
關於 about + about 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 9.The Way To Love It's all about love What is the way to love Waiting for the time Waiting for a lifetime Do all things right Love How can I make you laugh I l ... I will make you mine It's all about love What is the way to love Waiting for the time Waiting for a lifetime Do all things right Love How can I make you laugh I l ... It's better tonight It's all about love What is the way to love Wait
2 1.百萬大道 決半生的煩惱 I don't care about要吃苦耐勞下注在每項決定我們在決定前途 We don't go經濟艙 We chill in尊貴候機室再不要等漲薪每一兩天要賺一筆 No more taxi我聽
3 4.Do It Like This money I don't care about money我貧窮的時候也是個貴公子水蜜桃咬一口juicy今天該耍啥子主題我從除夕耍到了初七只要是耍我就絕對不會輸你 they wanna smoke結果會被弄
4 2.Psychic ine Think about what it feels like to satisfy me You might be psychic And I like it La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la La La la la l ... r mind's just like mine Think about what it feels like to satisfy me
5 4.Fresh you know about fresh What you know about fresh Fresh as a breeze on a beach sunset no stress Who know you the best dressed Three piece suit and a gold Rolex say less W ... Rolex say less What you know about fresh That fresh fruit like birthday cold pressed Didn' t mean to go flex But lately I' ve been feelin' my best God bless Dran ... Oh yes Tell me what you know about fres

6 1.瑪利亞 o do this shit I' m about to kill it I got fxxking musicians musicians In my DNA我爸說如果世上還有人聽音樂他就不可能餓飯我說我同意
7 5.BlueJeans ve I have I'm sorry about everything I hope you're doing wel
8 1.Go On s not all about the dream Let''s talk about how to win其他人眼中不過是自我陶醉的一場夢即便稍縱即逝也
9 2.不會想你了 dont care about you不過就是心碎一整天我的天空只剩烏雲窗外的雨下了一整夜我不會想你了我不會想你了我不會想你了我不會想你了這是沒有你的第一個炎熱的夏天可是你送給我的圍巾依然陪著我其實也記不清到底過去了多長時間為什麼不能習慣沒有了你的生活我耳機裡正在放著你最喜歡聽的歌客 ... 我和你的回憶 My friends are talking about you你已不在我身邊 I always dream ... (
10 1.Sabotage th me停止與我玩弄 Talking about lately these days最近你總是談論這些事情 You make me impatient babe你讓我不耐煩寶貝 You're pulling
11 1.TIME TO GO on't care about your thinks和你是不同待遇我不需要投資我需要請個會計 Time to go抓住現在別談以後 Time to go生活像撕裂的肌肉 Time to go每當我的音樂啟奏 For my fam這就是我活著的理由這個世界好扯分你們我們他們我可以受傷 ... 帥氣我比以往賺的多所以要更加賣力 I don't care about your thinks和你是不同待遇我不需要投資我需要請個會計 T
12 1.地球母親 是一首lullaby Thinking about you all the time oh對你說 I love you卻說不出口歲月的光影在變幻我對你的愛不曾改變對你說 I need you牽著你的手在車水馬龍
13 1.You ut That's the thing about ya How can I move on without ya Waiting for that text back Checking my phone ev
14 3.Out of My Way! you care about it You got nothing to say So show me how to let you go It ain't my problem anymore Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I go out of my way ... of my way But you don't care about it You got nothing to say Leave all your problems by the door It ain't my problem anymore Yeah yeah(One more time) Yeah it's a ... ut of my way To make you care about it You got nothing to say So show me how to let you go It ain't my problem anymore Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I go out of my way ...
15 1.過山車- Chinese Version best Success is not about reaching the top at all It's getting up no matter How many times you fall So wh
16 8.有閒著來我的夢內面 and what about you my dearest我定定看著天頂的星咧想你佗一粒星是你 I miss you and what ... 咧想你佗一粒星是你 I miss you and what about you my dearest送我上深的祝福予你無我的天頂是毋是嘛真水有閒著來我的夢內面這雨怎樣落袂停離開已經幾年哪會像你閣佇身邊 I miss you and what ... 年哪會像你閣佇身邊 I miss you and what about you my dearest我定定看著天頂的星咧想你佗一粒星是你 I mi
17 1.Concert Desire(Live) cage I'm about to clean'em all(衝破籠子我要克服一切)懦夫些run fast(快走開)別再演了撕爛你的髒mask(面具)快夾著尾巴做人是你接下來的concept(情景設定)太猖獗牛鬼蛇神表現得太猖獗清理掉你們燒了你自以為是的章節憤怒的公牛跟我很撞臉小孩 ... 一切)懺悔不會聽你說 I'm reloaded I'mma about to hit'em up(我已重新出發準備迎接挑戰) Tear you to pieces Let me see how you tough(撕開你的假面讓
18 2.Concert Love(Live) ou living about? What you fighting about? What you talking about? Then what you doing right now? What you hiding ... ng right now? What you hiding about? Who do you lying on now? You said you happy right now? Then what you crying ... ght now? Then what you crying about? What are you afraid of right now? Afraid of losing your crown? Afraid of losing everything? Afraid of living like clown? How ... at the pack are you suffering about?為什麼我們總
19 4.Sober Dance(Live) na sober dance Talk about a way to levitate Half awake and never none the same Listen baby for the night
20 5.Poem(Live) ll forget about you But I know you can't forget me Don't you? This would be the last time I cry for you Sorry I gotta move on to love someone ... t from tomorrow I will forget about you But I know you can't forget m

21 8.Fake Love(Live) I've been thinking about you so how you doing lately Tears Pain Bear a grudge against me Unfortunately I
22 10.小星星(Live) 't afraid about it Don't afraid about it Loneliness does not hurt you like a human being Don't afraid ... ke a human being Don't afraid about it Don't afraid about it hopelessness does not hurt you
23 1.我在想什麼? So don't forget it about呼吸吐深呼吸別被那些智障弄得神智不清楚吹著口哨音腳步從重走到輕鬆一派胡來的傑作 That's me m d f k beat by rg m d f k他說看遠
24 11.PUSH(PROD. REDBOI&維邱) eppin' my back Talk about rap上個月在沉澱下個月直接起飛了上半年我當做生意給賠了下半年我要捲走那些papers速度快飛得就像韋德有熱度的時候那些p*ssy rapper舔呢 Rest
25 1.I Can 盤的聲音是我輸入財富的密碼我只talk about money和business耳朵聽不進你那些批話在音軌上看到的不是聲音的波形是老子今年的計畫你們在爭著搶蛋糕的時候而老子早就已經做出了披薩 I know I
26 2.夜機 body know about me Young money賺的都是old money Old money被我換成new money No money我曾經也是no money現在站在台上everybody know ... 是no money現在站在台上everybody know about me從小地方來到大城市的窮小子就算是倒地上但是慾望從不消失失敗的滋味當然從不好吃自尊心是權杖金錢是鑲在上面的紅寶石我既然爬上來了那就肯定不能回去雖然我長得瘦但簽的合同全是肥的最窮時候甚至住的地
27 6.SKIT 隊直接把身體壓扁 Yeah比奇 how about now你錢包跟你褲襠一樣都是小小小這flow好燒腦你輸不起的樣子像是小學生正在給老師們打小報告 Huh I made it happen在每一個版本我都是唯一
28 6.起點 you worry about my life忘掉過去向前看他們知道我是誰聽到全場say my name Yeah I get ready in sometimes我就是特別的存在 Yeah節目結束後這只是我的開始看我達到頂點我兄弟們說我nice鍵盤俠在背後想要把我害死不礙事明的暗的 ... s不管前面多少彎 yeah Don't you worry about my life忘掉過去向前看他們知道我是誰聽到全場say my name Yeah I get ready in sometimes我就是特別的存在 Yeah再多我也能賺到
29 1.Let em Out hat we're about You bring your friends I'll bring my friends We'll go somewhere We'll all be friends huh That's a shot I wanna shoot Step up i ... g out on the town I'm talking about Friday Night Lights Yeah cause when the sun go down You know that's when the freaks come out Yeah I got a record player but I ... g out on the town I'm talking about Friday Night Lights Yeah cause when the sun go down You know that's when the freaks come out When I say Friday you say Night F ...
30 7.三分鐘的special dinner 水位我又think about How about I go my own way Never doubt it Pr
31 3.OMG w I think about the past OMG OMG沒坐過飛機一坐就坐起頭等艙 Move so fast我不說話現在回頭看哈哪個真嘞瓜 OMG OMG第一個一百不曉得咋個花 Move so fast莫啥法子做了一場大夢 Now I think ... so fast莫啥法子做了一場大夢 Now I think about the past OMG OMG沒坐過飛機一坐就坐起頭等艙 Move so fast我不說話現在回頭看哈哪個真嘞瓜 OMG景太合適陽光落餐叉上嘞是哪兒一夜沒睡夠我腦殼曠我想休息
32 1.誰 can I say about Hiphop What can I say about life散落的飛沙日子就像酒精你不喝就會揮發日子就像快樂的小狗搖著
33 34.She is a boy nt forget about her about her She only did one thing and I won't forget ... one thing and I won't forget about her她向我解釋了剛結了飯錢看我暈倒在桌上一群人醉意蔓延我們叫了車準備回家哪個初次見面的女孩也準備和我回家哈哈我就這麼魅力大嗎哈哈我已感受到她的火辣今晚我要讓她難忘今宵讓她明白郭靖哥哥有的不止金雕剛到家門我們已經慾火焚身親吻從上到下經過紋身那肆意侵
34 41.讓過去都沉入大海吧 我你感覺怎麼樣 I dont care about you anymore我再也不想關心你 this time I feel so****ing happ
35 1.LIGHTS h黃子韜 Oh we can talk about nothing Driving through the city lights Baby I know only u can feel me U know I
36 2.假裝 n love I don't care about no distance別再對我假裝假裝你還在關心 Fall for u was dumb I am so* dumb No no no no我必須給你肯定演戲
37 3.Got It Bad anna talk about me They don't really give a_ about me But I know you gonna hold me d
38 1.don't stop n never tell no one about You know they'll never forgive us Only god can judge us When it's all said and
39 5.蔓延 me You know nothing about me我在考驗世界沒絕對誰該抱歉這本就不純粹背負虛妄的罪情願被時間浪費我不悔這拖累都會被我沖
40 1.Sorry ' m sorry about you(對你感到抱歉) I' m sorry about you(為你感到遺憾) I' m sorry about you(為你感到不值) sorry about you(想對你說句對不起) I' m sorry ... t you(想對你說句對不起) I' m sorry about you(對不起對不起對不起) I' m sorry ... you(對不起對不起對不起) I' m sorry about you(對不起對不起對不起)一個人拿了瓶威士忌從九眼橋到太古裡路邊賣花嘞都將我繞開我用來找自
41 1.Angel on't care about this kinda thing I make money to be on par with you never know you're hurt Dream girl vanish in one night Only if I text you w ... rough this mess? I don't care about no other woman So close yet I did
42 1.偶像歌手 on't care about you now Love me now Hate me now I don't care ... now Hate me now I don't care about you now為了成就你夢寐的快感所有的愛恨全部都買單躲在人設後的
43 1.閃亮 ife's all about hellos& goodbyes燦爛的晨光透過我窗戶自然醒好幸福想一想一早 what I'm gonna do帶我毛球去散步平靜涼爽的微風吹著樹 I be enjoyin' the view開始習慣一個人好自由黑暗中脫穎而出我以前不懂得尊敬自己的 bo ... icket不想回來別為我擔心我已看開 Life's all about hellos& goodbyes Life's all about hellos& goodbyes抬頭望著滿天星星的夜晚帶著耳機聽 LOFI有點心酸說不出的痛就寫在
44 1.what4 for What about you What would you do What about you What about you What would you do I've been s
45 1.問號線地鐵 r panicked eyes are about to blur可是你卻永遠都不知道 But you never know我們的一手音樂在地鐵幾號線 Which line is our first- hand

46 1.小緩 ght想著他們想要的 Thinking about what they want而我想要的 What I look forward to你卻永遠都不曾給予 And you never gave it小緩我想要你
47 1.月er to do what U think about別支離又破碎別再想你世界裡過往產生的異樣懂不到你就會顯得悲傷還沒降臨怎麼做到 breakdown拿吧*別在你的腰上目送我一路打怪升級注目禮敬誇張的表演山外青山樓
48 1.Ivory tower kind of you to care about me What I need is another cigarette Nothing's changed except for the apathy Les
49 1.煙火 又懷疑該耀眼的時機 You worry about the blue但是星空的溫度 Oh yeah That's right you got it點亮了夜空Just do it請你別再等待 We just do
50 1.Yao I've been thinking about it all the time You& I Treat you right Girl right now I want you to stay我霸道是需要有
51 1.Wassup Wit You You know about them But they don't know you You don't wanna be sober又把自己灌醉了多久沒有早睡了這次你說好累了 You got a bright future living good life You ain't ... 觸特別深在工作結束那就搖下車窗感受這溫度 You know about them But they don't know you You don't wanna be sober又把自己灌醉了多久沒有早睡了這次你說好累了在熟悉的半夜三點Who can you trust你會永遠會記得Who show you love誰不忙 ... 觸特別深
52 1.Better With You- Live you Mmmmm thinking about when we used to play pool Mmmmm thought you know so I didn't ask you Mmmmm look
53 2.I Want U So Bad say shit about me all I want is I want you so bad I can't help myself I want you so bad想要你更好 I want you so badJust know that I'll always be t ... don't care if anyone say shit about me all I want is I want you so ba
54 5.Pretty Bird w when your heart's about to burst they only hate when they're feeling duller out of place cause you're t
55 1.Legacy 饒的讓你think about it幫你薰陶永遠不過時的逸品永遠不過時的器皿永遠不過時的feelin ... 饒的讓你think about it幫你薰陶永遠不過時的逸品永遠不過時的器皿永遠不過時的feeli
56 1.Think About You r>1.Think About You Think About You(世界對你太多偏愛)作詞是撲咩吖作曲張貝寧 Right here i'm waiting for此刻我正焦急等待 You didn't tell me you're sorry自從上次通話以來我開始心煩意亂 Since the last time ... more我無法應對了 I've been thinking about you I've hiding all my secrets from you I've been thinking ... s from you I've been thinking about u The world has too much preference for you世界對你太多的偏愛 Think
57 6.你帶著我的呼吸離去(Remix) thinking about you And the times we have been through If it's true Cuz yesterday You took my heart away我墮入萬丈的深淵虛空的晚星晝夜仍在轉漸喪失分寸我點起橙色嘅火焰 Light ... 想聽到你把聲 And I'm still thinking about you And the times we have been th
58 11.PANDA(Remix) ve a fuck about your past working for your next meal Give a fuck ... or your next meal Give a fuck about your past fuck how your ex feel F
59 2.第n次戀愛 ot dooo all i think about is you-uu its true uu uu u uu u why im like dis i have no clue誰故意悄悄在乎你?(its me
60 3.FIRST CLASS ou belonged to What about那幾個難以再想起了 Back then是誰又搭上流行歌的順風車 R.I.P. could've been me could've been you if you
61 5.不不不不- Nononono ive A**** about them用我的小手指數清楚有幾次惆悵我不想聽你解釋是什麼緣故別讓我幻想不不不不我沒有慌只怪我沉浸在了你的汪洋不在同一平行線永遠不能預見情緒崩壞你偽裝成白雲卻打雷又下雨你偽善的把柄偷跑出來啦我們都要學會厚著臉皮對他們說不不不不不不在回憶你的夜裡嘗幾口配著 ... I dont care I dont give A**** about them
62 1.DAMN!RAPSTA 才真的怕到跑跑跑起來 BOW! I'M ABOUT打破期待把你們圈起來跑了圈就像普悠瑪炮火全開我是流氓開幾個洞往對面衝撞到所有都在濺!濺!濺!濺! DON'T GIVE A Damn! Damn! Damn!
63 1.關於你 nt forget about you about you forget about you about you忽冷忽熱的體溫Just be friend已經失速的呼吸模糊不清的關係還沒成熟的情緒要怪只能怪這天氣 I dont my emotion how to change into tears So i washed away my memories可 ... 屋頂的柑橘 So i know i cant forget about you about you The spotlight The moonlight A ... 你不在 Fight about something I ain't even know that
64 1.Pop Star 放些我喜歡的唱片別管什麼束縛 It's about the right time大聲唱歌 Double快樂悶騷的人你的時間來了這首副歌 Are you ready to come? I'm gonna be a
65 1.constitution day se Tang was talking about Well it doesn't matter since I prefer lunar new year They are rolling their eye
66 2.BARS FREESTYLE folks what you know about the world you got gap wit me see you in telescope.什麼G.O.A.T對於這個世界你我理解不同我們有代溝在細節
67 5.BEERTALK on't care about anything現在沒什麼值得我們擔心邊境的夕陽折射出了新的輪廓 B ... 有想法 Sorry about that! for this? I'm selfish抱歉在這一點
68 6.EMOTIONAL e barging我總會和我的高我爭執 About the right or wrong for a better me總是在和自己探討對錯想要成為更好的自己 I need to feed my audienc
69 7.EVERYDAY tient.成為這世上的鹽和光我很耐心 About to digging in all the gold mines in my creation.從我的創造中挖掘金礦 Waking up every next
70 9.LIFELOOP h I could care more about ma fanbase我真希望我可以更多的在乎我的聽眾 Put myself in to a showcase.把自己都放進展示盒 Display me to
71 4.男優 ody cares about me每一天都努力的要讓人討厭對上廢才就需要用這招進了社會就開始學會不要臉反正工作也做不了好幾天努力要當無敵的小天王超凡的魅力誰也無法擋 Shake it up shake it up沒有了對手你想怎樣要不上網來較量嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟 I'm ju ... Everywhere I go nobody cares about me電視裡的名人丑角什麼玩意兒是不是天天都需要拉個皮換了位置也換了個腦袋掌權的人
72 1.I don't care about on't care about1.I don't care about作詞沈瞳伽作曲沈瞳伽 i don't care ... !)作詞沈瞳伽作曲沈瞳伽 i don't care about another girl我可以為你不要我的所有只想讓妳聽我心跳 I don't care ... 為你不要我的所有只想讓妳聽我心跳 I don't care about another girl我可以為你找一百個理由為了妳我願意低頭 I don't fuck with another girl也許我在你心裡像背負的行李那麼拚命想擺脫那下雨
73 1.Just Be A Rock 's nothing to worry about at allJust be a rock No need to run or walk There's nothing you must complete a
74 1.Get Out Of My Life nna think about you every fucking time受夠那些浮誇至極為難人的期待 Cause I也不是我的菜 Get out of my life Cause I don't wanna think ... ife Cause I don't wanna think about you every fucking time我真不敢相信曾以為你就是真愛原來It's all a lie化為塵埃別怪我冷漠的心我曾經深愛著你但是你變了或者是我一開始就錯看了你像鬧鐘夢醒破碎擦乾了紅顏禍水我們根本就不配 I think I can't f ... ind Cause I don't w
75 3.Target(feat. Karencici) you feel about this Now my heart needs a surgeon心態早已炸裂無法承受與你短暫的關聯消失不見心痛每天在上演你裝作不了解 Shoot your shot you got this Aim at my heart like a target ... 藏我只需要 Love God how'd you feel about this Now my heart needs a surgeon心態早已炸裂無法承受與你短暫的關聯消失不見心痛每天在上演你裝作不了解 Shoot your shot you got this Aim at my heart like a target ... e a target God how'd you fe
76 1.Stay In My Bedroom u talking about播放一部喜歡的電影 I don't need social now打開電腦隨便哼哼曲不是洛杉磯也沒有you and me不用和誰同頻道要跳舞就用心跳一個人的Rolling Loud Never say I'm so lonely now忽然間發現了宅在家 ... really care what you talking about播放一部喜歡的電影 I don't need social now打
77 2.特別來賓 W We talk about REAL不搏眼球用心感受調整我領帶的松緊端坐在你對面本次的特別來賓長得像吳宗憲什麼梗都接得住臺下歡笑一片當然也不是每次都會像今天還記得上一回怎麼聊到她落淚真情流露的時候音樂老師 play that key我成為一個通道帶你參觀這社會 By the wa ... !) THE LATENIGHT SHOW We talk about REAL放慢節奏用心感受誒導演我們下一位特別來賓是?(下一位!)到
78 1.紋 I don't wanna think about it放縱自己疲憊的兩天 U don't know what u did已經忘了轉了幾圈還是在原地的我阿 Hug me don't let me down Ev
79 1.DAMN! RAPSTA 才真的怕到跑跑跑起來 BOW! I'M ABOUT打破期待把你們圈起來跑了圈就像普悠瑪炮火全開我是流氓開幾個洞往對面衝撞到所有都在濺!濺!濺!濺! DON'T GIVE A Damn! Damn! Damn!
80 1.I reach for the stars im Forget about those days Forget about our past Forget what we did And we're done I reach for the stars I reach for the stars For you Forget ... for the stars For you Forget about those days Forget about our past Forget what we did And w
81 1.記住我的好或者記住我就好 I'm still thinking about you every day every night我會花時間慢慢去抽離請記住我的好耶成全以後的日子沒有妳那就記住我就好耶記住我的好或者記住我就好我們曾彼此擁抱
82 1.Nostalgia love(就當我庸人自擾) dream about u became(幻想著你還是曾經) the one I could trust yea(值得我無條件信任的人) Nostalgia Nostalgia(淪陷
83 1.Nothing Change 手握著mic tell a story about my life有過無數失敗在黑暗中尋找著light但絕不妥協做大眾沒稜角的type我往伴奏灑點腔調匯出了米其林''五'星的菜(sha sha sha)別問我未
84 4.閒聊 SmallTalk 比? huh? I'm talking about real rap ship不是口水 melody Well well只要你走起人腿也會變變狗腿(fect)狗嘴流著口水渴望著ㄧ聲ok'Ok'(roof roo
85 5.Bad Love 任何的説明 Yep I'm crazy about you Shake shake Shake shake your booty放下所有顧慮 I'm a real man從不事後不理讓妳握緊指尖say stop
86 7.閃爍 Memory thinking about you girl我回憶過去猜想了以後時空另一端的平行宇宙我是否依然緊握你的手? Yep I'm still thinking ... 緊握你的手? Yep I'm still thinking about you Yep I'm still thinking about you? Why I'm still thinking about you? Why I'm still…喧囂下每一步過往的畫面在反覆
87 10.Closer 賴但我想給你的不止現在而是未來(How about you?)當談論到未來妳習慣性沉默總答不出(總答不出)愛情在我們之間有時很清晰有時也很模糊妳沉默望向窗外沒說出口我也明白 Girl I know I know
88 2.Super Freak w nothin' about it!)(We don't know nothin' about it!)(We don't know nothin' about it!)(We don't know nothin' about it!) Times tickin' out! And I can
89 1.Beat The Best w Ain't NoBody Care About Me未來何去何從 Ain't NoBody Know Ain't NoBody Know別太多嘴我們蓄勢待發準備回歸(劉新民) I'm So Cool I'm
90 1.aiaia 兩個人進入了mode She talk about Plato丘比特不停在piu piu I was stunned by her at the first sight met her in a party把我
91 4.These Days mo forget about back up I can't see where the hack is coda Maybe I should grow up and give up I just sit next to the sun Except there is glass ... t they are losing They forget about putting work into serving Cause Life is a game everybody is tripping Watch I got paid please no weeping Dont know who to trust ... cked up Brand new demo forget about back up I can't see where the hac
92 5.Instant Luv n't cry What u know about luv Our love can't reverse But U re the prettiest u are my instant lover Can't
93 1.沈淪 ust think about the possibilities of fate太多混蛋腦海你成為臆想對象除了我其他男人就彷彿是高仿(u just a fake) U will not find another one cause I'm the better one你有你的吸引我 ... 笑)愛上你的性感我已經無路可退(un)Just think about the possibilities of fate太多混蛋腦海你成為臆想對象除了我其他男人就彷彿是高仿(u just a fake) U will not find another one cause I'm the better one你有你的吸引我 ... 笑)愛上你
94 10.Don't Lie an Baby I'm thinkin about you雖然我踩著油門但在走神手上的是送不出的禮物你說的話不算你用什麼手段讓我頭很亂 Be cool不是我找麻煩明明說了早安還給我做早餐 Oh baby他們說你
95 8.No Friends Thats what I think about(!
96 9.Be The One fe you got me think about you every night Who got you look like that you're like a Hollywood star in my e
97 11.Keep My Way ing in my bed Think about what I've done wrong Gotta write it in this songJust wanna keep my way Try not
98 1.PRIME me yeah扛起負擔越來越重 I'm about to shine經歷太多狗屁是非曾經我難以入睡我靠著酒精度過日子每一夜我買醉現在我朝著夢追就算我感到疲累 Man I got nothing to lose
99 1.溫飽藝術家Grounded 搵到個真諦 How about you後悔嗎未算好也未算差 Yes I know that未到咫尺撇 ... 實也別信他 How about you面對嗎做箭靶定藝術家 Yes I know that就算賭命都 ... 界線嘅中間 How about you後悔嗎未算好也未算差 Yes I know that未到咫尺撇 ... 實也別信他 How about you面對嗎做箭靶定藝術家 Yes I know that就算賭命
100 3.幫派情歌 Ape佐-About me3.幫派情歌你每天釣魚都在給我無形壓力照片po的越靚沉重感越加劇我不關心外人的眼光或者差異但每次喝多才敢靠近像拍花絮我承認面對你會膽小但對

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