
關於 you + are + the + fire 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 1.Concert Desire(Live) rt hid in the dark(我心久駐黑暗) My eyes are full of desire(雙眼慾望難填) My life is a ... 絕的廢墟) All the curiosity and naive thoughts(那些好奇的天真 ... 的天真的你) We are always waiting for you(終將路過此地) To keep you away from hunger by my heart(請讓我撫慰你的飢餓) To accompany ... heart(請讓我撫慰你的飢餓) To accompany you to a peaceful night with my eyes(請讓我 ... 走入深夜) Let y
2 2.Concert Love(Live) hide with you Don't leave me alone Let me die in your arms But if the love isn't true I will find the truth Give my heart to you「」 I think I'm confused My deepest soul is fading and disappearing Two people talking One showed me how to love Ano ... One showed me how to love Another one told me'You gotta clean them' That's why people called them Angel and demon Good versus evil I'm afraid to face ... ersus evil I'm afraid to face the(
3 1.入場人士注意 馮允謙 Oscar Young Hysan作曲陳考威馮允謙 SeaTravel編曲陳考威、SeaTravel入場各位請聽好忠告都請記入腦隨熱能引領傾倒 Whoaaa whoaaa yeah不准很抑壓強忍苦惱只懂嘆氣至到清早 Time to get high Gonna put on ... 力喧嚷神奇還是正常都站起無懼缺氧 Bring out ya fire now Don't stop nonono Don't stop nonono你要愛新厭舊你要放膽接受 yeah Bring out ya ... 要愛新厭舊你要放膽接受 yeah Bring out ya fire n
4 4.Kingdom's Shade(嫉妒的王國) 詞沈以誠作曲沈以誠 You gonna pay for that My father told me everyday Even if I make a change Cause no one understands We need to keep breathing ... nds We need to keep breathing The mad world I don't really care You can't make sky gray(wu-wu-wu-wu-wu) You can't make sky gray(wu-wu-wu) You can't make sky gray(wu-wu-wu-wu-wu) You can't make the sky gray Now we just sit in the kingdom's shade The fire of life was pas
5 11.New Soul Freestyle d這感覺像口鍋on the fire真正的玩少爺的夜生活不一定會待在club可能在客廳看Netflix摟著他 ... 著他的girl U are my任天堂 Yes sir蘇打水黑加侖味兒 Bluetooth在放sch ... Q的 Man of the year這是BABYCEO get more money baby move ... YCEO get more money baby move your body I finesse every day你猜明天我在哪裡好想我的爸爸媽媽想帶他們去巴拿馬剝 banana順便去愛馬仕買真絲bandana我每天都會散發

6 8.One World One Dream all over the world我們來自世界各地 Meet together here without any distance在這裡相遇心靈之間沒 ... 任何距離 With your dreams帶著你的夢想 Wishing everyone were ... 人 Holding the greatest memories forever永遠銘記這偉大的時刻 It's time to make friends讓我們成為朋友 No need for more expression不需要太多言語 No one can be changed誰也無 ... d誰也無法改變我們 We will touch each other's heart我們心與心
7 2.Firework 十方藝念2.Firework作詞 n99d(Kim Sangbeen)作曲胡臻koshin、n99d、Miru Shinoda就現在不需要行囊快出發 Follow up整個世界都是我的天下飛翔吧伸手就能碰到雲霞腳踩著颶風和飛沙無畏到不計代價 Yo sitting on ... 腳踩著颶風和飛沙無畏到不計代價 Yo sitting on the star I do wanna be a part鮮花簇擁著那不竭的幻想 ... 光照亮不停歇的心臟 Firework firework Yeah firework firework趁
8 1.Blind Fire 太白-Blind Fire1.Blind Fire作詞李長庚作曲李長庚編曲王莫凱Mozark.D Everyone should be able to choose how to burn每個人都有權選擇自己燃燒的方式 Even opening our eyes we stay in ... n opening our eyes we stay in the glacier即便我們甦醒在冰原荒寂之中 My love can contain ... 甦醒在冰原荒寂之中 My love can contain you all我的愛可以包容你的一切 So don't let me be dumb and blind拜託請別對我裝聾作
9 4.Save ke I told you m********* I'll win and do the toast(像我之前說的我一定會贏到最後在你面前慶祝)雖然懦弱也在一直試圖掐住我的喉那就閉上眼睛雙手合十扣緊我的手不是要祈求上帝而是要去跟著內心走雙手被利劍染成血紅色充滿憤怒的戲子紅臉唱得不出色 Show no mercy I'mma taste ... 不出色 Show no mercy I'mma taste your blood(面無表情地看你倒下)無用的憐憫早已被我親手給埋了 All ...
10 1.Save ke I told you m********* I'll win and do the toast(像我之前說的我一定會贏到最後在你面前慶祝)雖然懦弱也在一直試圖掐住我的喉那就閉上眼睛雙手合十扣緊我的手不是要祈求上帝而是要去跟著內心走雙手被利劍染成血紅色充滿憤怒的戲子紅臉唱得不出色 Show no mercy I'mma taste ... 不出色 Show no mercy I'mma taste your blood(面無表情地看你倒下)無用的憐憫早已被我親手給埋了 All ...
11 1.Dancing In the Sky ancing In the Sky1.Dancing In the Sky作詞裴衣非作曲裴衣非 Dancing in ... Sky作詞裴衣非作曲裴衣非 Dancing in the sky I found a girl and I love her I spent my time to take her home She looks so beautiful hit my heart and let me fall And now ... heart and let me fall And now you're holding my hand. Baby I know I met someone that I'll always love Never give ... t I'll always love Never give you up So my darling you just look at
12 1.我想要想要你的Soul Baby hold your breath Give me your eyes and I'll love you to death Can't wait to be your honey You are the moonshine that I always want yeah Shiny shiny star Let down ... eah Shiny shiny star Let down your guard Don't you worry Nothing will be falling apart我想要想要你的soul(不管鹹或甜)就這樣跟著感覺Go(節奏對上了沒)享受那音符在跳動(氣氛又轉變)曼妙曲線在我眼中(勾勒出愛戀) Love is like cig ..
13 1.Attention-中文版 I can let you be my souvenir世界排列組合我是唯一角色存在即合理我的法則創造新的世界 Piece of art that I create忘掉規矩和界線全部都無所謂 Don't wanna know what ... 線全部都無所謂 Don't wanna know what you gotta play now You need to concentrate now遙不可及的位置勝利者無需解釋迷霧解開醒過來穿過無盡黑白仰望觸碰雲層光彩不管初見還是要終將離開 Attention now ... 雲層光彩不管初見還是
14 2.Attention-英文版 my shadow Your reign is overthrown I can let you be my souvenir No matter where I go I'll always be ... ter where I go I'll always be the show What you see here is all rational It's a new universe piece of art that I create I'm not here to entertain so make no mistake Don't wanna ... mistake Don't wanna know what you gotta play now You need to concentrate now Out here to eliminateJust for ... Out here to eliminateJust for the win when I say Not gonna
15 14.失態 ight此刻全點燃了Fire I don't want another one愛不用還來愛分割兩邊 But I'm ... 邊 But I'm the better one I want you to come here I want you to come here Be my lady I'm the better one不需要你的分數 I don't want ano ... er one不需要你的分數 I don't want another one不會就這麼服輸這首歌寫出了對你的愛戀偶爾打開酒精和你的Insta ... 愛說了愛(Baby you can come wit me come wit me)是我沒 Baby .
16 13.Day By Day ummy B-安泰:The Revisit Version13.Day By Day作詞黃立堯、曾鼎元、林敬倫、招俊辰、黃宗懋、許辰宇、林哲宇、賴奕泓、陳有祺作曲黃立堯、曾鼎元、林敬倫、招俊辰、黃宗懋、許辰宇、林哲宇、賴奕泓、陳有祺 I've been doin' t ... day by day只想別太累 It was always you that made my day當一切都結束 we gon' fade away沒有終點像爬著迴旋樓梯卻不會有天爬到頂端詭譎的空間像在跑步機
17 1.Stay t Ng(黃宇哲) You always put me in the mood你總能讓我開啟好心情模式 When ... 心情模式 When you're here I feel so good只要你在這裡我內心就是晴天 ... 心就是晴天 And you know I like that你知道我喜歡這樣的狀態 Yeah ... 樣的狀態 Yeah you know I like that是的你肯定知道的 ... t是的你肯定知道的 There's nothing that I wouldn't do為了你沒什麼是我不會做的 Girl my mind is stuck on ... 不
18 1.Stay Hubert Ng You always put me in the mood你總能讓我開啟好心情模式 When ... 心情模式 When you're here I feel so good只要你在這裡我內心就是晴天 ... 心就是晴天 And you know I like that你知道我喜歡這樣的狀態 Yeah ... 樣的狀態 Yeah you know I like that是的你肯定知道的 ... t是的你肯定知道的 There's nothing that I wouldn't do為了你沒什麼是我不會做的 Girl my mind is stuck on ... 不會做
19 6.Lotus 衣非 I like your hair not just cause look so great. I like ... t cause look so great. I like your hands not just cause looks so slender. I love that glasses ... slender. I love that glasses you look so wonderful when wear it. When I am down ... when wear it. When I am down you always accompany me. When I am fall you always encourage me. And you will never will never give me up. But I guess I'll never close to ... t I guess I'll never close to you(!
20 1.RiverCity2023Cypher oing what you love跟兄弟同行又同心怕的是半途而廢從來不是懼怕falling dow ... n What?we are rushed to the front是我們用來詮釋音符的戰場 What?we ... 場 What?we are rushed to the front看我們在土地上埋下的寶藏胡司睿_SiRi Feedback To ... 在土地上埋下的寶藏胡司睿_SiRi Feedback To the rap i can我的gang出場從頭到腳所以我更不收斂hooligan ... rground的項目you see that Tokyo seou

21 1.入場人士注意 馮允謙 Oscar Young Hysan作曲陳考威馮允謙 SeaTravel編曲陳考威、 SeaTravel入場各位請聽好忠告都請記入腦隨熱能引領傾倒 Whoaaa whoaaa yeah不准很抑壓強忍苦惱只懂嘆氣至到清早 Time to get high Gonna put on ... 力喧嚷神奇還是正常都站起無懼缺氧 Bring out ya fire now Don't stop nonono Don't stop nonono你要愛新厭舊你要放膽接受 yeah Bring out ya ... 要愛新厭舊你要放膽接受 yeah Bring out ya fire n
22 1.Levia kes up in the dark'Shall we await the second coming?' As she shields my eyes Forgotten what's divine Now Levia ... otten what's divine Now Levia You crawl into my bed Whispered that you'll be fine Let me grow up in your head Come Levia We'll never separate Everlasting ... ll never separate Everlasting fire's burning The ashes of my heart Come Levia Oh it's never too late So meaningless with time We should've become one We should've become one Ton ...
23 1.Like California leave on the weekend Don't need a reason I'll satisfy her She wanna ride all night U and I can make it right I'll be ... d I can make it right I'll be your pilot Takin' off right here Ignited Where ... off right here Ignited Where you wanna go Higher Feedin' the fire Desire When I'm with ya It feels like California It feels like California It feels like California It feels like California Fee ... a Feels like California I see the signs like Theres s
24 1.Your place or Mine Ricky-Your place or Mine1.Your place or Mine作詞 Avalon陳佳陽、Ricky作曲 Avalon陳佳陽'My baby is up at4 am(x5) I just wanna love ya' n'i wanna kiss ya' ... a love ya' n'i wanna kiss ya' You better watch out baby um'Don't leave me high and dry I ain't make it thru ... and dry I ain't make it thru the night''Alright hear me out' So Baby love me tonight ... out' So Baby love me tonight Your place or mine Your place or mine I just love wan
25 8.Unique Design say it to you(a) million times有這樣的你不是偶然 I know that ... on times有這樣的你不是偶然 I know that your a unique design對你的想法源源不斷(Gotta keep it in mind)( ... 想法源源不斷(Gotta keep it in mind)(You belong to no one)一切都會好就當我是客套只要你能夠聽得到能夠聽得到 Like water in ... 客套只要你能夠聽得到能夠聽得到 Like water in the desert now that I'm here I don't talk much but ... 'm he
26 2.傳奇 Legend 火 Put out the fire但我也正在被它逐漸侵蝕 But I'm getting burnt as ... 體抵抗 I got the power to resist it all但曉得能克制那才是屌 I know that self-control is essential站得越高越需要你主導 With great power comes great responsibility只有是垃 ... ose who need to be classified are waste拉高了分貝從南方打來奔雷 Max volume like thunder come from ... volume like thunder come from the south清潔這圈子被污染的本
27 9.Heat l me what you want and what you love)(Tell me what you want and what you love) I've been riding alone I'm a drifter A thousand miles from homeJust to meet her I need ... m homeJust to meet her I need the heat of your love You're my fever Break me a piece of your love What if it's never enough?(Gonna get ... it's never enough?(Gonna get you oh no! But the heat don't stop!)(Gonna get you oh no! But the heat don't stop!)(Go
28 3.Love of My Life ang Where are you from? Love of my life. At your most beautiful we met in this world raining red dusts. ... this world raining red dusts. You belong to me. Don't belong to me. Althe encounters and partings come of fortune and die of regret. Where ... tune and die of regret. Where are you from? Love of my life. You are my dearly beloved. I turned to look back. Ashes and dusts. How can I let go? Love of My Life. Every encounter in life consu
29 1.Heat l me what you want and what you love)(Tell me what you want and what you love) I've been riding alone I'm a drifter A thousand miles from homeJust to meet her I need ... m homeJust to meet her I need the heat of your love You're my fever Break me a piece of your love What if it's never enough?(Gonna get ... it's never enough?(Gonna get you oh no! But the heat don't stop!)(Gonna get you oh no! But the heat don't stop!)(Go
30 4.Chill umble But these animals in the jungle They all think that I'm the prey But they just made a big mistake Cause I gotfire in my heart it ain't going away Keep on that vibe don't ask why Cause I'm here to stay I took a chance learn to dance Without s ... arn to dance Without shoes in the rain Guess I'm tryna say heh We're two of a kind ... a say heh We're two of a kind You gotta smooth out your moves It's not wrong that I'm rightThere's
31 1.Undercover Love oon until you are mine This will not end i am stopping timeJust me and ... i am stopping timeJust me and you on top now Make me wonder make me anther way Take me under take take me under way Light a ... ake take me under way Light a fire light the even much you gave Undercover Undercover We own the night now We are taking on another heat rush We own the night now Undercover undercover You are standing there i
32 1.酒(JIU) Bro where are you? I am in your heart. Have you eaten? I had it I had it. Lay Hey bro! My bro'Bambi' is out have ... ro! My bro'Bambi' is out have you listened to it? I heard it and it's so cool! LAY don't get sick. ... so cool! LAY don't get sick. You too! See you soon! Alright! I Love you. Me too! Yeah YIXING right here!一杯似水溫柔一杯似冰入口一杯飲盡力量濃烈的酒 This wine is as gentle as water This wine is as frozen
33 3.Can't Wait Time㑀霓時間 You always left the truth with your behind You take me acute pain this is your day of atonement A wasting way to me to treat ... A wasting way to me to treat you all the way No one wants to believe in such a dirty romance Crying for ... ch a dirty romance Crying for your shame Waiting for the time to leave Can't tell the misery But this time it won't be same Can't wait if ... t won't be same Can't wait if you(!
34 1.Chill umble But these animals in the jungle They all think that I'm the prey But they just made a big mistake Cause I gotfire in my heart it ain't going away Keep on that vibe don't ask why Cause I'm here to stay I took a chance learn to dance Without s ... arn to dance Without shoes in the rain Guess I'm tryna say heh We're two of a kind ... a say heh We're two of a kind You gotta smooth out your moves It's not wrong that I'm rightThere's
35 11.Day By Day as always you that made my day當一切都結束 we gon' fade away沒有終點像爬著迴旋樓梯卻不會有天爬到頂端詭譎的空間像在跑步機上前進卻看著同樣景觀不斷繞著圈軌跡像個圓不斷繞著圈軌跡像個圓 Day by day Doing this shit ... cenery I don't give a fuck If you fuck with me我厭世長見識讀大氣我撥雲又見日採菊東籬下悠然見南山我在誰的屋頂上七星貓空四獸劍南山她說別抽菸徐風吹過看亂紅飛
36 4.Unique Design say it to you(a) million times有這樣的你不是偶然 I know that ... on times有這樣的你不是偶然 I know that your a unique design對你的想法源源不斷(Gotta keep it in mind)( ... 想法源源不斷(Gotta keep it in mind)(You belong to no one)一切都會好就當我是客套只要你能夠聽得到能夠聽得到 Like water in ... 客套只要你能夠聽得到能夠聽得到 Like water in the desert now that I'm here I don't talk much but ... 'm he
37 1.Red 曲李韋恩編曲 SE Fire burning to the sky Meteor falling by my side I don' ... why你怎麼... You are my red You are my red flower Why so dangerous? I'm ... 都變成過客只剩謊言 Fire burning to the sky許的願沒回來 Running out of time有你溫柔對待 ... ht?用眼神去對白 You're my red flower Red flower Fire burning to the sky Meteor falling by my side I don' ... why你怎麼... You are my red
38 2.Love of My Life ang Where are you from? Love of my life. At your most beautiful we met in this world raining red dusts. ... this world raining red dusts. You belong to me. Don't belong to me. Althe encounters and partings come of fortune and die of regret. Where ... tune and die of regret. Where are you from? Love of my life. You are my dearly beloved. I turned to look back. Ashes and dusts. How-can I let go? Love of My Life. Every encounter in life consu
39 1.湖濱大道 lation of the lyrics is copyrighted by the artist) Lakeside Avenue湖濱大道- Yunte Chen陳允特 Writer: Yunte Chen Composer: Yunte Chen Music Arranger: Yunte Chen Producer: Yunte Ch ... ering Engineer: Yunte Chen We are walking to Lakeside Avenue for joggi ... 道跑 Seeing the sunset reaching the lake surface看日落停在湖面快 Almost reddening ... face看日落停在湖面快 Almost reddening the island要染紅一座小島 You are smi
40 1.You Are A Masterpiece 蕭錫福-You Are A Masterpiece1.You Are A Masterpiece作詞亦辰兒作曲亦辰兒 Every moment Every second Steal my heart away Could not imagine ... heart away Could not imagine you go away Beauty's in the eye of beholder May I have your charming eyes Wanna have a date Please ... eyes Wanna have a date Please fire away You are a masterpiece in my eye No one could rival ... in my eye No one could rival you Making
41 9.轉去銅鑼灣 sun burns the red clay steeps Mountains of green and shimmering tea leaves By ... and shimmering tea leaves By the road are golden acacia trees Scaling the hills of Chu-Chien City(Modern day Hsinchu City) River of stars flows over ... ty) River of stars flows over the windy summits of the18 Peaks With an Amulet of safe travels granted by ... et of safe travels granted by the Mazutemple Granting me strength to traverse ... nting me strength to trave
42 1.just like fire just like fire1.just like fire I know that I'm running out of time我知道我快沒有時間了 I want it all mmm mmm所有的一切我都想要 And I'm wishing ... mmm所有的一切我都想要 And I'm wishing they'd stop tryna turn me off我期望他們不要再掃我興 I want it all mmm mmm所有的一切我都想要 And I'm walking on a wire trying to go higher我走在鋼索上試著眺望得更高 F ... unning我們的熊熊烈火持續的追著他們Just li
43 5.反轉未來 可以選擇 Open your eyes獵巫者火燒著我帶你穿越了星曆指引的下一刻 Give me a ... 信我 We got the power向心逆流無懼黑特黑暗證明光存在歷史證明我們反轉新未來 Yeah Break it up Break it down Take it slow Have a date Don't be late For ... Have a date Don't be late For the show You& Me Perfect match Awesome Flow為你重新定義 ... 定義無庸置疑 We are like the thunder接通現實夢境 You better run r
44 7.Celebrate ight Pack your bags'Cause we flyin' so high All across ... we flyin' so high All across the globe We gon' soar the sky All right You don't need no passport Don't you worry about nothing I just want you to smile Hear the music now The party's on fire Celebrate Celebrate Everybody feel all right Celebrate Celebrate Around ... ht Celebrate Celebrate Around the world tonight Celebrate Celebrate Tother we will harmonize We gettin'
45 7.my dear法咘我親愛的臉書(蝶摸新混音) 法筋馬德髮客 if you leave me now I got no法筋馬德髮客 Addicted To Love I法筋 Every Minute of It dear法咘 I髮客 u now and forever My dear法咘 u髮客 me bad to ... rever My dear法咘 u髮客 me bad to the bone bon bon bon bad dear法咘 u are my馬德髮客 destiny My dear法咘 u sh ... ear法咘 u share my馬德髮客 reverie u髮客 my face I髮客 ur fa ... r gonna髮客 you to ground u banned me u block me u h ... 法筋 side u are m

46 1.習慣 野的花朵 into the fire觀賞最後的花火 wu~wu~wu~ baby已習慣 wu~wu~wu~ ... wu~wu~wu~ you leave me alone you leave me alone I'm be like wu~wu~wu~ ... wu~wu~wu~ you let me go you let me go再見吧 baby不對是以後再也不見這段是發自肺腑以後就 ... 再聯繫我看見你就累 you love is suicide以前真不知道怎麼想的 so baby don't waste my time打開天窗滿天星才發現真的不差你一
47 6.Kill the Virus br>6.Kill the Virus作詞大支作曲大支 Black death spot ... 作詞大支作曲大支 Black death spot the killers30 seconds burn the village20 miliion people died Only third is gon survive In ... Only third is gon survive In the end of15th century Chicken pox the colonizers Poison pantrys gettin spilled60 mil to5 mil Spanish flu WWI& II Legs infected turnin blue At ... Legs infected turnin blue At the time1.2 billion people's lives are
48 2.DNA PANTHEPACK-The Pack2.DNA作詞 PANTHEPACK Boytoy Young Sky Montana Wayne Best Vincent Pat ... nyan作曲 PANTHEPACK Boytoy Young Sky Montana Wayne Best Vincent Patrick Kanyan Zachary Alexander Kanyan I got ... achary Alexander Kanyan I got the vibes in my DNA I got the vibes in my DNA I got the vibes in my DNA I go all out in my DNA I let ... I go all out in my DNA I let them ride with no fear You know I speed with no
49 1.防疫清冰箱-013 dear法咘 法筋馬德髮客 if you leave me now I got no法筋馬德髮客 Addicted To Love I法筋 Every Minute of It dear法咘 I髮客 u now and forever My dear法咘 u髮客 me bad to ... rever My dear法咘 u髮客 me bad to the bone bon bon bon bad dear法咘 u are my馬德髮客 destiny My dear法咘 u sh ... ear法咘 u share my馬德髮客 reverie u髮客 my face I髮客 ur fa ... r gonna髮客 you to ground u banned me u block me u h ... 法筋 side u are m
50 3.Summertime Madness not only the insects stings and sweaty shirt on s ... 和被汗水浸濕的襯衫 The thing I hate is just false description about summer some childhood memories rivers ice cream and watermelon.我討厭的只是對於夏天虛假的描述所謂童年的 ... 謂童年的記憶小溪冰激凌還有西瓜 All I know is the rotting smell on bus and enterogastritis because of A C.我所知道的只是巴士上腐朽的味道和因為冷氣過多導致的腸胃炎 All I remembered
51 1.Unchained not waste the time I've been given Stare death right in her eyes. With the weight of the world now on my shoulders Standing silent as it awakens I'm here waiting for my moment Feel ... re waiting for my moment Feel the blood in my veins Will we make it out tonight It will cost everything we have Every weapon and our will to fight It's time to op ... ll to fight It's time to open your eyes Unchained! Can't hold back no more I'll chase every shard of darkness
52 1.DNA PANTHEPACK-DNA1.DNA作詞 PANTHEPACK作曲 PANTHEPACK Hook I got the vibes in my DNA I got the vibes in my DNA I got the vibes in my DNA I go all out in my DNA I let ... I go all out in my DNA I let them ride with no fear You know I speed with no gear Whiplash everyday now I let ... r Whiplash everyday now I let them ride with no fear Verse1: We got different DNA We shining bling bling黑暗中那顆最閃的星星 What we wanna d
53 1.STFU 上升烈火蔓延(we are the'burn burn'fire)天生自帶的傲慢持續在你上空盤旋(consuming inner des ... 下(this is your only nightmare) what you got!!(你又得到了什麼呢)暴雨像眾神的帷幔懸掛在北方亂雲徘徊在風暴塔 ... 停歇) Light your torch and come with me to crush the violence(點燃你的火炬將暴力摧毀)噴子躲在哪裡呀網路後面那些本事哪裡呀那你說說我差在哪裡呀當我站
54 7.Hey Lady! lunch and you are just right here I'm behind youāu-bīnêāu-bīn How about to say a Hello?'How is it going?''Everything's fine' But ... oing?''Everything's fine' But the lady behind her eyes are on fire Why are you staring at me? Three of us rooted tothe spot Come on! We're just talking I never cut in line ... t talking I never cut in line There's nothing wrong with me So why didyou get mad at me? Come on! We're just talking
55 1.The Fire in the Sky 蔡岸琛-The Fire in the Sky1.The Fire in the Sky作詞蔡岸琛作曲蔡岸琛 The fire in the sky The light from your eyes The sight on my mind Why tell me why honey... I am hearing ... me why honey... I am hearing your sadness coming from your heart is staring is living going to my mind ... ng is living going to my mind You cry when I smile Be futile to hide The ride songs I write fall
56 4.Strangers ngers You have always been Its unreal Cause you have always been You've always been I can't avoid it Distance between here and ... it Distance between here and you Let's go out swinging Go out screamiYour mine your mine your mine Lets come out swinging Shout out that I'm on ... winging Shout out that I'm on fire On fire You know that I'd be sad if I left You know that you'll be sad as well Too warm in side It's warm
57 2.Look through your eyes k through your eyes作詞黃雨籬作曲黃雨籬 If only ... 籬 If only you can feel a thing so I can do the same若你還能感受這一切我才能不再麻木 Only ... 不再麻木 Only you still know my name so I can beat thi ... 這苦痛 Trash the space and hide myself in piles of bones again我徹底頹唐了這空間把自己藏在骨堆裡 Keep calm and pretend that I'm sane保持冷靜吧假裝我還有理智可言 Now everything ... 在追逼我
58 2.For You crets For You2.For You作詞 Tommy Sire作曲 Tommy Sire Let me call ... Sire作曲 Tommy Sire Let me call you right now I wanna talk to you Where you at right now I gotta get next to you I need you right now on my way home to you I miss you right now writing down the song for you I never felt like this I've been acting up ... like this I've been acting up You tell me take it easy we're fast enouYou said
59 1.有些事情嘛 r what we are rushing about? Watching day and night Holding reins so tight Still things go awry Falling in a trance In ... o awry Falling in a trance In fire or rain you dance Then you have another chance The God's sneeze The Satan's sigh That's the world you jump high and die有些事情原本並不複雜只怪多說了一句話有些事情早就過去可你還拴在原地有些事情像是狂風驟雨天晴了卻已來不及有些
60 1.Down JKAI作曲王星賀 You你 Surrendered已投降 This destruction這般摧毀 ... far已經過了火 You你 Incarcerated已被囚禁 Still singing songs of our past仍歌唱著你我的過往 Dreaming about ... past仍歌唱著你我的過往 Dreaming about the stars夢想著星空 It ain't so far沒有那麼遙遠 whe ... 麼遙遠 where you are你就在咫尺間 But I crashed and drowned可惜我卻墜毀、淹沒 I'm missing people in my life我懷念生命中
61 1.A Place We Can Share We Can Share作詞 Harmon Monsalve Literal作曲 Harmon Monsalve Literal I see ... Harmon Monsalve Literal I see the world is all full of darkness And I fear ... l full of darkness And I fear the end is getting near hmmm I hear the cries of those who demised And I need to get us out of here Will ... ed to get us out of here Will you come with me now I will take you there a place we can share Will you hold my hand and stay till the
62 1.TWIOCAMIC people in the fire(為何要製造火坑) When we all should aspire( ... re(立志去剪裁) The virtues that would change our attire ... 的美德) It's the same type of brand(同一塊牌子)Just a different label(換了個標籤) Stop livin' in a dreamland(不要再做你的白日夢) Or some kinda fable(或是繼續你的神話) When ... 神話) When we gon' realize it's the man in the mirror(來認識一下鏡子里的人吧) It's time to face ourselves
63 1.Beautiful Yeah Know you have me forever from the start從一開始你就永遠的擁有了我 when I saw ... start從一開始你就永遠的擁有了我 when I saw you girl you were all that mattered從我見到你的第一眼開始一切都 ... 不重要了 want you close enough til my heart surrenders想要離你更近直到我的的心徹底淪陷 I've been waiting for ... 的的心徹底淪陷 I've been waiting for you day and night我一直在等你晝夜更替
64 1.Loins 作曲陳王里Chet Your mom showed me to the backyard I saw you reading book on the lawn That was the first time I know who you are Under the sprinkler in white dress Red lips hanging cig ... ite dress Red lips hanging cigarette in my car You said to be cool to drive fast To the oasis to Las Vegas I have no choice to be crass My sin my soul My heart my little Turn on ... ul My heart my little Turn on the radio Listen to (
65 5.Ya I Rap Man I空降in the game做音樂不是幫派 Hustle all day ain't a g ... Man I空降in the game做音樂不是幫派 Hustle all day ain't a gang要怎麼不去傷害 Damn我還是學不會 Be a better me Become a man Become a man One day I'll show ... ecome a man One day I'll show you Conquer the stage I've been told you Come be my friends不用拘束當妳悲傷先別哭Just let me sing to ... 用拘束當妳悲傷先別哭Just let me sing to you Do what I
66 1.#younglivesmatter(Explicit Version) 何振賢-#younglivesmatter1.#younglivesmatter(Explicit Version) f ... 詞何振賢作曲何振賢 Young lives Young lives matter Even though the world is getting sicker Young lives Young lives matter In the night the sky is turning darker Young lives Young lives matter All the fight in rain will make us stronger Young lives young lives matters We deliver the songs it's like a prayer Faith are(!
67 2.#younglivesmatter(Clean Version) 何振賢-#younglivesmatter2.#younglivesmatter(Clean Version) feat ... 詞何振賢作曲何振賢 Young lives Young lives matter Even though the world is getting sicker Young lives Young lives matter In the night the sky is turning darker Young lives Young lives matter All the fight in rain will make us stronger Young lives young lives matters We deliver the songs it's like a prayer Faith are(!
68 6.Rollercoasters am I want you back Wonder if it's too late As I Go through ... it's too late As I Go through the reasons why I asked for a break And I sit where ... d for a break And I sit where you sat On the bed at my place Thinking Yeah the fight was bad but I wish you stayed Marks on the floor Broke a plate and went out the door Gone away now it's nearly four I can't sleep until ... arly four I can't sleep until you come home I run And there (|
69 1.Sons of Summer(夏日之子) 來了 Praise the sun that we've been missing贊美我們思念已久的太陽的榮光 Grant me ... issing贊美我們思念已久的太陽的榮光 Grant me the strength the will to move on請賜予我勇氣與力量繼續前行吧 So I c ... 的美好 I see fire burning the lovers我看見欲火灼燒著 When they are kissing each other在海邊相互親吻的情侶 Beyond the beautiful forever我能感到在這美麗的永恆海平線
70 1.Labyrinth know what you thinking when you see me like this我知道當你看著我這樣子的時候你在想什麼 Like a bird in ... 看著我這樣子的時候你在想什麼 Like a bird in the cage feeling hopeless你覺得我像只籠中鳥一樣無助 ... 像只籠中鳥一樣無助 You can save your mercy on me no one would know沒人會知道你 ... 是這一切的始作俑者 You are the blackhole that drugs me into the abyss所以就收起
71 7.動蕩 Turbulent The turbulence of youth The turbulence that rises from the ashes before dawn Drunk with madnessThe delusion of scaling the highest peak When's the last time I witnessed true blood? Real flesh? Real dreams? At what time am I not truly wasted? Truly loving? And truly desirous? ... y desirous? If in ten minutes there's someone waiting for you on the street corner And you see a shooting star streak across the sky Make
72 8.夢煙火(Wonderland Remix)(Remastering) 準備什麼 What you're waiting for?To break!卻想辦大事又怕要虧 Wh ... ..什麼 What you're waiting for?To clash!卻攜放大鏡辦事夠累 Bu ... 鏡辦事夠累 But you wanna do the BASS談戀愛從不上道不是你想Make it!我只想用一句話承載遺忘的畫面裡的悲哀願望總是被迫地崩壞 Ah...我只想用一束光承載遺忘的畫面裡的期待仰望時空靜止的精彩忘了愛一閃一閃亮晶晶滿天都是小星星 Wonder what
73 1.This is not a cliche love song.. .. Shawty you like a rose Even you got the thorns They can't keep me away from you You know we are two Sitting in the view Looking in the sky How blue Let me make you endless love tonight Tonight we fly Take me to ... ght Tonight we fly Take me to your secret place tonight Tonight we ay Feeling like a rose oh shawty Looking glamorous my lady I love ... king glamorous my lady I love the way you make me Would you(!
74 1.Who Got The Power 允-Who Got The Power1.Who Got The Power作詞 Urban Cla6ix作曲 Urban Cla6ix編曲 Urban Cla6ix Who got Who got Who got Who got ... o got Who got Who got Who got the got the got the power Who got the got the got the power Make it take it Feel me like a creamy Treat me really ... like a creamy Treat me really You can call me carly Save me easy hit the stage buddy Let me tight it we're working on it Catching ... we're worki
75 1.BERRY REMIX 莓) Shawty you sweet like berry(你甜美得像草莓一樣) Sometime ... 身處在北極 But you're my berry(可你是我的小莓) If I make ... e my berry(可你是我的小莓) If I make you mad I'm sorry(如果我讓你難過我該道歉) But I know ... sorry(如果我讓你難過我該道歉) But I know you ain't like them bad(因為你與眾不同) You sweet like berry(你甜的像草莓) Cuz ... 的像草莓) Cuz you are my berry(因
76 1.Ya I Rap Man I空降in the game做音樂不是幫派 Hustle all day ain't a g ... Man I空降in the game做音樂不是幫派 Hustle all day ain't a gang要怎麼不去傷害 Damn我還是學不會 Be a better me Become a man Become a man One day I'll show ... ecome a man One day I'll show you Conquer the stage I've been told you Come be my friends不用拘束當妳悲傷先別哭Just let me sing to ... 用拘束當妳悲傷先別哭Just let me sing to you Do what I
77 1.We all above the Sky all above the Sky作詞 Atom Panda柳李作曲 Atom Panda柳李、李碩編曲 Atom Panda柳李脫離引力的瞬間嚮往失重的地面你我都漂浮在喧囂之外那是理想的空間靈魂漫步在裡面那美好的狀態煩惱之外褪下了虛偽的笑臉沒有了謊言 we all abov ... 惱之外褪下了虛偽的笑臉沒有了謊言 we all above the sky we are we are we all above the sky we don't afraid on fire we are we are we all ab
78 1.I'm Kwin hining in the night I'm burning like flame Let me dancing all night long party time lets shake it free I'm shining on ... shake it free I'm shining on the night I'm blazing like fire Lit'em up jumping all night long party time lets shake it free Oh I'm star in ... shake it free Oh I'm star in the night Thousands of people want my sign But I've been think about ... ign But I've been think about you baby Are you ready to join my party time party time
79 3.Amusement Park Hue'Soundzfire' Strother VMP I see the fireworks I see just what you're worth You're heaven on this world Beyond the universe You're such an amusement park Floating in my cars Hearts shooting through ... cars Hearts shooting through the sky I see beyond your eyes Oh baby let's escape Surf to ather place Know that you're safe in my arms Oh baby just enjothe ride Beautiful so amazing I'm glad you're mine Let's t
80 1.夢煙火(Wonderland Remix) 準備什麼 What you're waiting for To break!卻想辦大事又怕要虧 Wh ... ..什麼 What you're waiting for To clash!卻攜放大鏡辦事夠累 Bu ... 鏡辦事夠累 But you wanna do the BASS談戀愛從不上道不是你想Make it!我只想用一句話承載遺忘的畫面裡的悲哀願望總是被迫地崩壞 Ah...我只想用一束光承載遺忘的畫面裡的期待仰望時空靜止的精彩忘了愛一閃一閃亮晶晶滿天都是小星星 Wonder what ..
81 8.Shine Like A Star(Hidden Track) Hidden in the milky way Aries is dancing in her starry sky Tears cascaded Like a waterfall and it falls on ... e a waterfall and it falls on the pain It's okay to touch your deepest scar and cry out now So cry out loud But I know in rainbow someday ... But I know in rainbow someday You will be Shining like a star Never thought it would go this far When ... ght it would go this far When you're lowJust look upon the sky of the sky Do you remember
82 1.Fire 王一博-Fire1.Fire作詞 Rasmus Viberg、Steve Daly、呂易秋作曲 Rasmus Viberg Steve Daly編曲 Steve Daly ... iberg Steve Daly編曲 Steve Daly The Dream don't fly Are you high? Listen there's something to say(Now I got) Wasted time ... to say(Now I got) Wasted time You and I Don't be no regular play(er) I know I shouldn't say this ... ) I know I shouldn't say this You're on the A-list Got me got me faded Pig's don't fly D
83 1.FIRE ALARM Lizah-FIRE ALARM1.FIRE ALARM作詞 Lizah作曲 Lizah編曲 DBRT beats I walk on ... Lizah編曲 DBRT beats I walk on the street see all the bad dumb pricks走在街上看著這些蠢貨們 ... 街上看著這些蠢貨們 They hit the road jumping on their leather seats他們行駛在路上在皮座椅上跳來跳去 What ... 跳來跳去 What you're about witness the hysteria show你即將見證一場歇斯底里的表演 L
84 1.你是 t Embrace the darkness and face the turn It turns out that you are my cuo cai There are lakes and mountains and there is a vast universe. Not as good asyou are in my heart You are the elf scattered by the clouds. You are warm in the mountains Rain with you travel together Fly back to the green grassland You are a firefly to take me to pursue You are con
85 3.The Dark Knight R.O.3.The Dark Knight作詞 H.Y. Chan作曲 Dash Tam Filipe Tou Begins to fight and I can make it bright I can make it rise cause I am ... I can make it rise cause I am the dark knight Begins to fight and I can make it bright I can make it rise cause I am ... I can make it rise cause I am the dark knight Oh~ Realize here's my spotlight in ... ealize here's my spotlight in the sky Oh~ Sacrifice till I die Yeh~oh I don't c ... ce till I die Yeh~oh I don't car
86 1.Dancing Alone ANDI Young-Dancing Alone1.Dancing Alone作詞 ANDI作曲 ANDI Dancing alone like ... NDI作曲 ANDI Dancing alone like there'll never be tomorrow Dreaming along like ... tomorrow Dreaming along like you're not alone Everything that is complicated makes me wanna live And I'm glad that ... wanna live And I'm glad that you came here with me and then you'll be gone I'll dance alone I know you'll be reaching out at times When there's no on
87 1.獨白心聲 ------ whether i see the light is over endless darkness dream is ... ver endless darkness dream is the road in silence i hear blood flowing. washing my wounds and my deepest pain awakening is a never-ending chase i am not alone ... r-ending chase i am not alone you see we are on the same long distance carrying long nights to chase and ... ying long nights to chase and the dawn of the same way i know who i am i feel bright. bright heart whe ...
88 11.Wolves ges creak they can't take much more Wood it splinters I hear ... more Wood it splinters I hear them at the walls I hold you close while you shake in fear As our last few moments draw near. Lord lend me courage in this fight to come And steel my heart when we're overru ... y hope's forlorn Lord send me the bravery to go on. As wolves and daemons pound against our door We stoke ... und against our door We stoke these flames in readiness for this war It'
89 4.備胎(feat. Eetu Kalavainen) eart's on fire But I'm glad to be your spare tire You don't know what I desire Wish you could promise me that I will be the one If you and your man are ever undone所以愛有幾分你總是不停的疑問你哭著說著躺在我的胸
90 2.Hate(feat.巡音ルカ) again Now the curtain fall and the things we did just a game? Everything in ... id just a game? Everything in the world looks so pale Everything beautiful has been gone Why am I alone? Alone we wrong Walk and shout'Who can give me hope?' Cryi ... lost? Lost all no got Look at the sky Hopeless fearless colorless Blood dripping I will be dead Drown in ... pping I will be dead Drown in the sea Deeply slowly dreaded Breathing but suffocating'Everything should be goin
91 5.夢煙火 準備什麼 What you're waiting for? To break!卻想辦大事又怕要虧 W ... .什麼? What you're waiting for? To clash!卻攜放大鏡辦事夠累 B ... 鏡辦事夠累 But you wanna do the BASS談戀愛從不上道不是你想Make it!我只想用一句話承載遺忘的畫面裡的悲哀願望總是被迫地崩壞我只想用一束光承載遺忘的畫面裡的期待仰望時空靜止的精彩忘了愛一閃一閃亮晶晶滿天都是小星星 Wonder what ... 忘
92 2.Sound The Alarm n Turner-Bare Knuckle Soul2.Sound The Alarm作詞Jackson Turner作曲Jackson Turner Bugle on ... rner作曲Jackson Turner Bugle on the song(號角) Luney Tunez(盧尼突尼茨)Jackson T ... 我瘋了? From the gully to the plane從平民窟到飛機上 When they see me mister Thompson當他們看到湯普森先生 No ... 湯普森先生 Now they call me thats my name現在他們稱那是我的名字 Ho ... 字 Home of the predator捕食
93 4.Let Me Clear My Throat n Turner-Bare Knuckle Soul4.Let Me Clear My Throat作詞Jackson Turner作曲Jackson Turner No fear light up that ... Turner No fear light up that fire沒有恐懼點燃那把烈火 Like fourth ofJuly猶如7月4日 ... 月4日 Throw your torches up higher將你的火炬拋向更高處 And let me clear my throat!讓我清一清喉嚨! No fear light up that ... 我清一清喉嚨! No fear light up that fire沒有恐懼點燃那把烈火 Like fourth ofJuly猶
94 7.Wolves n Turner-Bare Knuckle Soul7.Wolves作詞Jackso ... 賦被擋住 Upon the long journey the development of my talent gets blocke ... 絲 aim for the top cause Saber and I will not lose disable ... r and I will not lose disable the live fuse像牛一樣強壯像颱風一樣強大 strong as an ... 抗 kick in the front door if you want war別軟弱 don't be weak心裡不踏實但是不怕事 My heart is unstable but still I'm sc ... t is unstable
95 1.備胎 eart's on fire But I'm glad to be your spare tire You don't know what I desire Wish you could promise me that I will be the one If you and your man are ever undone所以愛有幾分你總是不停的疑問你哭著說著躺在我的胸口睡著了所以愛要幾分才能夠成為好情人我只能偷偷在心裡說著 ho no no no It's not fair My heart's on ... o It's not fair My heart's on fire(就算你不會知道這首歌唱完的
96 5.Pretty White Lies thinking you gonna leave So if there is doubt put me out of my misery I know ... ut me out of my misery I know There is something you're not telling me Are you falling out of love love love love Late night taxi ride On my way to make it right Tell me what I got to do Drunk high starting ... got to do Drunk high starting fires Always need to compromise Everybody knows but ... ompromise Everybody knows but you So tell me have I lost my touch Is
97 2.Hate(feat.巡音ルカ) again Now the curtain fall and the things we did just a game? Everything in ... id just a game? Everything in the world looks so pale Everything beautiful has been gone Why am I alone? Alone we wrong Walk and shout'Who can give me hope?' Cryi ... lost? Lost all no got Look at the sky Hopeless fearless colorless Blood dripping I will be dead Drown in ... pping I will be dead Drown in the sea Deeply slowly dreaded Breathing but suffocating'Everything should be goin
98 1.Sound The Alarm ner-Sound The Alarm1.Sound The Alarm作詞Jackson Turner作曲Jackson Turner Bugle on ... rner作曲Jackson Turner Bugle on the song(號角) Luney Tunez(盧尼突尼茨)Jackson T ... 我瘋了? From the gully to the plane從平民窟到飛機上 When they see me mister Thompson當他們看到湯普森先生 No ... 湯普森先生 Now they call me thats my name現在他們稱那是我的名字 Ho ... 字 Home of the predator捕食者的家
99 4.Stressed Out my brain the main refrain I sing to stay sane is'things ... I sing to stay sane is'things are gonna change' but they never do maybe some day Thought it was Sunday but what ... hought it was Sunday but what the hell? It's monday I'm gonna get to work late hope my boss don't ... work late hope my boss don't fire me But if he does then ok I'm tired of working anyway Tired of doing shit that's way above my pay grade I'm at ... way above my pay grade I'm at
100 7.You Are 棠-吟遊7.You Are作詞柯智棠 Kowen作曲柯智棠 Kowen編曲陳建騏 Georg ... 柯智棠 Kowen You're like a star in the sky If you were a star in the sky I'd build a starship and fly up high If ... a starship and fly up high If you weren't so dim and so bright at the same time You're like a rock on the blue If you were a rock on the great blue I'd scrape up a raft and just float away To whichever end of se

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