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アルバム名:Chapter VII: Hope and Sorrow

Sevendust 的前身叫 Crawlspace,成軍於 1995 年,1997 年起改名並發行同名專輯【Sevendust】。他們在 1999 年推出【Home】專輯時,音樂電視頻道上強力放送著 Sevendust 跟英國重搖滾 Skunk Anansie 的光頭黑人暴女主唱 Skin 所合唱的《Licking Cream》,音樂錄像帶拍得酷勁,而歌曲本身的旋律性、編曲演奏的煽動性和兩個黑人密合而又輪流突出的「男女對唱」,都讓我再三為之驚艷,當下對 Sevendust 發表過的作品展開追尋,並陸續收齊後續的新專輯。

對於 Sevendust,有一點始終讓我覺得有些奇怪。那就是他們在外插花的單歌,似乎極少資源回收放在自己的專輯裡,譬如在 WWF(那時還沒改名為 WWE)美式摔角明星出場主題曲合輯【Forceable Entry】裡的《Break The Wall》、為電影【The Scorpion King(魔蠍大帝)】原聲帶所獻唱的《Corrected》都是。而在電影【Scream 3(驚聲尖叫3)】電影原聲帶中的《Fall》、以「搖滾、金屬/饒舌、嘻哈的混種格鬥」為出發點的概念性合輯【LOUD ROCK】裡跟 Xzibit 互軋的《What U See Is What U Get》這兩首歌在我心目中都是與《Licking Cream》相比毫不遜色的一等一精彩傑作,一樣都是「貨物出門概不退換」。也許是因為他們特別想強調「量身訂製」的意義,或是非常注重專輯的概念的「統一性與整體性」,這一點我不得而知,但我必須說,如果不是因為在《Licking Cream》之後又聽見《Fall》,感受到 Sevendust 有別於時下多數只重視融入嘻哈節奏加上金屬音牆表象所謂 nu-metal 團優異的旋律譜寫能力,也許從來並非純正金屬迷的我就不會對 Sevendust 這個團產生高度興趣了。

Sevendust are back with their seventh studio album, Chapter VII: Hope & Sorrow, produced by Sean Groove, Morgan Rose & John Connolly. The release will be their second on the band's wholly owned record label, 7Bros. Records under Warner Music Group's Asylum/Independent Label Group.
For the first time since Animosity (2001), the band has collaborated with outside artists, including Chris Daughtry and members of Alterbridge. First single, 'Prodigal Son', will be impacting Active and Mainstream Rock radio on February 10th, with a video soon to follow. Sevendust will be touring in support of the album throughout the year.
The March 2007 release of Alpha, the bands sixth studio album and first on 7Bros. Records, saw Sevendust equal their highest Billboard album ranking of their career with a first week debut at #14 on the Billboard Top 200, selling 42,398 copies. With even more radio hits packed into the new album, Sevendust looks forward to continuing to raise the bar.