*rny as f*ck Whiskey won't sell in starbuck Babe I wanna be ur illusion No matter how many b*tch*s

6 1.Spotlight(聚光燈) p of this whiskey and I'm just lonelier now I know I know I know Things will never be the same again I'm so sick of this game They throwin' di ... ll town I found A sip of this whiskey and I'm just lonelier now I know I know I know Things will never be the same again I've been through the dark And even there ... ll town I found A sip of this whiskey and I'm just lonelier now I know I know I know Things will never be the same again------------------------------------------ ...
7 1.FALL4U如失去你是擁有你 煙拍立得照片照照鏡子想起昨天 yeah Whiskey on the rock I need some more希望係過煙雲如今我將煙都戒掉兌現曾經為你許下的諾言美麗的謊話在洗禮的當下我竟妄想你現在就在我眼前童
8 1.Love Mode all night through. Whiskey or champagne is not what I'm wondering now Stunned by your charm I cannot eve
9 1.Slap ke it a double like whiskey neat I will be like a cop Cover your eyes handcuff you up yeah Take a deep br
10 1.Free Rain Prod.By Morrow 欸怕最後旋律被摧毀 whiskey shake like ring欸第幾遍說我再不卑微 baby I ... 欸怕最後旋律被摧毀 whiskey shake like ring欸第幾遍說我再不卑微 baby
11 1.Whisky mie他叫我要不要喝whiskey我回答幹你娘當然話當然好可是齁我真的不喜歡喝Jim Beam喝下去 ... 睡幹而且上身還裸著 Whiskey Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah y
12 3.I don't smoke& I don't drink (Fail) Half shot of whiskey That's what What they gave me I'm not joking I'm not joking I'm not! I'm not
13 7.ONE WAY TICKET dirt like whiskey Getting overloaded on the way WOOH OOH WOOH OOH WOOH OOH Now I'm broken and sound like an old man I can finally feel my brea ... king all the bloody dirt like whiskey Celebrating this parade I'm aro
14 10.City Love 願的話當然會側耳傾聽不愛喝白蘭地偏偏喜歡whiskey和你性格一樣讓我逐漸上了癮 One shot two shot大腦開始關機我舉著白旗認輸說我需要暫個停此刻的吧檯還在播放著rnb City love pop
15 1.Crazy 拒絕太多誘惑太無聊受夠了孤獨我不停奔跑 Whiskey一杯接一杯這種感覺你無法體會錢越多我越疲憊不想獨自奮戰想被你指揮 I'm lit and lonely我的內心感到恐懼沒有人能夠懂我的狼狽但除了你其他我無所
16 3.無用浪漫 的海上衝浪 Baby什麼時候親吻來我家 Whiskey Sour給你謝謝你收留我無用的浪漫和星星點點的孤單回到我們佔據的那座小島有層層疊疊的雲帆宇宙要怎麼去擁抱洋流群島有我的心跳 Baby什麼時候親吻不如我帶你
17 3.最佳狀態 佳狀態錄音在桌上放杯whiskey拿起筆一首接著一首彷彿又到了新世紀出門那肯定是最佳狀態不會讓別人看 ... 佳狀態錄音在桌上放杯whiskey拿起筆一首接著一首彷彿又到了新世紀出門那肯定是最佳狀態不會讓別人
18 5.Love Song 市你偏不走說在家裡更舒服也能牽我手我們喝whiskey還要喝紅酒又吹蠟燭吃蛋糕也要看著我你有很多回憶有我在你身邊baby不要有太多的顧慮拿著行李出發不會煩惱baby我的心思你全懂一起走吹吹風 come to m
19 1.兒童健康紀錄 後都係roll緊煙絲一支駁住一支右手一杯whiskey或者生活本來就係一場悲劇演員每日重複住庸碌嘅走趯外面觀眾正在欣賞一場喜劇最sad嘅我哋都係演員身在其中 You know that You turn me
20 5.With My Bro now ya know my name Whiskey day by day by day by day升級武器在前不久責任心扛在肩上走網絡上一幫好朋友 Don't touch Game sh* t bro看清

21 1.i don't smoke& i don't drink (Fail) Half shot of whiskey That's what What they gave me I'm not joking I'm not joking I'm not! I'm not
22 1.夢遊症 p雙眼看不清像是喝了whiskey Gonna flip it show u my flippanc ... p雙眼看不清像是喝了whiskey Gonna flip it show u my flippan
23 9.Cheap Love ain't hard to spare Whiskey helps get you there Bottoms up Armors down We're just bodies lying bare And I
24 4.佐藤娜娜子 我一杯mojito來點brandy再套點whiskey喝完這裡再來一球ice cream手伸口袋裡錢包去哪裡やばいやばいどうして手機還給我關機です他急忙找人求救可是語言不通接下來的十分鐘他只能一直裝懂さとうなな
25 1.Turn Your Back To Me king calm down我倒了一口 Whiskey in my mouth這空間還有你的笑我一個人怎麼睡得著 I don't know你不在我的左右我是否還能夠擠出笑容 Baby I don't know
26 1.Cheap Love ain't hard to spare Whiskey helps get you there Bottoms up Armors down We're just bodies lying bare And I
27 1.Chiller er把你的檸檬茶放進whiskey杯里加一點伏特加當然還要一塊冰喝幾口就能夠感到微醺 Cause w ... er把你的檸檬茶放進Whiskey杯里加一點伏特加當然還要一塊冰喝幾口就能夠感到微醺 Cause
28 3.Summernight(LIT with me) We've been holding whiskey all the night威士忌握在我們手上 Bikini bottom lasts for ever time比奇堡狂歡永不散場 Secret bott
29 4.Summernight(LIT with me)-dj D remix We've been holding whiskey all the night Bikini bottom lasts for ever time Secret bottles makes me want
30 1.新生 飽受侵蝕離開老子失去妹子只剩車子媽的幹拿whiskey混上台啤一瓶入口酒精入眠誰能來救無所適從發著呆睜開雙眼一覺醒來原來還在太陽還在抱石上爬觸碰未來它還在轉眼三十推開大門踏過淚痕走出煙塵無所不能浴火重生我就帥
31 1.靈魂愛人 抱著你躺在這午後清晨和酒我喜歡和你研究 Whiskey and soul靈魂漫遊沒有了盡頭放空的雙手潮起以後wow Taking me close I love u s
32 1.失眠 了門你悄悄地關掉了燈讓我們倒上兩杯加冰的whiskey其他的別太當真得不到的卻更加曖昧像睡不著的夜晚但不會覺得太累 uh失眠了時間也在敗退你輾轉反側那不如加入我的派對 uh my baby I don't re
33 1.三 就是不可能抓著筆Jaslu又續了他的一杯Whiskey說著他的抑鬱江龍看著他手裡的信信中是關於他們兩個之前的秘密不管你們如何定義嘻哈社存在的意義因為連我自己都不知道如何定義我自己三年間抑鬱的情緒讓我變得更封閉那
34 1.Freestyle and order a shot of whiskey I just wanna go home所以我叫了Uber司機這時手機響了猜猜是誰傳來的訊息 peace
35 4.To Be Loved eld Matt Wayne凌晨的三點 Whiskey的甘甜你不在身邊電話都不接感覺很強烈思緒很遙遠安慰自己沒有問題只有醉意心裡開始後悔自己從來沒有好好加倍寵愛妳多愛很愛超愛負載超載離開期待為愛未來不再傷害回來
36 1.Summernight(LIT with me)-dj D remix We've been holding whiskey all the night Bikini bottom lasts for ever time Secret bottles makes me want
37 1.Summernight(LIT with me) We've been holding whiskey all the night威士忌握在我們手上 Bikini bottom lasts for ever time比奇堡狂歡永不散場 Secret bott
38 1.Summer Valentine your lies Whiskey on ice Like paradise Forgetting I'm afraid of perishing twice Dangerous attraction In midsummer night Brush your lips and ru ... ity but you're a luscious sin Whiskey on ice Like paradise Forgetting
39 1.To Be Loved avid Brown、潘瑋柏凌晨的三點 Whiskey的甘甜你不在身邊電話都不接感覺很強烈思緒很遙遠安慰自己沒有問題只有醉意心裡開始後悔自己從來沒有好好加倍寵愛妳多愛很愛超愛負載超載離開期待為愛未來不再傷害回來
40 1.行不行 著迷為自己多點了一杯Whiskey看看會不會多一點放縱的勇氣 Hey~對面大眼妹在望著你 Haha~ ... 肩膀在耳邊喘息該死的whiskey剛剛不該喝太急太刺激頭太暈管它的音樂繼續 Hey-i-ya-i
41 1.Relax(M3SSIAH Remix) 玩都玩不夠把那些煩惱通通給我都拋到腦後 Whiskey加點冰妳喝的有點暈現在我只想循環這首經典給妳聽【滿舒克】 If you wanna chill Turn it on right now if you wa
42 2.Whiskey Lullaby(施奕存) 奕存-Buena Vista2.Whiskey Lullaby(施奕存)作詞施奕存作曲施奕存今晚小酌伴隨沉靜尤像酒裡加滿冰塊看不清 Don't you know that I am fallin
43 9.Perfume om the night before Whiskey bottle empty glasses full So you can't act like you're not comfortable But yo
44 5.B.O.(feat.9m88) y body連續喝了三杯shot of whiskey還比不上旁邊的Fanny她喝個vodka都不加cranberry juice.說到Fanny剛剛坐在她旁邊的女孩她好可愛是我的菜 Dat ass so ni
45 6.南一道街 考砸周末還是party亮相朗姆對可樂打開whiskey來我跟你喝我跟你喝跟你嘚瑟跟你吹牛左前方的姑娘使我鼻血在流提醒自己不要害羞喝到吐了也得保持清醒也得死硬撐到黎明醉醺醺晃悠悠走進家門被父母打罵後鑽進被窩妄想女

46 3.南一道街 North Hollywood(Live)(feat.馬伯騫) 考砸周末還是party亮相朗姆對可樂打開whiskey來我跟你喝我跟你喝跟你嘚瑟跟你吹牛左前方的姑娘使我鼻血在流提醒自己不要害羞喝到吐了也得保持清醒也得死硬撐到黎明醉醺醺晃悠悠走進家門被父母打罵後鉆進被窩妄想女
47 9.南一道街 North Hollywood 考砸週末還是party亮相朗姆對可樂打開whiskey來我跟你喝我跟你喝跟你嘚瑟跟你吹牛左前方的姑娘使我鼻血在流提醒自己不要害羞喝到吐了也得保持清醒也得死硬撐到黎明醉醺醺晃悠悠走進家門被父母打罵後鑽進被窩妄想女
48 1.Mister浪漫 Y好萊塢把我變得很 CRAZY幫忙加點 WHISKEY進我 LATTE我們可以大白天開始 PARTY他們都叫我 Mister浪漫為了愛情我願意蹺班如果下大雨我幫你撐傘日落帶著吉他去沙灘我走到任何地方都帶著兄弟曾
49 7.嗜酒 靠SMOKE WEED靠著我的啤酒還有 WHISKEY喝醉在 day n night眼睛睜不開看不清楚任何東西美麗的風景在烏煙瘴氣的都市裡保持微醺在這充滿匠氣的布置裡太暈所以能看到不一樣的天色不會是亮的是上天的
50 1.Go Harder rty Champagne vodka whiskey Going harder and harder We turn it up daily他想要他不知道他們party過後到底要去哪裡好她不要她很難搞她們pa
51 4.親我吧 Samuel Greg啤酒或COKE WHISKEY紅酒還是香檳都可以 OH我不太能喝SHOT但一點點還可以嘿!怎麼走掉跟著別人在跳你看我我看你 YOU SHOULD BUY ME A DRINK當你向前走來
52 4.複製粘貼 e所有的男生都想要和我一起做遊戲給我一杯Whiskey讓我感覺Crazy我並不是別人想的那種lady I..... feel...... so..... high.....我要複製你的臉粘貼在我心間就不會再忘記
53 5.Free Me Now 哪個真實的生活每天面對選擇面對誘惑太多的Whiskey Rock'n'RollFree me now我的心跳跟著你的節奏 Rree me now帶我搭上你的雲霄飛車一起走 C'mon!! C'mon!! Her
54 2.101 多曾經的曾經昨夜的 Whiskey威士忌僅剩的淡定這條街有你留下過的痕跡 Who who誰把誰唯美的 ... 多曾經的曾經昨夜的 Whiskey威士忌僅剩的淡定這條街有你留下過的痕跡心跳的頻率超過101只要見
55 4.Let Me h let the whiskey keeps us following Let me drink let me high I'll find a better step Let me out let me talk I'll do my duty job Something goo ... an who is not free Oh let the whiskey keeps us following Let me drink
56 4.新娘衫 我坎坷情路不願孤單行一支Violin一杯Whiskey尚了解我的心情天星啊請你祝福我甜蜜情路有人陪阮行不再孤單無憂愁到永
57 11.American Pie boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye Singin'this will be the day that i die. This will be the day that I d
58 8.台北神經 的心情走進喧嘩的酒館裡嘗試著去喧洩自己 Whiskey拉進你我的距離拉近之後才發現只是幻影難過的不是被酒精痲痺而是痲痺後的清醒*有人歡喜有人失意有人唱著生日的歌曲有人開心有人消極有人將白蘭地和靈魂混在一起混在一
59 9.T.C.N. t out So I hit that whiskey talk and easy I like that high so I kiss that O Z And I find the boys I says'
60 1.別打擾我跳舞 釋放自我背與背貼在一起感受心臟跳動喝一杯whiskey閉起了眼睛升空幹一排tequila全場就要屬我最放縱聽這低音撲通撲通將我拉出了陷阱要什麼樣的節奏曲風才能將我迷別來推銷什麼愛情我已精疲力盡別打擾我今晚要雙手
61 1.孤獨頌歌 步沒有人還能記起白日的痛楚昏暗的燈光配上Whiskey的度數打碎了人們清醒設下的意圖誒呀誒呀怎麼忘了我是其中的一個在每一天都扮演上天安排的角色誒呀誒呀怎麼忘了付出愛情的代價你別再問了想要答案就去看看吧那些孤獨的
62 1.孤獨頌歌(女生版) 步沒有人還能記起白日的痛楚昏暗的燈光配上Whiskey的度數打碎了人們清醒設下的意圖誒呀誒呀怎麼忘了我是其中的一個在每一天都扮演上天安排的角色誒呀誒呀怎麼忘了付出愛情的代價你別再問了想要答案就去看看吧那些孤獨的
63 1.1227(Niki's Piano Version) him doing whiskey and me Thought I will never love again But he took me in Like a shade of a daylight in the darkest room He kissed my neck an ... music playing with him doing whiskey and me Thought I will never lov
64 1.孤獨頌歌 步沒有人還能記起白日的痛楚昏暗的燈光配上whiskey的度數打碎了人們清醒設下的意圖誒呀誒呀怎麼忘了我是其中的一個在每一天都扮演上天安排的角色誒呀誒呀怎麼忘了付出愛情的代價你別再問了想要答案就去看看吧那些孤獨的
65 1.唯知己 巫詠歡-唯知己Whiskey1.唯知己作詞鵬泊、巫詠歡HAPPY作曲巫詠歡HAPPY編曲Jason(Lateau) Lung你說身體是存酒的容器需要有個人能倒出隱藏的秘
66 2.Whiskey 巫詠歡-唯知己Whiskey2.Whiskey作詞巫詠歡HAPPY作曲巫詠歡HAPPY編曲Jason(Lateau) Lung You thought bodies were only for drinking All you wanted was someone there for s ... read A glass or two of rum or whiskey The connection was misread We l
67 6.Wedding Dress(After Covid V.) bride' Drunk on the whiskey from your lips How I hold my breath your suit and tie How you got tongue-tied
68 7.Shots Of Whiskey .Shots Of Whiskey作詞 Niki作曲 Niki Look who's ready to take me on a trip Emotional roller coaster ride Come and go sweet or cruel Toss a coin ... or angel tonight? One shot of whiskey You have me dusk'till dawn Two shots of ... e dusk'till dawn Two shots of whiskey Tangle in my soul Three shots ofwhiskey You have a song'bout you But you're busy doing comedy In a stand-up show alone You want all the sex But you want no trouble ... in baseball games One shot of
69 1.Peachy Party umm no no whiskey If you're not drinkin' with me喝快喝吧來我怕再沒後來痛痛快快放下現實的感慨 Won't you drink with me won't you dance with me我會跟你一起推開一切深奧意義 Lose your ... I'll have some sake Umm no no whiskey If you're not drinkin' with me處
70 5.Rollin y thick one for you Whiskey for the whole night or some beers? Im trynna swim to you and I would swim alo
71 1.Funky Relax Time ng cup of tea(maybe whiskey)別叫我baby or sweet honey I am hottest melody(melody) I don't hook up Cause I'm
72 1.孤獨頌歌 步沒有人還能記起白日的痛楚昏暗的燈光配上Whiskey的度數打碎了人們清醒設下的意圖誒呀誒呀怎麼忘了我是其中的一個在每一天都扮演上天安排的角色誒呀誒呀怎麼忘了付出愛情的代價你別再問了想要答案就去看看吧那些孤獨的
73 5.on the right track 咁過唔想就咁錯過 Drink some whiskey chill嚇望住個天 Nobody look at me感受日子嘅變遷 Forget your Enemies Tragedy Misery I got
74 1.曖昧幻境 謐 waiter來杯whiskey拿起筆寫一封不會寄出的信將過去鎖進心裡酒精揮發現實和幻境醉在夢裡給 ... 謐 waiter來杯whiskey拿起筆寫一封不會寄出的信將過去鎖進心裡酒精揮發現實和幻境醉在夢裡窗 ... 謐 waiter來杯whiskey拿起筆寫一封不會寄出的信將過去鎖進心裡酒精揮發現實和幻境醉在夢
75 3.月亮上跳舞 融化後的遺忘別醒了 Whiskey喝掉吧 Whiskey誰碰灑我和我的愛杯中 galaxy杯中的 guessing Emo的你又笑起來倒不滿的杯為誰 This is how it spends my day Emo ... s is how it spends my day Emo Whiskey Shh I'm gonna clean up my mind G ... 亮卻耀躍的光別醒了 Whiskey喝掉吧 Whiskey誰碰灑我和我的愛 I I I I Islay babe Pouri ... care… Emo Whiskey(!
76 1.噓讓我沉溺 的一個人的發呆裡闖進赤紅色的倩影加熱後的Whiskey Hot Toddy特殊的甜蜜是不是酒精的刺激 Lady這杯讓我請你燈光勾勒你身體鼓點描繪你旋律濕漉漉的眼神裡像小鹿般令人憐惜若隱若現的氣息曖昧不清的言語釋
77 3.月亮上跳舞(Emo Whiskey) 月亮上跳舞(Emo Whiskey)作詞袁婭維、陶樂然Dollarzoo作曲袁婭維、陶樂然D ... 融化後的遺忘別醒了 Whiskey喝掉吧 Whiskey誰碰灑我和我的愛杯中 galaxy杯中的 guessing Emo的你又笑起來倒不滿的杯為誰 This is how it spends my day Emo ... s is how it spends my day Emo Whiskey Shh I'm gonna clean up my mind G ... 亮卻耀躍的光別醒了 Whiskey喝掉吧 Whiskey誰碰灑我和我的愛 I I I I Islay babe Po
78 1.Hide And Seek eel the same腦袋放空再來一杯whiskey身體放軟不要克制自己 You know what我已經深深的上癮 Come on let's go hide and seek別在意誰的真心 You say
79 3.新玩具 西他說 baby how's that whiskey沒看過這樣的演出沒看過這樣的演出沒看過這樣的演出他說 baby陪我跳舞他越靠越近他說 baby陪我一起沒碰過這樣的人物沒碰過這樣的人物沒碰過這樣的人物手腳外
80 7.Drive drink or whiskey Do you come from hollywood Or is it me who misunderstood but to me you seem a little crazy You seem like the type so lets ta ... it beer you like to drink or whiskey Do you come from hollywood Or i
81 27.Dear Mr. President ome a long way from whiskey and cocaine. How do you sleep while the rest of us cry? How do you dream when
82 1.Let's be together tonight r tonight你喝著Longrow whiskey國王的姿態唇邊勾起笑意早已看穿你說hello sexy不必再等待So just cmon over快躲進我胸懷 oh~~別等待 Dala Dadala Da
83 4.Marquee 眼神讓人意亂情迷艷紅的唇啜飲著 ice whiskey I just fallen想把你擁入懷裡- C'monJust dance with me C'monJust be with me C'monJust
84 1.Intro After Tonight 拍誰的身體輕輕在搖擺誰頭髮放任用力甩誰用Whiskey加冰塊在調釋沸騰的血脈 Repeat Chorus Hey Hey Hey girl Welcome to my-my-my world我要逃脫一切煩擾 Y
85 7.After Tonight 拍誰的身體輕輕在搖擺誰頭髮放任用力甩誰用Whiskey加冰塊在調釋沸騰的血脈 Repeat Chorus Hey Hey Hey girl Welcome to my-my-my world我要逃脫一切煩擾 Y
86 13.Whiskey& Lime 快樂的13.Whiskey& Lime Lyrics彭靖惠 Music彭靖惠 The rain has stopped the sun is high There is a rainbow in the sky And a sudden breeze goes thr ... nights will fall Then we have whiskey and lime That's what we do in summer time Tears and smiles good days and bad Sit back and we watch how they fly The busy day ... nights will fall Then we have whiskey and lime That's what we do in summer time Destination of our journeys isn't really far So take your time what's
87 10.American Pie boys were drinking whiskey and rye Singing this'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die D
88 24.Don't Tell Mama an empty whiskey bottle by his side And through the blood and tears He whispered in my ear A few last words just before he died Don't tell Ma ... thinkin' I met the Lord with whiskey on my breath I still think about that night And how that young man died And how others sometimes pay for our mistakes The la ... thinkin' I met the Lord with whiskey on my breath Don't tell Mama I
89 13.American Pie(張柏芝&陳曉東) drinkin' whiskey and rye Singin''this will be the day that I die This will be the day that I die.'張 I met a girl who sang the blues And I ask ... d good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye Singin''this will be the day that I die This will be the day that I die.'合 Bye bye Miss American Pie. Drove my Chevy ... d good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye Singin''this will be th
90 7.寂寞吧(午夜愛人) Ballerina Drinking Whiskey Soixante Neuf. She's a lady寂寞吧就要愛寂寞吧莫冀待寂寞吧就有愛寂寞吧莫忍耐寂寞吧就有愛寂寞吧願接待寂寞吧就去愛寂寞吧就進內寂寞
91 1.D.T.D(Drink Till Die) 酒精喝一口啤酒來一shot vodka Whiskey and tequila我從來都不怕所謂的宿醉所謂的斷片就算喝到廢掉 I don't give a shit DRINK TILL DIE My blood
92 9.D.T.D(Drink Till Die) 酒精喝一口啤酒來一shot vodka Whiskey and tequila我從來不怕所謂的宿醉所謂的斷片就算喝到廢掉 I don't give a shit DRINK TILL DIE My blood
93 7.黃色雨傘 a sip of whiskey and breath out the air Wondering how we just fit right in若像失去愛情的白翎鷥無論我共妳越過頭毋管了經過偌濟年寂寞的心規組送予妳同款的感情煞說無仝的話同款的眼神嘛攏四界揣在生分的草地嘛愛過一片 ... ecord on a spin Take a sip of whiskey and breath out the air Wonderin
94 1.酒後咖啡 re drinking tonight Whiskey lager or a little bit of wine All these ups and downs are just part of our li
95 1.凌晨威士忌 wu(吳驁)編曲 revival好幾杯 whiskey逐漸下肚後我的思緒被你盜用舞池的燈光打在你身上突然感覺心在跳動借給我你的雙手今晚我需要你的律動就好像好萊塢的電影好像做了場夢被告知凌晨四點關門可你酒還沒有沾
96 1.JuJu death is a glass of whiskey One man's victory No man's victory Memory memory I can see her blank stare He
97 4.Thank You ith heavy smoke and whiskey coke Not my part of plan You told me to shut up. I thought it's always only f
98 1.Party@0417 lace Honey tea with whiskey a shitty taste Adrenaline push me in vice I tryna keep myself in sober No wor
99 1.Ride With Me微醺藍調 Domenic開瓶 Whiskey Baby I say ride with me(Say ride ... 情別讓我們錯過開瓶 Whiskey Baby I say ride with me(Say ride ... (整晚陪妳睡)開瓶 Whiskey Baby I say ride with me(Say rid
100 6.夏日胡言亂語 難免會情緒低落被迫收聽囉裡嗦如置身陌生 Whiskey bar裡喝莫吉托不宜多吾意纏繞向上無意扶椅坐為發光思考怎麽綻放一路努力奪不踱步起飛著陸坦蕩執意孤立度過獨木突破招數幻象把幹擾遮罩以十倍定力肝腦塗地定神屏集

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